Yawn.... Wakey.. Wakey...!!!! MK3..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Jul 21, 2010.

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  1. Joolz

    Joolz Gardener

    Jul 27, 2010
    [​IMG] everyone.

    Well, what a wet night that was, everything is drenched. Though it's a good job it did rain. My tubs were looking a little feeble yesterday, but after I gave them a good soaking, and last nights downpour, they look perky again today. :thmb:

    Looks like it might be a bit on the showery side today, so not sure if I'll be outdoors much. Mind you, I do have rather a lot of washing to do now sons back (shh, he's still sleeping!)

    I'm back at work as well this week. BOOOOOOOOOOO! So have to make sure I'm up to date with 'house' jobs. Pah, I need to win the lottery!! [​IMG]

    Kandy, hope you have a lovely time with your friend. I love girlie time!

    Shiney, good look with the paperwork!! No matter how many times I tell hubs to sort his post out etc, it normally ends up stuffed in a carrier bag, and then franticly searches as he can't find where he's put a letter! :doh: I despair sometimes, I really do! :hehe:

    Aww, Jasmine, glad the lad had such a good time. And I'm with you on the lego love. Been ages since I used it myself. I shall have to wait until grandchildren arrive, though that's a few years off yet, as son's only 16. :skp: Good luck with the fencing job "On guard" [​IMG]

    Have a good one all. xxx
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    0)Good morning again to all the late risers:hehe:

    Shiney,I have to catch up with family and friends as and when I can,as they all seem so busy running after their grown up Children and Grandchildren.It just wears me out thinking what they all get up to.No wonder they all look worn out and most of my friends are getting on a bit and have health issues themselves.I dread to think how the youngsters are all going to cope when their elders have passed on.Glad that me and Mr Kandy are independant and can do things for ourselves:o

    Jazmine sounds like you have had some fun with your Grandson,have you played Wii games with him yet?

    Joolz,I often wonder whos idea it was to give all the rotten jobs to the women and all the nice jobs to the men when they were dishing them out..It must have been a man:rotfl:

    Anyway,the recycling vehicle has just been up and down the road so better go and get all the bins moved as they always put them onto the drive when they empty them even though we leave them on the grass verge.Don't they think you might want to drive out of your drive sometime?:yez::(

    Better go will speak later/tomorrow:D

    PS Shiney,You need a woman to keep your office tidy.You Know how bad you men all are at housework:lollol:
  3. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    "Evening All" was that Dixon of Dock Green? :old:
    Hi Joolz, we have just had a real downpour here and the patio is flooded. I am Nanna Kath to the little lad as he is my sons partners little boy.
    "Nanna Kathhhhhhhhhhh " - I hear non stop :lollol:
    Kandy I haven't played Wii yet as it is usually car races [hmm he always wins] and I have to draw loads of dinosaur pics for him. :snz:

    Well all 3 of us worked on the fences, we had to chop down ivy and climbers that had merged with the fences, what a job!! OH has started the digging now so I can have a short rest. We were there working for nearly 4 hours.
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends,hope this wakey wakey !!!! call finds you all OK and well,Its still quite warm here and just right for our early morning constitutional,Gypsy,Tiny and Penny are really excited as this is my first attempt at our walk for quite a while,the Moon is almost full,just like a giant light bulb in the sky,we will just pop in on the Fox family to see if they are OK,everyone have a good day and
    please take care:)

  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good mornning Woo and everyone,

    Lovely moon photo Woo.it is nice to see it so bright in the evening sky.Hope you enjoyed your walk with the dogs and that you have a good day.:thmb:

    Had a lovely day with my friend yesterday catching up on everything,although she had to be careful what she ate as she has a cholesterol blood test this morning so didn't want to send the readings up:pWe had some terrential downpours as we sat talking so had to retreat into the lounge as we couldn't hear ourselves talk above the noise on the sunroom roof:(:D

    Looks cold out there this morning and we have quiet a breeze blowing,feels almost like Autumn is upon us:p

    Hope you all have a great day:)
  6. Joolz

    Joolz Gardener

    Jul 27, 2010
    Morning all.

    It's a bright start to the day here, the sun is out, and it's all very lovely. How long it'll last for is anyones guess. :hehe:
    Back to work today.:( I had a lovely week off, so can't complain really. It's also son's GCSE results day. Hubs is taking him over to his school this morning to collect them. There's a few nervous butterflies fluttering around our home today!

    Woo, what a wonderful photograph! The moon is so clear. Hope you all enjoyed your very early morning walk. xx

    Jasmine, I do believe it was 'Dixon of Dock Green. :yez:

    Kandy, hope your friends blood test goes ok this morning. And I'm glad you both had such a lovely tome together, despite the rain.

    Right, I've just time for a shufty about the forum with my cuppa, and then I shall have to get ready for work.
    What ever you're all doing today, have a good one. xxx
  7. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    woo, lovely photo of the moon :gnthb:. The emails are going their rounds again saying that Mars will be as big in the sky as the moon on Friday :hehe:. If it was that big we would have catastrophic disasters due to its gravitational pull :dh:. The closest it has ever got was in August 2003 and then it was only a bright 'star'. On Oct 30th Jupiter will be visible to the naked eye close to the moon :thumb:.
    I hope you and the girls had a wonderful walk. They must have been very excited :D

    Yesterday it rained fairly heavily with sunny intervals. Later in the afternoon gales came up so I had to get oyut there quick and try and pick the last of the plums on the golden greengage tree. I think the wind got more than I did :(. I only got a bucket full.
    Today has started bright and very sunny and although it is still quite windy it is only a little bit chilly.

    Have a great day :D
  8. loopy lou

    loopy lou Gardener

    Jan 1, 2010
    morning all, have been busy with stufffor a while but have a few days off soon so am hoping to join in.

    hope you are all well and happy

  9. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Have a busy busy day today, lots of errands and phone calls.

    Love that picture, Woo.
  10. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Shiney ,Kandy,Joolz,Penny,Jazmine and all my other friends,It was a lovely walk yesterday thank you but I think I overdone it little,so today we are just resting,starting a project in the garden:hehe: you all take care now and stay safe.:)

  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and everyone,

    Lovely early morning sunrise there Woo.:gnthb: Good Luck with your project Woo and don't over do it out there:D

    We had glorious sunny weather yesterday until early afternoon and then the dark clouds came over while I was doing me beans and then teatime it chucked it down again.Still managed to get out for a nice evening walk when it stopped though so that was good:p

    Joolz,my friends Grandaughter was waiting for her results to come in and her other Grandaughter has got a place in Uni so they are all pleased with the results.Hope your sons results were good as well:thmb:

    Hope you all have a good day:)
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    woo, lovely photo :gnthb:. I'm pleased that you had a good walk yesterday and have a very good rest today. If you have some nice sunshine just relax in it with your feet up and your girls sitting around you. :)

    loopy, welcome back :thumb:

    penny, has your heatwave stopped yet?

    Joolz, I hope your son got good results.

    Jazmine, how's all the work in the garden going?

    Kandy, we were lucky to have sun all day yesterday but it looks a bit like it might rain today. I sold 20lb of beans, 3lb of toms and some conference pears yesterday afternoon at the bridge club and have a lot of orders for beans for tonight's bridge club. The charity will do quite well this year :gnthb:. We have now got over £300 in the kitty :)

    Have a great day :D
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Shiney,well done with the crops and the selling of them:gnthb:The youngsters in our village hardly eat proper fresh veggies,much preffering the ones that have been lying in the shops for weeks,or they go and buy their meals from our new village Indian Takeaway or they visit the mobile fish and chip van that comes round,or failing that quiet a few of them like to eat out at the local Restaurants,or order up Pizzas to be delivered:p
  14. Joolz

    Joolz Gardener

    Jul 27, 2010
    Evening everyone.

    Shiney, what a great amount to be giving to your charity, that's brilliant! And you've still got four more months to go! What charity is it if you don't mind me asking?

    Kandy, that's excellent news on your friends grandchildren. I bet they're all on cloud 9! Rightly so too.

    Woo, what a beautiful photograph! The colours are stunning. Hope you've had a lovely relaxing day today. x

    Penny, hope you managed to find some time to take a break in your busy day. Is the weather still hot hot hot there?

    Hi LoopyLou, nice to meet you. I'm a newbie here, but am thoroughly enjoying finding out hints and tips etc on gardening. I'm a newish gardener too. Hope you've had a good day today.

    Well, I'm pleased to say son did well in his GCSE's. He's chuffed to bits, as we are for him. He has a dilemma now though. He'd chosen to do History, Chemistry, Biology and ITC (which was his drop subject) for his sixth form. We'd tried to persuade him to take Physics instead of ITC, but he wasn't confident he'd get more than a C grade for his GCSE though, so opted for the ITC instead. However, he's over the moon to have got an A in Physics, as we are. So, he's having to consider switching to Physics when he's back in two weeks, with the possibility of dropping History instead.That's his dilemma, he really enjoys history and was looking forward to studying that at Alevel. He'd ideally like to join the RAF, or if that wasn't to be, he'd like to go into Dentisty. So his sciences would be a benefit to both of those career choices. He's got some serious thinking to do now, bless him.

    So yep, we're all chuffed to bits!! :yho: Thank you for your well wishes for him too. xxx

    Hope everyone's had a splendiferous day today. :gnthb:
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Joolz,great news about your sons results:gnthb:My friends Grand daughter had heard she had got an A in one of those subjects that you have written above but was waiting for all the others to come in:pHer sister is going to a Uni down in Hatfield I think it is to study Sociology.Whichever one your son chooses,he will have a good life either as a Dentist or in the RAF so good luck to him for his hard work will pay dividends in the long run:thmb:

    Anyway, we have more of the wet stuff this morning{whats new}so still can't gert over to the allotment to pick the beans and more plums:(I think by the weekend if it hasn't stopped we shall have to put on some waterproofs and just get wet as the beans will go over if we leave them much longer:p

    Hope you all have a great day:yez:
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