Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thmb: Morning everyone, I hope you get your freezer sorted out Shiney, very frustrating for you..!:flag: Seems we are all busy bees now the weather is picking up..

    :thmb: Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing.!
  2. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning everyone Hope you are all OK and have slept well,This weekend Is the annual Sweeps Festival where people come from all over Gt Britain and the world and dress up In strange Costumes ,Funny hats and jump about waving Sticks with Bottle Tops .I will go over and might have a go my self :yho:Everyone Have a great day and please stay safe:)

    [align=left][​IMG] Sunrise [​IMG]
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo and all.

    Woo that dressing-up and jumping about with sticks sounds so much fun but I do wonder if there is any drink involve!:D

    Shiney dear Shiney what a total nightmare you are having with what 'should' be so easy of a job but it just goes to prove nothing is as simple as it first appears, do hope you are able to sort out that blinking freezer..... although by the sounds of it you might need caving gear!:doh:

    Marley yes an awful lot of weeding is on the cards for today got to be able to see my veg instead of the weeds.

    Rosa I use to have a montana clematis at our old house and my goodness could that flower I wasn't even bothered that it only flowered a couple of weeks of the year nothing can compare to those masses of flowers that appear like one large garland, sadly there is no room for one in our present gardens (I don't know how you find the space on your balcony) so I'll be taking a cutting of my m-i-l's plant which originally came off mine.

    Have you noticed Rosa that the Montana seems to be flowering a few weeks earlier than normal this year?

    Lets hope we have nice weather for this long weekend guys because I'm sure we can all find things that need to be done.Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning woo, helen and everyone.
    woo that sounds like fun hope your getting pics for us to see, never heard of that before.
    helen, my montana is still growing got it in a pot at end of balcony and its growing right across the front, i have trellis all cross the balcony, im hoping it flowers this year as i guess its still establishing its self in, iff it flowers this year will be putting pics in container gardening in my section of rosas balcony 2009, keep your fingers crossed it flowers aswell as my other climbers ive got.just bought a honeysuckle and the same it will take at least 3 years to establish its self long progress but its worth it in the end.
    have a great day all
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo, Hel,Rosa and everyone.Running late thois morning although I have been up since before six have been busy running a few errands:)

    Nice picckys Woo.I saw that the sun was rising this morning but decided against going to get some photo's because my dozy cats decided to follow me the other day and then started crying becaue they were frightened of the cars going past:p Hope the Sweeps Festival turns out nice and I bet it will be crowded as the weather is beautiful today.:thmb:

    Hel and Rosa I have a lovely Montana Clematis which we thought we had lost a couple of years ago when we had to move it out of the way so that Mr K could work on the drainage system for the Conservatory and then when we were away in the summer our neighbours didn't water it enough and when we came back it was all but dead but we kept watering it and gradually it came back and now it looks a picture two years on and we have had to put up more support for it.:D

    Hope your freezer problems are sorted now Shiney:thmb:

    Well we are going to potter around the garden for the rest of the morning and then are going to drop off some stuff at the allotment before picking up the rotavator so that Mr K can rotavate his dads vegetable garden so we can get his spuds planted:D

    Hope you all have agreat day and don't forget to keep the fluid intake up:luv:
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy,my montana dies off thought the same and its coming back with a vengeance all over the balcony front, they are so lovely to see cant wait for mine to flower it should do this year, i will be suprised iff it doesnt.
    have a great day
  7. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends everyone have a lovely day and all please stay safe :)
  8. scillygirl

    scillygirl Gardener

    Feb 7, 2009
    Good morning everyone,
    I thought I'd say hello as I'm up early this morning - just me and the cats k-l.
    Today we're finally going to plant something in the new garden! Mr S is taking rare time off from the veg garden to help plant the tree and shrubs he bought for my birthday :luv:. We have a trailer of manure we got from the local stables yesterday, parked outside the front door, and the weather forecast is reasonable, so looking forward to making a start !
    Hope you all have a lovely day :)
  9. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Woo Scillygirl and everyone.Welcome to this glorious Sunday morning:)

    SG you are so lucky to have stables close by to you.Horse poo is as hard as hens teeth to find round here so make sure you keep using it as it will do the garden and the veggy's some good.Are you going to let the poo rot down a bit first before using it?

    Good luck with the tree planting and hope the day stays fine for you:thmb:

    Well it is a bit dull out there now and I was hoping that it would be a good day as the sun was so bright when I got up earlier and was hoping for a nice day:( Mr K put down some weed and feed last evening as we have a major problem in this village with dandelions and everyones lawns are full of the stuff now so Mabel won't be able to go out on the grass for a few days.I shall just have to go round the village armed with my scissors and container and cut her plenty from the open bits of grass:D

    I think I shall sow my Butternut Squashes and Sweetcorn today and then next week my French and Runner Beans.It's all go in veggie land:D

    Hope you all have a great Sunday in all that you do:)
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, skillygirl, kandy and everyone.
    been raining over night here but the sun is just coming out so looks like we could have a lovely day
    have a lovely sunday all
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Scillygirl, Kandy, Rosa and all.

    Happy birthday Scillygirl nothing better than getting a plant for your garden for your birthday I mean chocolates and cut flowers don't last that quick!:hehe: Good luck with moving that muck if you lived closer I would have gladly given you a hand as I'm pretty quick with the muck fork!

    Kandy I already have sown sweetcorn in paperpots but need to sort out the rest of my seed I could have sworn I had some butternut squashes and French bean seeds but for the life of me I can't find them. Oh by the way my Japanese onions are swelling up nicely I'll be so excited when they are ready.:yho:

    It was raining here too at 5am this morning Rosa I so wanted to go to the carboot today but they are not great when it's raining.:( Looking good now so another day at the paddocks me thinks.

    Hope you all have a lovely day too.Hel.xxx.
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa and Hel,thanks for sening the sun down this way Rosa,the rain has left off and we have just been for a nice pleasant walk round the village and the countryroads outside of the village:) Just stopped to admire a Bluebell{English} when Mr K spotted a long hairy caterpillar on a flower stalk and guess what,I had left my camera at home for the first time in yonks:(

    Helen hope you get some good bargains at the carboot if the rain stops and you get there.:thmb:

    I have done the veggie preparing for Sunday dinner and am now just going to make the Yorshire pud mix and while that is standing will go and sort out those sweetcorn.:D

    Hope you both have a great day:)
  13. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi helen ,kandy and all, just come back been to my friends not far from me the royal quays marina and it fantastic first time ive actually been there and got some pics and seen an unbelievable sight a heron ive never ever seen one here in the north east, got some pics, talked to two local guys and they said the heron lives here just couldnt believe it, anyway had a lovely day.
  14. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends Its Holiday Monday,Gypsy and Penny say hello to,Tiny,s gone visiting in sunny Essex,To day the plans are to visit to a local Canal just up the road in a little village called Higham,
    everyone have a great day and please stay safe:)
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and everyone,hope you are all having a great BH Monday.:)

    Woo,hope you enjoy your trip to the Canal.No doubt you will get some good photo's of the wildlife:thumb:

    Rosa,sounds like you had a good day out with your friend:thmb:

    Well yesterday afternoon after lunch we drove over to Coton Manor Gardens and spent a good few hours walking round the gardens and up into the Bluebell woods.The smell of the bluebells was strong even before we got through the gate.Lots of people there as well but it was spoilt by a few screaming kids that the parents didn't seem to bothered about but it must have ruined the pleasure of the gardens with all the noise they were making:(

    The sun was quiet bright and there was a bit of a breeze but it was a nice way to lose a few hours:)

    Kelmarsh Hall is having a hardy plant fair today so might nip over there when it opens and see what's about and have a look round the gardens:D

    Hope you all have a great day and an enjoyable one:)

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