Talking of milk, why dont we get it with the cream on top frozen anymore, and the blue tits had always pecked through the lids.
Probably two reasons Pete: I think they skim all the cream off milk so that they can sell it as cartons of cream - do you agree? Also, sadly there aren't so many bluetits about these days.
LoL - I was referring back to a comment by Jjordie - go and look back a page or two! :D Macleaf - I'm still giggling about that one...... Pity about the bluetits..... but we do have quite a few here, including a little family of babies from this last year! :D
Dendro, I don't think he's on the same planet as us, do you? :D :D I won't make any rude comments about bluetits with all this knicker hanging conversation going on ... :eek:
Re the milk the vast majority of milk today is homogenised which dissipates the fat into the milk combine this with skimming and the "cream" (fat) is gone,as for the nits we used to have nitty noro visit at school and i cannot recollect anyone ever having nits but now nitty nora has been stopped for years (Maggie Thatcher stopped her) kids get nit on a regular basis
Good heavens dendy! We got severely disciplined for leaving hospital grounds in our uniforms when I trained (58-62). I know - it happened to me! The reason given was the risk of spreading hospital bugs into the community. And nowadays I see nurses in the supermarket and all over in their uniforms. I always thought - who'd want to take their uniform into their home?
MMD - this would have been during the 80s - maybe hygiene hadn't got this far north..... (I know - I'll get shot for that one! :eek: ) Just seen my typo - 60's is what I MEANT to write... [ 02. January 2007, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: dendrobium ]
We were never allowed out of the hospital in our uniforms. You had to have them laundered there. I did once forget to take my hat off and cycled 3 miles home in muffty with this ridiculous paper effort on my head!!!! Must have looked a complete nutter!!!! :D :D :D
Funny how the converstation got on to nits after talking of tits :D We have loads of tits here, feathery ones i mean. The greedy little are getting through a feeding tube a day of sunflower seeds. I keep haveing to buy more sunflower seeds cause they don't like the peanuts as much. Could never understand why some blokes get excited by a woman in a nurses uniform. Being married to one I find the uniform not particularly attractive. Now a nurse not in her not very much at all......
Now then my missus often comes home in her police uniform very sexy especially when they have been on a public order duty