Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,
    Well said Kandy [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Helen, I'm pleased you managed to get a good night's sleep.

    I always enjoy to read the quotes that people find they like. I admire the people that wrote them in the first place.

    We should all enjoy the things that we prefer whether it is a peaceful and quiet Christmas, a family gathering or a rave up. Happiness is an inside job! :D

    I started this email over an hour ago but was disturbed by an accident a few hundred yards along the road. There is a bend in the road that is not too sharp but people go much too fast on the straight bit. There are always cars crashing into the ditch. This is obviously a very serious one because the air ambulance has been. I've been out there stopping the traffic and turning everyone around. The police have now found time to block the road and put signs out so I have come back in. I am really sorry for anyone who gets hurt but I also get very annoyed at the stupidity of drivers. I've had to pull injured people from burning cars (with my neighbours) because of stupid driving.

    I feel sorry for a coach driver out there as the road is not wide enough for him to turn round so he is going to have to what until it is clear. I'm just going to make myself a nice cuppa and ignore the traffic problems outside.

    Have a great day :D
  2. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Good morning everyone on this lovely sunny day. It went down to 15 last night, our lowest yet, only 17 now but we will go to 23.

    What a lot of chatter today.

    walnut, that was the ending line of something George Carlin wrote following the recent death of his wife.

    You're certainly having your share of vehicular accidents this week, shiney. :eek:

    Yes, nicely put Kandy and I completely agree with you.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. [​IMG]
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Shiney and Lol.I have just lost a long post I had written because silly me can't count and I had put in to many gremlins and have now lost the whole lot [​IMG] [​IMG] grrrrrrrrr and I can't be bothered to sit and type the whole lot out again,and it was a good post as well.Most annoying.

    Enjoy your day both of you [​IMG]
  4. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    good afternoon all
    it's a wet/sunny day here. glad of bit of rain for the gardens but nice to have sunshine too, especially this time of year.
    hope you all have a good weekend, shiney - no more accidents for you.
  5. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Morning all Helen let's hope you find a decent sleep pattern i'm sure it will ease your burden you seem more vulnerable if you are tired,Shiney sounds like you run a rescue service were you live there are a few places near us with sharp bends that are allways getting unwanted visitors in their front gardens,take care everyone.
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone.Well so much for a lie in this morning.I have had the cat walking all over me throughout the night at different times and he and I will fall out big time if he isn't careful :mad:

    Shiney,with all the accidents on your road,they need to have a speed camera so that they can catch a few of them.The road up to our village is straight in places but has a real nasty bend which sily drivers don't bother to see,so go flying round it,but there is a bit of a dip in the road and it tends to throw the cars towards the other side of the road.Many a time I have had to move right over to the edge of the verge because they are too far over.There is also a junction a couple of hundred yards away from the village and the cars come out of there and end up getting hit by cars.The Air Ambulance from Leicster is always being called out.The majority of the car drivers are of the male variety and when they see a straight piece of road they put there foot down,especially if they have been watching top gear the night before. :rolleyes:

    Perhaps if the Police left a few of the cars and it's occupants in the ditches it might deter others from going too fast{only Joking} :D

    Well that is it for another mornings postings.It is dark,damp and windy out there so it looks like a normal day.Have a great one everyone in all you do :cool: {4}
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    PS,Are the computers supposed to set the time automaticly when we alter the clocks as I have just looked at the time on this laptop and it says 05;52 :eek: No wonder I feel tired :eek:
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Walnut, Kandy and all.

    Well guys and girls 'kind of' had a better night yesterday but sad to write no one in my street had a 'really' good early night sleep at all!

    You may find it hard to believe but a neighbour five doors away from us had an early halloween party..... I know what you are thinking so what?

    Well the incredible thing is that 'they' had a 'live' DJ along with his mike and all his gear in their house just like you would find at a 'gig' they even had speakers and flashing lights in their garden and when I say it was very loud I do indeed mean LOUD the local fair couldn't have made more noise even if it tried!

    I couldn't believe the noise and their house was packed out along with their garden .....the 'lady' of the house even when on mike to say 'lets keep the noise down as we have neighbours' then handed the mike back to the DJ to make even more noise!

    This went from 6pm until 1.30am and that's before putting the clocks back!

    Bob phoned the police twice to complain and the first time the person on the other end of the phone said 'they are doing no wrong' and that the police can't stop them making such noise.....when Bob phoned again he mentioned that the noisy lot was even dancing on top of the council garages and only then did they say 'Oh in that case we will send a couple of guys to get them off the roof'.

    After another couple of hours I was really angry and phone the police myself and gave the person on the line a good telling off and said that there must have been some other callers complaining about the noise as we are on a little cul-de-sac 'they' claimed that there was only one other call which I find hard to believe although this time the 'person' on the other end was more understanding and said a unit would be out shortly if they can.........twenty minutes later before the police could come out at 1.30am the music stopped and the loud hailer announced the party over!

    Bob phoned the police back and told them not to bother although I still don't think that they would have come out if the music still was playing.

    It was so bad I was starting to think of flour and egging their cars while 'they' was having such a good time and couldn't care less about the other people on the estate.... although I did get rid of that idea pretty quick as Bob was going to issue some 'ghetto' revenge so I had to calm him down otherwise all hell would have broke loose.

    We are making a complaint to the council in the week and I'm thinking once I'm fitter of joining the local neighbourhood watch group and maybe put a stop to things like this happening again, as people shouldn't be able to get away with things like this.

    Oh by the way Kandy my laptop has done the time change for me, I think most computers do the job for you if your settings are set right for it to do so.
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,
    A couple of years ago they put a 40mph limit on our stretch of the road and painted SLOW signs on the road. None of us thought it made the slightest difference but thinking back over the years there seems to have been less accidents just recently. This could be because cars are more stable nowadays.
    Kandy, they wouldn't bother to put cameras up because no one has been killed and the road is now unclassified (it used to be an A road). The police occasionally come down with a hand held 'gun' and record the registration numbers of the cars that are speeding. They then send them either a warning letter or a speeding fine. Their car is parked down my neighbour's driveway as it is too dangerous to leave it on the road! They have a grid marked out on a board and record the time, speed and registration number. The board takes 100 records and when it is full they go back to the police station. They always do this from 7 a.m. in the morning when the commuters are rushing to the station two miles away. For the few weeks after they have done this there is a noticeable slow down in the traffic.

    Helen, I'm sorry to hear about your noisy neighbours. You need to get together with some of your neighbours and complain together to the local council. When you phone the police in these sort of circumstances they think it is too much of an effort to bother with. You need to tell them that there is a rowdy crowd outside as well - try to give them the impression that they are in the street [​IMG] . Of course, I couldn't tell you to actually say they are in the street - but some people might [​IMG] . This is more likely to get the police out and if the noise is as bad as you say then they can have a word with them.

    We are lucky. We have only one noisy neighbour. He is a drummer and has been quite considerate. He has put up a big shed in his garden and soundproofed it as much as possible and never practices after 7 p.m.

    It is dull and quite windy so I shall be going into the garden to clear up the thousands of pears and apples that have fallen. i'm not looking forward to that as raking is one of the jobs that does my back in :eek: . I'll do 10 minutes at a time and have cuppas in between.

    have a great day :D
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,
    I didn't get around to clearing up the windfall apples and pears but I picked a load of runner beans. I then spent a couple of hours clearing out most of the bean plants and putting the canes away. I just left a couple of wigwams with the plants that weren't planted until July. They started producing beans mid September and are still flowering. I don't think they will last much longer.

    There is a brilliant moon out there and everything looks quite spooky.

    I hope to clear the windfalls tomorrow and do some mowing. I think I should also have a word with my neighbour and tell him that I have seen rats running in and out of his compost heap :eek: . That'll cheer him up [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Have a great day :D
  11. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Morning all Helen it's unfortunate but there are lots of selfish people about any excuse for a party it's a pity your backs bad you could have nipped out and let a few tyres down, we are plagued with fireworks the amount going off on sat. you would think it was nov.5th new laws my a*rse, save those windfalls Shiney for throwing at the halloweeners, have a safe day everyone.
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning walnut and Helen,
    I see you are both on here. You are probably putting your posts on here whilst I am typing [​IMG] .

    I have now seen my first sign that Autumn has arrived. There are three male pheasants on my lawn picking up seeds under my bird feeder. This is the first time sice the Spring that there has been more than one in the garden. I wouldn't normally be able to see them at this time of the morning but the moon is very bright.

    I'm going to get some work done in my office now before having another bit of a rest.

    Helen, I hope you are feeling better [​IMG]
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I said that you would probably get on here whilst I was typing :D

    I don't need to get any practice with my throwing arm because we never get any Haloweeners turning up here.
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Shiney, Walnut and all.

    Yesterday morning the police phoned us up about the noise problem from the other night and this time it was a 'real' police person on the phoned, they said we were not the only ones to complain about the noise....which made us feel much better.

    Yes Shiney you are indeed right the police can't do much in regard to house noise but can 'do' something about outside noise.....Bob told the police we really wouldn't have minded if the 'party people' let us know before hand how loud the party was going to be so we could have made plans to go out that night to a late showing at the movies!

    Anyway as you can guess I'm sleeping a little better just a great shame it's down to the morphine.

    Got to go to the hospital later on this morning with Bob as his blood work wasn't great last thursday.

    His potassium level was 6.5 which can be lethal i.e. the body starts to shut down and there is little hope of the doctors being able to 'bring him back',friday it was 5.5 but the doctors at Northern General were not happy at all so back again later to check it out.

    It makes me really angry as two months ago we saw one of the hospital registrars (never seen him before) who wanted to take Bob off the Calcium Resonium this medicine is mixed with water and is pretty yucky to take kinda like sand mixed with water....anyhow I think the guy was trying to 'look good' with cutting costs as we know just one tube of the stuff costs the NHS �£50 and Bob would normally have four on his monthy prescriptions.......needless to say I might not have Bob today if we didn't stand our ground and told the guy that there's no way he would be stopping taking the stuff!

    Another thing that really makes me mad is that Bob had told the Doctors at the hospital time and time again over the years that he kept having weird tingling sensations in his fingers, toes & tongue and 'they' never took any notice of him until it showed up in his blood work and then one 'main' surgeon informed us that he had found high levels of potassium in his blood and it is quite deadly.

    Although most things in life get you down when you are in ill health we did have a 'laugh' a couple of years ago...Bob had his tests and yep you guessed it they were really high.....the hospital lost our contact numbers and couldn't ring us to tell Bob to get to the hospital like NOW to get his potassium level down so the hospital sent out two policemen to 'collect' Bob!

    I answered our door only to be told they were 'after' Mr.Robert Lloyd I thought oh my god no one calls him that well maybe only his mum and sister!

    The policemen said the hospital had sent them to collect 'Robert' as he was a dead man walking and that he needed to go right now with them in their police car....Bob being Bob told them 'oh it's happened before no need to worry officer, the wife will take me'.....the police went away, once out of the house Bob said there's no way I was going with them everyone on the street would think I'ave been upto something and he calmly drove us to the hospital....that's Bob nothing knocks him down, he would give the devil a run for his money! :D

    Yes Shiney as normal writing an epic........can't wait for Halloween the tins of treats are ready for all the little monsters, I just hope they are brave because I'm give them a scare or two.

    Walnut you are naughty throwing fruit at the kids indeed! :D

    It's my birthday tomorrow and my half sister's the day after on Halloween ....boy did I just get lucky not to be born on Halloween! :D
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone

    Shiney I am not surprised you never got the windfalls picked up,I should think you spent most of the morning on here.I kept popping in and out throughout the morning inbetween doing jobs and you were still on here [​IMG] Just wait until Mrs Shiney gets back and reels in the line [​IMG] :D {3}

    Our beans still have flowers on them but they won't get fertilised because the bees are now going into hibernation.It has been a very poor year for us so the last few pods we are leaving them for seed as our neighbour wants to try growing some next year.

    Helen,I am so sorry to hear about all your problems with the neighbours and their party,Round here they usually invite all the neighbours so that they can't complain :rolleyes:

    When my MIL had Angina her potassium levels went up and the Doctor told her to stop eating bananas which she did,but years later when she had her massive stroke they went sky high and the body just packed up and she passed away.

    I do hope that whatever happens to Bob the outcome is a good one.I have lost all faith in Hospitals after the cockup with my blocked tear ducts,and the streptococcal infection I picked up It was only because we stood our ground and said that I couldn't carry on with the problem that they finally admitted me into Hospital for a course of Intravenous antibiotics,to clear it up.I got Mr Kandy to take photos of how the infection spread from one eye to the other,and I was terrified I would lose my site.I think we panicked them in the end.I ought to put them up on here to show you all but it might put you off your breakfast :eek: Good Luck with your outcome.

    Well I do hope you all have a reasonable day in all you do.That's my chattering done probably for the day.Too many other things to do rather than sit on here all day :D :D

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