Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone, up early this morning no wonder im tired in the afternoons but my back plays up and i just cant stay in bed got to get up grrr would love a lie in.
    peri my hubbys been on internet and seen the amsterdam boat trip its a great price we used to go at weekends with a load of friends then we all stopped going so this time there will just be me and hubby at least i will have more time to look around the shops in amsterdam as every time we went it was a mad dash only had 4 hours then back on coach to the boat so looking forward to having a whole day and night over there.
    have a great day all

  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa and everyone,

    Rosa I bet you will enjoy your trip over to Amsterdam and you will be able to go Christmas shopping while you are over there.:thumb: Mr K went years ago but i doubt if he would go now,now that he is frightened to death to travel over seas:(I bet there will be Christmas lights everywhere:)

    Well,I had a nice restful afternoon yesterday letting ,my foot heal and today I am going to see one of my friends so will catch up with you all later or tomorrow whichever comes first:D
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, i can imajine the sea being rough in november but still look forward to trip it will be nice iff they have all their xmas lights onboard will get pics iff they have, they have a lovely restauraunt and a great piano bar so will enjoy that.
    have a nice time visting your friend enjoy your day and pleased to hear you rested your foot yesterday
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Kandy and all.

    Good to hear Kandy that you have just banged your foot good & proper and nothing really bad has happened but i bet it still hurts like hell eh hun?

    Shiney I hope your treatment went well honey & that you didn't come away feeling like you had done 3 rounds with Mike Tyson so not good.
    Fear not dear soul your body will endure but it's the enduring bit thats the real pain....do hope you get fixed soon enough hun.

    Kathy you are so right to catch a plane up to Scotland we have relatives there (just the other side of Edinburgh) and it's at least a 4 hour ride there in the car for us but it's worth it to see the guys as they have the same sense of humour as Bob & I so we get on like a blast!:yho:

    Penny hope the weather holds for you honey nothing worst than wanting to work in the garden & the weather will not let you.:thumb:

    Rosa what will yoru neighbours say? all those men popping in to see you on the pretense of seeing to your outside....you will be the talk of the street sweetie!:hehe: Hope they did a good job & didn;t mess things up this time.

    Been able to pop over to the allotments yesterday for 2 hours (I can't do more yet it's a little too much for me)planted some more winter cabbage & planted even more strawberry runners up....I don't think I will be short of strawberries next year!

    I managed to get hold of some raspberries too from a friends plot so I'm making bob crumble later on yummy yum yum.

    Have a nice day guys....oh & it's rain here now!:( Hel.xxx.
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning helen, just aswell hubby was there the workers cant get in my place and when they are on the scaffolding been closing my curtains so they cant see in hehe, the work isnt finished yet cant see them doing anything today its raining now will have to wait till the roof is dry i guess, wish they would hurry up and get this work completed.
    good to hear you been to your allotment and planted some things , love crumble not had that for a long time enjoy hope your having custard with it yummy.
    have a great day
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Kandy, I'm pleased you're feeling more rested nd hope the pain is easing up :thumb:

    Helen, I don't have any problems with the chiropractor. He uses a method called MacTimoney Chiropractic which moves things very gently :thmb:

    I'm battling 'Man Flu' with uncharacteristic fortitude and am not calling upon Mrs shiney more than is absolutely necessary. :hehe: :hehe:

    Have a great day :D
  7. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Oh Shiney hope you're feeling better soon.....but here's a link for you - I hope you get a laugh :) I'm sure Mrs. Shiney will.....

    Happy Thursday everybody :)
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Yep! That's it exactly :thmb: :hehe:
  9. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its cold here this morning, and we had frost again overnight, but its not supposed to rain today, so thats good!!

    I have some errands to run and grocery shopping to do

    I did get the pepper plants pulled yesturday and added some manure and bonemeal to the soil, and then turned it over, so thats it for me for gardening.
    I need to however cut back some perennials, and thats my job for the weekend.
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Hope you all had a great day yesterday:)

    Peri,hope all goes well for the Scottish wedding,not sure of the weather for up there but hope you all have a great time:gnthb::luv:

    Shiney,hope you are feeling better with your man cold/flu{sure it said cold yesterday:scratch::cnfs:} anyway whatever you have hope you feel better soon:luv: and hope that the fly problem with Oscars food soon gets sorted:gnthb:

    Helen,i was getting some ground prepared last weekend ready for moving our stawberries.Our friend gave us a load lat year due to them giving up half of their plot but hadn't got a proper bed made for them so we didn't do any good with them,although they have sent out lots of runners:)

    Rosa,sounds like you will have a good trip on the boat:thumb:Friends of ours have joined the crusing club as it seems the IN thing in mine and her village at the moment but when she came back from her Med cruise the other week she was complaining to everyone that the boat was rocking too much.:(I expect being down in the steerage class she would feel it more:hehe:

    Penny sounds like you are getting on well with your gardening before the really bad weather starts:thumb:

    Hope you all have a good day today.Looks like I shall be stuck in the office again today:D
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy & all.

    Oh dear Shiney do take care sweetie you know Man Flu is almost terminal....the only cure is walking around like a zombie & declaring that nobody has ever felt as bad as you do now & how unloved you feel!:hehe:

    Hope it clears up soon hun Bob's dose is still hanging in there & he's getting almost as good as me at moaning!:D

    Hope you enjoyd your gardening Penny.

    Rosa nothing worst than showing your bits & bobs when you don't want anyone to see them....hope your flat gets fixed soon honey then at least you can walk around naked if you so choose!:yho:

    Lol Peri Bob use to love driving all around the country on our days away but sadly now it's too much for him minds able but the body screams NO WAY!:hehe: Hope you have a smashing weekend sweetie.

    Kandy I will not be short of strawberries next year we have 6 raised beds & a strawberry patch too...... yummy just right for flans in summer!

    Got myslf hooked on baking again buns & farmhouse style scones yesterday, scotch eggs today & maybe something else if I can get more eggs!

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  12. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning kandy, helen , shiney, peri, natalie, penny, jazmine and everyone.
    shiney as everyones said be careful with that man flu and take care hope your feeling better soon.
    natalie nice one that was funny the man flu hehe
    kandy i guess the sea will be rough when we go over to amsterdam, we will be in the bar for a few drinks so hopefully i will sleep through the rough sea till we get there next morning, looking forward to going guess what date only friday the 13th eeeeekkkkkk haha.
    helen hehe ive got net curtains so they cant see in , bet those farmhouse style scones are lovely whats the recipe for them yummy.
    have a great day all
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Thank you all for your good wishes with regard to my 'man flu'. Your sympathy is helping a great deal and I should be better in a week or two :hehe:

    Peri and Kandy, Oscar has said thank you on the other thread k-l. Mrs shiney won't put his wet food out if he isn't there. Those eggs were there within 10 minutes of her putting it out. It's a nuisance but I don't think he looks starving :)

    It's drizzling a bit out there and I think I shall laze around today, feeling sorry for my self. I'm sure I won't be too bad when I have to go to bridge this evening. :thumb:

    Have a great day :D
  14. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its only a little after 7am here, but its cold and we had more frost again.

    If its not raining later, i need to plant some bulbs and cut back my perennials,

    They said on the news here too that we may see some of the dreased S stuff this weekend.........i sure hope not!!!!
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    My doesn't the weeks fly by but it is nice to have the weekend here once again and to be able to spend some quality time with Mr K:luv:

    Hope everyone is starting to feel better now.My sciatica was kicking off something cronic yesterday but a quick stretch on the settee last night to watch some very interesting programmes especially with Martin Lewis:) and then GW{Gardeners World},Autumn Watch and then Unsprung so it was a good evening all round and my sciatica has settled down now thankfully:D

    Rosa,I forgot to say we had a spam email from Utility Warehouse saying that because Royal Mail was going on strike next week and our bill might be sent out later,if we logged onto our account and left our bank details{last four digits}plus sort code we could then view the bill on line.:p We are not that eager to know how much gas and electricity we used last month thanks:D We always make a not of it anyway:p so you are not the only one to get these spam emails like your BT one.Oh and by the way we received the bill yesterday,well before Royal Mails strike:D

    Anyway,when me and Mr K was out walking round the village last night,we were working out how much money we have saved this year on not having to buy a lot of our fruit and veggies and we reckon it is roughly £400.We have picked twenty five squashes alone and priced them up at the supermarket the other week @£2each so that has saved us £50,so with all the plums,pears,raspberries,gooseberries,spuds,carrots,beetroot,apples,french and runner beans, onions and shallots plus the winter greens etc we think we have had a good year:D

    Hopeing to get to the allotment sometime today as the weather is going to be decent,so hope you all have a good day in all that you do:luv:

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