Yawn ... wakey, wakey ... (2)

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Daisies, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Fantastic pic Kndy! :)

    What a gorgeous day out there - have been out doing food for 200 hungry rugby players this morning, and we stopped off at the allotment on the way home - gathered some corn, pumpkins and baby leafs from spinach, swiss chard, and some lovely peppers.

    Now it's off out into the garden, and get some pre-winter stuff done while the kids are out on the bikes :) Hope everybody else is having a lovely day enjoying this weather!
  2. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    hehe, got this in an email just now - and seeing as it's a gorgeous day, but here I am yet again online, thought it was funny. I do like the 'remind me next year' tab! Yes, I would click on that option :)
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    evening everyone, not been on have been so busy had a great day yesterday at my friends was late getting back and watched my telly programmes last night, same today visted my daughters had a lovely day.
    nite nite all speak tommorow
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, up early this morning back kicked off again, im going to have a nice quiet day today after all the running about these past 2 days mind i enjoyed myself seeing my friends and my family yesterday, had a load of veg i picked on friday at my friends and made some homemade veg soup and took some to my daughters and we all had some for lunch everyone enjoyed it, made 2 apple and rasberry pies last night it tastes real nice but must get some custard, im going to freeze some.
    have a great day all
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa and everyone.

    I'm up early as well this morning and although my back was twinging last night a bit once I stretched out on the settee it started to feel better,that was until Willow decided to come and join me:D

    Rosam glad that you had a good couple of days and glad that you enjoyed your soup and pies.You will have to put up the spoup recipe on the recipe thread:D

    Natilie you will have to take some photos of your allotment and the veg you have harvested so you can share them with us all,There is a section on this forum where you can put up your photos the share your allotmenteering experiences to us oldies and the newbies:thumb::DYou are doing well to still be harvesting Sweetcorn this late in the year especially as you are down in Kent where it is warmer than us up in the North.You will have to let us know the variety you have grown so I can get some next year to try as it would be good to have a later variety to pick:gnthb:

    Peri,thanks for the link I will have a look later when I get some time.We had a busy day yesterday and while Mr K was harvesting more apples and pears up in the trees at the allotment,I picked the last{I keep saying that} of the Autumn raspberries and started to dig over some land ready for next year,but had to give up when my hand started aching:( Glad you liked the photo of my hedgiepeg.We belong to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society{BHPS} and we do what we can to help out this animal which is in danger of becoming extinct:( Oh and yesterday we harvested our first Parsnip of the year and it is a little beauty.Mr K struggled to dig it out of the ground as the soil was that hard from the drought:p

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend with your other half and not spending toooooo much time sitting at the computer:D

    Not sure what we are doing today,I expect it will be sorting out these fruit until I get cramp in me hand.Have lots of dried beans to depod as well:D

    Hope you all have a great day:luv:
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Natalie, that made me laugh :D

    rosa, I've never had frozen custard. What is it like? :hehe:

    Kandy, loved the photo :gnthb:. One year, the charity we picked for our Open Day was to help a local lady who rescues orphaned and injured hedgehogs. :)

    I've got the tournament today so I shall be off soon to set up the hall.

    Have a great day :D
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy and shiney,
    kandy the soup was easy i just used all the veg cut up and potatoes, in a pan of water and added bacon bits or you could use a ham shank and salt & pepper a few herbs and veg stock and thats it easy peasy. hehe.love your hedghog picture.
    shiney hehe i meant to say freeze the pies not the custard didnt know what you meant till i read what i had put hahaha, have a great day at the tournament.
  8. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Morning friends :luv:
    Very funny Natalie, is that for me and farming on facebook? :D

    Have a lovely day everyone, we are off relative visiting and out for a long walk [not in the graveyard this week though]

    Rosa you made me smile with the custard :luv:

    Love the hedgie Kandy, I am trying everywhere to get one.

    Shiney have a great day with the tournament. :)
    Hello to everyone who pops in after I have gone.
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning jazmine, i know that was funny about the custard with shiney i had a good old chuckle at what i had put, hehe , have a great walk im going to morrisons later see what winter flowering they have in for my baskets, have a great day
  10. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good morning all! Looking like another lovely day out there - so just about to take J to his part time Sunday job and then a day out in the garden - though I should be moving my home office into it's now proper 'office' area.......but that can wait for a rainy day :) Have a list of jobs to do out there - and really no idea where to start - depending on whether hubby is also in the mood to get stuff done, as alot needs his help - but can't complain - I had him helping me feed the rugby players yesterday at the school he works at.......so maybe he might want to go metal detecting if the weather remains fine.

    The corn was planted in several stages this year. We didn't get the allotment until May, so planted some that had been started from seed in the greenhouse, and the last of it was planted direct from seed to ground in June once we got the allotment somewhat cleared. The variety was just F1 jubilee, and what we picked yesterday were very much shorter than the cobs that we picked in September - but delicious nonetheless :) As far as pictures, I do have a selection of pictures on my facebook, but as for posting pictures on a public forum - I don't generally do that, as I have problems in the past with information I have posted on a forum ending up on 'spoof' type forum that some demented soul decided to set up with regards to me and my family by someone with a little too much time on their hands. I will certainly take some pics that do not involve my children at all - however all from the allotment this year included my kids. Long story......and it's not for here, but will make sure to take pics that do not have my kids in them :) Anyways - won't discuss that here!

    I'm looking for this 'frozen custard'......but Rosa - is it the pies that you are freezing, therefore you need to get some custard? Or.....do you do some kind of a frozen custard dessert?

    J is looking forward to lunch at the restaurant he works at today - always has good food made from scratch and he's enjoying his work in the ktichen. Time to take him now - have a great day everybody!

    Oops....Happy Thanksgiving Penny and family :) We have a lovely turkey crown (forgot to order a fresh turkey in time!) and all the trimmings for dinner this afternoon, another family coming over as well and they're bringing cabbage rolls and homemade perogies :)
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning again eveyone,just been out for a nice village walk with Mr K and managed to harvest some more Cob nuts that the kind builders planted in the woodland area of our village and they are just ripening nicely{We have already picked loads last month}which Mr K cracks open for us so we eat them like peanuts.:D

    Rosa,should have gone to Specsavers:flag::D

    Shineynice to hear about that lady who rescues orphan hedgie pegs.I rescued two quiet a few years ago and they were so light that the BHPS said they would be too small to hibernate so I put them in our old rabbit cage and kept them until the Spring then released them.The worst part was the smell from their poo after they have eaten:euw:.I called my two Holly and Ivy and glad that I did my bit to look after them:D

    Natilie,no one mentioned about seeing photos of your kids,where did that one come from?:scratch::cnfs: All I said was it would be nice to see some photos of your veggies and your allotment.If you don't want us to see your kids then don't put any photos up here of them,or blank out their faces:D

    I don't have the time really or the inclination to join lots of forums,that way I don't leave my personal details all over the place to be picked up and used or abused by as you say people with too much time on their hands.Thats the problem with computers they can end up brainwashing their subjects into sitting at them all day and night so that their families get neglected and their homes and gardens fall to rack and ruin,not to mention the allotment:D:D

    Shiney,hope the tournament goes well and that you do good:luv:
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Kath,sorry I must have been typing when you posted your last post.I should have gone to Specsavers:oops::o:p

    We haven't started doing soups yet.We used to make a nice Leek and Potato one years ago but now we seem to have less time than we used to have{Too much time spent enjoying our beautiful countryside:D} The Parsnip will be used in todays dinner which I am preparing now as I type and we are well pleased with the one we dug up and hope that the others are just as good.We have had a frost sometime last week because the squash plants have been caught by it so thye will be finished soon.Mr Kandy insisted on leaving one of the bigger ones last weekend and it has split the skin:(

    I think the Micro Pigs are going to be the in pet of the year,might get one of them now we are going to lose out on no manure from Mabel mind you £700 is a lot to pay out for a wee little piggy even if they don't grow very big:D Forgot to say we had a lovely sympathy card from the vets last Friday.It has drawings of animals all round it.I must get a photo of it to show you.:)

    Anyway,have a good day and will catch up later as I won't get anything done today:D:luv:
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning natalie, peri and kandy again, hehe i need to go to specsavers hahaha ive made the apple and rasberry pies so i need to buy some custard to have with it or maybe some lovely double cream would be nice.
    lets hope i can find some nice winter plants to go in my hanging baskets away soon.
    give you a good laugh i go up at 6 am and went into my hall were my large freezer is and i put a xmas doorbell on my door and i accidentally hit it and set it off ohhh my what a noise must of woke the neighbours up hehe im not bothered really after all the noise they make, it was sooo loud the xmas tune, heres pic of it
    have a great day

  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Rosa what are you like girl:hehe:.I would love to be behind your door whenever any one presses the button:D

    You sound a bit like me at times.When we were at the allotment yesterday and Mr K was up the pear tree I kept going under the apple tree nearby and kept hitting my head on the same apple:D Mr K was in stiches because all he could hear every so often was me saying ouch, and then another ouch:D I think I was trying to impersanate Sir Issac Newton:hehe:

    Well,we have just had dinner so after hearing on the radio that the local garden store has some pygmy hedgehogs for sale might go and see if I can get some piccies:)

    Peri,cute little thing in the egg cup but they are a bit expensive at £200 pounds each.Thats worse than the Labradoodles at £700 each:roll::euw:
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    kandy im like you hahaha we do some funny things at times thats so funny about the apples you would of killed yourself laughing iff you had seen my friend at her sisters higham hall, she came out with this massive stick i said what you doing with that she said going to bash the large apple tree and get apples so she did it was sooooo funny all the apples flew everywere i just was in stiitches.
    look forward to seeing the little hedgehogs bet you buy one hahaha

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