Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Good morning all.

    Shiney I'm sure you loved every minute being a busy bee and all but my goodness one would think you would be cream cracked and had enjoyed a lovely long sleep.....maybe you're just too good looking and don't need any beauty sleep anymore!;)

    Lol sorry that the seaside was a little crowded that's tourists for you! :D

    Kandy nice to know that although you're not fitting fit with your bad back you are at least keeping at it you're a star and so unlike me you don't moan about it. Thanks for reminding me about Plotty I always marvel at his wonderful allotment although we mere mortals haven't a hope to get as nice a plot as his but one can wish!

    Fear not I'll be picking your brains Kandy for any tips etc. In fact here's one for you when you took your allotment on did you dig and remove the weeds by hand or did you rotavate?

    Marley I hope it's a flying visit to the hospital and nothing to worry about.:thumb:

    Well visited the alloment twice yesterday to pay our subs and water rates £9 well spent cleared at less a third of the nettles etc. by hand and well pleased with what we managed to get done in only one hour and forty five minutes too! My backs holding up and I'm ready for more! Have a nice day guys and guys.
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Marley, Good luck with the hospital :thumb: :)

    Helen, I don't sleep :eek: and the beauty bit gave up on me years ago :D

    They haven't cut our power off ye....
  4. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Good morning all. :)

    As it was 10 degrees cooler yesterday than the weekend, we got lots done outside, including the Brugmansia in the ground and our dear Candi's ashes put under it so we shed a few tears ... it was a year on the 9th that she left us. :( It was most odd because her brother Cal appeared from nowhere and started digging in the hole as if he knew !!!! :eek:

    Think the weather will be the same today so more to do outside as we are preparing for a visitor being with us next week.

    Hel, it was the Portuguese at the beach ... no room for tourists .... we sensibly stay in the beach bar! :thumb:

    Have a great day everyone.

  5. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi all,Shiney like you sold lots of plants yesterday but had lots left, ended up planting some in the hosts garden and giving them to neighbours they insisted on a donation so all in all it went very well weather was superb, and Helen I only had one cake honest.
    LoL I hope your bruggy thrives for you it will be a nice reminder.
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning folks,Well I had a good afternoon at the lottie and the weather stayed fine,though I must have overdone it a bit because I have just had a coughing session here and my back nearly went into spasm:eek: so I am going to spend the day taking it easy especially as the weather has turned cold and windy.Roll on summer:D

    Walnut glad that everything went off ok and that you sold plenty of plants.Well done to you all:thumb:

    Helen I have got some lottie photos so will have to start up a thread in Edible Gardeni ng for you to see.My FIL helped Mr Kandy burn off the top growth of weeds and hay type grass before helping him rough dig it that first year.Since thenwe have alwys done it ourselves.We used to winter dig it every year with either a spade or one of those Terrex spades but over the years the ground got better so we just rotavator it now.
    What sort of soil do you have,do you know? We have a Wolsey Merry Tiller Rotavator that is donkies years old now and also a samll one which I can manage.The Merry Tiller is far to big for me but cuts through the soil quiet well.
    If you can have some bonfires then the ash will help open up the soil if you have clay.A few piccy's would be a good idea:thumb:

    LoL,can you send some of your hot weather over here please as it has gone back to winter weather here.:rolleyes:

    Shiney hope you got the power back on ok and you are back in action again:thumb:

    Marley hope everything went off ok at the Hospital and that everything is well with you:)

    Hope you all have a good day in everything you do:)
  7. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :) Morning all,
    Thanks for all the good wishes, it went well at the hospital thanks. Not the nicest of tests to have done, had a bone marrow test because all the other tests were inconclusive.. Shan't know the results for a while I'm afraid. I reckon it is the waiting that is worse than the ailment sometimes..!! So fingers crossed nothing sinister shows up...!

    :( This is my year off from growing lots of veggies as there is so many different building works going on at the farm this year, the septic has to be moved...!!!! :eek: But by the end of the summer we should at least have our plot back. This time my daughter is going to have a go with me instead of my SiL. So a lean year this year for home grown veg.. Just going with grow bags & pots this year...;):D

    :thumb: Well have a great day everyone whatever you may be doing..!!
  8. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    morning all, hope you are all ok. talk about cold and wet so its not just you kandy it was freezing first thing.glad the tests went ok mf ,off to hosi today with lady imp as her broken wrist has not healed proper so she having some injections but they putting her to sleep..so that means she will be giving me the run around later..fetch pass carry and make tea....is it ok if i start a thread on being one step a head of the wife and how to dodge jobs:D maybe some off you wise men that have 30 years exp (married life) could help me out im only two years into mine and she always giving me the run around...hope our yorkshire braveheart is ok not spoke to her for a while..stay safe and enjoy the rain:eek:
  9. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Marley,Ste and all.

    Walnut glad all went well for you and at least your plants all found a good home.

    Marley those tests don't sound nice at all and I know what you mean about the waiting period I think that's more scary than anything especially if you have a wild imagination like me! I'll be hoping things turn out ok for you darling.;)

    Kandy I'm sure if you could pop some pictures in the edible section that would be a great help also your own tips, advice and any problems you ran into while getting your allotment going I'm sure it will not only aid me but also other newbie allotment holders no end too. As I may have mentioned before it's one of the less desireable plots on the pitch but if we can handle it we will be going for the one next door too becasue I'm sure no one will take that on as that's as bad as this one!:eek:

    Ste fingers crossed the lovely Mrs.Imps will get sorted soon I'm sure she is getting really fed up by now although being waiting on hand and foot would be so very nice but I'm sure it gets boring after a bit and as for you running around after her isn't that what husbands are for?:D

    Well we had another lovely day at the allotment yesterday and Ray next door is amazed how well we are doing also got a huge arm full of veggies from him he's so very sweet as is all the guys down there.Not looking great for going out today but maybe later we will get a chance.Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b

    Imp, advice from someone who has been married 42 years. Don't even try!!! :D
    Mrs shiney tells me I've been happily married all that time:thumb: :D

    Kandy, power was off for 8 hours. :eek:

    Walnut, well done :thumb:

    Marley, good luck with the results :). I'm off to the hospital today for a scan on my legs. When I had my op (hernia) a couple of months ago the consultant said he wasn't happy with the look of my legs (so what's new! :)) and said it looks as though I may have a high risk of ulceration. He wants to do the scan to see what he can do about it.

    Have a great day :D
  11. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Helen, you posted whilst I was typing :)

    It sounds as though you two are doing really well with the lotty :thumb: but don't overdo it.
  12. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Good morning all. :)

    Got more gardening done yesterday ... need to finish it today as the heat is coming back. We were 34 yesterday, 16 last night, but it's going into the high 30s by the weekend.

    I bought a P i s s ardi Plum (the cherry plum) yesterday, already 10 foot plus tall for €20 so I potted it in an 18 inch pot (that the Bruggie came out of) and put it on the dining patio, so the Washingtonia had to be carted up on deck where the Norfolk Island Pine was that I gave away. At the garden center they asked me if I had a big car and I said I didn't but I had one with no roof ..... I got quite a few odd looks on the way home, even from the cop who passed me! :rolleyes:

    Got to sort out my grub problem today .... I have now discovered them in other pots ...:eek: I have read that Armillatox can be used as a pesticide .... it can't be advertised in the EU countries as such as more but can on the international (.com) sites.

    I hope everyone is not housebound by the rain ... you can send it here so I don't have to water several times a day.
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning all,well we had a day yesterday of strong winds and I gave up trying to stand up my acer tree in its pot:rolleyes: never went out all day. Stayed in all day and got some washing done and a lot of my housework so everything looks nice and clean for the next few days:D

    It is the mouse season again so Willow decided to bring one up to the bedroom so Mr Kandy had to get up and chased him down the stairs:eek:

    I see we have had lots of rain overnight so the gardens and lottie will be watered and my water butt will be filling up nicely.The sun is shining so hopefully as it is Ladies Day at Ascot it will stay nice for them and their hats:thumb:

    Imp,enjoy the fetching and carrying for Mrs Imp.I have been doing the same for nearly 28 years a little less than Shiney and Mrs Shiney:D

    Marley hope the results come back ok.Sounds pretty horrendous:eek:

    Had an email from Rosa yesterday and she said to remember her to you all.Hubby comes back home today so will see all the changes in the flat though it isn't quiet finished yet.:thumb:

    Have a good day everyone in all that you do:)
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, kandy thanks for letting all know, guess i beat you to it this morning he he, well everyone my lounge and kitchen is finished yipeeeeeeeee he he, hated unpacking 50 boxes mind, still got mess in spare room but who cares, you get like that after a while, taking hubby out shopping when he gets back for curtains for my lounge and tracks for them. tiles for bathroom still not here, going to look for some nice bright tiles for my balcony.
    marey do hope your ok and tests come back ok and same with shiney good luck with your tests.
    LoL cant believe its a year for candi,s passing i guess cal will know were she is, your bound to get upset.
    well hope everyone is fine and will speak later, im leaving for the airport at 10.45 to pick hubby up, have a great day all
  15. Dorsetmike

    Dorsetmike Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    All alone here, wife admitted to hospital yesterday, fingers crossed they actually find out what's wrong, she's only been coughing since January, they finally decided to investigate and found a collapsed lung, though the fact that they did a biopsy is a bit worrying.

    Students, 1 chinese lad and 2 girls from Kazhakastan, fed and sent off to language school . Might get some work done for a change.

    Bright and sunny here at the moment, not so windy as yesterday.

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