Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Helen,Walnut and everyone

    I haven't been up long so I am just sitting here with my porridge and strawberries eating and trying to type at the same time :D

    It is only 42F here and I expect it will be feezing cold out there.

    Walnut I am still doing the stretches and go to see the Physio lady this aftrenoon at 3pm,if it is not cancelled yet again :rolleyes: I am 1,000mg of Parecetamol four times a day which helps slightly.I drove down to Tesco's yesterday and as soon as I walked into the store after sitting in the car the pins and needles started and the pain in my calf acted up again.I had to walk round the store leaning on the trolley to support myself....

    I read in a newspaper that there is a new thing called Inversion Therapy where you hang upside down for a couple of minutes a day on a piece of equipment and gravity gently pulls everything back into place.I shall ask the question this afternoon if they are any good.

    Yes Helen the full moon is very bright at the moment,but I bet by the time the next full one comes round we shall have our first frosts.I think winter will be early this year.

    I will post some piccky's of the hedgehog when I can sit here for a bit longer.I over did it the other day,when putting up my holiday photo's

    Have a great day everyone [​IMG]
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Morning everyone, certainly a nip in the air this morning..!! :eek: Must finish the greenhouse today... [​IMG]
    [​IMG] I hope your physio goes well Kandy.. I have heard of this inversion therapy. There is a place in the next town to us where you can go for it.. Very expensive.. Seems some people think it is great & others not so convinced. I know someone who bought the frame & does it most days & reckons it really helps.. My son in law tried it but didn't feel any benefit, but then his problem is more bones.. My friend who does use one is in the USA & has problems that do sound a little similar to yours Kandy... Trapped nerves & muscle spasms due to work in the past, he does find relief from it. Although he still has to go to hospital for treatment once a month, but says he has much more movement from the inversion. So let us know what the physio person says as I am intrigued to hear what our profession thinks of it... Good Luck for today my dear.. ;)
    [​IMG] If you are gardening today Helen I think you really will need those thermals....!!

    Well take care everyone & have a good day, whatever you are doing.. [​IMG]

    Found these Kandy, thought you might like a look. On the first link you have to scroll down the page..

    And the Teeter table..
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, its very cold here to, looks like its the start of the winter arriving.
    kandy hope your therapy goes well and your not in too much pain, wish i could suggest something for you, its very difficult with back problems.
    hope everyone has a nice day
  4. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Good morning, morning folk. A bright 19 degrees here but even I am out of the shorts and into the cropped jeans!

    Lovely moon here last night as well ... we were at the International Sand Sculpting Festival and it was spooky. Besides me having all my new camera gear with me, I forgot the memory card ... [​IMG] ... so had to resort t'other half's camera which was already half full of music so didn't get all the photos I wanted, ie, night shots plus the moon. Such is life.

    Off shortly ... have a good day everyone.
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning LoL, shorts its freezing here ohhh lucky thing.all booked for goa going for 7 weeks got my shorts packed :D
    sounds like you had a nice time at the sand sculpting looking forward to seeing your pics anyway.
    have a great day
  6. penny-remember me?

    penny-remember me? Guest

    [​IMG] Good morning Friends.

    Well the rain has finally stopped and today is cold and damp......it definetly feels like Fall here today!!
    Hope everyone is well and having a great day ;) !!

    Take care!
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning guys.

    Lady I'ave seen one of those sand sculpting festivals and I have to say the things 'they' manage to make from sand are simply amazing!

    Not much happening here yesterday went to the movies (again) which is quite a joy to go whenever we can although people talking and kicking your seat for most of the movie is not fun at all....some people have no manners at all !

    Talking about manners it seems there really is getting a lack of them these days, little things really have started to bug me like being in a supermarket queue and people not thanking or not putting the 'next customer bar' down for the next person.

    Another one is holding doors open for people and them not thanking you for it...this seems a HUGE problem in Newbury each time we visit!

    Is it just me or do you guys have the same pet hate?

    Have a nice day even if you are an old misery guts like me! :D
  8. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi all, Kandy I hope your therapy went well check your blood pressure is ok if your thinking of doing inversion it is good for back problems allows the spine to relax helps to ease pressure on trapped nerves wether it's suitable for your problem I don't know,I do my sit ups on a board inclined at 75 degrees with my feet under a strap helps keep spine flexible, also do them over a rolled up towel you can get one of those curved lumbar support jobies that does the job and aligns the spine whilst doing it.Still in shorts over here LoL weather has to be really cold before I ditch them.Helen I was brought up to have manners yesterday I legged it back to some supermarket doors to open them for a young lady with a pushchair heading that way, she did thank me which was nice but to be honest it doesn't bother me if they don't I do things to make me feel good about myself and I put the divider in on the conveyor belt (arnt I good).
  9. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Sorry good morning Helen.
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Helen Walnutand all sleepy posters

    Walnut, when the Doctor took my BP last month when I had that sickness bug it was 130/80 usually it is around 130/68 or 130/60.I think it had gone up slightly because I had to wait 40 minutes before I got in to see him.They always make me wait tut tut.

    It chucked it down with rain when I went for my torture treatment.It was 25 minutes of pure hell and brought tears to my eyes I can tell you.No wonder I was told to take strong painkillers before hand ..ouch.I spent the night getting some heat into my bum and felt better by the time i went to sleep but now sitting here it feels quiet sore.She wants me to go next Tuesday so she can keep the torture sessions quiet close together,that is if she doesn't go sick again. [​IMG] I can't have the proper Physio done until the Pirriformis has been put right..

    Marley thankyou for the links.They look quiet interesting.The Physio lady wouldn't say yes or no about them,just that they are expensive.I don't suppose they are allowed to say anything in case I buy one then if I have problems,I could say that it was her fault for telling me to get one.Nobody wants to commit themselves these days...

    Halen,don't start me off on good manners.If I had a pound for everyone who never said Thankyou for presents I send them or doors I have opened and lots of other things I would be a Millionairess by now,and it isn't always the youngsters who are like that..

    Well that has put the world to rights.Hope you all have a great day when the sun wakes up [​IMG]
  11. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Morning all, Kandy, sorry to hear your physio was so painful... What is it they say... "No gain without pain"..!!! I hope you can stick with it Kandy & I hope it feels more comfortable as the days go by before next weeks torture session..!!!

    Walnut you are a star..! We could do with a few more like you.. Helen I agree... I don't know how many times I have held shop doors open for young Mums... Most are very cheery & polite & that is nice... :D It is the ones that seem to think it is their God given right that everything should be done for them, handed out to them & that they are entitled to it, so why should they thank anyone.....! :mad: ....

    "Hello"... Manners maketh man..!! It costs nothing to be polite.. Seems allot don't think that is necessary in todays world..!! :mad:

    [​IMG] I know I am biased, but I am happy to put my hand up & say my grand children are thoughtful, polite & remember their manners most of the time... We all have moments when we forget... They do thank a person & they do apologise without prompting as well which is nice to hear.. but,their parents do insist on good manners at all times. Don't get me wrong they are full of mischief too...!!! :D

    Well that is my little spiel for today...!!!! Have a great day everyone..!!! [​IMG]
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Helen, walnut and Kandy and everyone out there on this lovely sunny morning.

    I'm catching up on all my work and trying to find more time to look around GC.

    I seem to be living in a different climate from all of you [​IMG] . We had about an hour of rain on Wednesday and it has been a bit nippy early in the mornings but for the last few days I have been working in the garden in a T-shirt. The plants seem a bit confused as we now have a few cowslips and aquilegia in bloom :confused: . In the shade it hasn't been too warm but we have been lucky enough to have sunshine most of the time.

    Helen, when I was at the checkout the other day someone on the next checkout put the divider down for the person behind them and when they didn't thank them they picked it up and put it back on the rack [​IMG] [​IMG] That got a laugh from a few of us. I'm not sure if I mentioned on here about a year ago something I had happen at the checkout last year. If the people in front of me have a lot of shopping or there is going to be a bit of a wait I usually go to the front of the checkout and open up carrier bags and stack them for people. I usually get a smile or a thank you from everyone in the queue but one time a woman had a go at me and said I was very rude for trying to rush her. I replied that I was only trying to be helpful and she said in a very nasty tone "you are very rude". I looked straight at the cashier and said to her "I didn't know they were filming 'Grumpy Old Women' here today. This got a big laugh from everyone waiting at our checkout and the one next to us. After the woman had gone the cashier said that she was always like that and none of the cashiers liked her.

    Kandy, Mrs shiney gets, very, upset when people don't thank us for presents especially wedding presents. A couple of years ago an aunt phoned us to apologise for her son and daughter-in-law who didn't send a thank you. She said she was having to phone all the family because she was so upset and embarrassed that they had decide not to send a thank you to anyone. What is the world coming to! Can I join grumpy old men? Mrs shiney and I wish you lots better.
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning MF, you posted whilst I was typing my post and also getting Mrs shiney a cuppa.

    My sister's grand-daughter is only two and is extremely polite and a very cheerful and bouncy girl and is always rushing about. When we saw her a few weeks ago we were surprised at how genuine all her words sounded, they weren't simply words she remembered that she had to say. When Mrs shiney said she was wearing a lovely dress she gave a little twirl and said "thank you very much, I like it too". When she wanted to go out into the garden and I was standing in the way she didn't squeeze past me but tapped me on the leg (she couldn't reach any higher) and said "can I go into the garden?" and called out "thank you" as she rushed across the lawn. I didn't tell her she should have said "may I" instead of "can I" [​IMG] :D . I'm not that grumpy! :D
  14. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Hi Shiney, Now that is exactly the type of manners I a mean.. They come naturally. Almost.!! [​IMG] :D By the way my grandkids range from 2 to nearly 12.. [​IMG]
    :D I just love "Grumpy old Men" & "Grumpy old Women"..!! They make me laugh, some of the stuff they come out with!! But I do find myself agreeing too sometimes..!!! :rolleyes: :D
  15. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Good morning, one and all. [​IMG]

    The sun is shining although there are a few clouds and it's 21 degrees already, so I guess it's the shorts again today, walnut.

    I always hold doors open for people, young or old, if they are about to go through just after me. In the grocery store I let people go ahead of me if they only have a couple of items (I only shop once a week so always have a cart full) and I always get a thank you in return.

    Enjoy whatever you may be doing today ... and remember to smile. [​IMG]

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