Yawn.... Wakey.. Wakey...!!!! MK3..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Jul 21, 2010.

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  1. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Evening friends :luv:

    Just got back from the barbie, 13 altogether and the sun stayed out long enough to cook and eat outside :D

    Shiney, sounds like you are having a great day. I bet everyone loves coming back to your house!! They get sooo well looked after :gnthb:

    Joolz you will have to come to Shineys open garden next year and we can all have another meet up. Looking forward to some pics of your garden. I set to weeding a border and cutting back things, it was quite bad and I cannot do too much in one go now :old:

    Kandy I hope you got most of your jobs done-your allotment sounds lovely and a lot of work too. It sounds like you get a lot of produce from it. My MILs beans were poor this year but my friend just sent me down a huge lot of her beans which have done well in her garden.

    Marley it sounds like you are having fun too! I bet the little ones will enjoy the woods.
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    It is bitterly cold this morning and my weather station says it 47f which is rather nippy,brrrrr:p

    Sat and finished off the beans yesterday in between cooking the sunday roast and then while Mr K watched the racing I did some reading and a bit of computer work:DIn the late afternoon we drove out to a farm shop and then after we had finished there we drove to this place http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-lyvedennewbield and spent an enjoyable hour or so walking round the ruins.I thought there was a lot of the wrinklies on their mobile phones but then the penny dropped,they had got some of those gadgets where you can listen about the history of the place:dh::yez::D I should have known as we had them when we visited the site of the Battle of Hastings down in Battle the other year:D

    Glad to hear the BBQ went off ok Jasmine and that weather stayed decent:thmb:

    We were going over to the allotment this morning to pick some more plums but this bitterly cold wind is putting us off a bit.Might go when it warms up enough for us wimps:hehe:

    Have a good day everyone:)
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Kandy and everyone,

    It's sunny and 56F here this morning. The forecast says it will reach 70F but be quite windy.

    Joolz, thanks for your kind words :thumb:. You'll have to try and make it for open day. Oscar doesn't settle for just a tickle under the chin. If you pick him up you get a hug around the neck and a nuzzle k-l


    Next year we are also going to have a book stall and people are already delivering books to us. Now we have to find somewhere to store them.

    Yesterday at the Chilli Festival there were even more stalls than last year and a lot more interesting things :gnthb:. Then we went to Freeport shopping village (factory outlet) where the girls really enjoyed themselves. I also enjoyed it - NOT :(. Back home I cooked a lovely roast chicken dinner plus veggie options (two vegetarians). A good time was had by all.

    Today will be a gardening day. I need to go out and buy more petrol before I can carry on with the mowing. There will be lots of fruit picking (apples, pears, blackberries, rhubarb, plums) - and beans, tomatoes and cougettes of course :thmb:.

    Have a great day :D
  4. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its a breezy, but beautiful day here, 90*, and no rain in the forecast.

    Cute pic, Shiney!
  5. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning penny and everyone,

    yesterday afternoon turned out to be quite warm and sunny and it has started off well this morning. It is sunny and the wind has dropped completely. It was a bit nippy out there earlier on but is starting to warm up now.

    I have a busy day ahead of me :).

    Have a great day :D
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Shiney and everyone :)

    Been up since 6.30 but have been quiet busy so have only just sat down to eat my brekkie and have my one and only mug of tea today:D

    Good photo of Oscar and the back of Mrs Shiney's head:yez: I'm debating whether to start having my hair coloured but don't think I could bare sitting in a salon for hours on end every few weeks or to just go naturally grey:DAll my friends and my sisters have their hair coloured although at the moment I still have lots of blond in mine:p

    Anyway,yesterday me and Mr K trcked over to the allotment and spent a few hours picking the plums off of the trees and now have carrier bags full of the things waiting to be eaten and prepared for freezing.I am eating some but not having as many as i used to like to eat as I don't want to mess up my body before I go and have my next test done in October:yez: In the afternoon we drove over to Canons Ashby house and had a pleasant couple of hours round there and in the garden before having a pleasant drive back:D

    It is nice and sunny here this morning with no breeze and the forecast is good for all week so we shall see:p

    Hope you all have a good day:)
  7. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its going to be yet another HOT day here, so i will be heading out to water soon.
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Nice and sunny here again this morning on this first day of September{pinch punch
    and all that}

    Got over to the allotment yesterday afternoon and spent a nice couple of hours weeding the latest lot of carrots and they are looking good with tall growth so the fleece we have put them under is doing a cracking job.:D

    I'm busy with the plums at the moment so best get back into the kitchen before they start going squishy:yez:

    Hope you all have a good day:)
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Oh what a beautiful morning! Blue skies, lovely warm colours of the trees glowing in the early morning sunlight and a prospect of over 70F. The birds are singing and Oscar is sleeping in a patch of sunlight. :)

    We have a busy day today. Mrs shiney is teaching all day and I have already cooked the lunch. I'm off soon to a very sociable bridge tournament, that includes a pleasant lunch, and will be back mid-afternoon in time to do some gardening. I'll also be able to pick beans, toms, apples and pears for the orders I've got at the bridge club tonight. :thumb:

    Have a great day :D
  10. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its going to be another HOT day here, supposed to rain this afternoon, but i think i'll water, just in case.
  11. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Evening all

    Kandy that sounds fun with the plums! I can imagine it being very sticky work. Do the wasps go for them?
    Penny hope you enjoyed your day.
    Shiney, another busy day for you! I hope you enjoyed yourself, it has been beautiful here too. :)
    Yesterday I spent all day at one sons working [It's nice to earn some pocket money :D] and today was spent at my youngest sons helping out as OH is helping him put up fences and make a fish pond.
    :flwsml: for Woo.
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Jazmine we are having to chuck out more plums than we can keep as they had started splitting on the trees:(I have quiet a few bags already in the freezer of good ones and have large bowls full in the spare fridge waitng to be prepared so all is not lost:yez:We had a visit last night and this morning from what i thought was a Queen wasp but now having a look at the photos,although some are blurred, after Googling it is what I thought it was,a Hornet:euw: and I don't fancy getting stung by one of those things:(

    Shiney,forgot to say,Mr K counted five small squashes on our plant last weekend,but I can't see us getting anyhting off of the plant as they won't get big enough before the frosts come.Next year I am going to plant them out earlier than the start of June but will cover the plant with some fleece in case of late frosts.That way I might get something off of them:yez:

    Hope you all have a great day:)
  13. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    We finally got some rain!!!

    Its going to be hot here, but not as hot as it has been, only mid 90's today.
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good afternoon everyone,

    I had a good day yesterday and a busy morning today with a meeting and a regular visit to the chiropodist. Mrs shiney has seven friends coming round this evening for a meal so I have also been cooking and will finish it off later.

    I won't be eating with them as I shall have to eat earlier and then get off to a meeting.

    I'm just taking a break from mowing and will start back again in a few minutes. It's quite warm out there and I take a short break after every hour of work. :thumb:

    Jazmine, I hope OH is enjoying his fencing. :thmb:

    Kandy, There is nothing wrong with split plums. If they have gone a bit too far to eat fresh then they cook up very well :gnthb:.
    If your squash don't grow very big they are quite nice raw when they are small. If they are very small you can also eat the skin.

    Have a great day :D
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Shiney and everyone,

    Shiney a lot of the plums had started to rot even before we got them off of the tree due to all the splitting.We must have got approx 15 strong carrier bags nearly full and I have already spent time going through the first bag trying to get from them what I can but when i slice the plums open the damage has already gone further or the plum moth caterpillar has done it's work:(I have two fridges full of the most reasonable ones but there isn't enough hours in the day to sort through them all as I also have runner beans to get prepared.:o

    Thanks also about the squash info and will pass it on to Mr K if I remember:pWe are not gotin to do much good with the sweetcon either as they never got enough water in the hot weather:p

    I now have two Hornets trying to extract food from the waste plums but I can't get the camera close enough for a decent photo as they take off and start buzzing round my head so I end up legging it back indoors,as a sting from one of them will be quiet nasty:yez::euw:

    It is misty here this morning which means a hot day which will make a change:D

    PS,Shiney have you been watching the programme on the telly about the old home movies that people have taken over the last 100 years.There was some film from Smithfield{sp} market either last week or the week before.They are interesting programmes to watch.I think they are on tonight at 9pm but not sure if I have got that right:D
    PPS,It is called Home Movie Roadshow and is definetley on BBC2 tonight at 9pm:thmb:
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