What Jobs Are We Doing In The Garden Today 2020

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by NigelJ, Jan 11, 2020.

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  1. Emily Jones

    Emily Jones Gardener

    Mar 31, 2020
    We finally had a dry day yesterday so I managed to get out and weed, weed, weed. Pulled up my basil on accident :love30: Only realised when the smell wafted past me.. but I've added it to a planter with the strawberry plants I propagated this year. My rhubarb is going strong and I have some lovely bramleys, so I may make a crumble later. Today is sunny again, so back to it. More weeding, digging up the last of the potatoes, and I've got some daffodil bulbs and 'eton mess' tulips to plant in. Happy gardening everyone :wub2:
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    • Logan

      Logan Total Gardener

      May 27, 2017
      redditch Worcester
      Replacing some of the polyanthus around the path, yesterday i cleared the conservatory of all the chilli plants, they were smothered in greenfly and they wouldn't do much now that it's going to be autumn tomorrow.
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        Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
      • alana

        alana Super Gardener

        May 5, 2008
        Head Gardener
        Far East of Suffolk
        Moved the large pots of hostas into their winter quarters. I may get round to dividing them when they've died down. So grateful for my trolley for this job.
        Weeded round the pots, refreshed the compost and put horti grit round the top.
        Fed the cosmos which have been spectacular (still my favourite annual flower).:hapflowers2:

        Weeded round the roses and now I need something low growing to cover the ground beneath them. I can't bear to see earth with nothing growing in it.:sad:
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        • pete

          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

          Jan 9, 2005
          Mid Kent
          Cut the grass, a bit of a novelty, last cut in early July.
          Its growing like crazy now.:mad::biggrin:
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          • Sian in Belgium

            Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

            Apr 8, 2011
            Just south of Brussels
            I’m getting jealous reading about all this rain....:rain:

            We had about 4 hours of rain yesterday, and that was about it for August.... Our rain water reservoir is getting low, even though a good thunderstorm can fill it in about 30 mins - it’s a long house, with a lot of roof!

            Anyway, yesterday I did some weeding, but little else.

            This morning, after an hour’s drawing (slowly becoming able to draw again...:sad:), I went out to sit by the pond, with a cuppa. Needless to say, 2 hours later I’d picked a courgette, taken out the side shoots from the yellow pear toms growing in the veg beds, and done a lot of rationalising on the drive bed. I like to let plants self-seed as much as possible. I find the seedlings are much quicker to adapt to the “growing” conditions, compared to pot-grown plants, who expect to find soil, nutrients and moisture at their roots:whistle:. This means that every now and then I have to come along and remove those seedlings and young plants growing in the wrong place, salvaging some by transplanting them to more suitable areas. Lots of lychnis were removed, as given a chance, the whole garden would be grey with them! Persicaria was cut back, where it was growing too close to some roses. Whilst I love foxgloves, they are not best placed in the middle of geranium sanguinium! Verbascum is welcome in the wild areas, but is not so appropriate in the midst of a dwarf dianthus.

            After lunch, I started on cutting the length of laurel hedge growing along the footpath. I did it with secateurs, as there are still a few birds on their nests. With the quiet of an occasional snip, I could listen out for any alarm calls. So 5 large faggots of branches later (to be collected by the council tomorrow) I decided to call it a day, before my hand seized up. Two trug-fulls of dead leaves and leafmould from under the laurels, and that’s enough....

            ... time for my end-of-day cuppa!:coffee:
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            • Selleri

              Selleri Koala

              Mar 1, 2009
              North Tyneside
              Snap :biggrin: I wasn't able to use much needed fertiliser all summer as there was no rain. 3 weeks ago the rains arrived so I happily applied the feed. Unfortunately it hasn't stopped raining ever since so the lawns are "lush" so to say. Cut the fronts but that was enough for me today so the back will have to wait.

              Deadheading, general tidying things up, watering, admiring butterflies.

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              • pete

                pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                Jan 9, 2005
                Mid Kent
                You can have my share, its come at the time of the year when it does the least good as far as I'm concerned.:frown:;)
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                • Victoria

                  Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                  Jun 9, 2006
                  Lady of Leisure
                  Messines, Algarve

                  I agree Sian. We usually have one day in August for some odd reason but it missed us this year and none in the forecast for September.
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                  • Sheal

                    Sheal Total Gardener

                    Feb 2, 2011
                    Dingwall, Ross-shire
                    Not officially until the 22 September @Logan. :) But it's been Autumn here for the last three weeks. :doh:
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                    • Jasmine star

                      Jasmine star Super Gardener

                      Apr 26, 2020
                      Fed the pots this morning and did a little deadheading. Planted our my little rose bush :love30: preying to the rose gods.
                      Quick visit to the GC for compost and looked for a Japanese rowan tree but sadly non there so will have to wait.
                      It's certainly feeling a little colder now but not cold enough to get out in the garden for most of the day. The children are driving me around the bend :yikes: school next week.....HALLELUJAH! :hapfeet:
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                      • ARMANDII

                        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                        Jan 12, 2019
                        I have a getting on 40 year old Pyracantha sitting in a corner at the front of my House which I normally keep to a height of around 8' but, due to being very busy this year, I let it grow to around 15' while always thinking I should prune it and then never getting around to it. It usually needs two prunings, one in early Summer and one at about this time just to keep it under control.
                        So, today, I got my at least 10 year old Short Hedge Trimmer out of the Garage and a short ladder and started on the Pyracantha.
                        They don't call it the "Fire Thorn" for nothing and even though I was wearing thick leather gloves the spikes penetrated through once or twice. Also, my front garden is on a slope so putting a ladder up level can be "tricky" to get it to stay level. The Green Waste collection was due today and I manage to get 75% of the pruning done and fill the Bin before they arrived. But then my old well used Hedge Cutter died on me with several 7 foot long stems sticking up at the very front of the top of the Pyracantha:gaah::wallbanging: No matter what I tried the Hedge Cutter wouldn't work again so I had to leave everything as it was, jump into the car and drive 12 miles to the nearest B&Q. where I donned a mask but noted that none of the B&Q staff were wearing them. The old Hedge Cutter was an Ryobi and I've never had a problem with that brand of tools although I do know some people have. Anyway, it was my intention to buy another Ryobi but B&Q don't seem to stock that brand any more so I had to settle for a Bosche with a 52" cutting blade:doh: Then it was back into the car to drive home to find the green waste still had not been collected so I climbed the ladder again and finished off the job. However, as the local contract gardener, who I know well, was mowing the lawns of one of my neighbours I decided it was time to give up climbing ladders:old: and asked him to do the pruning from now on so he agreed. He's also going to cut back my around 95' long back fence in the rear garden which is now around 12' high mostly Ivy growing up and above the 8' high fence. The fence runs along a small narrow back lane so will be easier for him to cut from that side. I did, a couple of years ago, ask him if he wanted a job looking after my garden but, taking a look around, he grinned and shook his head saying it was a "bit too busy"in the garden for him:dunno::heehee: As he mostly cuts lawns, trims hedges and trees I could see his point:heehee: But, to be honest, having not to climb shaky ladders any more is a relief!!!:hapydancsmil::pillow::cat-kittyandsmiley::coffee:
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                        • ARMANDII

                          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                          Jan 12, 2019


                          • Funny Funny x 4
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                          • Sheal

                            Sheal Total Gardener

                            Feb 2, 2011
                            Dingwall, Ross-shire
                            For the last couple of days I've been sorting odds and ends garden wise. The new grass patches that I sowed are growing well but a badger has decided he doesn't like them, grrr! I'll wait until he moves on and re-patch the patches that I haven't managed to press back into position.

                            Last week I weeded and reformed the dug out circles around young shrubs in the lawns. So yesterday I put some compost down to help stop the ground drying out - says she! With no decent rain for weeks the soil is dust. I then spent an hour or two moving natural primroses further into and around the five pine trees at the top of the garden. I'm slowly creating a woodland type area amongst them.

                            Today I've started to tackle a job I've been putting off for some while, digging rocks out of the front lawns to save my mower blades! My garden is on bedrock with very little soil. I've cleared one lawn, filled the holes and continued to rebuild one of the drystone walls at the drive entrance with what I've dug out. The wall won't be very high when finished, just enough to help as a deterrent to those drivers that think the bell shaped entrance is a passing place. Very annoying because they gradually create a dip that I have to fill in from time to time. The passing place is just 40ft further on. :wallbanging: I then had a chat with the neighbouring horses and dead headed the roses.
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                            • Jasmine star

                              Jasmine star Super Gardener

                              Apr 26, 2020
                              :roflol: thanks @ARMANDII I might print that second picture off I seem to do a lot of that preying to the plant gods business lately.

                              @Sheal you have put my day to shame. That's some work. We have horses pass our garden regularly. They are stunning however I'm scared to death of them so run run the house and admire them through the window as they pass :phew:
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                              • Perki

                                Perki Total Gardener

                                Jun 2, 2017
                                Rossendale, Lancashire
                                Whats all this its not rained :scratch: Its barely stopped raining here since late May, summer was in Spring which is starting to be a regular occurrence and its been autumn like ever since, its been a nice day today but chilly in the morning.

                                I haven't done much today just tied in rose and watered the plants in the greenhouse, Didn't do much yesterday either I were rough but manged some deadheading and some nepeta cutting .
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