Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Helen, Shiney,and Red.I seem to keep missing you all as I try to get up early or else wouldn't be able to get up at all now that the clocks have changed.It has been a right miserable day with the weather and the lawns are now looking waterlogged:)

    Helen I keep saying I ma going to do more reading because my brain seems to be shutting down.I struggle now to write even the simplest words and have to keep asking Mr K how to spell things.It isn't funny and would be ineterested to know from anyone as to whether it is possible to get the brain to relearn things even at my age.:help:

    I keep putting a plaster on this cut but when my hands get moist the ends of the plaster curl up so I end up taking it off,ouch:(

    Shiney,I think we ought to tell the builders that we are going to tell the newspapers our street lights are dodgy.That might spur them imto action.It wouldn't surprise me if we havn't got the light hooked up to our leckkie meter,thats why the bills are so high:p

    Good luck with the three day bridge tornament.We have been invited to friends for dinner tomorrow night and our neighbour who is a chef has invited us to lunch with him and his family on Sunday as a Thank You for walking Monty their German Shepherd when they are working away from home so we will feel quiet full by Monday morning.:p:lollol:

    Only 50 more days to Crimbo and counting:thmb:
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all.

    Shiney you are a man after my own heart I do so love to let people who believe they are in a higher position than they actually are to waffle on and on then go in for the kill :D. Maybe I'm being mean but when they start stuttering it does crease me up and I do feel so much better for putting them in their place rather them trying to do the same to me.......being armed with more knowledge than the other person is a mighty weapon indeed!

    Good luck with the bridge tournament Shiney, I'm sure you will do well.:thmb:

    Kandy I have to confess many years ago I thought my brain power was on a low light so to speak and always put it down to having little'uns around but now I just believe it's becuase I didn't have any time to 'think' never mind read!:D

    Lol Kandy if you're eating out I suppose there's no fear of you having to peel the potatoes because boy what that hurt but saying that couldn't you get your beloved to do your chores for you? although I'm sure you will have to state normal service will resume shortly after your finger has healed.:wink:

    Well the weather is quite rotten this morning so I'm in no hurry to venture out maybe I'll do a hedgehog and hibernate....now that sounds like a good idea.:D

    Have a lovely day no matter what you are up to.Hel.xxx.
  3. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends Yes it still Raining the 5th consecutive day of inclement weather never known anything like this before in all my 120 years on this Planet And:lollol: I am still Laughing I have now got my own Lake (always wanted one) and I am teaching my four legged friends to swim (Doggy Paddle):lollol:anyway you all have a great day and Please stay safe:thumb::)
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Helen,Woo and everyone.

    You do make me smile Woo,though I shouldn't laugh as we have horrible weather out there as well.Good job I am not going to far today.:)

    Helen,my hubby doesn't believe in doing chores apart from DIY etc.His mum did everyhting for him and his sister and dad because she came from an age where the wives looked after the home and the husband worked and brought home the money so he and his sister never had to lift a finger.Because I was one of ten kids I was doing all my own washing and irioning from the age of twelve so that is probably why I don't mind ironing stuff as I love to get the creases out and the correct creases in:p

    The cut is at the base of the index finger where the muscle is,but it is now starting to close back up so doesn't feel too bad.:thmb:

    I lost my ability to spell after working in jobs where I didn't need to do much spelling,so gradually have lost the ability to spell simple words.Mr K brought me one of those computer Wordsearch Programmes for the computer and now it is installed on the laptop can sit and do that.Don't like crosswords though:p

    Hope the weather improves for you both though for us rain is forecast for the weekend so no getting me winter broad beans in the ground.:(
  5. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everybody,

    I'm just about to leave for the tournament. We had a lot of fine drizzle yesterday but it looks as though it is going to be a sunny day down here. I reckon there will be about 500 people at the tournament and it will be three days of intensive concentration :(. Keeps the brain cells ticking over :D

    In the shiney household I do most of the food prep, cooking and washing up as Mrs shiney is always even busier than me :thumb:. I also do the houswork where required. :)

    Have a great weekend :D
  6. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Good Morning all,
    Good Luck Shiney at the tournament :thumb:.

    Interesting to hear about the household chore division. Over here, the lines are blurred.
    Mostly, I am inside and he is outside. Except the gardens-me, the lower gardens -him.
    Big heavy stuff-him. It kinda has been working out these 20 years.

    Ok, Kandy, saw this before, forgot to ask--what is Crimbo? And I love the German Shepherd
    my favorite breed.

    I swear my cats have ESP, made a vet appointment for them, and they are sheepishly looking at me, little cowering posture. Its not to next week, that will throw them off.
    Hell to get them in their carriers. I'll be taking two together this time (two carriers)
    Anxious to weight the one of them, think he up to 15 lbs. Its just their yearly visit.
    I don' t take all nine to the vet, only 3 will tolerate the vet. the other 6 I try to de-worm them yearly with crushed up pills in sardines, and hope I can get flee/tic stuff on them.
    They would cause too much of a wild ruckus at the vet.

    Weather is so nice here today, left over soggy leaves on the ground.

    Have a good day all. k-l
  7. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Funny you should say that redstar, We always feed our Ming after we have eaten, we normally finish our evening meal somewhere inbetween watching coronation street. As soon as the credits start going up and the ending music comes on, he's all over me like a rash demanding his dinner.:rolleyes: 02
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone,hope you have all had a good nights sleep.:)

    Red,Crimbo is short for Christmas,don't know who shortened it but it seems to be part of the English language now.It is better than have to keep writing Christmas:)Our cats hate the vets and also going to the cattery and we are now having to be very crafty in not letting them escape before we ge them there.

    You can buy liquid to put on the back of the neck over here for both fleas and worms although we have only ever found one flea on both of ours in the five years we have had them.They are more likely to get the worms from all the mice they both catch and eat:lollol:

    02,we like to have our main meal early in the evening.Mr K would never last until later in the evening if we had ours then.We like to get it over and done with so we can have a bit of time to catch up with what's happening with the world and then we try to go for a nice freshing walk round the village just to get some fresh air after Mr K being stuck indoors all day :p

    Well it is quiet windy out there this morning so will get blown away when we go to do our grocery shopping.Hope you all have a great day in all that you do:thmb:
  9. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Good Morning all. Saturday is here. Misty raining outside, more leaves. I'll have to take a pic of all of them so you can pity us and all the raking.

    Kandy, its not the fleas that is the issue, have not seen one, its the blood sucking ticks.
    I just put (2 days ago) a fresh month frontline on Teddy, and last night I am picking off 3 fat ticks. Any of the cats I can get near get a good neck check, and I am yanking ticks off. But the hight of this just started in October, seems that the ticks were not around much in the hotter months.
    We have the liquid de-worming here too, but my vet will not sell it to me for the cats that I can't take to the vet. He/she will put it on the ones I can take in. I did get this bottle of de-worming pills on line, for a good price, and can mash them up in sardines in a little bowel, then I focus on one of them and put it near them watching so they and only they eat it. The later--them--are the wild ones.
    When we go on vacation, I leave my cats at home, have a good neighbor, that comes over twice a day. It works out quite well. The cats now are old enough to deal with going in and out the cat door. But when the two of them were 18 weeks old, I keep them inside when we went on vacation. Got one of those big under the bed plastic containers and loaded it up with 3 boxes of litter. Put out a huge bowl of food, and the fountain water lasts a week, and they were fine.
    Well, I've gone on. Have a good day all.
  10. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Redstar and all.

    Missed another day yesterday sorted out a jigsaw puzzle and was too captivated by it to bother going online, I stayed up until gone 12 last night needless to say it's now done so here I am!:yho:

    Love the extra smilies we have don't you?

    Redstar we used to use Frontline on our huge rottweiler but only because it was so hard to see if he had any visitors being so dark and of course it was less hard work I mean you try moving a 13 stone guy off your feet when he don't want to budge and you get the picture.:D Our Yorkies on the other hand are another problem altogether even though thay are small they always want to lie on their backs for a belly rub!

    Well Bob has been working his magic and charm once again getting more free 'stuff' for us to use down on the allotments the local council has been replacing some garage doors so Bob has managed to collect 3 double pairs of wooden garage doors and 3 full sized metal doors....he has plans for them all but I'll tell you that when it happens.:wink:

    Well I hope you all have a love Sunday it's finally stopped raining now but far too muddy to go to the local car boot but I'm going to have to drag my wellies out and pop over to the allotments to collect a cabbage and maybe some of my carrots.

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Redstar,Helen and everyone. Hope you are having a good Sunday.:)

    Had a good night at our friends house and had a really enjoyable evening with a nice meal and wine, though because I was driving I only had a sip.:thmb: Off to our neighbours at unch time for Sunday lunch which will be nice as I ususally spend my Sunday morning cooking the Sunday dinner.:hehe:

    Red only had ticks a couple of times on our Tina and that was usually when we were up in Scotland on holidays.If humans get them they can get Lymes disease which can be quiet debilitating.

    Helen good for bob with the garage doors.I wish I had the nerve to ask people for stuff as it grieves me when I see skips full of good dtuff about to be thrown away.It must be the wombling instinct in me.:hehe:

    Went and collected some more leaves yesterday afternoon and we have got another supplier across the road who uses a mulcher attachment on his mower which chops them up finer.Really good stuff but had to rely on Mr K to lift the bags into the car as they were to heavy for my back.. ouch

    Hope you all have a great Sunday in all that you do:)
  12. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Good Morning all.
    Just want to share with you all, that "little road rage" sent me a wonderful book, "Trilliums in Woodland Garden, American Treasures", such a nice thoughtful gift. I have one or two in my woodland area, shall see if I can get more according to the plant/zone that the book suggests. Thank you Kelly. :flwsml: :thku:

    Yep, I know about large dogs Hel, had two Germans and a Great Dane in my life so far.
    Love large dogs.
    Yesterday picked up a new supply of Frontline from the vet. This morning I am eying Phantom who needs one, so just got the package started unwrapping, and there goes the ESP, he scampers out he cat door. Ok, now, he's back. Ok, got him, now he'll hate me for 30 mins. --out the cat door he runs. He is heavy, next week vet, for the scale, I am now thinking 16 lbs. Well, I'll have to get to some of my outside ones today, its their turns too.
    Nice bright crisp day here. Have a good day all. :)
  13. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    :) Good Morning to you too Red.
  14. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everybody,

    Yesterday's gales have blown themselves out so today will be a clearing up day. Can't see the lawn for leaves:(:autlv:

    I had a good weekend at my tournament and ended up in the prizes :gnthb:

    got to try and catch up on everything now.

    Have a great day :D
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Shiney and everyone hope you all had a great weekend:)

    We went out leaf collecting on Saturday afternoon though no doubt there will be loads more after all the wind and rain Saturday night and yesterday afternoon/evening.

    Had a lovely meal yesterday and tasted duck for the first time and I can say it was really nice though it should be if it was cooked by a chef:gnthb:

    Shiney glad that your Marathon tournament went off ok and that you are in the money or trophys,now you can relax with you feet up and recover:ntwrth:

    Red sounds like you have your work cut out with carrying heavy animals around.I don't think my back would stand it though:help:

    Hope you all have a great day:)

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