Yawn... Wakey Wakey...!!! #3

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone and a 'Happy Easter' to you all:flwsml:

    We have rain here again today and it feels quiet cold so don't think we shall be going far today and with all the shops being shut looks like it will be a DIY day,although we might have to have a rethink on that one as Mr Kandy has a bad back since yesterday afternoon so unless he feels better it will be a chill out day me thinks.:p

    Got Turkey for dinner today so looking forward to cooking and eating that:D

    Hope you all have a great day and enjoy the day with families and friends:)
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning, kandy, shiney, woo, jazmine, natalie and everyone,
    kandy yummy turkey dinner sounds lovely my favourite good luck hope you get them anenomes at B&Q.
    been raining here in the night looks dry out there now,
    off out tonight with my girl friends just going locally.
    have a nice easter sunday all have a great day
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Gopod morning everyone,

    Yesterday was a lovely sunny day and the temperature reached 54F. :thumb:

    The forecast for today is rain all day but someone seems to have forgotten to tell the sun. So he has come back again this morning, but it is a chilly 38F.

    Nataile, that's great news that chocolate is calorie free today :yho:. I had better take advantage of it :hehe:

    Jazmine, do you know what 'best behaviour' means? :rotfl:

    rosa, enjoy your day out :thmb:

    Kandy, shhhh, don't let Tracey hear anything about being paid. :lollol:
    I hope that Mr Kandy's back gets better quickly :thumb:.

    I try and get my canes in as soon as possible as it takes about two hours to do them all and the later I leave it the busier I am in the garden. I got quite a lot done yesterday. I washed 20kg of fine gravel for Mrs shiney to use on her alpine pots, decided to make a sharp edge between the paving at the back of the summerhouse and the lawn so cut a trench 25ft long, 4" wide and 5" deep and filled it with 20kg of medium gravel (didn't need to wash it), put in enough canes for 60 plants, and did three hours of pressure hosing the patio. Mrs shiney spent four hours in the greenhouse tidying up and preparing pots of compost ready for potting on.

    Have a great day :D
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy,Rosa,Shiney and all my other friends,A happy Easter to you all,Its blue skies and sunshine here at the moment but is changing by the hour,everyone have a great day and please stay safe.:)
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa,Shiney and Woo,:)

    Rosa,I went back to B&Q and got the last of the Anemones,another seven packs.There are only eight corms in each pack but for 49p each well worth the money,plus the four packs I got the day before so will add them to the others I have already in the garden.They are soaking in water at the moment and hoping to put them in the ground today if it dries out a bit.:)

    Shiney,sounds like you and Mrs Shiney have been busy yesterday in the greenhouse and garden.Our paths outside are a bit slippery but hate the noise of the pressure washer plus it would make the dial of the water meter whizz round so we just let the rain wash the slabs:DThe gardeners round here used to charge people £10 an hour but that was a few years ago so don't know what the prices are now as we do all our own.:p Our weather is up to 42f so have a heat wave compared to you Shiney:hehe:

    We have just been out for our Sunday morning walk and it took us ages as Mr Kandy can only walk slowly now his back is playing up,but I don't know how he is going to cope in trying to watch the Grand Prix this morning:scratch:

    Woo,hope you don't get too cold when you go out flying this morning and hope you have a good Easter Sunday with your family:)

    Have a good day everyone again:)
  6. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good afternoon everybody and Happy Easter! Spent the morning doing the Easter Egg hunt with the boys, eldest is off to Thorpe Park with a big group of friends from high school days - there's about five of them that turn 21 this week, so they're off to act like kids (is words!) ;)

    Just about ready to start getting the vege ready for dinner - have two lovely legs of venison that have been marinading and now cooking in port - have snuck some sneaky tastes and it is delicious - but as it's the leg, has to cook slowly and long to get the 'fall off the bone tenderness'. Serving it with roasted potatoes, parsnips and beets and some lightly steamed kale. Will have some cranberry sauce as well with it. Blueberry cheesecake for dessert :)

    I managed to get out and transplant some plants that last year were just put in the wrong place (hate that when you move in somewhere new and you just don't know the best spots for various plants) - so hopefully some better shows this year :) If I get a chance today I will pot up my hanging baskets and get them hung in one of the greenhouses - otherwise that'll be a job or tomorrow.

    Hope everybody's having a great day with family - have a great one!
  7. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hello friends :luv: and hope you all had a lovely Easter. It sounds as if you have with friends and family.
    Rosa I hope you had fun with your friends! Kandy hope you enjoyed your day and Woo too :)
    Natalie how come you stay thin with all the food you eat??? :hehe:
    Shiney, me and "best behaviour" do not go together, blame my dad he is the silly one!!! Life is too short to be well behaved. :D

    We had a great day here, my son, his GF and little boy and Roxy dog came to visit with Easter Eggs and a plant in hand. We went over the field and all had a run around and little man said "let's do keep fit exercises" at which point I panicked!! Good fun with my family whom I love dearly.
  8. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends,I hope that you are all feeling good and are OK,have a lovely Easter Monday and please take care:)

  9. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and everyone,

    Hope you had a good Easter as well Woo and all the best for Easter Monday:)

    Well it's the last day of Mr Kandy's holiday so it's back to the grind stone so to speak and I expect the sun will shine all this week now he will be back to work:hehe:

    He is still bent double with his aching back and is starting to look like an :old:man but we managed to get out yesterday for a three mile walk and saw some lovely Red Kites which was very nice as well:DDid another walk after tea round the village plus the one we did in the morning so reckon we walked a good five miles in total yesterday:yho:

    Hope you all have a good day,and at least some of the shops should be open today:p
  10. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy you have a lovely day to,hope Mr Kandy,s back improves soon:)
  11. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    We had a good day yesterday with some gardening in the morning. Then we went off to visit some open gardens that are in the yellow book. It was about a 70 mile round trip but we managed to get to three very nice gardens.

    On the way to the second one we managed to force ourselves to stop at a small, old fashioned, pub for lunch :hehe:. Mrs shiney had an enormous cheese and pickle sandwich with a large salad and chips for £3.75 and I had a great big slice of beef and Guinness pie with three veg and potatoes for £6.50.

    When we got home we did more gardening until 7 p.m. and spent the rest of the evening with our feet up :). I crept off to bed at 3.15 a.m. and had a really good sleep until 6.30 :thumb:.

    Have a great Easter Monday :D
  12. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone.

    Its raining but warm here, supposed to all day, so its a good day for driving, i am leaving around 9 to take Kait back down to school.
  13. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hiya everyone:flwsml: hope you all had a lovely Easter.:gnthb: We went to the caravan in Conwy N.Wales for a few days

    last week but unfortunatly it rained constantly:( Not that it would have made much difference because we both picked up a virus that gave you a banging head,

    where you just wanted to sleep all the time.:dh: Glad its gone now.:thmb:

    Just hope the weather is better for when we go back on the 17th April:)

    Just booked 2 weeks off at the begining of May so looking for somewhere to go now

    hopefully with plenty of sunshine:yho:

    Take care everyone:gnthb: 02
  14. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Kandy I hope OH is feeling better with his back before heading off to work again! No fun returning from holidays having spent them in discomfort and then having to work in discomfort as well! Glad you've both been able to get out and about though.

    TakeMore - Glad your bug is gone and hope despite it, you got to have some rest and relaxation while away.

    Jazmine - well behaved? lol - I think we'd need to ask your son about that - I'm sure he could tell some tales....... :)

    Shiney - you went to bed after 3 and woke up just after 6? That's not a normal night for you is it? I don't think I could manage on 3 hours sleep a night! Sounds like you had a lovely day though visiting the gardens :)

    Woo - hope you had a lovely Easter weekend with your family - did you get the hail out your way ysterday? We had it just for about a ten minute session, and then drizzle again on and off. By the time I look outside and realise the sun is shining and get out there, it starts to rain again :(

    Penny - I've heard this weekend that Nova Scotia has had some fantastic weather for this time of year - several people have mentioned how happy they are to have had a week of great weather - you'll get yours too :) Hope you've had a safe and uneventful drive taking daughter back to college - I still remember my FIL doing a couple of 360's on the road as snow was being swept across it from the fields in late March one year taking me from Owen Sound back down to Toronto - was scary, but we were the only car on the road at the time thank goodness.

    Jazmine - ALL food, (not only chocolate as I reported earlier) was calorie free this entire weekend - didn't you know? lol

    Tonight we had a baked filet of salmon with a rice dish, macaroni salad and caesar salad, wonderful crusty bread with fresh homemade (it was still warm when I frosted it) carrot cake with a cream cheese frosting for my son's birthday - it was delicious. As I'm off for a couple of weeks from work between school terms, I usually put on a pound or two, but that comes off once I get back into the routine of kids/work/kids lol. I swear once they are grown and out of the house I will have all this weight coming to get me........and then there's those Galaxy bubbles! Oh my - had one today at Bluewater - they were giving out whole bars as freebies, and it would've been rude to say no right? I shall have to resist temptation though when I see them in the stores :(

    Well, its' past 11......so rather than yawn yawn wakey wakey, it's yawn yawn nighty night for me.....Have a great day tomorrow everybody!
  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Summer seems to have returned to Shineyland :yho:

    The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing - and Oscar is fast asleep in the greenhouse :)

    Yesterday was a slow day. We did a very little bit of gardening and then went out to Sainsburys and some garden centres. Sainsburys was not too crowded but we gave up on the garden centre visits because the traffic was getting too heavy. One of the things we were looking for were paddlestones. We want to use them for plant labels and would prefer them in a plum colour. One, of the two we went to, had them in dirty grey so we shall look another time. Then it was back home for a late lunch, a couple of hours of reading then a couple of hours of gardening followed by some homemade chicken soup, a chicken casserole in red wine and an apple crumble. Then relaxing in front of the TV and some more reading.

    Kandy, I hope that Mr Kandy is feeling better :thumb:

    woo, have a good day and make the most of the sunshine that I hope you are getting. :thmb:

    O2, I hope you have completely recovered. :thumb:

    Penny, take it easy with all that driving :)

    Natalie, that is not far off my normal night. I rarely go to bed before 1 a.m. (quite often between 2 and 3) and am usually up by 6 a.m. My average night is about 4 hours and has been similar all my life. It doesn't matter what time I go to bed I will always wake up when it gets light so we have black-out blinds in the bedroom to stop me waking up too early in the summer. :)

    Jazmine, I've learnt to do 'best behaviour' as wells as 'silly' - but it took a long time :hehe:. I'm now well into 'grumpy old man' as well. :old:

    Have a great day :D

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