Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Not in your case Shiney. [​IMG] :D
  2. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Morning all,Helen a sad story glad you came through it all right and are now blessed with a loving family(and us) ;) I hate child abuse with a vengence and would have no qualms at putting a bullet in the back of the head of perpetrators,have a safe day everyone.
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning guys and girls.

    Thanks to everyone again your support it's always very much welcome and I thought it would be nice for you all to know that although I like nothing better than a good giggle it has not always be so...but I'm a fighter and thank goodness for that!

    As I have said everyone around me on Bob's side of the family have been so wonderful as you can imagine, my brothers had it hard too but not in the way as one would expect like me.

    My mum allowed her fellow (I'll no longer call him my step-father if that's alright with you?)to have a large cupboard at the bottom of the stairs and filled it with food to stop us from eating and only mum and he had a key to it!

    No wonder I got porkie after meeting Bob his cupboards were always full as he was brought up wonderfully well by his mum and dad who always said 'Your kids come before everything else and make sure the cupboards are kept full' even to this day Bob hates to see the fridge half way empty!

    Funny but my half-sister when I told her (about her dad) said 'I thought it had to be more than having that cupboard at the bottom of the stairs'.

    One of my brothers (the wife beater) is still a very angry man with me is appears he thinks I was spoilt growing up I would have gladly swapped places with him and taken more beatings than what I endured.

    When my youngest brother (Neil) came to tell me in person that our mum had died I felt so sorry for him and at first he welcomed me with open arms but my other brother (Mark who has such an influence over Neil) was aloft and even attacked Bob and I while we were sorting out mum's things.

    Funny how when I came across a debt letter of a �£1800 pounds I said to him (Mark) seeing how you boys have a good job I think we three should split the debt and pay it for her Mark said 'No way' but my darling Bob said 'I'll pay it Hel' (only later did I realise the debt died with her) and I think that's one of the reasons Mark went nuts.....screaming 'After ten years you show your face and think you can take over' it seems even in grief he couldn't forgive me not giving our mum another chance.

    I gave her one chance before (hence the ten year gap) and still she hurt me badly and although she tried to contact me again in early 2000 I refused to 'hear her out' I made my peace a long time ago and that she had no longer a place in my heart.

    A couple of years ago one of Bob's twenty-something neices was pushed together on a blind date with this guy all the family loved him but she was not sure at all 'Saying I don't love him it's not love at first sight'.

    My sister-in-law asked her did you know it wasn't love at for sight for Helen? I always tell people that it wasn't love at first sight (for me at least) with Bob but I have always said he was my saviour he saved me like no one ever could and of course within time I adored him something rotten and I still very much do...just don't tell Bob! :D

    Yesterday we had a little vistor (Holly) turned up late 5.30pm brought by her step-brother saying 'Mum says I can live with you' it seems that since she came home from school she had been crying 'I'ave got to see my Auntie Helen she's crying for me' after a couple of hours of this her mum gave in with the parting words 'Go and live with your Auntie Helen'.... it made Bob and I giggle as she really did think she was going to live with us.

    She's a very lucky little girl and I adore her something rotten I'm trying not to spoit her but as you can imagine it's really very hard not to.Hel.xxx.
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Morning John Walnut, Helen & all, Life is very strange, You would have thought that with time the brothers anger would have died down & he could see life for what it was & is now Helen... Such a shame.. I hope one day you can all forgive each other, but I know that in reality that is not easy... Just very glad you have Bob & your own loving family.. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Have a nice day everyone in all you are doing..! [​IMG]
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone, helen enjoyed reading your story sad bits and happy bits, you are a fighter good on you.
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone [​IMG] Don't know what is up with me again as I have only just woken up and still feel very tired..yawn.

    Hope everythig turns out for you all Helen.It is sad when familys have fall outs.When my mum passed away,the house had to be emptied of all her personal stuff.The Will had stated that my eldest sister{who was the favourite} could have all mums glass stuff,though she should have stated that she meant the glass ornaments in the glass cabinet in the lounge.My sister decided in her head that it meant practically every piece of glass that wasn't nailed down.

    There was an almighty row between her and my eldest brother{the other favourite and who was an executer to the will}over it all and in the end she wonbecause she was crying so much.As she was going out of the house,my brother called out to her that she had forgotten something.When she turned round he handed her the glass milk bottles from off of the doorstep :eek:

    The ironic thing is she had nowhere to store half the stuff so ended up car booting most of it :( They never spoke to each other for ten years.

    My brothers and sisters were like vaultures grabbing everything they could lay their hands on.Even the garden was stripped bare because they wanted something from the garden to remember her by.It was disgusting to watch and made me feel [​IMG] My siblings can't understand me because unlike them I have never chased after money or material things,and have given away more than I have ever recieved,but that is me and the sort of person that I am. [​IMG]

    There won't be anyone grabbing the few things I have because when I pop me clogs I am leaving any money I have from my share of the house to charity which to me will do far more good than giving it to money grabbing relatives :D

    Enjoy your day everyone...
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Thanks Whiley [​IMG] :D

    [ 21. February 2008, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: Kandyfloss ]
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Sorry,don't know what I did wrong there as I just wanted to change a spelling mistake.I am worried now that if I try to delete one of the posts I shall lose the whole lot...sorry :confused: :D
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, see it came up twice, iff your pc is running a little slow this can happen i have done it i press reply again and it come up twice, you thinking it isnt going through.
    when we sold my parents house it was kiosk the arguments began with my sister and brother arguing about ridiculous things in the home, can you believe they fell out over a fridge and a washing machine and they have never spoken since 14 years now, over the years i have tried to get them on speaking terms and now my sister ignores me now, i always got birthday cards, xmas cards every year and got none this last year from her, its very upsetting.
    I have never fallen out with my brother we have always been very close and i get on great with his wife she is more of a sister to me these 18 years since they met.
    families i just cant understand why they fall out over objects.
    anyway have a great day all
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone.

    have a great day :D
  11. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Morning allll

    Well i've had my wheetabix and i made up a biiiig vat of Zero WW points soup for over the next few days. Its lovely <3 Carrot and Ginger, although i cheat and to add a bit more ping to it i put in a slosh of orange juice and some coriander. Yum!
    een well on the ball this morning! Before i'd even touched my morning cuppa i'd sorted some laundry and got the washing rolling for the animal shed [cage hammocks, miniture cat beds, snuggley blankets, etc] Which is always a big mission done twice monthly!
    Got a friend coming for the weekend as she hasn't seen me in a while and i could do with a wake up! Also shes seen me get to the walking stick/wheelchair/bedlaid point before so she can handle me, where as a lot of my friends panic, when all i want is the company! Last time i saw her with my stick she turned it into a giant magic wand with sparkley ribbons and glitter bobbles all over it in teh duration i was making dinner. [​IMG]
    SO looking forward to a good weekend, so just trying to sort out the spare room, etc.

    Helen your story is stunning. And Bob sounds just the nutty angel! I would love to come over and spend a day with you guys one day, you sound like a brilliant laugh!

    Kandy you pressed quote instead of edit thats why you got two posts, and one in quotations.

    See you through the day on my sit down times! :D
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all.

    Kandy the funny thing was I didn't want anything when my mother passed I just wanted to make sure that my sister's got the 'stuff' they could use you know like the washing machine etc. My brother just wanted to get his hand on evrything he could make a buck on! :eek:

    My two half-sisters were the most cut up the youngest (whom I'm the most closest to) just wanted silly things basically 'junk' so very sad to see it just broke my heart watching her.

    Funny thing was when Bob's mum didn't feel safe anymore in her little bungalow (she went to live with Bob's sisters Jackie and Diane) all Bob's family fell on her like a bunch of vultures it was very maddening to see anyone would thing she had died...in fact that's just what Bob said!

    Bob was so disgusted he went gape and said he wasn't having it like that ever again!

    I'm very close to Bob's mum I looked after her in the daytime for five years after the death of her beloved Jack, Bob & his tag team partner Harry did the night shift.

    When things got tight for her we paid the bills without question and played hell up when she came into a bit of money and gave us a grand, we told her that it was so silly to give us the money as we had no need for it, she just said she like to pay back her tab.

    Anyway Doris took note how well Bob handled the others when she moved and dropped a real big surprise on us last year when she made her will and left everything to Bob and if he goes before me then I would get everything!

    Now that's amazing to say the least and when the lawyer asked her is that wise to leave it to Bob's wife as well what would happen if Helen and Bob divorced? Doris bless her little heart told them I know Helen will do everything alright and money doesn't not interest her.

    She's right all I have ever told Doris is I would like some photos and I don't even need them anymore as Bob scanned them all last year!

    So once again you will see how very blessed I am to have such a wonderful 'mother' in Doris in fact it's just like a real fairy tale. [​IMG]

    Whiley I'm not sure you will go back home sane after spending a few hours with us although if you're slightly mad to begin with you should be ok! :D

    Bob went out to the shop yesterday and came back with Chuckie our 2 year old niece I told him I didn't know they sold children at the Co-op! :D

    She's an handful as only two year olds can be and not too easy to bribe either any suggestions would be wonderful guys! [​IMG]

    Later on our little 'lodger' Holly came round boy I just don't know how many times we have watched Billy Madison or Wizard of Oz for that matter....I must try and get her to watch something else. :D Hel.xxx.
  13. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Morning all, families can be strange at the best of times I think Helen, but a death always seems to bring out the worst in the majority of people I think.... Very often it is the ones you don't think will make a song & dance, who do...!!! I think it is nice to just have nice memories myself.... [​IMG]

    :( I have to take Charleydog to the vets this morning as he has developed a horrific looking eye problem over night...!!!!... :eek: Hope it isn't too serious!!

    Have a great day all, whatever you are doing..! [​IMG]
  14. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Morning all. Unusual for me to be here so early in the morning.
    I am now off to the hospital for blood test check-ups - my favourite thing - NOT!
    For years I have dreaded these because the phlebotomist always had trouble finding a
    vein(sorry if this puts you off your breakfast :D )
    but a couple of years ago I was given a tip to take one of those wheat bags and put it on my
    arm while I was waiting for my turn - the heat worked a treat and haven't had a problem since.
    Just thought I would share that in case anybody else has problems.

    Can't have any breakfast until I get back home [​IMG] that's why I am on computer while
    o/h is munching away!

    Have a nice day everybody [​IMG]
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone [​IMG]

    Helen as they say every cloud has a silver lining,though I don't seem to be able to find my cloud [​IMG] :D

    Marley,I do hope Charlieboy is going to be ok,sounds quiet horrible and I am squemish about eyes at the best of times :eek: Please keep us informed as to how it goes for you both

    jjordie,sorry that you have problems with those blood tests and I do hope that it turns out ok.

    I have had so many over the years,though I don't like them I put up with it,though when I had my last one it took 10 minutes to do it because the nurse at our surgery was teaching a new nurse the art of extracting blood so it had to be done in a step by step fashion,and guess who just happened to be the Guneia pig.
    :eek: It was only supposed to be a shringe full that they took not an arm full [​IMG]

    Hope you enjoy your breakfast,it will be worht waiting for...

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