Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Mrs Lady in the pink was causing chaos all night, she was obviously quite smashed because she kept drifting into our little group then looking up and going 'hey, you're not Michelle' and walking off again.

    Very sweet comments, thank you! It makes me all the braver for going outdoors as regardless of the experiences, i do still struggle getting over the threshold - regarding dental advert, my dentist said the same thing yesterday! I have boring uneventful nothing wrong with them teeth and a smile with no off button :D

    But i did need a filling yesterday after all. Dentist said 'Yay, we found a fault! Shes less boring now!' But it was right out the way and you needed 2 mirrors to see it, so thats my excuse. Eitherway, all filled up now. First round of numbing didn't kick in, so he gave me a second dose, and both doses didn't wear off until 4 hours after i got out of there. Darren teased me for the entire duration :D

    Penelope rat is off to the vets today to get a lump drained, usually i can do them at home but this ones in an iffy place on her front leg sticking out at an odd angle, we thought it wouldn't be an abcess and started preparing for the worst, but turns out its just in a wierd place! So amen to that.

    Weather is grimtastic and getting autumny. This bodes well for me as I love autumn winter clothes! Lots of snuggley layers and hats and scarves! Think its time for the snugglies to come out, i give up on Summer!

    Have a lovely day everyone, take care in whatever you're doing!
  2. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    morning all, woo kandy helen and walnut must have overslept again:D:D ill catch em another time...got a proper storm outside now had a cracking day with sunshine but boy lightening thunder and bouncin....just to think someones had this through the day...they can always send it to me at 1am no probs:thumb:
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Imp,late again I see Imp:D How's the shift work going on?I have done that in the past and it sure does mess up you body clock and eating habits:eek:

    Good morning folks,another nice day with the sun shining brightly and clear sky,but then it was like that yesterday but soon went down hill:rolleyes:

    First pain free day for weeks so keeping off the computer and work I am having done plus other remedies looks like it is having an effect;):thumb:

    Hope you all have a great day in all that you do:)

    PS heard yesterday that our One Stop Shop got broken into in te early hours of yesterday morning.First the Hairdressers now the grub shop......
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Kandy and everybody,

    Kandy, it's good to hear that your pain free today :thumb:. Let's hope it continues, but take it easy :D

    Did your local shop get broken into around the time Imp was about? :D

    Have a great day :D
  5. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Good Morning everyone, Well the sun is shining here this morning....!! Hooray.!! Just hope it lasts..:thumb:

    :thumb: Well they have just said on the news, that we all spend far longer on the phone & the Internet these days but it costs us less... Well I think the introduction of broadband & the mobile phone may have something to do with that then..!!;);):D

    :thumb: Good to hear you are having a good day Kandy..So enjoy it doing what you want..!!:)

    :thumb: Well have a great day everyone, whatever you may be doing..!!
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Shiney, Ste (you're cheating!:D), Marley and all.

    Shiney i have to admit I have been side tracked with the slug hunts this year I just real beat by the time the slugs are about and boy are there loads about this year!

    Kandy I'm really pleased for you that you are pain free fingers crossed that your methods/treatment will carry on working for you sweetie I'm still weebling around but it's only in the mornings and in the evenings as my body clocks down or tries to wake up bearable thanks to all the work I'm doing out and about.;)

    Goodness knows what some people are like breaking into shops it seems someone needs a good clipped ear.....remember being warned to behave back in the day or the local Bobby will sort you out?:eek:

    Well hospital time once again for Bob fingers crossed it's better news than last time, it's an early appointment so no long waiting times to see the doctor lucky us.
    Have a nice day guys whatever you are up to.Hel.xxx.
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, whiley nice pics pleased you managed the journey apart from the little set back, looks like you enjoyed yourself though.
    kandy pleased to hear your pain free at last, lets hope it continues, sorry to hear about the shop beeen broken into.
    off to the airport soon to pick up other half cant believe another 4 weeks has flown by, hubby is bringing camera back he said hes managed to get some fab pics of the whales, so will be loading them off my sony digi and will get them put up, cant wait to see them.
    helen good luck with bobs hospital appointment
    have a great day all
  8. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    morning all ,sorry helen but it only a likkle cheat:D kandy the shift work is murder but its worth it for the week off.hope your feeling better soon, and honestly it wasnt me that did the grub shop:D:D made me laugh when i read grub shop bet some dear said oh the supermarket has been broken into..but not our kandy ...grub shop..classic:thumb:ps it was me and shiney that did the hairdressers..we was going to take dan with us but couldnt risk his snoring:D..i wish you all a happy and wet day:D
  9. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Morning all, good luck to poor Bob and yay Kandy make the most of your painfree day!!

    Yesterday Penelope had to have some surgery so i have poorly rattie in the front room recovering with her poorly arm - you can't give a rat a cone collar if she bothers it so i have to monitor her closely bless her. Shes healing up well though, she was not impressed with the locum vet, if i'm honest, neither was I. Pumped her full of drugs i don't think were nessessary in this situation. In fact i think my usual vet would have been able to sort if painfree without surgery, but shes on holiday. Nevermind.

    Just got a bunch of cages to clean today, now that they're upstairs in their room it makes a huge difference, more room and more comfort frankly!

    After cages are done, its go go go time.

    Mums got herself involved with this thing going on for a festival tent for entertaining 10 year olds to like 14/15 year olds for karioke sessions, indoor events, a chill out zone and crafts, and mums managing the decorating of the tent, the crafts and chill out area. In typical mum style, shes left it to last minute and i offered to help. I've got a week to get as many banners as possible made, out of fabric, so every spare minute after cages for the next few days is on banners! I'll post photos as i go and make a thread! :D

    All the best through the day.
  10. plantlife

    plantlife Gardener

    Jun 4, 2008
    Almost couldnt get up this morning, too much drinking in the pop inn?? :D
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone:)

    Imp I said grub shop because that is what it is.I'm common and proud of it,plus I am perhaps trying to keep up with you youngsters and the way you all speak,so grub shop it is:D From what I read they got away with some packets of ciggies.Not sure whether the forensics managed to get any information to catch them:rolleyes:

    Well it is another nice day out there.Very busy day yesterday,getting some housework done,plus washing and ironing.Took Comet the Goldfish back to it's owners now they are back from their hols,chatted to my sister on the phone and then after Mr Kandy got home and had his evening meal we drove over to the lottie and picked some more veg.I have got a couple of runner beans that are at least 12" long:eek: Going to busy today preparing them for the freezer:)

    Marley,my firends have just got back from Jamaica and stayed at the Half Moon Hotel in Montego Bay arear.They showed me a video of them and their children swimming with the dolphins which they enjoyed immensley.They have come back here with a fatastic golden tan and are palying Bob Marley cd's all day long:D

    Wel the sun is shining and it looks like it is going to be another beautiful day.Had some very black clouds yesterday and some thunder but no rain.The lottie looked like they had had some torrential rain all day.

    Hope you all have a good day:thumb:
  12. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Morning everyone, Well it has dawned as a beautiful day today, so going out for the day with my daughter & grand children today..! Taking advantage of the sunny day..!!!:thumb:

    :) Kandy I am glad your friends enjoyed Jamaica.. It is a very beautiful place to be.. I think the happiness & Jollity of the people make it a lovely place to spend a holiday.. Swimming with Dolphins is a special experience.. I have not done that yet.. We have made friends with a local diver near where our cottage is & we are going to go out on our boat with him, out to sea early one morning to swim with the local school of Dolphins that come along our bit of coastline. I have watched them playing many a time from our veranda..:thumb: Did they go & see the hummingbirds as well do you know..?? It is a wonderful Island, with lots to see & do, it has it's troubles, but then doesn't everywhere these days..!:)

    :thumb: Whiley my friend is involved in a "Play in the Park" scheme near us for the holidays..1st time the local council have sponsered or done anything like this... It is all free to the children...!! My friend does face painting, hair braiding & mask making & disco dancing..!! She has a huge line from her tent all the time..!!! :D There are about 10 different activities all together, as well as a bouncy castle & just general play.. It has been a fantastic hit..!! The only problem being the weather..!!! They have managed really well though in fact... The weather has managed to behave on those days on the whole..!!:)

    :thumb: Well heres hoping everyone is well & has a great day, whatever you may be doing....!
  13. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everybody,

    Another lovely day today so I hope to get some work done in the garden :thumb: - but I also have some meetings :(.

    Have a great day :D
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Marley.they were exstremely pleased with the holiday and I think havn't stopped smiling since they got back Tuesday though they are still trying to get over the clock changes:eek:

    The dolphins on the video looked like specially trained ones and the bit where the action took place looked like it is closed off to stop swimmers going t the wrong part.It might be part of the hotel experience as well.If you Google the name of the hotel it will come up with lots of details.They woke up one morning to a large crab outside their bedroom glass doors which opened straight out onto the beach and they saw a sea snake as well close to shore.

    They did say they went up those well known water falls where everyone visits but not sure whether they saw any hummingbirds on the island.When they come back down to earth I will ask them.It looks a truly beautiful island and I like the way they have a lot of English names for the towns:thumb:

    By the way how does the currency work out compared to Sterling because Is it an expensive holiday destination or quiet reasonable.?Not trying to be nosey just curious as friends of ours go to the Dominican Republic every year and for a family of four costs about £5,000:eek:

    Hope you have a good day with the family today:thumb:
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Shiney,you snook in there while I was busy typing.:)

    Hope you and your good lady wife are both well:thumb:

    I tell you what Shiney those meetings can be a right pain in the A R S E at times.I usually have a few of them over at the lottie when I meet up with my friends for a good natter.Sorry,wrong sort of meetings:o:p:D

    Hows Amy these days?is she still going strong?:)

    Enjoy the gardening and can I borrow your tape measure as I have some long beans to measure and Mr Kandy can't remember where he left his tape meaure:rolleyes::D

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