Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Shiney,Woo and everyone:)

    Shiney,if your weather looks as good as our does this minute then I think you will have a very good open day.It sounds like you will be rushed off of your feet but glad to hear that Oscar is going to help you outk-l.:thumb:One question,do you hold back any of your plants for those coming in the afternoon or do you just put out the whole lot and hope that there are a few left for the afternoon crowd? because I see you have two opening times one for the morning and one for the afternoon:scratch::D

    Woo,hope you enjoy your trip out to the Dickens Festival and get lots of nice piccky's:gnthb:

    Helen,my friend has now been able to park their car in the disabled spot at the Hospital since her husband has developed Emphasemia?{spelling} due to years of heavy smoking so she is happy she doesn't have to sit in the car waiting for the time to elapse before she can drive home now:hehe:

    Comet enjoys staying with me.He lives in the bathroom with the door closed to keep the cats out although yesterday Mr Kandy found it wide open as I had forgotten to shut it:oops::o He gets a bit neglected by his owners and I do feel sad for him at times:(

    Scillygirl,glad to have you back.:thumb: I wish I could type faster as it takes me an age to get things done on here but my fingers are not as young as they used to be:D:old:

    Myrtle is my pride and joy and I hate it when Mr Kandy has to drive it but when this tendinitis was quiet bad he was having to drive me about and he sometimes thinks he gets a bit carried away with his speed{like most of the time}

    My friends have just come back from two weeks in Ireland and said that it rained practically the whole time they were there.No wonder it is called the Emerald Isle:D

    Rosa,glad that Woo is going to get your tape transferred over to DVD.At least you will have it to keep.Did hubby watch your ten minutes of fame?:)

    Well the sun is shining and I am getting a bit hungry so ready for my brekkie.Mr Kandy dug out the first of the lilac trees yesterday and then dug the ground over ready for replanting.Luckily they are not huge trees so it was quiet easy digging it out.:D

    This morning we have grocery shopping to do then this afternoon we must get to the allotment to weed all the seedlings before they get swamped by the fast growing weeds:(

    Hope everyone has a good day and that the sun shines on us all whatever we may be doing:luv:
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Shiney,I nearly missed your post above:D Have you got any of those gazebo type thingy's for people to sit under if the sun is to fierce.?Wouldn't want all the visitors to be flaking out all over your bee orchids and this will be Oscar if they dok-lk-l:D

    Anyway,have a good one and raise lots of money:gnthb::luv:

    PS forgot to say hope you have a good holiday next week and that the weather stays fine for you:thmb::D
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy yes hubby watched it he said it was fine only thing they put on was me saying i had never heard of bruce sprinstein thought i had made a bit of a fool of myself, anyway once woo has got it transferred over to dvd we will be putting it up and you will see for yourself, hehe.
    shiney so pleased the weather is going to be good for your opening day, theres always bits and pieces to do before the event, good luck have a good one
  4. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Goodmorning friends, I am back :hehe:

    I have some catching up to do, looks like lots has been going on :gnthb:

    We had a great time, will post a few pics later. We awoke to a cuckoo [not pigeons like here!] we went to sea to look at the seals, we walked miles and I am exhausted. I need a holiday :dh:

    Hope everyone is well, will catch up over the next day or two.
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning jazmine, so pleased you had a great holiday, look forward to seeing your pics, yes a lots been going on ive been on telly for talk about bruce springstein concert and hubby is buying me a new car sporty one with convertible roof, cant wait for tuesday to go see it put pics up of it, speak soon have a rest
  6. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its nice here this morning but looking like rain, I'm still going to go out and water, just in case.
    Its been nice this week being able to finally play and plant outside.
  7. scillygirl

    scillygirl Gardener

    Feb 7, 2009
    Hi everyone,
    We've had a drier day today, so spent most of it weeding in the veg garden, then came home and spent an hour and a half this evening in the new front garden, excavating rocks, concrete blocks and a huge piece of buried polythene which the builders left as a surprise gift ...Why do builders do that? It would be so much easier for them to get rid of their rubbish with all their machinery, than for one small woman with a fork!! At least after all that effort I was warm enough to stand out there as it began to get dark, listening to the birdsong and pondering about what to plant where if I ever get to that stage !
    Rosa, I missed all that about the tv appearance but just had a catch-up on those threads. You were brave to be interviewed, I hide behind something if there's a camera around! Good luck with getting the new car.
    Kandy I know what you mean about Mr K driving your car, I'm the same with Mr S. Mind you, he gets his own back with the occasional wince or sharp intake of breath when I'm driving...
    Well I'm off to bed. Still on the early nights regime. Yes. 11.30 is early for me! Hope you all have a great Sunday xx
  8. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends I hope that you are all well,its 4am and its just getting light what a lovely morning it is,The birds are whistling and the Foxes are barking,Gypsy and Penny are waiting to go out don't you just love these Mornings:yho:Oh I went to the Dickens Festival yesterday with my camera and what do you think,(Its next weekend):dh::hehe: everyone really enjoy to day and please stay safe:)
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning scillygirl, woo and everyone.
    scillygirl im suprised i did that i too can be nervous with cameras hehe suprised i did that, we are going in the morning to look at car so hoping i get it, have a test drive it does worry us as our rover has been such a reliable car these past 2 years never let us down, the only thing with it, it guzzles the petrol hence the name i call it the guzzler haha, let you know how it goes.
    woo its also lovely and sunny here this morning bet you couldnt believe it getting the dates wrong for the festival never mind you know now when it is will look forward to seeing pics after next weekend, must be lovely to hear all them lovely country sounds.
    think im going out later to watch newcastle play at our local club hope we win.
    have a great sunday all my dinner prepared having pork today
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Well what a lovely we had yesterday and it is already warm this morning and I think the forecast is for another hot day today:yho:makes me feel glad I live in England when it is like this,although I do like the rain when the garden and lottie need watering.:D

    Got the grocery shopping done yesterday morning,then went to a farm shop and ordered a midi bag{1/2 ton} of green compost for £30 and a few odd pence with free delivery and they are going to bring it some time next week so Mr Kandy is going to spread it round where the first lilac tree has been taken out plus we are going to add a lot of it to other parts of the garden.We thought it good value because at the garden centres they want more for those sacks of soil conditioner:p Went over to the allotment after Mr K had watched the practise session on the telly for the grand Prix and after being stopped for ages by our friend chatting to us finally got started and Mr K has now put out the Courgette and Squash plants so they should get off to a good start now:thmb:

    Woo,enjoy your walk with Gypsy and Tiny,you have a good day for it:gnthb:

    We are always getting things wrong.When we were on holiday a few years ago we drove to Plymouth to go and visit the Mary Rose wreck and after hunting round for the Exhibition center asked a Council worker where we could find it.His answer was 'It's in Portsmouth,not Plymouth':oops::o:D boy did we feel right nanners,although we did enjoy a few hours walking round Plymouth and got some great photo's of the red and white lighthouse there so all was not lost:D

    SG I don't know how you can stay up so late.Me and Mr K must be getting :old: because we are ready for bed by ten:D Glad that you managed to get plenty done yesterday:thmb:

    We are going back to the allotment this morning while it is still coolish outside and then this afternoon while Mr K watches the racing I shall be cooking the chicken for dinner,catching up on my Ironing.cleaning out the Goldfish and Guneia Pig, and pricking out my Cauliflower seedlings,oh and potting on some more plants as well as doing a bit of weeding,phew:D

    Hope all went well yesterday Shiney and hope you have got the room prepared now for the decorating next week:lollol:

    Have a good day everyone in all that you do,and please don't get too hot or burnt:luv::D
  11. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Morning peeps! :luv:

    Gosh, I'd have to get up early to beat some of you!! :hehe:

    A beautiful start to the day, we are deciding what to do here. We fancy a nice "nature" or "river" walk today. I need to lose those extra pounds I put on last week ... oops...chocolate!

    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing in this lovely weather.
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It was a brilliant day yesterday. Very tiring but very rewarding. So many people made cakes for us that we still have lots left over. We managed to sell some of them to people as they left.

    The charity will get over £1,000 :yho: from the day but we haven't yet calculated exactly how much.

    I didn't have time to take many photos and those that I did take are not all that good because the sun was too strong and I haven't yet found the right setting on the camera to cope with it properly :(.

    Kandy, we're still struggling to get our lounge cleared. We shall have to work out how to get rid of the settee and armchairs :scratch: but still need something to sit in for this week until we go away next Sunday. I haven't checked with the furniture shop whether the new furniture is in yet. Decorator starts tomorrow so we have to put up with the mess and disruption for a while. We both have a busy week anyway and Mrs shiney is already worrying about what to pack for the holiday - It will only take me 10 minutes to do my packing :hehe: :rotfl:

    We've still got to sort out someone to come and water the greenhouse, pots and plant sale area. Hopefully we will still sell more plants during the week.

    Woo, enjoy the Dickens Festival next weekend :hehe:

    rosa, I'm sure you are going to love your new car :gnthb:

    Kath, I've got some lovely chocolate cake left over which you can have :rotfl:

    Have a great day :D
  13. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thmb: Morning everyone.. Shiney so glad your day was good yesterday & the charity will be so pleased.! Well done Mr & Mrs Shiney..

    :gnthb: rosa so brave of you... I would have run a mile...!! Well done you, fame at last...!!!!:D

    :thmb: Well it has been so beautiful here that Charley & I were out early this morning..!! We were out at 6am & have walked all around the west side this morning & just got back now..!! Got my coffee & just having a little break before gardening..:yho:

    :thmb: Hope you all have a great day too, whatever you are all up too.!
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Morning everyone,

    Hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather we are having at the moment,although they are froecasting we might get some of the wet stuff today so we shall see:D

    Shiney glad that you had a very good day and sounds like you have raised a lot of money:yho:If you want to get rid of the three piece suit are there not any organisations down your way that collect old furniture and who give it to people who desperatley need things like that.I can't remember the name of them but people in the past on our village website who couldn't se their beds,wardrobes etc ring up those places and they send someone round with a van etc to take the stuff away,but I can't remember whether they are still going or not.:scratch::) I could of sworn you said you were going away this week:dh::D

    Jazmine,nothing beats getting close to Nature and hope you enjoyed your day:)

    I wouldn't have minded your old doors though,they would have been good on the allotment as compost bins nailed together.Pity you live so far away:D

    Well yesterday we had a good time at the allotment with Mr Kandy putting fleece round the Runner Bean canes and putting up netting for the peas to scamble up.We had a good three hours over there and felt worn out when we got back home.Mr Kandy was glad of a rest while he watched the Grand Prix and I managed to get two lines full of washing dry:hehe:

    Another busy day for us out in the garden I should think,got to get lots done because Mr Kandy is working the whole of next weekend:(

    Nice to see we have some more smilies on the front page.I find it a pain having to click more to get some of the others:D

    Sorry to ramble on so much and hope that you all have a great day:)
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, kandy, jazmine, shiney, marley and everyone.
    shiney im so pleased your event went well, thats great news making £1000 well done, you can pass them cakes around gc haha , went to see car and garage was closed, so we going tommorow we saw the car in fact they have two identical silver, one a little older with leather seats and the newer one has cloth seats, then went to a local garage and got my eye on a blue mg sports car 2 seater so its decision time tommorow think we prefer the renault megane coupe we want to check that the roof is electric as the mg wasnt you had to pull the roof over manually put us off a bit that.
    kandy sounds like you had a busy day at the allotment, great gardening weather for you today enjoy.
    jazmine do enjoy your walk and look forward to seeing your pics.
    thanks marley i felt like running a mile as soon as i get it put on dvd will be putting it in here let you all have a good laugh, sounds like you had a nice walk with charley enjoy your day.

    have a great day everyone

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