Yawn.... Wakey.. Wakey...!!!! MK3..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Jul 21, 2010.

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  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It is raining steadily this morning with that very fine rain that comes straight down - not the slightest hint of a breeze. After all the heavy rain yesterday afternoon and evening I think the garden has now recovered from the drought :thumb:. At Least the weather stayed good for Mrs shiney and her friends (and Oscar) who were celebrating one of their birthdays with a very nice lunch in the garden :).

    I managed to pick another 8lb of beans for the people at the bridge club last night before the rain came. We also run bridge classes and these are attended by mainly older people but have a sprinkling of younger ones. One of the young girls got her GCSE results - 13 A*'s :ntwrth:.

    Joolz, many congratulations to your son for his great results :gnthb:. The great physics result shows that working hard can bring rewards even when you think you may not do well :). At least the tough bit is just what to go for and not scrabbling around for something.
    You asked about the charity that we are supporting :).

    As a fairly new member you won't know that I open my garden every year to support local charities where all the money donated gets used by the charity to do their good works.

    We started off on a small scale and it has now become quite large as we have become more organised. Also the current charity, Grove Cottage, that we are supporting (just finishing our second year with them) are so helpful that we shall continue with them. We now get lots of helpers (baking cakes, helping make teas, take money at the door, run a raffle etc) so we can generate more money. In 2008 we eventually gave £700 to the charity. Then in 2009 we started with Grove Cottage and they ended up with £1,500. This year, so far, they have had £2,700 with our current produce sales to be added to that :gnthb:.

    This year we invited GC members for a private viewing. Here is a link to some of the info and comments. At the bottom of the first post is another link to photos of the garden as it was in 2008.


    Have a great day :D
  2. loopy lou

    loopy lou Gardener

    Jan 1, 2010
    morning all

    how typical that my time off coincides with torrential rain!!

    still i am NOT daunted and am having a chill time - my neighbour managed to cut my beech hedge yesterday - bless him so big box of sweeties for them from me

    more of my other neighbours washing done (they had a fire) and now i have their frozen food in my freezer cos theirs packed up yesterday

    i love living on my lane!

  3. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its raining here, and cooler, but they said on the news for us to enjoy the "cool", that the heat is moving back in for the weekend.
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy,Shiney,LoopyLou,Penny and Joolz and all my other friends on this Bonus of a Friday morning,I do hope that you are all OK and feeling good,its been raining now for 36 hours but that is only on the outside,we will go for our walk this morning as soon as we can find Gypsy,s Wellington Boots:hehe:everyone enjoy your day and please stay safe:)
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and everyone,

    Couldn't sleep again after waking up early so decided to get up and answer some mail I have waiting after I have finished here.:ywn::D

    Woo ,we have had rain every day for the last five days and it is still falling now as I type this:(I know the ground and the duck ponds need it but it can stop now we have had enough:DAt least though it will help all the trees a little bit because we have noticed over the last few months that the leaves on a lot of them have already gone crisp and while we were away the other week,some of the trees had shed theirs as if it was autumn:yez:

    I will have to keep my big mouth shut in future as I did say to Mr K a few weeks ago that once the rain started it would go on for ages and I think my prediction is coming right:p

    Anyway,I have weighed myself this morning and have lost some more weight so all my exercises despite the rain has paid off :D

    Was listening to the news last night and a lot of local attractions that was due to take place this weekend have had to be cancelled due to all the wet stuff flooding the fields so at least that will keep a lot of the traffic off of the roads:yez:

    Have a good day everyone:)
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good :skp: morning everyone,

    It's still raining but the garden is loving it. I was going to go for a walk this morning but I don't do wet weather :hehe:. I'll take my walk later :thumb:.

    woo, enjoy your walk with the girls. :gnthb:

    Kandy, you should get a job as a weather forecaster. Your predictions are better :hehe:. Of course, you will have to learn to wave your arms around a bit and talk very fast with no pauses between sentences. :rotfl:

    Well done on the weight loss. :gnthb:

    I'm still not catching up on my paperwork :(. Now what did it used to say on my school reports? 'Must do better'. :rotfl:

    Have a great day :D
  7. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,:)

    Its supposed to be nice day here, and hot and humid all weekend. :dh:

    I am heading outside to paint, since it rained all day yesturday:gnthb:
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    No Woo this morning,I expect he is already out with the girls enjoying a nice walk to give them some exercise:yez:

    Shiney,Are you heading North soon?Hope the weather stays fine for both you and us although we are heading in a slightly different direction:D

    Also Shiney,If you pick peppers when they are green do they turn Red or Yellow indoors or do you have to wait for them to change colour on the plant?We have grown them outdoors for the first time this year and have some fruit on them but they are still green at the moment and are not sure how they will go regarding colouring up.

    We are hoping to get over to the allotment today to pick some more plums,pears if there are any large ones,sweetcorn if any are ready and some more cabbage and carrots:yez:Our Butternut Squash plant had flowers on it last week but with all this rain can't see us getting any fruit this year as it seems to be late although we planted it out right at the start of June.This time last year I am sure we had fruit growing on the stems:p

    Anyway,just off to read some blogs then will go and have some breakfast.The cats decided to get me up early this morning so another morning I haven't managed a lie in:ywn:

    Hope you all have a great day:ywn::D
  9. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy and all my other friends ,I am all behind this morning like a Cows tail:hehe: hope you are all OK ,have a lovely weekend and please everyone stay safe:)
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    woo, thanks for your good wishes and and I hope you and the girls are enjoying yourselves :gnthb:. I hope you haven't got a lot of flies buzzing around your cows tail :hehe:

    Kandy, yes we are off up North at the usual time. Our usual group of friends that go with us have now all fallen by the wayside (hip and knee ops :() and are not able to do the walking any more. We have some other friends, who haven't been up there before that will be coming up to stay for the end part of the week. All our evenings are already organised :) with theatre, Steve and Anne, Roger and Jacqui (used to own the hotel we stayed at) and our friends.
    Our June visits up there are with a different group of friends who have been coming with us for a few years now. All the ones that come with us now are 15 - 25 years younger than us so, hopefully, shouldn't wear out before we do :hehe:.
    We expect the weather to be as good as usual. In June it rained for the month before we got there and then stopped as we arrived. :gnthb:

    With the peppers - usually they need to colour up on the plant but can do so off it if they have a hint of colour in them. It doesn't matter a great deal if they don't as they are just as good green. The more colour they get the sweeter they tend to be for eating so the longer on the plant the riper they get - just like chillies getting hotter. There are newer varieties that are bred for a particular colour but the sort that most gardeners grow are still the ones that change colour.

    Our butternut squash are a bit like your this year. We have had lots of flower but all male ones so no veg at all.

    I managed to get a lot of mowing done yesterday but can't do any more now because I have run out of petrol. Today we are off to friends for lunch :thumb:.

    Have a great day :D
  11. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Evening all :luv:

    Just popped in to say I have been away and am back now. Just trying to get sorted here and catch up.
    Off to a family BBQ tomorrow, I hope it doesn't rain! :)
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Jazmine, enjoy your BBQ :thumb:. The weather should be good for it.

    We had a great time at our friends yesterday. He has worked wonders with his garden since he retired a year ago at the age of 75 :old:. The garden is an acre and a half and he is really getting it under control. He has made a veggie area about 60' x 50', fenced it in and layed lots of paved paths and made many raised beds. It is full of veggies of all types. He's also got a large fruit cage and now has built a chicken run and has five rescue chickens that seem very happy.

    We are off to the Chilli Festival this morning and shall be meeting friends there. Then all back to our place for dinner tonight :gnthb:.

    Have a great day :D
  13. Joolz

    Joolz Gardener

    Jul 27, 2010
    Morning everyone. 0)

    Hope today finds you all in good fettle.
    Shiney, your garden is GORGEOUS!! And Oscar is a real sweetie. I love how he has his own bed in the greenhouse!! My furballs have taken to lying on my kneeling pad in my growhouse, especially when it's raining! :hehe: Grove Cottage must be so thrilled with all that you do for them. If I lived a little closer, I'd certainly be putting my name down for a visit to your wonderful garden next year. I think it's wonderful that you do this for them. Keep up the good work, and give Oscar a tickle under the chin from me. xx

    Been a mad bout of work, housework and gardening for me the last few days. I work in a little shoe shop (part time) in our village, and as we're the only stockist of Startrite shoes (kiddies shoes) for about 30 miles, we've been rushed off our feet! But I love it. However, I've noticed this morning that my border is starting to look a little ragged, as I've not had the time to get out there for a week or two to weed it!:o So, as long as it stays dry today, I shall be tacking that. Then I'm on kitchen duty, and shall be cooking up a storm as we've got hubs parents coming for lunch. Hmmmmm, I shall have to record the Formula 1 I think!! Never miss that if I can help it!! Neeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooowwwwwwwmmm.

    I'm also hoping to take some piccies of the garden either today or tomorrow, to show you all just how bad I've been at gardening in the past, but am now on my way to making amends. *Fingers crossed*
    I'll start a thread in Garden Projects, and then you can all have a good giggle. :yez::wink:

    Ooo, and thank you all for your kind words about sons GCSE results, that was very kind of you all. xx

    Right, idle hands make for huge weeds!! So Joolz best be about it!! (I sound like Perks from the Railway Children!! Love that film I do)

    Have a good one all. xxxx
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Shiney and everyone,

    Shiney sounds like you will have a nice time up North with all your other friends although it is a shame that the others have fallen by the wayside,but at least you all had a good time together over the years and no doubt will keep in touch:thmb:Thanks for the info regarding the peppers.They are all still green at the moment so Mr Kandy will start to pick them when they are large enough for him.I take it they don't always need the sunshine to ripen them?

    Your friend has worked marvels with all that land Shiney.:thmb:We keep saying we would like more garden but don't know whether we would be able to do it when we get older health wise.All power to him and hope he has many an enjoyable time looking after it.:)
    Hope you have a great time at the chilli festival with your friends:gnthb:

    Jazmine hope the weather stays fine for your BBQ:yez:

    Yesterday afternoon when the Grand Prix practise was finished we drove over to the allotment to plant out the cheap strawberry plants{40p each} we got in the morning from our local GC that had 75% price reduction and I had just put out the first four out of twenty six when the heaven opened and we got soaked through to the skin:euw:
    Mr Kandy was in the process of picking the plums despite many of them having split on the tree but we had to abandon that idea when it chucked it down:(Luckily we had picked loads of runner beans beforehand so despite the rain we had done something usefull:p

    This morning it is cold and breezy so have been preparing beans since I got up at six and have just stopped for brekkie:D

    Hope you all have a great day:)
  15. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Goeed Morning Kandy shiney & Joolz, it is lovely here this morning fine dry & a delicious cool breeze, have just enjoyed a long walk in it.....

    You all seem to be having a busy weekend too, have grandchildren here so they are running in & out doing this & that.. They have just had a tidy up in the garden for me & we pulled some of the speedwell out of the pond as it was threatening to take over completely..:dh::D Later we shall all be going out to a gathering in the local woodland to help with a tidy up..... Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing.. :thmb:
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