Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney and helen, shiney great to hear you came first and won the champagne very nice,
    helen sorry to hear bobs got flu again you will both have to take it easy, hows your allotment doing guess theres not much to do in there this time of year.
    have a lovely day
  2. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its another cool and rainy day here.

    Lots of housework to do today from the long weekend.
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Peri,nice to see your headache has now gone,I have them at times and they usually last all day and all night so know how debiliating they can be.Try to rest your eyes and don't sit staring at the computer screen for too long,oh and drink plenty of fluids and eat enough food.Headches are often a way of the barin letting you know that it needs those things,but what do I know:D

    Shiney,Thanks for your wishes.:luv:Mr K has told me to ring the Dr's today after he saw the state my foot was in,so shall see:D Hope the champers went down well,and good on you with the charity work:gnthb:

    Hel,sorry to hear that Bob has the flu and please send my Get Well wishes and hope you are feeling better to:luv:

    Rosa,hope you are having a good sleep,sounds like you need it with your afternoon naps.:D I find that if I get too tried a trip out into garden to get some fresh air helps:thumb:

    Well ,i missed it all yesterday,we had a mobile Police Station set up in the village yesterday,thanks to those thieving Gypsies:( {Sorry Hel:D} and then I heard there was a film crew down near the shop so I wonder what had gone on there!!!.

    Anyway,must dash as I have to go and get some brekkie and then get a few bits done.Hope you all have a great day:luv:
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning peri, kandy and everyone,
    peri i suffer with migraines had them since i was 9 have you found out what causes them as chocolate kicks mine off and them bright lights in shops can kick them off florescent lights i had one in my kitchen when i first moved into my place and i got rid off it, when i get one i go sleep in a dark room iff you get agitated when one comes on you can make it worse so i try to calm down now and they are not as bad still not nice mind, my daughter was saying you can buy cool strips for your brow when you get one so might get some to try.
    kandy i had a good nights sleep just at times im getting tired around teatime lately must be an age thing and i should of gone to specsavers hahaha.
    have a great day
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa,

    Just popped on to let you know I have rung the Dr's and they said to go down at 11.30am on their last emergency appointments.I would rather not go but Mr K said last night that I ought to get it checked out.:p I think I should have gone to specsavers Rosa,fancy falling down the stairs.I knew we should have stayed in the bungalow although I blame it on these glasses of mine,that and the cat for sitting on the stairs:oops::D

    I will find out Rosa when I get to your age about having cat naps in the afternoon,although unless I am ill I can't usually sleep during the day as I have too much I can be getting on with,like plodding around in the garden,weeding and dead heading etc.:DWait till you get your allotment,you will be in bed by eight Rosa after all that healthy exercise:hehe:

    Enjoy your day:luv:
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Rosa and all.

    Rosa I can well imagine how you suffer with your migraines one of my sister's has them too pretty bad it's made even harder on because she has 4 children 3 of them under 6! Bless her she has to lay down in a darker room to try & ease it ......ot nice at all. I do hope you don't suffer from them too often honey.

    No Rose there is in fact a fair amount of work still to do down on the plots & things to be planted; Japanese Onions, Winter Cabbage & Broad Beans to go in as well as giving the whole plot a good old turn over for the winter....it's making me feel dizzy just thinking about it!:D

    Kandy if your beloved is worried about your foot then honey please do indeed see a doctor.:)

    Kathy not sure I would agree with you about your hubbies fish supper not too keen of them from the fish shop the smell alone of stale oil is so off putting.....although there is a smashing fish & chip shop down Robin Hood's Bay well worth the walk down & up again although you need to be fit for the walk back up!:old::D

    Got to get another George Forman grill mine has finally give up the ghost & I can't stand fried stuff in the frying pan anymore it's far too messy so I'll try & source one today.Wish me luck!:D

    have a nice day guys whatever you are upto.Hel.xxx.
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Good luck at the doctors Kandy! Hel.xxx.
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Kandy, good luck at the doctor. I hope it isn't too bad :thumb:

    Peri, I have suffered with migraines since I was a kid but, at the migraine clinic, they told me that they would ease up gradually from the age of 45. They were right :yho:. I rarely get a bad migraine now and they are more like headaches.

    Helen, I hope Bob is improving :thmb:

    I seem to have woken up this morning with a cold but I shall give it a good old fight. I'm not going to let it get me :hehe:. I'm off for my weekly treatment soon. They are trying to straighten out my hips, ribcage and shoulders :old: :D

    Have a great day :D
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, helen, shiney and everyone.
    its not nice here dull and raining so im having a lazy day today having a my day as me and my friend call them haha.
    kandy im not the only one that should of gone to specsavers and thats always on the ads everytime i see it i think of you and your banter with me about it, haha, good luck at the doctors hope its nothing serious going on with that foot of yours you best going to specsavers while your out hahaha sorry couldnt resist that, good luck dear friend.
    helen migraines are awful i just hate getting them keep saying im not going to eat chocolate but just cant help it i do so love it yummy but it doesnt like me hahaa.
    bet your dreading all that work on your allotment at the moment do take it easy.
    shiney sorry to hear you have got a cold they not nice either take care
    a great big truck has arrived outside with a load of wood on it could be the guys arriving to take down the scaffolding going to keep an eye on them in case they knock my sky off again, got tv on sky so i will know iff it goes off.
    have a great day
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning peri, have a great weekend in inverness watch car travelling as long journeys can bring on migraines ive had 2 on motorways it was quite frightening had to pull into layby till it went off.
    the workers are putting more scaffolding up to the top as they are going to be doing the flat roof, they were throwing things on the roof the noise is teribble above my place at least they are taking scaffolding down in front of my lounge window so at least i can now see out there and look down and watch my car as i had to stand on a pouffee in front of my window to look down hehe.
    have a great day
  11. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    We had frost overnight and its supposed to be cold today, but no rain until later today, so hopefully i can get some gardening done, need to take out the pepper plants and turn the soil.

    Might make some veggie soup today too, seems like a good day to make it.
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning again,

    I am starting to get scrollers finger with all the wheel turning i am doing on the mouse to gte tot he bottom of the page:D

    Haven't been back form the Dr's long.I was given a good examination by the Dr which involved checking the ankle,the top of the foot{very tender}each of the digits{toes} and then had to push my foot against his hands while I had it propped up on a chair and then he pushed my foot forwards and backwards.:p He then kindly informed me that nothing was broken{I knew that as I could still walk on it}and that I hadn't done a David Beckam but had torn a few ligaments on the top of my foot and had badly bruised it.:oops:

    I have emailed Mr K to let him know how I got on so he will be happy now:D

    Shiney hope the treatment went ok for you.:thumb:It sounds quiet nasty what you are having to have done:oops: and sorry to hear that you have a man cold.It is bound to be far worse than a woman cold:hehe:

    Rosa, I reckon these Verifocals are to blame for me misjudging things,I was only saying the other week I hadn't had any mishaps wiith my feet lately and hadn't gone splat:D I love those specsavers adverts as well:D

    Wouldn't it be easier Rosa to go down the stairs to look at your car rather than have to stand on the pouffee{very posh:D}If I needed to look down on anything I would stand On Mr K's shoulders to do that:rotfl: Sounds like they are installing secret cameras Rosa,so they can spy on you while you are in bed with Mr Rosa:hehe: Why don't you go up on the roof and give them a hand,then they will get the job done quicker with you supervising:flag::D

    Hel, we have winter broad beans and onions to go in at the allotment,but Mr K has to plant them as with my wonky eyes they wouldn't be in straight lines but all over the place:D Good job I don't have to paint the strpes don the middle of the road:hehe:

    Peri,that sounds strange,your OH is in a B&B but food isn't allowed in the B&B.Good job we go caravaning on our holidays or else I would starve:p

    Good luck with going up to the wedding in Inverness and lets hope the weather stays fine.We have had a good week here weather wise but not too sure about Scotland though:p

    The Council moved in three gypsy families in the social housiong in the village because local youngsters didn't want to live here and since then they have been on a break in spree and so two of the families have been evicted and sent back to grimsby,while sales of smart water and cctv cameras have gone through the roof.:euw:

    Anyway,I had better log off or else Mr K will be home this evening and I shan't be able to move as it will have started my sciatica off:(:D
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi kandy, so pleased to hear your foot is not broken but its bad enough tearing ligaments lets hope it gets better soon.
    i couldnt go down 2 flights of stairs every time to check the car anyway the scaffolding is away from my lounge window so can see my car now, wish they would hurry up and finish all this work the noise is teribble every day no peace at all.
    the specsavers ads are good but these ones with 2 women hiding behind a fence and laughing with 2 knomes on top of fence and a guy is in his garden doing his lawn and they keep shouting have you any women gnomes and can we come live with you its hysterical i laugh every time it comes on hahaha.
    anyway hope your foot gets better soon take care on them stairs.
    have a great day
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi peri, great idea flying to inverness much better than all that driving, you certainly will need some nice warm clothes and boots or wellies this time of year have a super time, will certainly look forward to seeing your pics when you get back.
    just had hubby on phone we are going to amsterdam for a 3 day trip in november staying in a hotel over night going on the DFDS seaways that was a suprise cant wait.
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi peri, we have been to amsterdam quite a few times but just been on a 2 day trip this trip will be better having a full day and night in amsterdam we go on a friday night and return monday morning so will look forward to staying in amsterdam longer
    have a great evening

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