Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Hel,Rosa and:wlcm: Shiney:)

    Hel and Rosa,do take it easy with your back problems,I know how much we all love our gadening and balconys but need to take things steady now we are getting :old:er:D

    Shiney it will take too long to try and catch up so I wouldn't bother if i was you:D

    Penny hope your daughter has a great Birthday:)
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi kandy hehe you to need to take care of your back and your dear hands also hun, the weather is lovely here nice and warm do hope you have a great day and dont overdo things
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Rosa,I know I have to look after me old back and this gammy hand but as usual I was thinking of other people {you and Hel} to make sure you don't over do it like I did and end up the same:D:old:.,though having said that the Dr did say in the begining that a lot of key board users suffer with the same problem so perhaps I have been doing too much finger work on the old keyboard as it is my thumb and wrist that are the ones playing up:D

    I have been outside and washed my car as best as I can as it hasn't been done for months then collected some carborad boxes from my neighbour to hoard in the garage.As fast as Mr K gets rid of one lot another lot appears:hehe:Our friends at the allotment think we have either come into some money or are alcholics going by the pictures on some of the boxes and the fact that a lot of them are wine boxes:D:D

    Hope you enjoyed your morning with your friend.I am just off to get myself something to eat:)
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends I hope you are all OK Its the last day of April to day ,just thought I,d throw that Info In:hehe: Its going to be a cracker of a day,warm and sunny ,the Barbeque Is all ready for a busy summer:thumb: anyway have a lovely day and everyone please stay safe:)
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Woo and everyone,don't know about you Woo but I think April has just flownin fact the whole year has whizzed by:DDon't do BBQ's Woo as I always think the weather here is hardly ever warm enough and with the time it takes to light it and get the food cooked and on the plate my hungry hubby would have gone down to the nearest chippy:D.My neighbour who is a chef has them nearly every evening and even in the really cold weather he is out there in shorts and T.shirt and tongs in hand:D

    Just been outside to read the meters and it is freezing cold out there,brrrr.I want some sun:(:D

    Hope you all have a great day and please don't get too cold:)
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Kandy and all.
    Hiya Shiney welcome back sweetie.:wuvu:
    Woo not too sure about a barbeque today it's quite really wet here but not cold thank goodness for that. Have to agree April has flown pass so very quickly or is that solely because as we get older time seems so fleeting?

    Kandy/Rose this old bird is still up and about I just have to jack myself up for a re-charge (excise) and I'll be ready for the day maybe I'll have another cuppa first and a slice or two of toast but that toast might have to be changed to bran to get things working...... another thing we have to keep in order.:hehe::old:

    Rosa I forgot I had sown some nasturtiums seeds in my borders and was just about to pull the seedlings out the other day thinking they were weeds .... I really must keep an upto date sowing diary. I do love nasturtium sadly so do blackfly they nearly wiped mine out last year until Bob played 'Bugbuster' and killed them all:ntwrth: He does come in handy I think I'll keep him.:hehe:

    Dentist this morning with one of my boys so no lie in for Harry today shame as it's his day off too.:ywn: Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, kandy, helen and everyone,
    kandy hun you always think of everyone else but you mind thats not a bad thing shows you care for your friends on here, and thats were my pain in my hand starts from my thumb and up my wrist so i guess ive got the same it must be all this typing we do, mines in my left hand thats my writing hand.
    helen my friend gave me the nasturciam seeds havnt noticed any black fly, i seem to get a lot of green fly and they go for my clematis so i keep and eye out every day and give them a good blast with the bug killer hehe, you can eat the nasturcian flowers according to my friend, wonder what they taste like, i will keep an eye on them they are 3 inches grown now.
    woo i would love to barbeque iff i had a nice big garden but i did try a little one on my balcony and the flames were unbelievable i was terrified so ive not done that anymore hehe
    have a great day everyone
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Kandy, you are right. I won't bother trying to catch up.

    i worked out what I was going to do today as I had a free day but the freezer is now giving problems so I shall have to sort that out :(

    Look after yourselves.

    Have a great day :D
  9. joyce42

    joyce42 Gardener

    Feb 15, 2008
    I used to keep Racing Piddy's, , I loved them ,great hobby.Hope the owner lets you know when it gets home. We somtimes got them back with a note inside the race ring.
  10. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Hi everyone,

    Popping in to say hi, today was my errands day and grocery shopping, and i've been outside, putting down grass seed in some spots where the grass is not growing.
    Hope everyone is well.
  11. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning everyone Its the first of May hope I find you all OK,Lawns to cut to day and Pond Filters to clean out,If I got a silencer for the Mower I could start mowing early say maybe Dawn :hehe: Received Inside information on the weather Pattern this year ,its going to be a very warm Long summer 30+ centigrade,have a lovely day to day and have a good long weekend and stay safe :)
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Morning Woo and everyone and Happy May 1st:)

    Well it is Mr Kandy's Birthday next Wednesday so have been busy trying to wrap up all the goodies I have got for him and he is having the day off work on the day so hopefully if the weather stays nice we will go out for the day.Might look in the book and see what the NT has to offer.Might as well use it as we have paid for it:D

    Rosa,what are you like trying to set light to your flats with that barby eeeek:hehe: Yes that is me all over thinking of the well being of others.I do tend to put everyone else first and me last but that is me and it is too late to change:D
    I didn't know you were a lefty Rosa, I thought you were right handed like me:)
    Did you hear on the News that someone from Newcastle has got that Swine flu?

    Hel,I never have any problems as I eat plenty of granary bread,plus Weetabix in the summer and Porridge in the winter months and always have plenty of water to drink during the day.I like mine cold straight from the fridge,can't drink it warm from the tap:p

    Shiney,hope you got the freezer working ok,not good when they play up:oops:

    Well my right hand has started itching so had better go and get myself a lottery ticket because they say left hand leave right hand recieve so some money might be coming my way:lollol:

    Hope you all have a great day :luv:
  13. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Kandy and all.

    Not sure Bob and I can cope with temps around 30+ Woo we start to melt at 18! I do hope it's not too hot just warm enough for t-shirts and and that will do us of course we will be wearing shorts or trousers to save our blushes as well.:D

    Yes Rosa your friend is quite right you can indeed eat the flowers of nasturtiums they have a kind of peppery taste and look stunning in a salad.

    Kandy have you got your beloved something nice for next week? I do hope the weather is nice for you so you can really make the most of his day off.

    Penny I have a couple of 'lovely' bare spots in my lawn too a little present from our two old ladies they have started to 'go' among our borders as well now I really don't know which is worst!

    Shiney fingers crossed that your freezer gets sorted without costing you your hard earned money.

    Joyce there are so many wild pigeons around us here that I wonder if the council will start a cull on them it's starting to look like Trafalgar Square!

    Strange how the newbies down on the plots look at me in horror when I suggest hunting the rabbits and pigeons to eat, most of them see them as pets not pests. People need to remember that at one time your meat came fresh still skinned not cling filmed wrapped!

    Yesterday went to the pickle factory in Sheffield to pick up some water butts only manged to squeeze 3 in the car and that's with the back seats folded up against the front ones the butts were HUGE, two guys came out to help the guy that was trying to get the butts in the car and called out 'Can we be of any help? cheeky Bob answered 'Yes if you're magicians! Can't take him anywhere!:o

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, kandy, helen and everyone.
    nice and sunny out there could be in for a lovely day just had coffee on my balcony and it seems ok my climbers are really taking off especially my montana clematis had to put up another trellis as they had nowere to climb at front of balcony.
    kandy wish mr kandy a lovely birthday for next wednsday and hope he enjoys what you have got him.yes im a lefty, seen it on news about swine flu here in newcastle lets hope it doesnt spread.
    helen will put them nasturcians in my salads when they eventually flower ive gotr loads popping up all over as i had 4 packets of seeds.
    happy 1st may everyone have a lovely day
  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It is a beautiful day out there. :)

    I don't like temperatures too high either so I hope it doesn't reach 30+ :(. Around 20 - 22 is fine for me :thmb:

    Freezer still playing up but not to serious - just a nuisance. The other evening Mrs shiney didn't quite close the door properly. It wasn't open enough for the alarm to go off but enough for the temperature to rise from -19 C to zero. We then put it in boost but it wouldn't get colder than -12. According to the book this means that the coils at the back have become iced up. It is a self-defrosting freezer and but if the door isn't closed properly it can't cope with the icing up.

    So it said that we had to switch it off, empty it, put two pans of hot water inside and leave it for an hour and a half for it to defrost. The ice would melt from the coils and drip into an evaporator bowl beneath. This is how it normally sel-defrosts. It said that as there will be so much ice the bowl will have to be regularly mopped out until all the ice has defrosted. Sounds simple - NO :mad:

    We bought the new fridge and freezer when we had the kitchen refitted five years ago as the old ones were 30 years old. They are matching 2 metre high units and are fitted next to each other. The freezer is on the left then there is a dividing panel between them with built in cupboards above. The cable from the freezer runs through the dividing panel, behind the fridge, then through the side of the kitchen cupboard and plugged into a socket at the back of the cupboard.

    We switched it off, emptied the freezer and then pulled the freezer out to get to the coils and evaporator bowl. Thw trouble was that the cable wasn't long enough to pull the freezer out far enough. :( We couldn't take the plug off and pull the cable through as we wouldn't be able to get it back from behind the fridge and back through the cupboard wall. so we thought that we would let the freezer defrost for longer to make sure and put up with the defrosted ice melting all over the floor as it is a ceramic tiled floor.

    Did that and then cleaned out the freezer, pushed it back and refilled it. Then we switched it back on using the boost switch. Of course, it was at room temperature but rapidly dropped below zero. Unfortunately it struggled once it got past -10 and hasn't got below -15 so it is not defrosted properly.

    So I've got to start again :mad:. This time I shall get inside the cupboard, take the plug off the cable, extend the cable so the freezer can be pulled right out and hope that we can then get it done properly. It is not going to do my back and neck much good working inside the cupboard.

    Have a great day:D

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