I don't class all 4X4 drivers the same - I come from farming country, so many of them here are a necessity and driven very well - but others aint! Usually recognised by not haveing a tow bar on them - probably gone and upset you again now oh great webmaster I do understand people driving them after having an accident, If I had been in one, I would not have sustained the injuries I did, but then it has a knock on effect, everyone wants to be in a bigger safer car, and I don't blame them.
I agree Waco - 4x4's are pretty essential in many places, but not in town when the only off roading they do is over the flower beds in the supermarket car parks. As Jeremy Clarkson has said - "Anyone who drives one in town must be bonkers!" Heavy on fuel, heavy road tax and diabolical carbon emissions. They are awkward and unpleasant to drive and the only time I needed to hire one was when I crossed the uninhabited interior of Iceland - Sprengissandur Worst drivers than 4x4 owners? Sure - anyone who uses a mobile phone when they drive and kids with big bass boomers in their boots
Just found this rant thread. Great!! 4x4s in town; Chelsea tractors they are called round here. Bigger, use more fuel, belch out more waste, take up more space, cause more damage in an accident,cause more damage to the environment without an accident. They are safer only to the occupants. Anyone using one round town is saying in big bonky letters: the quality of life of the occupants of this car is more important than that of anyone else. So why does class war hero Ken Livingstone hate them so? Can't imagine: 4x4: Says more about you than cash ever can. Oh and Hybrid Lexus 4x4; don't get me started
We own one of these 4x4 that you all hate so much but we have only had one for 12 months. We tow a caravan and the 2.0 petrol Ford Mondeo we used to own hadn't got the torque to pull it,so that is the only reason we changed. Ours is a Nissan X Trail and recently managed to get 51 miles to the gallon out of it. A lot of people drive these type of cars because they are the "in" thing to drive the kids to school and back in. I think our car causes a lot less problems than some of these old bangers we see driving around belching out all manner of filth out of their exhausts. So for the time being we will keep our 4x4 and we will enjoy using it. I expect someone will have a go at caravans next. I saw a chap driving a van in our village the other day,and he only had one arm,I would have thought that was more dangerous,but perhaps I am wrong. Kandy
Not all 4x4's are huge! Scoobys, Audi, etc And most have better fuel economy, and put out less emissions than older cars. My 2000 people carrier only did 26mpg which is 7mpg less than a 4x4 Honda CRV! But lots of people need people carriers and larger cars for them and their kids. I say this as with this new height/baby seat legislation you need full seat space per child. If you have 3 or more children you have no choice but to go large. :D
Thats a good point Kandy, DIESEL the wonder fuel. It used to be cheaper than petrol, now everyones driving diesels its dearer, more mpg, but sluggish. So they stick a turbo on it so its as good a a petrol engine, uses about the same amout of fuel, pumps out loads of black smoke. As for busses, how enviromentally unfriendly are they? They stop every few minutes and sit with a queue of traffic behind them while ONE person pays the driver and finds a seat. Bring back conductors and it might be different, then they pull away in clouds of black smoke on roads that are far too narrow to accomadate them, or have TRAFFIC CALMING on them which makes it impossible for the bus to move at the same time as everyone else. And then the 'powers that be' say the roads are far too congested. DONT WE KNOW IT.
Thats something else I was going to say.Before evreyone went mad on 4X4's it was the people carriers that was the must have car,and before that it was probably the VW beetles when they came back into fashion and then every one had to have the Mini when that was made better Bring back the horse and cart I say,then we can have all that poo for our gardens and the pollution would be a thing of the past. And yes buses do sqirt out a lot of muck out of the back of them which is no joke for cyclists or kiddies in pushchairs or prams,not to mention the poor dogs taking it all in Kandy
So does anyone remember reading the blurb on fuel consumption when buying a car? Just to remind you it is always given at "a constant 58.5 MPH" I mean who drives at this speed ESAY MR WACO!!!!! AGONISING Oh and our Audi estate diesel 2 litre does about 68 miles to the gallon YES REALLY
My Audi is diesel, they used to say deisel cars where sluggish but not anymore cant tell the difference now. I like 4x4s do think they are great for families
The sad thing about cars is that they are all about status and image. Forget that and we might get sensible, economic and eco-friendly vehicles. When buying a car, a minority check out road reports etc, but I bet that most go for colour, style and how good it makes them look. I did when I was young and foolish. Now that I'm old and foolish, I don't care at all about image and status. Reliability is paramount - might even get myself one of these as a runabout. Class!
Not particually reliable though Hornbeam, remember the episode when it brokedown. Have you got a Batman costume? :D
I got my hubby a trotters alarm clock like that. must admit hornbeam when picking the audi i did go for maritius blue, very fetching colour and the name says it all
There must be a few of the trotters car around, because every time we go to Porlock Weir down in Somerset there is always one down there parked in the same place Kandy
jazid A cousin of mine has a hybrid 4 x 4. He has to drive in and out of London for his work. He says that not only is his fuel consumption not too bad but he pays less in road tax and doesn't have to pay the congestion charge. He says that he is now looking into buying them for everyone that works for him instead of them having their vans. -------------------- shiney