Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Hullo All

    From a wet, windy, west [​IMG]

    Nothing exciting happening here today. I have been busy writing letters to all and sundry this morning..even though there will be a result from all of them, still seems as though I have achieved nothing..yuck. Although it is a darn sight easier these days than the old quill and parchment...or in Shineys case, chisel and stone tablet.:rolleyes:

    Animals are doing fine and lordy, lordy, managed to set the correct date and time on me camera, so I deserve a round of applause I feel. Still can't get used to camera's that you don't put a film in, but there ya go.

    I heard there is a new invention out called a cassette tape...does this mean the end of my old faithful grundig tape recorder then???? I just can't keep up with all these new inventions. Mind you, my computer is probably one of the latest Acorn Electrons on the market...I understand you can now get screens instead of using the television.

    Have a lovely day everyone.:thumb:
  2. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    :thumb::thumb:Closest I could get to a round of applause tweaky - will a square of thumb ups do?

    Hope things are well with everyone - thinking of you and your wife Mike, Mrs Shiney and Steve too, and 02 hope things improve for you. X

    Am off work for second day myself today. Had a temperature on Tuesday (our dept. day out - went on train to Carlisle bowling). Felt reallly hot all day, then woke up totally lousy yesterday and today. Think it must be a bug, though difficult to describe symptoms, I am getting waves of exhaustion between spells of feeling fine (though fraudulant). I know there's no way I could attempt to go into our lively secondary school and deal with our 'additional needs' kids, without either bursting into tears/fainting or both! The smallest use of energy is exhausting, and so I know I couldn't make it in - but still feel sooo guilty!

    We're the only region in Scotland not to be on our summer hols, and I wonder if my body's telling me to stop! Hoping to go away camping on Sunday or Monday - but will have to wait and see how I feel, luckily haven't booked anything. Have been feeling better as the days go on, fingers crossed this is the beginning of the end of this bug.

    Interestingly, the phone has rung 4 times already today - I wonder if this is normal during the day when I'm not here. Has been fortuitous as I will be here between 12 and 6 for the gas man to check the boiler etc, and have also made the switch to another energy supplier, saving me at least 10% per unit til May 09.

    Thanks to Kalmia Latifolia last night, I have re-installed Comic Sans on my computer, and plan to use it today!

    Have a good day everyone! :)
  3. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Hiya JarBax

    The square of thumbs will do nicely. Thank you ever so ta.:D

    Sorry to hear your not feeling well, but you have youth on your side, heh,heh...bowling indeed. I presume you mean indoor bowling.
  4. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    Yeah - ten pin bowling tweaky!
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, nice and sunny againthis morning,rain forcasted for saturday typical when im planning to go out with friends to our local pubs.
    kandy everything nearly finished balcony finished now its a pleasure to sit out there now since the floor has been tiled what a difference
    have a great day all
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa and everyone.Logged in and then went to make my cup of tea and toast:D

    Rosa,glad to hear that everything is looking good now that the job is finished.Yes I bet it is nice sitting outside in the fresh air drinky in hand:thumb:

    They do say that we are going to have heavy rain over the weekend,I know the cracks in my garden desperatly needs the rain but it would happen now we need to get the packing done ready for next weekend:rolleyes:

    They have just given it out on the news that there is going to be a mass cull of badgers because of the TB problem in cattle:(:mad:

    And also an American who was born a woman,and had a gender change to a man has just given birth to a baby because she/he kept the reproduction bits.Doesn't bare thinking about:eek:

    Hvae a good day everyone in all that you do:thumb:
  7. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning rosa and Kandy, and everyone :thumb: :)

    We nearly got some rain yesterday. I wnet shopping yesterday afternoon to Sainsbury's 7 miles away. Whilst I was there we had a thunderstorm and very heavy rain and on the way home I was feeling all cheerful about the garden finally getting its long needed watering. It was pouring all the way home until I got within 400yds of home. From there onwards it was brilliant sunshine and the ground was totally dry. :(

    When I got home and told Mrs shiney about the rain she said "What rain :confused:?" So now I'm just going off to water the veggies again.

    Have a great day :D
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all lol about that guy in America Kandy I dare bet that the couple will make a few bob from their story, I just don't know how the little'un will cope growing up I mean the poor little mite will be such an easy target for bullies etc!:eek:

    Kandy we are 'lucky' with our weather it's smashing through out the daytime and we have rain in the evenings, Bob hasn't had to water the garden for days.

    Haven't be able to 'do' much but I'm just trying to keep going little and often although I'm the butt of everyone's jokes with my weeble walk!:D

    I'ave been able to spread the love on Free-cycle sometimes I wonder why people want such things but hey if it gets rid of my hoarding habit then it can't be too bad now can it?:o have a nice day guys whatever you are upto.Hel.xxx.
  9. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Hullo all.

    Well it was morning when I arose from my pit, but now afternoon of course. Twas lovely this morning and I thought, will get the old weed gun out and nuke the weeds on the drive and guess what...becoming overcast now.

    However. Received a delivery from Wicks this morning. Garden Gate and some fencing...self assembly, also some boards I am going to use to make a Rabbit and Guinea Pig run, so I can see the living room being used. Can't use the garage cause its full of junk and stuff heh,heh. (Good job we are replacing the carpet early next year!!!!)

    My feelings go out to everyone who is crock but hey..remember the monty python song...always look on the bright side of life (if you can).

    Cheers everyone, catch ya laterxx:thumb:
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It's pretty dark out there but Oscar is prowling around. See you all later :thumb: :D
  11. wiseowl

    wiseowl Amiable Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    In a barn somewhere in North Kent
    Morning everyone I trust that you are all well and rested have a great Saturday and a Lovely weekend and stay safe.:)
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning all.

    Well it looks like the rain has finally got to us as it looks damp out there.It is much needed because even the grass is starting to look a bit brown on my grass verge and i have large cracks in my borders that need filling:rolleyes::eek:

    Shiney,hope Mrs Shiney is starting to feel better especially with her cough,Helen sorry you are still in pain after that trolley smash:eek: and Woo I do hope you are taking things easy and enjoying those little puppies:D

    Tweaky is your drive clear of stuff where the rabbit/guneia pig runs could be built?:confused:

    Hope you all have a good day.Hopefully the rain will keep off for the ladies Wimbledon final this afternoon.I expect we shall be back to football on the box next week:rolleyes:

    Still it is the British Grand Prix tomorrow at Silverstone so Mr Kandy will be happy.I don't mind some of it but it gets a bit boring unless they are smashing the cars up.Still if we have the rain they might just do that:D

    Enjoy your day everyone in all that you do:)

    PS does anyone know how many smilies we get to put up on here because I stick to eight but I have noticed that on some posts on this site I have counted up to twelve,but didn't want to try it in case I lose all my work...
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning again,

    Still no rain but I have high hopes today :thumb:

    Kandy, I've used 12 before but I'm now experimenting with 15 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    15 worked :thumb: so here goes 20 :D :D :D :D

    Yippee!! Now I'll try 25

    Boo Hoo!! It told me I'm only allowed 20. But now we know.
  14. tweaky

    tweaky Gardener

    Jun 7, 2008
    Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning.

    From a very, very wet Wales. Hi Kandy, I could build them on the drive, but not today lass, cause its..well....very wet and still raining. It's been at it all night. It started just prior to me hitting my pit about 01:30. Hey what does Mr K think about Silverstone loosing the GP and it going to Donnington...bit mistake I feel.

    Yup GP qualy at 12:00. Just making my butties and flask up now, afore I head off down to Silverstone in my Helicopter.;) Then again, as I haven't got a helicopter, I shall probably just watch it on the tele:D

    Why am I up so early...well, it's cause Mrs Tweaky threw a wobbler last night when I gave Wally a biscuit (cause I wasn't supposed to with his tummy being a bit off) so we were all sent to Coventry. I slept with 4 cats and Wally dawg....and they all snore.

    Will see you all later as I just fancy a full english breakfast followed by toast and marmalade, so oft to the kitchen I go.:thumb:
  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Morning tweaky,
    Don't take too long over your brekky as I'll pick you up in my helicopter :thumb: :). What is this rain thing you are talking about? :confused:

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