Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi all,Marley I used to hate cinemas because of lack of leg room but nowadays we treat ourseles and trot off to Manchester to the PrintWorks, they provide you with nibbles call you in when its time, you can take your wine in with you the seats are really plush loads of room,costly but worth it now and again.Have a safe weekend everyone.
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all Walnut and all you other wonderful people!

    Walnut wouldn't work telling Bob that he's getting old we have a standing joke that he's a coffin dodger. :D

    Marley it not too comfy in the movie seats 'today' for me with my pain in the bum but I just love going to the movies went yet again to see 'Disturbia', one of the reasons I go so often is we have a standing order for the movies where we can go as many and whenever we like for only �£10.99 a month.

    The other reason is that one of my sister's (who hasn't spoke to me in 10 years!) has moved into our village and now wants to be best friends also I'm sad to write likes to be Bob's money best friend too as she has 'borrowed' �£1,000 already from him...but not anymore now!

    She seems to like to drop off her children with us she has five all under 11, as she can't be bothered to look after them I like the kids don't get me wrong but I have brought up my boys and want a rest to enjoy grown-up stuff before the grandkids come along and of course have a tidy house! I'm not being too hard am I?

    Did a very silly thing yesterday I 'lost' my mobile!

    I had just popped down to the charity shop to drop some stuff off and stopped for a chat with the ladies while Bob did a task he had to do...he came back and after a short while he had a phone call on his mobile from his sister saying 'I' had lost my mobile!

    Bob's never good at the best of times explaining stuff so I told him don't be silly I know I have left it in the dash of our car, he said then how come Diane & Doris (his mum) was on the phone telling him that 'I' had lost my phone!

    Seems when I jumped out of the car with my gear I dropped my mobile from my pocket (never happened before honest) and an old dear of a gentleman picked it up and rang the last number that being my mum-in-law Doris.

    He rang Doris who wouldn't speak to him (she's 80 bless her) so he spoke to Diane and said I've found this bright pink and silver flowered phone, Diane said that there is only one person who would have a phone like that her sister-in-law me....I wonder what she means :confused:

    Went to the old gentleman's house who was so very lovely and who wanted to talk about the 'old days' bless him....it seems he thought the phone was a little old lady's and that she might need it!

    He got quite a shock when I came smiling down the drive with my big hair and dressed like a teenager, I had a good little talk with him and his wife and couldn't thank them enough for being kind and honest to hand the phone back over to it's owner....I would and have done the same thing in the past but now a days one can't be too sure that others will do the same I'm sorry to write.

    Gave him a 'reward' of a fiver (I'm so cheap!) and he really didn't want to take it, told him he really should but I only just stopped myself in time from hugging and kissing the lovely guy!

    Have a nice weekend and hope the weather is good for you all.
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone.I couldn't stay in bed any longer and have a restless night due to this stupid Sciatca.My hair looks like I have come through a hedge backwards a dozen times :eek: I have just taken some strong painkilers to see if that will help.

    We have thick fog here at the moment so will need a torch if I go outside [​IMG] :D

    Have a great day everyone in all you do [​IMG]
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone lovely and sunny here.
    pleased helen you got your phone back.
    kandy great pics of your holidays, my back has been going mad also have to get up just cant stay in bed.
    have a lovely day everyone
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa,Thankyou for your lovely comments.I had a bad night and now I have been sitting here too long so will have to go soon.I was just uploading the 2nd batch when I had internet connection problems so had to turn the whole lot off and restart it again and then had to reload them all grrr.Sorry to hear you are having problems with your back as well.Hope you are feeling better soon and try to have a good day...
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, you will have to keep having breaks off the pc, as sitting too long doesnt help, we will have to see iff we can get some sort of seat padding to help us [​IMG]
  7. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Good morning walnut, Helen, Kandy and rosa.

    It's a lovely morning, sunny, 21 degrees with a breeze.

    I could cope with a movie house like that, walnut! Save me a seat next time. [​IMG]

    Goodness, Helen, sure hope you get your sister sorted out. :eek:

    Kandy, trust you get to feeling better over the weekend.

    rosa, isn't hubby back ????

    Bob the Builder is coming over this morning to see about replacing the section of roof over the bathrooms which we replaced ten years ago (not by B the B) and it was improperly done and leaks something fiercely ... down the back of the new wall tiles, seeping out through the grouting and leaving puddles on the floor when we have heavy rains. :eek: :eek: :eek:

    I worked for several hours yesterday re-doing one of the rockeries using the large boulders that came out of the house so will finish it today and prune the Lantana (a weekly job) and the Mioporo. My smallest Oleander has sent up a shoot (about 70cm tall) which I only discovered yesterday so I'll dig it out to plant at the top of the lane which I've put some Osteopermums.

    Boa fim semana one and all.
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Sorry for the HUGE essay earlier guys I was a bit peed off with myself being so foolish.

    Like the saying goes 'No fool like an old fool'

    or how about the other one 'You live and learn'.

  9. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    hi helen. its ok to have a rant once in a while, we all do ;) bright pink and silver flowered eh [​IMG] haha
  10. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
    Hi to you all,

    Helen, my rants go on forever and lets face it we all need one every now and then just like YDD said.
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all.

    Many thanks Youngdaisydee and Paula for your kind words.

    Daisydee...love me pink and of course my bling! :D

    I spent a good 5 hours in the garden yesterday doing another new border and it's amazing how loosing ones self in doing something you love 'cleared' the mind something wonderful.....if only it would do wonders for me poor old body! :eek:

    Hope the weather stays nice as I would love to do some more today I even conned Bob into helping yesterday, although he was only going to keep me company but he just couldn't help himself and had to join in.......what a bargain I get and it only costs three or four cuppas!

    See I'm back on the buzz this morning have a nice day as I intend to. :D
  12. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi everybdy Helen just to answer your question no your not being to hard glad you got your phone back, Kandy lets have you back on that bike it will help your back and staighten your hair out,Lol reserved you a seat,here's a nice little tale received a phone call yesterday out of the blue someone saying they had fond an old man asking were I lived as he had not seen me for 25 years and was lost his name was allan,I dashed off to the address the caller had given and found this old gentleman I had not seen in all this time a little confused because I had moved address, he had got on a bus and walked a couple of miles trying to find me, after thanking the callers and taking him to my abode on his dodgy pins he insisted on a full tour of the garden before sitting down for some refreshment, the delight on his face was something to behold.Allan is now 80 his knowledge of plants is legendary he has grown tropicals for over 50years he grew brugmansias in the 50s I used to delight in going to his house, all his palms had lagging jackets ij th winter, he used to do his potting in the front room, he had to move out of his house some years ago there was sadness in his eyes when he told me all his plants were dug up the garden flatend,he moved into a sheltered accomodation but still managed to feed his passion for growing things, he said his latest property had been compulsary purchased and they were moving him some miles away so he thought he would see me before he went, he was fascinated looking at the pictures on the web and the knowledge you could obtain on forums like this, his problem was communicating with people with knowledge on the subject that has been his passion all his life.I felt sad for him and in a way honoured that he had took the trouble to dig me out after all these years at least in return I have sparked his interest again and promised to help him through his move; he left last night in luxury and both of us happy at our surprise reunion.
  13. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Oh Walnut now that does brighten my heart but also kinda makes me sad for your old friend Allan going through the pain of knowing his beautiful garden was ruined and all his hard turned to dust.

    I'm so glad he was able to find you and that you are in contact once again, it really is amazing when things like that happen it makes you want to go WOW!

    Send Allan my love and best wishes with his move my he have many more years of gardening ahead of him.
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone.I was up at 3.30am this morning after not getting much sleep due to these cramp like feelings in my leg.I came to lurk here for two minutes but there was only 17 guests so never bothered to log on. Took two strong dosage Paracetamol.Eventually crashed out on the settee with a couple of blankets to keep me warm and didn't wake up until 7.40am.

    My hair has grown sideways again :eek: I will never ever buy Silvikrin Maximum hold No 4 hairspray ever again.It is good for anyone with thin hair as it make it fuller but when you have thick hair like mine it is impossible to do anything with when I have a bad night :eek:

    Helen rant as much as you want.We all have to talk at times even a quiet little peapod like me :D

    Walnut,if getting on my bike will help then I shall give it a try.I have tried Googling for more information and I see there are a couple of books with exercises in that might be worth a look at.I am already doing the Piriformis stretch,and the pelvic tilt one and also some Homeopathy ones but I expect it will all take time.If you can find out any other information I would be most greatful.

    Walnut,what a lovely story about that old gentleman.I think you made his year and it brought a tear to my eye.It would be nice if you could keep in contact when he does move.Good Luck to him..

    Well I suppose I had better go off and get dressed.We have sweeetcorn over at the allotment that desperatly needs picking.The sun is shining so it looks like it will be a nice day today.

    Have a good day everyone in all you do :cool:

    [ 23. September 2007, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: Kandyfloss ]
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    well morning everyone, sorry about the bad night you have had kandy.
    just been hooking my lap-top up so other half is using that and i,m using my pc, didnt think they would of both worked with each of us signed in, thats great saves me keep coming off my pc and changing over.
    got my beef in the oven for dinner.
    have a lovely day everyone

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