Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone,sorry late getting up again today{7.30am}:p then have had to install updates onto the computer because silly me was clicking on the X instead of the yellow shield and I was wondering why I was installing so many updates,silly me:dh:and then I tried loading SteveR's wedding photos and can only get to the first one it wouldn't go on to the next one so have had to give up for the time being.:cnfs::help:

    Shiney,YOU getting confused with reading books,I can't believe that:lollol:
    We are off to Tesco's today and they are making the store much bigger and because the pensioners can't find anyhting they have had to get one of the workers to hold a lollipop saying 'I am here to help' We havn't seen him/her yet and I would love to get a piccy but would probably be banned from the store.Just shows how much dosh they are making:(We havn't got a butchers in the village perhaps I ought to open one up,I would make a killing:lollol::lollol:

    Hope you all have a great day and as I said yesterday don't forget the clocks tonight:thmb:
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: Morning Woo rosa Hel shiney & Kandy.. I went to Sainsburys testerday & they are refurbishing that one as well Kandy... They had girls with great big orange sashes showing everyone to what they wanted.. Obviously their gimmick then Kandy while Tescoes have te lollopop ladies....!:dh::lollol:

    :thmb: Have a great day everyone, whatever you are doing..! :wink: and no I won'y forget..!!:D
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Mornig everyone hope you are enjoyng your lie in:)

    Had to get up to spend a penny so thought I would say my greetings to everyone.Turned on the computer and it needed to do more updates so I clicked to let it do it while I read some posts and then just as I got into it the silly laptop went into hibernation straight after a warning low battery pop up popped up so i had to restart it and then after the updates the machine wanted to close down ready to restart so it has taken me twenty minutes to even get on here:help::lollol:
    Marely,hen we went to Tesco's they have a young student type there with a red lollipop with 'Here To Help' but he looked as lost as everyone else.We all have to walk round the outside of the inside of the shop because they are doing work in the middle and have that bit closed off:( and they have put the freezers right by the tills which isn't going down very well. Funny thing is we didn't spend as much this fortnight as we usually do so it has it's advantages.:D I did notice though that none of the drinks isles have been moved,they are all in exactly the same place:scratch:The lady on the till told us that Mr T made three Billion £'s profit last year which doesn't surprise me:(

    Anyway,hope you all have a great day.We have rain outside at the moment so won't be going far except out to feed the Guneia Pigs:thmb:
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy and all my other friends sincerely hope that you are all OK,its raining here ,but the Suns up there somewhere same colour same temperature,It will be out later:)anyway enough of my P.M.A. everyone have a great Sunday and please stay safe:)
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Woo and all.

    Shiney I didn't know you guys ever read the instruction manual on anything..... I just thought you all were kind of like Bob rant, rage and then give up until us ladies came along and helped you all out!:D Good luck with finding out what to do and all that, I'm pretty sure you will get the hang of it soon enough.

    Marley, Kandy something must be up as our local Tesco's are doing their store up too and it's a nightmare you would have thought that 'they' would have shut-up shop until the work was all done I mean I hate going there when it is in such a state in fact if I can avoid going there I do after all the village shops might be an awful lot more expensive but at least it's far less hassle.

    Well it's nearly Halloween so the lovely Bob has got my Halloween boxes down from the attic and I'm so looking forward into dressing up both the house and myself this year, I am so well prepared I have had all the glo sticks and balloons for months now I do hope the weather is nice for all the little visiting monsters because I do so want to put on a good show for them.:thumb: Hel.xxx.
  6. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    Morning all.
    Hope you are enjoying the extra hour in bed.
    Our Tescos is also being "changed for the better" and the weekly dash has proved to be a marathon lately. They are installing a mezzinine floor for that all important extra space. At least we can see some the vast profits being spent.
    Local weather guy says we may get some sun this afternoon. maybe a little ride out later, up in the Hambleton hills would be nice.
    No frost as yet in our area, in fact I picked the last of the runner beans yesterday and the only ones left and nice and fat and full of good looking seeds.
    Just think.. an extra hour today to enjoy whatever you are inclined to do.
    The workers who have to go to work will feel it tomorrow morning. I always did.
    Enjoy the day...
  7. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Kandy, woo and everybody,

    Kandy, so inflation hasn't hit you yet if you only spend a penny :lollol:

    It was a busy day yesterday with having one of Mrs shiney's friends staying overnight on Friday, 8 people to cook lunch for and then friends round for dinner.

    We have been kept awake all night by some B. rodent with hobnail boots making a racket over our bedroom ceiling :mad:. I went into the loft and found a big hole in the wall where pipes and cables run out through the end wall. I've put down some poison and shall dig out our humane traps and put them up there as well - but don't feel very humane about it at the moment. This morning I shall get up there and try and find what other damage has been done and shall call the council tomorrow morning. I'll also have to call a builder friend to repair the hole.

    Fortunately for me I don't need sleep so I shall be OK today but Mrs shiney will probably try to sleep until lunchtime - I hope she manages it.

    Have a great day and keep warm :D
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Morning Helen and Robert, you both posted whilst I was ranting :)

    Helen I always read every word and all the small print (goes back to my consumer advising days) but trying to understand the language is another matter :(

    Saying that you are getting your Haloween gear ready has reminded me to get my grumpy old man hat on in readiness :lollol:
  9. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Good Morning all. Hope everyone enjoyed the extra hour sleep. Ours changes next week, I believe.
    Always wondered why they can't just change it a 1/2 hour and leave it alone.
    Got our Halloween candy ready for the little ones. Its so cut when they come to the door, they are so quiet with their "trick or treat" vocals.
  10. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends hope that you all had a decent weekend and everyone is OK,take care out there today and please stay safe:)
  11. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Morning Woo and all, back to the hospital trips for Mr 02 tomorrow after having a weekend off. 7more days to go. Have a good day everyone. 02
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Woo 02 and everyone,hope you all had a good day yesterday:)

    Went out yesterday afternoon and finally managed to get a lamp standard so we can save some energy on our leccie bills.The two ceiling lights have been spewing out 480w so we decided to get the lamp as we only need it for reading and me using the laptop.It is a nice chrome one with a swan neck as appossed to an uplighter one and has one of those energy type bulbs in it.We got it from Homebase as we are not posh.:thmb:

    02 hope the Hospital trips go ok tomorrow for you both fingers crossed:thumb:

    Shiney hope you get rid of the B,Rodent before it does toomuch damage to the loft.We keep having those on our allotment and it ate all our sweetcorn so I have had to sort it out in the kindest way that I can.Don't feel guilty Shiney,they carry Weil's diease which is bad for humans unless you are talking about the small type rodents:wink::D

    Well I need to get to the allotment today and pick some runner beans before we get the frosts this week.They are not turning brown and crisp so I will have to dry them off in the conservatory.The frosts got our butternut squashes as well and we only have about two or three decent ones.

    Hope you all have a great day in all that you do and sorry about any spelling mistakes:lollol::thmb:
  13. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Redstar, Woo, 02, Kandy and all.

    Redstar you're not on your own regarding Halloween I do so love putting on a show for the little ones I just can't decide what to be this year a wicked witch or a pirate, Bob always has the easy job of playing care-taker and although he does so love a giggle I just can't get him to wear a halloween outfit!:(

    02 I'll be wishing you a speedy week for your beloved's treatment, fingers crossed the week with pass by in no time at all and then both you and hubby can relax for a change.:wink:

    Lol Kandy I'm trying to tighten out belts too but it's so very hard going from being Yorkshires' equivalent to Blackpool's illuminations!:dh:

    If the weather holds Bob and I should be going to do some work over at the allotments today too there's still so much to be done, we need to build a 'stand-in' shelter and also a seating area around the fire pit for the guys that come for a cuppa in no time at all it will turn into a cafe at this rate!:D Hel.xxx.
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It is a beautiful sunny day :)

    Our thoughts and best wishes are with Mr O2 :thumb:

    I've been looking around for energy saving bulbs for our outside lights. (have to have outside lights otherwise we or our friends can't see a thing walking down our drive and path) So far all I can find that will fit the lamps will cost £6.99 instead of the 40p I pay for ordinary ones :(. The ordinary ones last about two years so it's a matter of ecology versus economy - no contest :D

    I haven't yet worked out how the rodent(s) coming into the loft :scratch:. The hole in the brickwork on the inside doesn't have a corresponding hole in the outside. I'l have to cut the wisteria back further as they might be climbing that.

    Have a great day :D
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all.

    Dark and early but I suppose that's what you get for going to bed at 9pm, shocking I know but I was really beat last night. I fell asleep on the sofa while watching Autumn Watch but what bit I did watch I enjoyed so alls good.:thmb:

    Really frosty out this morning and the gritters have been doing their job on the roads around the village, normally there has to be a bad crash before 'they' grit the roads but at least the roads are gritted and without no fatalities either.

    On the subject of lights I have gone through my Halloween boxes and found out I will need to get at least 10 batteries for some of my outside lights and then there's the small question of trying to get Bob to go back up in the attic to sort a couple of outside fairy lights for me to use. I'll be trying some home made broomsticks lit up with the lights which hopfully will look pretty good...I mean all those little monsters must be able to find their way to our haunted house.:D.Hel.xxx.

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