Workshop music.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Retired, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. Retired

    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

    May 30, 2019
    West Yorkshire

    Thanks John for your interesting story about your grandfather and his violin; what a shame it got lost though. I've been looking at buying a violin but I'm also considering buying a violin kit with all the parts which need to be cut and assembled; not cheap but I think I'd end up with better made violin than buying a cheap new one; as I said previously I have a well equipped workshop and experience of fine cabinet making so I think making a violin would be a lovely project once I get the benches clear of my current induction heater project.

    You're most welcome Sheal; stick with it and you'll get there; the best place to find the USB socket in your car is by looking at the car instructions; so obvious but often the last place to look for anything; I'd forgotten about converting to MP3 so nice one Jiffy for mentioning it; just play around a bit Sheal and between us you'll hopefully be playing your favourite songs in your new car.

    I'm out of time got to go; I've already done the three supermarket shopping and today I've made it to 74 so I'm even more busy but I'll reply more fully later. Thanks everyone for your interesting posts.

    Kind regards, Colin.
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    • Retired

      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

      May 30, 2019
      West Yorkshire

      At last a bit of spare time.

      As this is workshop music I'll start a new thread of my venture into violin's; things have moved forward very quickly today so worth a new story.

      I'll update the workshop music though as progress is made and I'm very interested to see Sheal succeed too.

      Here's my new thread I hope it's of interest;

      Violin; raw novice.

      Kind regards, Colin.
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        Last edited: Aug 27, 2021
      • JWK

        JWK Gardener Staff Member

        Jun 3, 2008
        Happy birthday Colin, hope you have had a good day.
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        • Sheal

          Sheal Total Gardener

          Feb 2, 2011
          Dingwall, Ross-shire
          Thanks Jiffy, John and Colin. :thumbsup:

          I haven't been able to get to the car or it's handbook which is in the glove compartment. The car has been at our Ford dealer for 24 hours having minor surgery. Ermmm - wasn't me who damaged it but the guilty party is sitting close by. I'll say no more! I'll have a look tomorrow. :)

          Edit: I'll be picking up a new memory stick tomorrow.
          • Funny Funny x 4
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          • Retired

            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

            May 30, 2019
            West Yorkshire

            Many thanks for your birthday wishes John; much appreciated and yes a good day; my lovely wife treated me to a new violin due to arrive on Monday. :hapfeet::yahoo:

            You'll get there Sheal; stick with it; these things are sent to test us and they sure do test us; don't forget to pick up the memory stick. :biggrin:

            100% success at last after years of frustration; the new radio is fully installed and it's just wonderful playing without any hassles at all; no battery to charge; no reduction of sound due to a battery running down and random play; perfect and just what I wanted.

            New radio_0001_02.JPG
            I didn't like the look of the dark waxed finish so removed it using a block plane then applied sanding sealer which I think looks much better. New radio_0002_01.JPG
            I used WAGO connectors as seen for connecting the speakers; these small WAGO blocks are brilliant and so easy to use; I soldered the wire ends first to prevent them splaying. New radio_0004_01.JPG
            The back showing the wires; it's actually much easier than it looks. New radio_0005.JPG
            After all the frustration and success at last and it looks decent; the sound quality through the Sony stereo speakers is good. A good day and I've also got my induction heater project working too. Happy days. Thanks everyone for your interest and replies; fingers crossed you too Sheal will soon be playing music from your memory stick. :)

            Kind regards, Colin.
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            • Sheal

              Sheal Total Gardener

              Feb 2, 2011
              Dingwall, Ross-shire
              Sorry I missed your birthday yesterday Colin. Many happy returns! :)

              I bought a SanDisk 16GB memory stick today and hopefully will get round to playing with it sometime next week.

              Although I haven't looked at my car handbook yet I've located two USB points. One in front of the gear stick the other in the arm rest compartment, although that one looks as if it may be awkward as it's very close to the body of the compartment.

              I'll let you know how I get on....eventually. :)
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              • Sandy Ground

                Sandy Ground Total Gardener

                Jun 10, 2015
                Making things of note.
                Scania, Sweden
                Interesting thread, and a comment or two.

                Whenever I am in my workshop, I almost always have the radio switched on and tuned in to an oldies station. I could never ever download the music I really like and play that for one simple reason. I would find that it disturbed whatever I was doing far to much!

                As some on here are aware, I've played the guitar since I was in my pre-teens. I think that I am correct in saying that just one GC member has heard me play. If I played the things I liked, then I would end up listening to the songs more intently, and losing concentration. So I just listen to what they play on the radio, and stay happy. Added to that, a lot of the things I do in the workshop tend to be noisy, so not being able to hear music I really like does not really matter.
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                • Retired

                  Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                  May 30, 2019
                  West Yorkshire

                  How kind of you Sheal; thank you. :)

                  WOW 16GB; my 4GB Sandisk will hold around 1,000 MP3 songs; Christmas will be a lot nearer by the time you load your's.:biggrin: These memory sticks though are excellent value; my first computer 23 years ago cost £1,000 and at the time it had a massive 8GB HDD; kids electronic toys these days have more disk space.

                  May I suggest you simply use the USB in front of the gear stick Sheal where its accessible; once you load the memory stick and insert it into the car USB then you shouldn't have any problems at all playing from it; on our car I select MEDIA and find the stick; like most things Sheal doing something totally new is just another learning curve.

                  Thanks Sandy; I prefer to listen to my favourite songs and I agree having music on in the workshop can be distracting but if I'm doing something needing my full concentration I turn the music off especially whilst working on the engineering lathe or measuring and cutting something. It's interesting to learn you play the guitar Sandy; I wonder how many other members play a musical insrument; a friend of mine plays the clarinet.

                  It's strange that all my life I've enjoyed music but never really got into it but now it's suddenly grabbed my full attention not only for the music but for instruments I can make so even if I can't play a violin I'll definitely enjoy making a violin and possibly other stringed instruments too; I can see this developing into a truly wonderful hobby.

                  Kind regards, Colin.
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                  • Sheal

                    Sheal Total Gardener

                    Feb 2, 2011
                    Dingwall, Ross-shire
                    My son said the music will take me through to the end of time. I think he was being polite, meaning the end of my time. :) Whatever - I'll depart this world rocking. :biggrin:

                    I'll have more trouble getting it to work in the car than loading the music on to the stick. Technology and I don't get on. 95% of the time it goes haywire when I try anything. If ever it's decided to do away with cashiers in shops, I'm doomed! :biggrin:
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                    • Retired

                      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                      May 30, 2019
                      West Yorkshire

                      Nice one Sheal and enjoy the music whilst you can. :biggrin:

                      I have much in common with you Sheal when it comes to modern electronics; I struggle with TV remotes and I don't use a mobile phone because I can't be bothered with such things; I do have an SOS mobile phone it costing about £11; it's pay as you go and I need to remember to use it once every six months? Our Yeti has "Infotainment" just a load of electronics to go wrong and something I don't use; I thought bluetooth was a tooth disorder; wifi I don't trust. I can actually design and make electronic circuits but only on a need to do basis. It's taken many years just to sort out my workshop music but then having posted it appears what I wanted to do was out of the ordinary; it's all electronic gizmos these days and it amuses me to see so many with a mobile phone welded to their ear; I'm too tight to pay such bills when I can use email at my leisure not being controlled by a little electronic box.

                      I've got used to using my debit card but treat it as if it's going to burn me; I'm a Yorkshireman and proud of it brought up to respect money; I rember the dark ages as a child when my mother would send me to my grandmother to borrow five shillings; we knew real poverty.

                      Yesterday in the workshop I even had a slight problem with the new radio it was repeating the song; I thought I'd pressed for random play but must have pressed repeat; I put it down to a senoir moment but it's nice now to pop into the workshop and switch on my favourite songs knowing they will play at a constant volume without fading due to a battery running down; I'm expecting a power cut with my luck.

                      I've just done the supermarket shopping and fuelled the Yeti; today is special I'm expecting delivery of the new violin my lovely wife bought for me so I do have some good luck too.

                      Kind regards, Colin.
                      • Like Like x 2
                      • Sheal

                        Sheal Total Gardener

                        Feb 2, 2011
                        Dingwall, Ross-shire
                        Ah, what I wrote was a little misleading Colin. I do eventually get my head round technology, the problem I have is it breaks down. I don't touch self service tills anywhere now as they always develop a fault when I use them. This goes with most things including wrist watches. I have to be careful what make I buy because they either stop or lose/gain too much time. I don't delve into the depths of my computer either for the same reason, and just hovering my finger over the touch pad sometimes is enough for it to go off at a tangent. :biggrin: My son has got used to sorting out issues for me and he takes over remotely on Teamviewer. It's been suggested I have too much static in my body that sets the machines off....who knows?

                        Good luck with the violin. Can you already play or is Mrs Colin going to need ear plugs for a while? :biggrin: Perhaps we'll get to hear something here on GC when you've mastered it. :)
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                        • Retired

                          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                          May 30, 2019
                          West Yorkshire

                          I'm sure your son is right Sheal; I too make electrical things go haywire just by going near them; our smart TV really doesn't like me; I can spend an hour on the computer my wife watching a movie on TV but as soon as I go near the TV it plays up; I'm the same with traffic lights which turn amber then red to the split second allowing an whole queue in front of me through but then stopping me; our local vilage of Flockton has just one set of lights; the number of times these turn red as I approach and no sooner do I stop they change to green; I'm thinking of dynamting them as I'd like to with the traffic lights at our local Morrison's which not only stop me to a split second but then I sit like a dummy whilst they miss a sequence; oh what fun.

                          I never wear anything like a wrist watch and although married I've never owned or worn a wedding ring; from the age of 15 I've been around big machinery where just wearing a wristwatch or even a ring could kill me; all my married life I've made it clear I'm married and happy with my lovely wife.

                          Thanks Sheal; yes it's ear defenders for my wife in fact you might even hear some strange noises assuming my new violin ever arrives; last Friday DPD emailed to say it would be delivered Monday (yesterday); early yesterday morning another email from DPD confirming it would be delivered; later yesterday morning another email from DPD saying there was a problem with delivery and if the problem could be sorted out it would be delivered Tuesday (today).


                          I'll believe it when it happens because with my luck the vehicle will break down? I was so excited all weekend looking forward to the violin being delivered but this messing around with delivery burst my bubble totally spoiling my first venture into violins; it's pointless sulking because I still dream of something going right from the start but I can dream on.

                          WOW; WOW & WOW; a long box has just arrived could it be my new violin; please put on your ear defenders.

                          Years ago I bought an industrial vertical bandsaw it being a big machine; I requested a tail lift vehicle to deliver it; a 40' trailer backed on to the street and the driver started to unload a very heavy strong cardboard box with his pallet truck; I said to him that's not the bandsaw I'm expecting but he was adament that it was and because of this I let him drag it into my workshop but I then said please hang on a minute whilst I cut the seal on the lid and open the box which I did; it was full of brand new starter motors; I then said thanks I'll accept these because they must be worth a great deal more than the bandsaw; the irony of this was that I got the courier company off the ground the owner had approached me and I set him on collecting late goods through the works which were desperate next day delivery; during all the time he collected he never once let the company I worked for down; this was the very first time I'd used him for a personal collection; as I say I'm still dreaming of something going right first time. Now to open the box.

                          This violin is gorgeous and it comes in a lovely case. I need to get myself sorted out by watching a few YouTube vidoes for violin novices before even putting the bow across the strings; it's a work of art in its own right and just a joy to own and pick up; a friend has just emailed saying I need to decide whether playing or making is best for me; possibly making a violin appeals more than actually playing but I'd like to do both if possible; I accept I'll never achieve much as a violin player but I'll enjoy making noises with it.

                          Regarding being let down by DPD; all courier delivery drivers are under a lot of pressure and having worked in distribution in my last job for 24 years I can relate to the pressures involved; what upset me most was that DPD information doesn't appear to pick up on holidays when they are closed treating yesterday's bank holiday as just another day; the courier drivers do an excellent job.

                          I started a new thread covering my interest in violins as a total novice so I'll leave violins here and will pick up on the new thread.

                          My workshop music is now sorted out and once again I'd like to sincerely thank everyone for the interest shown.

                          Violin; raw novice.

                          Kind regards, Colin.
                          • Like Like x 2
                            Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
                          • Sheal

                            Sheal Total Gardener

                            Feb 2, 2011
                            Dingwall, Ross-shire
                            I'm glad your violin arrived safe and sound. We don't have problems with any of the couriers up here, they deliver when they say they will or may be a day early, but never late.

                            With a few hiccups I've got the memory stick up and running with one album so far. Transferring (ripping) from cd to stick was easy. Getting it set up in the car was not so easy. The video couldn't help me with that and the car's manual (both hand and online) was useless. So I played with the touch screen blindly and got to the point where it told me the play list was corrupt. I discovered that I hadn't sync-ed and finished the playlist, so back to the computer to do that. Back in the car it still wouldn't work so I called Mr S to see if he could spot something I was missing. Then from the kitchen I heard Robert Plant's vocals erupt from the car. Mr S had found a 'button' that I'd missed, more than once, to link it up.

                            So with your help thank you, my car now has more than just a radio. :thumbsup:
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                            • Logan

                              Logan Total Gardener

                              May 27, 2017
                              redditch Worcester
                              Hi Retired
                              Happy birthday for the other day and hope that you enjoy your violin.

                              Hubby has a sound system that I used to play all my CDs but the kitchen was too far away round the corner to hear it well.
                              When hubby got the smart speakers that's all changed. With Amazon prime I can play any music that i want. Without Amazon prime it's a bit more restrictive.
                              Enjoy your day
                            • Retired

                              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                              May 30, 2019
                              West Yorkshire

                              Just catching up..

                              I'm so pleased for you Sheal; well done in getting it sorted out which didn't take long in the end; now you know how to play the music in the car you'll wonder what was so difficult but like learning anything new it's not easy at first so you can relax now. :yay:

                              Thanks for your birthday wishes Logan; much appreciated; kids think a 40 year old is ancient so what does this make me. :whistle:

                              I wasn't aware of smart speakers until I posted this thread; wonderful technology but I struggle with our TV remote and mobile phones do nothing at all for me; give me a big machine to play with and I'm happy.

                              I'm keen to move over to my new violin hobby but firstly I need to clear the workshop benches of the project I'm nearing completing; it's an induction heater; here it is for those who haven't a clue as to what I'm on about.

                              Heater Aug 2021_0001.JPG
                              Cutting the fan opening in the top cover. Heater Aug 2021_0002.JPG
                              The induction heater nearing completion; at the moment I need to resolve the problem of adding water cooling but I've got ideas. Heater Aug 2021_0003.JPG

                              A lot of time and work has gone into this. Whilst I'm in the workshop playing with my toys I do like my favourite songs playing; when doing something which needs great accuracy I always turn the music off as I do whilst playing with mains electricty; working on something like this heater a simple distraction could be the end of me.

                              I've not yet put the bow across the strings of the new violin; I've been researching how to set up a new violin as a raw novice browsing the web and watching YouTube instructional videos; I'm old enough to have the patience not to jump in and make a mess of things; the electronic tuner which clips to the violin has just arrived; I didn't want to simply start adjusting the strings or adjusting the bow; I'm learning though and now already know how to set the violin up and apply rosin to the bow;

                              What the heck is rosin – and why do violinists need it? - Classic FM

                              I need to get the induction heater finished then I'm free to start with violins.

                              Kind regards, Colin.
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