Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Helen,All home made.I usually cook them in the oven to get the crispy tops but was in a rush so had to do it the quick way.I have done some steak ones as well,and I usually alternate them [​IMG] Always the busy little bee,that's me.
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    You are forgiven then Kandy for one moment there I thought you had lost your taste buds! :D Hel.xx.
  3. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Walnut,Kandy,IP and Helen and all my other friends have a good day and stay safe everyone. [​IMG]
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone, and it is a beautiful one. We have brilliant sunshine and the birds are singing [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I wish you all well and hope your aches and pains get better. Oscar has helped me with the bit of gardening I have done this morning - mainly by miaowing loudly in my ear all the time :eek:

    Have a great day :D
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone, by kandy those cottage pies look delicious recipe please, save me one :D [​IMG]
  6. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Morning my loveducks

    Well yesterday was lovely! During a game of 'I bet you got me _____' with Jamie earlier in the morning it gave us a lot of ideas of what to get him in time for his party [​IMG]
    We ended up getting him a giant Marvel superhero art set with paints, crayons, stationary, chalks, pastels, pencils and pens - he always enjoys using mine, and comes over for art time with me [​IMG]
    We also bought him a bumber colouring book of Marvel stuff to go with it, and then also a set of glow in the dark make your own magnets with modelling clay set to which he cried 'more snails!!!' because at Christmas he and he sister came over and make a tribe of modelling clay rainbow snails as a gift for their mummy and i packed them in cute bags with stuffing, decorative paper and sparklies, and he loved doing it. His mum Darrens sister now has a full spectrum of dotty, stripey, glow in teh dark and and christmas themed snails along her mantel piece :D
    And i find myself totally responsible. Damn proud!!

    We had a lovely time bowling, but i have problems with Jamies dads new girlfriend. Shes a pretty nasty piece of work, and she dispises me. I'm a sensative person, and i dont generally think very highly of myself, but i do know its its very much because no one in the family likes her [and there is no discomfort at all between the families!] they adore me, i'm younger, slimmer, if i'm honest somewhat more attractive, and it sounds mean, but that statement coming from me would put her relitively on the unattractive side, the kids call me 'awesome aunty Sarah' and they go home and tell her all the great things they enjoy doing at my house, playing with rats, arts and crafts, games, etc, plus i play singstar with them and if they had to pick between us, it would be me everytime for teams. I love that they love me, it means a lot to us that the kids do, because they're dad has only really started getting involved in the last 2 years, Darren took the father figure role to them all this time inbetween, they're very special to us! I am proud they adore me, but i dont rub it in her face. Blimey she finds it so hard to sayt anything nice to me i've given up talking to her altogether! But the kids love her too, much the way they've become attached to me is making her ever more competitive, shes doing Weightwatchers as well, and she virtually starves herself so she can come back at me and literally say 'i lost more than you again this week!' and other little things like that through the week. The last straw was yesterday, when she told Jamies sister Chloe that they had arranged to take her to see High School Musical the stage show for her birthday later in the year! She was incredibly pleased, however the first thing she said was 'yaay Sarah's cousin is in that!' [i had told her several weeks before when my cousin passed the auditions and started rehearsals] and i got the glare of my life from Emma! And the only reason that came around, was because i asked if Chloe would like to come and see Dirty Dancing on stage because she loves that one too, and the competition was born, on a single nice 'yay one day we'll do that Chloe!' moment. She took it to the point of virtually ignoring Jamies birthday as to make Chloes better in my face. I just find her behaviour so sad. But thankfully its becoming obvious to everyone, how rude she is. So i don't have to keep biting my tongue and hearing all these tings thrown at me for much longer as i think Steve, her partner and dad to the kids is going to say something.

    Ooh that went on for a while! Woops! Sorry, just been on my mind and getting at me, heh.

    Right, off to hospital for more blood tests in a bit. Might have a charity shop hunt too first so i'll head off in a mo.

    These will be the last blood tests before i can finally have my second diagnosis!! I'm so looking forward to finally having support. These blood tests are the last on the long list of 'could it also be ____' on the prediagnosis terms. So they're all stupid extreme.

    Just remembered i have a camera of photos i need to upload from the party so will do soon, as they're adorable!
  7. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Morning all, just spent the morning at the dentists... :eek: She had to finish off the work I had done 2 weeks ago.. Now I have a couple of gold caps!!! ;) :D

    [​IMG] Hope all goes well at the Hospital Whiley.. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing.. [​IMG]
  8. penny-remember me?

    penny-remember me? Guest

    Morning everyone,

    Kandy, those pies look absolutely YUMMY!!!!!

    Hope everything goes well Whiley.

    2 more sleeps and we are off to New York for a week long vacation, so i wont be on at all next week, but i'll have some great pics to share.
  9. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    Our first memories of New York are standing on the Long Island Expressway beside a broken down taxi in the heat and dust and the next one was of torrential rain at the Empire State and Central Park. We did enjoy our stay all the same hope you enjoy yours Penny. ;)
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    See you all later this morning.

    Good night [​IMG]
  11. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good mornig everyone all have a good day and please stay safe. [​IMG]
  12. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Morning Woo and all,Whiley Jamies dads girlfriend sounds like a nasty piece of work you are handling it well by ignoring her, hope the tests turn out ok for you,Kandy you temptress they look gorgeous, Marley those gold caps feel lovely in your mouth they feel better than ordinary teeth if I need any more I would definitely "go for gold". have a safe day everyone.
  13. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    morning walnut and all, marley dont smile at the local hoodies your mouth must be worth a fortune :D
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Shiney, Woo,Walnut and Ste.

    Whiley oh my goodness someone else has caught the Hel's essay bug! :D

    Glad you enjoyed yourself even though it must have been hard for you with the 'Ice Maiden' :eek:

    When children are used as playthings for sly adults it's really hard to take in.....sometime back I had to take a step back with my little niece Holly as she used to come round almost every day after school and we would always do fun things together pretty much like you do Whiley.

    I even managed to make washing the pots fun....it came to a point where she would slip up and call me 'mum' much to my horror! I told my sister and I know she was really hurt by it all so I stopped having Holly for a while. Needless to say my sister doesn't hold it against me and if Holly slips up again I'm quick to correct her. [​IMG]

    Marley didn't know you were a gangster :confused: don't think I'll mess with you! :D

    Worked like crazy yesterday doing a little spring cleaning in the boys bedrooms Harry's was very tidy to start with but Dan's was really scary I just know that there was something living in there along with Dan!

    I had the last laugh though when he came home from work I told him that there was a funny smell in his room and couldn't quite place it....he was really confused until I told what the smell was 'Cleaness' I nearly peed myself laughing at his face.... good job I didn't otherwise it would have been something else to clean up! :D

    Broke a thumb nail and boy it the hurt so no pretty nails for me at the moment but they have to go for summer anyway even with gloves on I still manage to have horrible summer nails! :(

    Got to go to the hospital this morning with Bob for his cancer check up good job we do as well as he had a gapping hole the size of a two pence piece in his head for over a year before he went to the doctors!
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone [​IMG]

    Helen,The home made meals are through a change of circumstances and anyway,I had a look at the contents of those ready meals and most of them look like what happens to me when I have got a dodgy tummy and they are full of fat,sugar and salt anyway. :eek: back to basics from now on.New Years Resolution and all that rubbish :D

    Sorry to hear about Bobs Cancer.Funny how it is they know that there is something wrong yet they won't get help.Stuart's BIL didn't feel right for over 12 months and when he did finally go to the Dr's it was found that he had had Diabetes for that long.As his brother and Uncle both developed it he would know the signs.

    Stuart's Uncle developed skin Cancer on the top of his head and when he went to get it sorted,the Consultant reckoned that when the Uncle was in Italy in the war and took off his helmet to cool down at every opportunity that he could the sun did it's work on his bald head.He enver developed skin Cancer until he was in his fifties and has had lots of surgery and skin grafts.He is now 90 years young so it isn't always a death sentence.Good Luck to you both [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Rosa,have you never made Cottage Pie before?It is very easy,but will give you the instructions if you want me to...

    Enjoy your day everyone in all you do [​IMG]

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