Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, well no letter as yet from the window fitters company, trying to tidy up a bit and painted ceiling in bathroom so thats about ready to start when the tiles arrive at the shop.
    helen i would hate to live in a filthy home this is bad enough ha ha disruption will be pleased when i can get it in order and back to normality.
    have a lovely day everyone
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone,welcome to another weekend:) Did another long post yesterday complete with smilies and got timed out again so will make this short and sweet.

    Hope you all have a great day in everything you do and hope that it s a sunny one:thumb:
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy and all.

    Marley had a much better night although had to take the tablets to send me on the way but needs must and all.
    Marley you will feel sorry for me again regarding my hedging as our whole gardens are surrounded by it and I would dread to think how many feet we have to cope with all I can say is the the cuttings alone take 3 or 4 of those bulk builders bags and thats just a little trim!:eek:

    Rosa we will be having to cope with our own building work soon enough although I'm not sure when to do it as I might have an extra 4 guys coming to stay so I couldn't cope with building work as well as the lads so the building work might need to be put off for a quite.

    Kandy sorry that you are still having problems with getting timed out it must be very frustrating I can well imagine!

    Going to an overnight Lan today so Bob's taking me to Birmingham Botanical Gardens haven't been for many years so I'm hoping to get loads of pictures to share with you all.
    Have a nice weekend guys no matter what the weather may bring.Hel.xxx.
  4. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Afternoon all, I'm in the garden doing this, hooray! For once it's sunny & I'm on pc outside!

    Helen, hope you enjoy your LAN & the visit. Hope you've got room in the car for lots of new additions;)

    As I say, it's quite a nice day again, although my tootsies are feeling a bit chilly when it clouds over - although at least I can see this screen then:D

    The plants (all in pots) are looking very dry so will give them a good soaking later.

    Hope you are all having a good day.

  5. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi all had a fault on the power system last night happend just when the second part of a western was on drat, came back on at 12-45am everything in overdrive catching up it's funny watching the auto clocks catch up a bit like tavelling in time.
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Walnut and all,bit cool this morning but hopefully it will get warmer as the day goes on.:)

    Just been watching the Ospreys on the Web Cam and me like everyone else was getting worried that the third chick wasn't getting fed but from what thye were saying plenty of fish is being brought in and the little one gets his share so I can sleep well now:thumb:

    My Blu Tits fledged on Friday morning and I managed to get some photos of one of the chicks that was a little bit apprehensive to leave the box.:eek:Parents and babies are in the trees up at the duck pond so it looks like they are doing well though our Poppy spends time over there hoping one will fall down for her to eat:eek:

    Pulled up our first two lettuce from off the allotment and the new spuds are nearly ready so give it a few more days and we will be eating the first spuds of the year:thumb:

    Hope you all have a great Sunday in everything that you do:)
  7. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    May I join this thread?

    Morning all - haven't typed here asofyet, as felt there were too many posts to read through, then decided not to be so silly, and reading the last few would give me the jist of the thread! So here I am!

    How exciting for you Kandy to have fledged blu-tits! We have 5 or 6 boxes in the garden, but apart from some interested sparrows earlier on in the year, nothing has moved in - yet!

    Planning on going to the local car bootie this morning, in search of plants! Have been to a few recently, and have managed a fair few, but they are mostly bedding, and I have a couple of places I could squeeze in a perennial or two!

    Sun shning here for now, hope it lats for us all!
  8. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Good morning everyone. A lovely day here in the north of England. I hope it keeps up.

    JarBax, hope you pick up some bargains.

    Kandy, we don't see anything like that in our garden. We have had blackbirds in a bush & sparrows up in the guttering (at least i think it's in the guttering - hope it's not the attic!). We quite often find a baby that has fell or been pushed out of that nest -dead unfortunately, but nothing this year like that thank goodness.

    Have a good day all.

  9. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Good morning all, the sun is shining here so, I'm off to the garden to read my book and catch a few rays.You have to grab them where you can living in Manchester:D. Have a lovely day everyone!!!:thumb:02
  10. wiseowl

    wiseowl Amiable Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    In a barn somewhere in North Kent
    Good morning all my friends I am at this moment in time being a Midman (wife):DTiny is in Labour and at the moment we have 2 new puppies we are expecting 4 as we have had her scanned,she is fine and everything is OK,anyway I diverse Hope you are all well and OK and enjoy your Day,:)
    I know this should be on the Pets thread but I just wanted to share this News with you
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, congrats to Tiny woo, great news, the weather is fab here not a breeze in sight, have a great day all
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone.Congratulations Tiny on the birth of your puppies:thumb: Woo,I bet you and Mrs Woo are worn out with the waiting and it looks like Tiny managed quiet well on her own.:) They look like little bundles of snow and they blend in quiet well to Tiny's fur.I do so love the smell of puppies they have such a lovely puppy scent:)

    Glad to see you have her in a cage so that Gypsy doesn't trample on them:thumb:

    Rosa,nice to see you back again.:thumb: Any news of the windows yet?Lovely weather here as well,going to be another scorcher.Have to go over to the allotment this morning to water all the stuff that Mr Kandy put in on Saturday and to drop my friends Tomato plants off that I have grown for her.

    Hope you all had a good weekend and that you have a lovely day in all that you do:)

    Jarbax nice to see you on here,evryone is welcome and the more the merrier.We just pop on to say Good morning to everyone and to say how we feel and how life is treating us...
  13. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :) Morning Woo, rosa Kandy & everyone..!! :thumb: Congratulations Tiny..!!!! Wonderful news Woo, she looks very contented & proud Mum in the photo. So have you got 4 lovely little pups now then Woo?? Ooooh, pups are a joy..!:) Thanks for sharing her moment with us Woo..:)

    :thumb: Jarbax, more the merrier as Kandy says..!:thumb:

    :thumb: Well I had a lovely day yesterday, I had a couple of huge bunches of flowers, as well as presents, but I think one of my best presents was a new hose & reel from my scrumptious three grand children...!!!! :D We did have to have a small water fight with it..!!!:D:D All good fun..!!!!:D Normality today..!!

    :thumb: Well have a great day everyone, whatever you may be doing..!!
  14. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi all,great news Woo about Tiny and her pups (who's the father) I will alert the "tiny fan club" to hopefully expect some piccies of mum and pups.:thumb:
  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Congratulations Woo :thumb:.

    I haven't had time to catch up on previous posts as we have just got back from the Lake District where we had a wonderful time. The weather has been wonderful. It started off cloudy and overcast but then cleared and most of the week has been sunny. Despite the weather forecast it only rained one night and we had about five minutes of rain one day. Some other guests at our guest house went to other parts of the Lake District and had rain almost every day :eek:.

    We met SteveR up there - a very nice man :thumb: :)

    got lots to do so shall catch up another time. :D

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