Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, up early this morning just couldnt sleep, the sun is just rising looks like it may be another glorious day.
    have a great day all
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Rosa and everyone,had a sleepless night and then crashed out so have only just got up in time to see Mr K off to work.

    Rosa, sounds like you had the same sort of night as me,though in the end I fell into a deep sleep:D

    Spent all day yesterday with Mr K in the garden and while he dug out a big patch of those three cornered leeks which we took over to the tip later,I potted around the garden pulling out some weeds from some of my pots of plants ready for him to put out into the border when he has topped it up with top soil and muck:D

    Hope you all have a great day and please watch your backs:hehe:
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, yes i had a bad sleepless night up and down, hope the weather stays nice as im going out on wednsday for the day with my g/f we going to a few garden centers also getting rosa a new bed as the cushion in hers has flattened somewhat due to washing it in the washing machine so may get her a pouffe type one that i can take the cover off and wash it every so often.
    have a lovely day
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa,looks like it is just me and you keeping this thread going:D Not sure what the weather is going to be doing next week I just know we have it nice and hot here at the moment and i have been spending time outside enjoying it and some fresh air.:) Went over to the allotment with Mr K last night as he wanted to get some peas sown and I noticed our first spuds are showing through the soil:yho:Mr K planted them 21st March and they were showing 20th April so nearly a month to the day:)

    Hope your day is good and hope that you have a good day out with your friend next week:D

    I used to wash Tina's bedding every couple of months or so and it was nice when it was all fresh again along with her blankets after they had had the comfort treatment.:)

    Hope you have good weather today and that you have an enjoyable one.I'm just going to have a look round some other gardening forums then must make a start with the day.Have a good one:luv:
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy (maybe Rosa later on) and all.

    Managed to get a blind from the carboot on Sunday so chopped it all up yesterday and was once again rewarded with 500+ of plant labels which were sorely needed.

    This great weather were are having is doing the biz for the plants and flowers (sadly the weeds too!) not only are the bluebells out in the local woods but our potatoes are shooting through too Kandy we caught the tatties peeking through yesterday and my goodness Bob and I got very excited about that silly as it may seem to some people but it's our first REAL year at growing our own.:thumb:

    Finding it still a little uncomfortable with my daily chores but not giving in and although I struggle some what I am keeping up with the excise programme of which not matter how bad I feel I do 45 minutes each day, hard work but I feel better for it and achy is always better than seized in my book!:)

    Rosa our two old ladies have a feather pillow for their basket which I make patch-work covers for them once they are pass their best (after a couple of months through the washer) I throw them away and replace with another one and yes you have guessed it I'ave always got a new patch work cover on the go.:doh:

    Looking good out today thank goodness too the lawn needs cutting!

    Have a nice day girls.Hel.xxx.
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, helen and everyone, i was on at 4 this morning did a game in that section felt it was a little early to post in here.
    im going out on thursday with my friend for the day looking forward to it, we go to the place outside ponteland there is a lovely cafe that sells the best cherry and almond scones with strawberry jam and cream yummmy its just lovely and theres a few shops that sell lovely shabby chic furniture and other little bits.
    kandy and helen rosas bed its not that old bought it at petland the cushion has washed teribble all flattened, the outer is just fine but still getting her a new bed, ive got one in the bedroom and its great take the cover off that one much better.
    well hubby got away at 4 this morning back to africa so he wont actually get there till in the morning off-shore.
    think ill go for a little shopping a new store opened in our area bm discount store its got some great things and very cheap so ill have a little look in there and wilkinsons see iff i can see anything nice.
    have a great day all
  7. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Morning everyone,

    Its sunny here and supposed to rain later, but its better then the wet snow we had lastnight.
    I was planning on working outside, but the ground is too wet, so i will continue on with cleaning
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone,went out yesterday to that bm bargains got a few things for my balcony butterfly lights and a paper lantern in pink hung it on my balcony so it catches the sun for it to light, i also went to wilkinsons bought a cone hanging basket and a pack of 10 begonia bulbs also got 2 baskets with herb seeds in one and various lettice in other all complete half price at £2.50 right pleased with them.
    going to visit a friend this morning her hubbys in a pretty bad way hes got heart problems and tablets hes on has affected his liver, so going to comfort her this morning shes very upset and worried about him, do hope hes ok.
    have a great day all
  9. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Penny sounds like you still are having your winter over there,we have beautiful sunshine at the moment and it has been getting quiet hot by the afternoon so has been nice to be outside in the fresh air:)

    Rosa,I don't have time to play games on here because once I have finished with this forum I quickly go and have a look round the net then I go and get on with the day,and can't sit at the computer too long anyway:D

    How did the shopping trip go?I can't go on my own at the moment because I wouldn't be able to carry the bags,and Mr K isn't too keen on shopping anyway so it is going to have to wait.:p

    Hel,sounds like another good bargain with the blind and plants labvels.They will last you a little while though I did lke your pebble ones you did,they did look nice:thumb:

    Isn't it nice to see everything coming up on the lottie,though I know the weeds are a pain at times.:(

    Glad to hear about the exercising.I need to get back on me bike but can't grip the handlebars at the moment so have had to let it slide for the time being.:(Good luck with yours though and you will soon notice a difference:thumb:

    Our Guneia pig cuts our lawns so no need for Mr K to mow them at the moment though we have just had to buy some weed and feed so when he spreads thta won't be able to put Mabel out for some time.

    Hope you all have a great day in all that you do and don't forget the sun cream:thmb:
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa,you must have posted as I was typing.Sounds like you will have a nice bright Balcony with those lights and latern with the sun on them.I wonder what Mr Rosa will think when he arrives back home in a months time and you will have the baskets and already planted:hehe: Hope you leave him some room to sit out there:D

    Sorry to hear about your friends hubby.This is the problem when the tablets affect people.You take things to help one condition and it causes problems elsewhere.I do hope he soon gets better:thumb:

    Anyway,I am going to log off now as I have over done it this morning typing and my hand is killing me.I have tried typing before just with my left hand but I am far too slow:(:D

    Take Care and have a good day:luv:
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, the balcony will look nice when all the flowers come up, doubt mr rosa will notice it haha he never goes out there, its mine and rosas space.
    i spoke to my friend yesterday and she reckons her hubby will be in hospital at least a week, they just live around the corner from me ill probably go around about 10 lets hope shes got good news for me and at least she will have a shoulder to cry on, she works full time and has had to take time off work for a while.
    speak later
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Kandy and all.

    Rosa now you are a free woman for a while (what with hubby away) but I'm sure you keep busy but boy you two must have some fun catching up when it's his home-time!:hehe:

    I have to admit I do like B & M Bargains although I try to go when the shop is not so busy otherwise it's like taking part in Wacky Races down those aisles lots of bumping lol. Rose have you a Home Bargains store near you? it's kind of like B & M Bargains I have got some lovely 'stuff' from there.

    Sorry to hear about your friend's hubby Rosa and I can well imagine her worries here's hoping that this will only be a slight hiccup and he will be feeling far better soon.

    Penny still having snow? my goodness I have said this many times how do you cope girl? Sooner or later you are bound to have some really nice weather.

    Kandy WEEDS! thats a swear word in my book them blinking things are growing faster than our lawn and that grows at concord speed! I seem to spend more time weeding than anything else once I finish it's time to start on another bed!:oops:

    You are so right about the tablets Kandy you take one to aid one condition only for it to mess you up on something else which has happened to Bob.

    The exercising is coming on really good although I do think I'm getting totally hooked as I managed well over an hour yesterday and the best part of it I don't feel tried or as if I'm over doing things. Okay I crawl into bed at night and crawl out in the morning but that's quite normal for me until my body un-seizes its-self.

    Have a nice day girls and Rosa remember about those scones a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips.:D Hel.xxx.
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning helen, it was b&m bargains i went to yes its a great shop just posted the bits i bought and put them in my balcony thread, it hasnt been open that long and there was quite a few people in there getting in the way and bumping around and standing in my way in the aisles ignorant people.
    will give you update of my friends hubbys condition after i see her this morning.
    have a nice day speak later
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Helen and Rosa again.:D

    I don't think we have got a B&M Bargains store in our townjust TJ Max and TG Huges{sorry can't remember the exact name} plus The Pound Shop,Wilkinsons etc so it probably hasn't got to us yet:D Sounds like they do some bargain stuff there though.

    We haven't got the weeds started yet in earnest just a few little ones showing their heads through the soil.Our BiL has five pole of allotment that he has never touched in all the 28 years he has had an allotment so we get all his weed seeds blowing onto our plot.It has took him 28 years to dig the first five pole so will probably take him the same amount of time to dig the second five pole.Talk about bone idle:mad:

    Sorry Helen to hear that Bob isn't too good health wise.I swear they are killing everyone off slowly with all the blood pressure tablets etc that they keep pumping into the population:(

    Don't overdo the exercise Hel,little and often is the secret and gardualy build up to it.They reckon a little bit each day is better in the long term than hours of pumping away in one session:thmb:

    Rosa, have you and little Rosa both got your bed out on the balcony?It should be nice this time of the year with all the sun we are having at the moment:hehe: Hope the visit to your friends goes well:thumb:
  15. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Morning all, beautiful day here again today. Well todays the day for Mr 02's hospital appointment the 1st since his radiotheropy last November.

    We are hoping that he will get his blood test to see how well the treatment went.

    It has been a long 5 month wait and now the time is here we are both a little aprrehensive, but we need to know.

    If the truth be known we are both a little scared to say the least. Anyway fingers crossed.

    Hel, sorry to hear your Bob isnt to well, hope he improves soonest. Have a lovely day everyone and take care. 02

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