Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and everyone:)

    It's Saturday again and I just can't believe how quickly the weeks are going.Before we know it we will be off on our hols again:D:hehe:

    Penny we knew what you meant:hehe:

    Helen,I sometimes get the cold in me bones:old:.I go to the allotment all wrapped up in layers of clothing and once I start working I end up taking them all back off again and then when the cold gets in I don't realise it until I am driving home and then have to have the heating on full to warm me back up again:D

    Well,I had a good night babysitting the son was having a sleepover so me and the five year old sat and watched a Shuan The Sheep dvd before I took her up to bed.I don't know what it is but everytime I sit on the bed to read her her bedtime story I start yawning,though I now I am not tired:scratch: Back down stairs once I had figured out which control worked the dvd and the volume I sat and watched again my Miss Potter film.Still very good especially with the Isle Of Man and Lake Distict locations:yho:

    The birds are all singing out there and it is just getting light so I had better go and make a start on the day,well I will do when I find that phone:skp::scratch:

    Hope you all have a good one:)
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Kandy and all.

    Thank goodness Penny was right and Victoria was wrong (sorry sweetie) otherwise I would have felt very foolness indeed about those temperatures not to mention poor Penny would have been freezing!:hehe:

    Penny we are due some more crazy weather next week too (or so I have been told) there is talk of snow normally I wouldn't believe it so late in the year but when our first son was born almost 25 years ago just one week before he was born it snowed but the day he was born was beautiful and the second day of Spring!

    Kandy I think it's wonderful that you can enjoy the company of children even though you have not been blessed with children of your own, I'm sure you would have made a superb mummy although maybe a lightweight when it came to fighting off the perils of sleep at story-time!:hehe: Glad you had a lovely time.

    Shiney hope cafe 'Shiney' is up and running once more what with all those hungry pheasants to feed!

    Kandy going over to the allotments with layers of clothes is quite the norm for me although it seems in no time at all the layers start stripping off when work kicks in kind of like being a 'Land Girl' stripper!:D

    Had to play supervisor yesterday to one of Bob's allotment builds for one of his buddies needless to say he can finish off without me now everything looks nice, neat and once again didn't cost a fig to make!

    It's kind of damp out but I'm hoping to potter about the home gardens as I need to move some snowdrops as they are in the way of an up and coming project and I really don't want to loose them if I can help it.

    Have a lovely day guys and may the sun shine on you all.Hel.xxx
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It is dry and quite mild out there this morning but no birds around yet. I fitted the new feeder yesterday and seven pheasants were queuing up to use it :). The birds seem to prefer the new feeding perches on it as well. The old feeder, and the remaining smaller one, had perching rods on them but the new feeder has loops and a bar. Apparently this is so that each bird can stand on it in its natural position. :gnthb:

    Lots to do today.

    Have a great day :D
  4. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    The sun has come out and there are birds all over the feeders :yho:
  5. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its cold here, -28 but sunny, so it doesnt seem so bad :hehe:
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Hi Penny,

    You're confusing me with your change of name :D. Unless there are two Pennys in Ontario with the same avatar :hehe:
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Happy March 1st and Pinch Punch first day of the month and all that goes wth it:thmb:

    It is just starting to get light out there though I can't hear the birds singing yet.:(

    Shiney you will have to put up some photos of the new bird feeder.I can't rememer now why you said you had to buy a new one.Did you get it from the RSPB?

    Penny -28 now to me that is cold,brrrrrrr nice to hear you had some sun though:D

    Wtached that programme on the telly last night ' Snowstorm,Britains Big Freeze' as we missed it the other night.I liked the bit about the baby that was born in the back of the ambulance on the slip road as they were trying to get the mum to our local Hospital.There was me sittng all nice and comfortable in the warm and not far away there was that young mum trying to hold back little Amy:p:oops: Glad to hear thta it went well for them in the end:thmb:

    Well yestreday afternoon me and Mr K drove over to the allotment with our shallots and onions that I had planted in trays of compost the other week and as I have wonky eyes,I wasn't allowed to plant them so I went off to try and get my bonfire lit,but I seem to have lost the plot as it just wouldn't take again.:( Spent some time emptying another compost bag and putting the stuff into another bag to turn it but had to give up when my back started twinging.Mr K did a good job and they are now covered with netting tunnels to protect them from the rabbits and the next lot of snow we might be getting soon,tut tut:D

    We have chicken for dinner today so I better go and get that ready for the oven plus all the vegetables prepared ready for cooking.:)

    Hope I haven't bored you all too much with my dialogue and I really do hope that you all have a great day:)
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy and all.

    Shiney I think there's always room for one more Penny maybe it's her alter ego!:hehe:

    -28 Penny i would have to agree with Kandy far too cold for me I would refuse to get out of bed, I do hope it warms up somewhat for you sweetie.

    Popped out to buy some more John Innes potting compost should have been £2.49 each but knocked down to £1.49 and then another surprise at the checkout when it came to £5 for 4 bags loads more lovely seeds to sow.

    Finally found the lavender seeds I was after 'Munstead' as Dobbies didn't have any in the other day in fact they had a really poor display in, going to be mean with the wee plants and cut them back hard as I now knwo that's where i went wrong the last time!

    Chicken for us too today Kandy just going to pop it in and part roast the potatoes saves waiting too long later on for it to 'land on your plates'.

    Enjoy your Sunday guys.Hel.xxx.
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Kandy, the large feeder fell apart. It was the 3ft high seed container that stood on the top of the 6ft candelabra. That is where the pheasants stand on the cross bar and eat from the big feeder. :) I buy all my birdfeed and accesories from C.J. Wildlife. Their feed is more expensive than a lot of the other companies but the birds seem to prefer it. When I have tried to change it the birds boycott me :hehe:

    Helen, I hope Penny doesn't alter her ego as well as her name :rotfl:. you seem to have got a bargain with your potting compost :thmb:

    Our wild bee orchids (can I still call them wild if they are in our garden :scratch:) are just beginning to show their leaves. The leaves grow very flat to the ground and get hidden in the grass so are difficult to spot. I spent 2 hours yesterday carefully looking for them and marking them with plant labels and now have a stiff neck from keeping my head bent down all that time. As the grass grows the plant labels won't be visible so I have bought 60 plant marker canes (20 for £1) and as they are green I shall dip the tops of them in paint. They need to be easily visible so that I don't run over the orchids when I mow. :)

    I'm going to have to find out whether there is a special technique for transplanting them as they are popping up in my good lawns and it will get too hard and time consuming to avoid them. I can't turn all of my garden into a wild life reserve :hehe:

    I shall be cooking a Thai veggie curry today :gnthb:

    Have a great day :D
  10. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone, :)

    Its currently -19 here but sunny out, so that doesnt seem so bad :gnthb::gnthb:

    Have some visiting today, its my FIL b-day:thumb::thumb:
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all.

    Shiney those birds seem to have you under their thumbs no that really should be claws boycotting you indeed.... are they royalty?:D

    Those Wild Bee orchids sounds lovely I will have to search the web for a little picture of them, I do like to see small flowers/bulbs poking up through patches of lawn I know it's not everyones cup of tea but it's mine.:thumb:

    Penny belated birthday wishes to your F-I-L hope you had a nice day together.
    Nice to know it's getting warmer -19 almost summertime! :hehe:
    Seriously though sweetie what sort of temperatures do you tend to get in summer?

    Well it was such a stunning day yesterday and what did Bob decide to do work hard maybe down at the paddock? No go for a lovely ride out not that I'm complaining as we called into a few garden centres (again) along our travels!:yho:

    My seeds are coming on no end and I will have to do some serious potting on later on today, needless to say that potting compost is coming in handy!

    Have a lovely day folks.Hel.xxx.
  12. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    :gnthb: Good morning everyone,

    Its still coooold here :dh: but sunny :yho:

    Our summer temps can reach 100 with the humidity, so it more then makes up for the cold, i am just glad that its March :yho::yho:.....come on Spring!!!:yho::yho:
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Had a good day yesterday,got over to the allotment at 8.45am and didn't leave until 12.55pm{lunch time} got loads of work done over there,came home had a shower and something to eat then went off down to Tesco' to get some vegs for Mabel and a few other bits we needed.By the time I got back home it was 3.30pm and by then I was feeling shattered:euw:

    Just settled down to listen to some music on You Tube while Mr K was watching Heroes when I suddenly had this megga pop up come up as MS Antispyware 2009 and didn't want to click on anything.Mr K wasn't very happy that he needed to sort it out while his favourite programme was on so made me wait until it was finished.He started up his other computer and Googled for some info and it says that this one is a fake so not to trust it.It gave step by step instructions on what to do to get rid of it and then did some scanning.I now have 17 threats from Trojans and 498 infections.s00k

    By the looks of things AVG didn't do it's job in sorting it out so now Mr K has to sit down this evening to try and get it put right.:)

    I shall have to have a word with my friends to see if they are picking these things up as I know one of them keeps having problems and has in the past sent them on to friends before including me.I don't think I will be doing too much serving on the net in future,because I click on links thinking they are ok and it seems they are not:scratch::cnfs:

    Shiney,I have brought seed from CJ's in the past but usually get mine from our local Jolley's as they sell it loose and I can pick out the seed the birds like to eat.They snub me as well if it isn't good enough and also they tend to put in too much pigeon corn to bulk it out:(

    Helen glad to hear your seeds are well on their way.I shall be doing some more of that today and it's great to hear you are getting plenty done at the paddocks.:thmb:

    Penny I could do with some of your summer weather right now to warm me up:D

    We might or might not get some more snow tomorrow so we shall see what happens.Rain is forecast for today,but at the moment it is dry out there and I can hear the birds singing which is a good sign.At times like this I am glad I live in Blighty:hehe:

    Hope you all have a great day:)
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy and all.

    100 boy that's far too hot for me Penny in fact 80 is my threshold and that's pushing it sometimes, I thing it's because I'm not one for sitting down and soaking up the sun although I do so like the late summer evenings when the sun is going down and there's a cool breeze....wonderful!

    Kandy I do so like the American TV shows and Heroes is one of them, I watch it with a passion. Hiro (cute as a button) and Sylar (as bad as can be) are my favourite characters Mr.K. will know what I mean.:hehe:

    I'm afraid I am hooked on Youtube too I watch it every night after I have read my book there's a wonderful British lady on there who does almost weekly update on what she's upto with regard to her allotment her tag is clairesallotment,

    I wish there were more people brave enough to 'do' Youtube as few like to show their faces and just have annoying music to accompany their video shoots, I like to see and hear real people!

    Once our allotments have been going for a few years I might just start video blogging on Youtube I am sure it will be a giggle and I think it would be ideal to give people tips on how to spend less or nothing on their plots and still make things look good.

    Sorting more seeds out today I have fallen (once again) into sowing far more seeds that I really need but if I can't find room for them I'm sure one of the guys down on the plots will have use for them.
    Have a nice day guys I have heard it's going to be a little cool over the next couple of days I do hope it's wrong! Hel.xxx.
  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It is dull but mild out there :thumb:.

    Helen, our birds get very fussy. If I haven't cleaned the feeders they also stay away :). The bee orchids are very pretty and grow to a height of about 12 inches. There are usually 3 or 4 flowers on each plant and they are no more than an inch. Here is a, slightly out of focus, picture.


    Kandy, sorry to here you have such a bad infection :hehe:. I hope you get rid of your viruses soon. :thmb:

    Yesterday was a very busy day dragging around the shops. We! have decided that our lounge needs a complete overhaul. We are going to strip the room completely. Taking out fitted cupboards, bookshelves (a few thousand books), Having new units made to replace them, new carpet (this one is 33 yrs old), new suite (43 yrs old) and redecorating.

    Yesterday was spent picking carpet, and a new suite. I'm paying all deposits by credit card just in case the companies go bust. If that happens I can then get my money back from the credit card company. It is a sad reflection on our times that I even have to think about that sort of thing :(

    Our snowdrops are looking even more magnificent this month :gnthb: and other things are now popping up :)

    Have a great day :D

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