Waco, I have just read the rest of this thread, after I had already PM'd you, so you know what I think. It is all very upsetting and my thoughts are with you too.
She survived the night, I survived the hospital visit and have phoned RSPCA. They said they would deal with it as an emergency as the sheep had been left so long (2 hours later they are still not here) RSPCA were also concerned about the other three dead sheep (which I think had similar fates) these were left several days dead in the field, its really horrid, their bodies blow up after several days like grotesque sheep baloons. I should have phoned earlier, I love lambing time, but this year has been a complete nightmare. I am off to give her some water, can't stand anymore. Thanks all for advice
no sooner had I posted than RSPCA rang - so update - RSPCA have rung local "Animal Health" who say they have had previous dealings with the farmer. Farmer (John) has assured them that a vet is comming to see sheep this afternoon, I have been asked to report back if this does not happen. My consolation prize is that my phone call may have nudged the farmer into calling for the vet. I may yet have to do more about it, but I can't face taking pictures of the poor thing.
That is a start Waco and I hope the RSPCA and "Animal Health" come down hard on this cruel monster. Could Mr Waco perhaps take some pictures if you can't? We are backing you up, keep thinking of that.
Oh Waco, I really do feel for you. I am so glad you contacted the RSPCA, and I am sure the "Animal Health" are too - this is how they find out about cases of animal cruelty. I sincerely hope the vet showed up, and that you, and the sheep don't have to wait any longer. This farmer sounds really dodgy, and completely irresponsible. If the animal health have previously had dealings with him, then perhaps they need just one more case to prosecute? I do hope this dreadful time concludes for you soon.
Minutes after my last post I went out to check ewe and she had gone. Very funny everything semed to happen so quickly after my call, half of me just wonders if he has come up with his tractor and just tipped her in a barn somewhere out of sight - NO STOP THINKING THAT! I know it is very hard for farmers such as him who rent farms, sheep are worth very little in todays market and vet bill are incredibly expensive, anyway thankfully it is all over now and I am pleased everyone supported my decision to phone RSPCA thanks, they dealt with it very descretely too.
I think you did the right thing- these are creatures with feelings and as Walnut says we have a duty of care. If the farmer cannot afford vet bills then the least he could do would be to provide care himself, or terminate her life by other means than thirst or starvation. I am pleased the RSPCA were able to act- all too often they claim that there is 'nothing they can do'.
We'll probably never learn what the farmer really did, nor if he'll do it again, but we can hope that the RSPCA and the Animal Health people will keep an eye on him in future. I always say that if you can't afford to keep an animal and give it the food, care and medical attention when necessary, be it a house pet or a farm one, then you shouldn't have one at all. To keep them just for the money they will earn for you without caring for them is cruel and disgusting. Waco, I know it was a horrible experience for you and I hope you will be able to put it to the back of your mind. You did what you could and what was right. But still keep an eye on this so-called farmer and if you see anything strange again, call the RSPCA straight away.
What an aweful position for you to be in - I am sure you did the right thing. It doesnt matter what the circumstances are, if you have animals, you should care for the in the proper way, whether they are farm animals or pets :(