Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Penny, nice to see you back.I have that problem as well trying to remember things so don't worry:D

    How have you been coping with the weather over your way?We have just gone through one of the worst winters here with lots of snow and icy roads,though I don't think we will have had it anywhere as bad as you probably have had:)

    Enjoy your day:thmb:
  2. penny-remember me?

    penny-remember me? Guest

    Hi there, :)

    Ya, its been a wicked winter here :flag:, and we still have so much snow too. :mad:
    Our averge daytime temperature was around -25 and at night going down to -40~~~!!! :dh:

    I am sooooo ready for Spring! :gnthb::gnthb::gnthb:
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone:)

    Penny,sounds like you have had it quiet bad -25 :euw:s00k and -40 ,you must have antifreeze in your blood:p We only had a little bit here comapred to you but the country ground to a halt and they even had to use table salt at one point because they ran out of grit.Good job we don't have your winters:p

    Helen they used to give a 100 day free trial on the mantis years ago so they must have dropped it down,still couldn't get Mr Kandy to buy one though as he said the two we had got were enough to be going on with.:old: I managed to get over to ours yesterday morning before 8.30am and had a good three hours before heading for home.My shoulders are killing me after all the rotavating so will have to have a break from it for the time being and find something else to do over there.:D

    Shiney have you read the posts that we all left you on the wildlife thread about your conifers the other day?I have also left you a couple of photos in the same section of a couple of Fieldfares so you can see what they look like:thmb:

    Well,it is just getting light out there and it seems to be dry so will see what ythe day brings forth.Hope you all have a good one:)
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy and all.

    Hello again Penny goodness knows how you manage to cope with such low temperatures I do hope your summers make up for it, I feel quite ashamed feeling a little chill yesterday when our temperature was around 8 although it felt far colder with the wind chill factor well that's my story and I'm sticking to it.:hehe:

    Lol Shiney only an hour's work yesterday 19ft x 4ft weeding done pretty poor another four and half hours to go and the first bed will be done and on to weeding the next bed, I would have done more but I just got a chill and had to go home and hug a hot water bottle for the afternoon!

    Bless him Bob went back over and pottered about until 5 o'clock I got worried when he didn't answer his phone because he was feeling faint earlier so I rushed over thinking I would find him flat on his back or something only to meet him on his way back full of smiles!:hehe:

    Due to all my hard work Bob has kindly brought me a lovely girly pink Ipod so now he will be able to have my cast-off MP3 player, I will have to put his beloved Stones and Beatles on it for him, I don't know how the poor birds will cope if they hear both of us singing I fear they will fall from the skies stone dead!s00k:D

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  5. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Welcome back Penny :gnthb:

    Kandy, I have read what people have said and am going to put up a few photos when I have finished here :)

    Helen, Ipod :scratch:, MP3 player? :scratch: Are they something like my wind-up gramaphone? :hehe:

    Have a great day :D
  6. penny-remember me?

    penny-remember me? Guest

    Good morning everyone,

    Its currently +8 and looking like rain here, i even have some windows open.
    Thanks everyone for the welcome back, i've missed being here.
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone,

    Penny sounds like you have a heat wave there at the moment.Luckily we are having dry week though we have a biting wind at the moment:p

    Just been listening on the news about that :old: boy who is getting £600,000 pension each year for life and is refusing to give any of it back.I bet he isn't a labour voter:lollol:I wonder what would happen to this country if all savers and people who have bank accounts all took their money out,what would happen to the system then.Answers on a postcard please....:D

    Shiney sounds like you need to go over to the forest on your open day and cut down some foliage to slot into the gap where your conifer has been butchered:p Our old neighbour planted a Eucalyptus and has since moved but now the new owners have the task of chopping the top off of it before it gets taller than the 20ft it is now.If he leaves it,it will end up over 100ft tall:euw:

    Helen,you and Bob need a medal for all the hard work you have put into your land,mind you when we first had our plots many yeras ago we used to winter dig the ground but once we had 30 pole realised we couldn't get it done each year so now we/I just spread compost on the top and rotavate it all in.With all that and the ash we have added,plus the spuds our ground is reasonable so only have to give it a quick rotavate a couple of times and it is nice and crumbly:p

    Hope you all have a great day.I am now going off to sow some seeds and see to Mabel and the cats and then tonight I am out babysitting so must remember to take some of my Shaun The Sheep dvd's for the little one as she likes them,well so do I :D
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy and all.

    Shiney those music machines are something hip, cool and way out man....lol now I sound :old::doh::D

    Penny +8 sounds like a heatwave compared to what you have been having but I wouldn't resort to any topless bathing just yet.:hehe:

    Kandy that guy should be ashamed of his greedy self I mean would he had worked so very hard (when he was working) to break out in a sweat? I don't think so. I just feel so sorry for the blue collar workers that have to work goodness knows how many hours a week just to keep a roof over their heads it's all very shameful.

    Kandy yes I agree loads of hard work working a plot but it will be all worth it just for the sheer taste one gets from veg straight from the ground with nothing added to it you don't know about.

    Another one of the guys wanted to know who the heck dug over the two beds so quick I raised my hand and he shook his head in defeat and that's one of the best workers on the plots....I just love getting one over on the boys although I'm sure they will get one over me soon as they always seem to do!:wink:

    Wasn't able to go to the paddock yesterday as it was far too cold for me and my bones do tend to ache a little more than normal when it's cold but I'm hoping to go over today for a spell...that's to do some work not cast a Wicca spell I hasten to add!:hehe:

    Have a lovely day guys no matter what you're upto lets hope it's a smashing weekend too.Hel.xxx.
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It is a beautiful day today :gnthb:. There is brilliant sunshine out there and the garden is full of birds. The pheasants are a bit confused as they keep flying on to the cross bar on the bird feeder where they are used to eating from the big feeder on the top. The big feeder broke over the weekend and I have had to order a new one but the birds still keep going up there :hehe:. The new feeder arrived yesterday and I shall unpack it today and fit it up :thumb:.

    Have a great day :D
  10. penny-remember me?

    penny-remember me? Guest

    :) Good morning everyone.,

    Noooo, no going topless just yet, things would be ummmm, too perky :lollol::lollol::lollol:

    Its +10 here, and raining, and now they say we are going to have flash freezing later on today :mad::mad::skp::skp::dh:
  11. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    :) Hi, Penny . glad you found us AGAIN ... why do you keep losing us ????? :hehe:

    A big welcome back from me .... I used to be Lady of Leisure but am now just using my real name for various reasons .... :)

    Now, I know you're Ontario where I lived as a wee child, but I think you are talking Farenheit and not Celcius in your temps, right? That means if your +10 is F then it is actually -12C ...... brrrrrr ........ Our dear friends down in Tennessee and Alabama have been having similar and worse temperatures also and the UK has seen some nasty stuff this winter so I'm SO glad I'm here now ....... :yho:

    Now, look .... don't lose us again ... it may not be third time lucky .... s00k

    See you around ... :flwsml:

  12. penny-remember me?

    penny-remember me? Guest

    Hey you :):) i was wondering where you were. :gnthb:

    Hi Victoria :D:D

    Noooo our temperature is in Celsius :thumb:, its the US that goes by Farhenheit, so if its +10 here in Celsius, its 50 degress in Farhenheit......confusing i know :rotfl:

    And when its -40 in Canada, its -40, no coversion there
  13. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    :) Hi, again ... it's so nice to have long-time friends return ... but, as I said, don't get lost again ....
    I should know better about the conversion ... but I was just shivering at the thought of highs of -25 and lows of -40 ....doesn't bear thinking about. We went' down to -0.5C this winter for a day or two :hehe: and had several mornings of light frost which soon cleared with the sun and the day temps of 10C. Currently we're in our rain season but the day temps are nearly 20C and we eat lunch at the beach most weeks. :yho:

    Enjoy catching up on what you've been missing and maybe you'll join our photography section ????

  14. penny-remember me?

    penny-remember me? Guest

    I need to give a couple of you my email , so if you dont see me for a few days....email me and make sure i dont get lost again. :lollol::lollol:
  15. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends hope you are all OK,its a Saturday Just going for our walk its quite warm outside,everyone have a great weekend and all stay safe:)

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