Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Rosa, Kandy and all.

    Darling Woo what were you up to yesterday? I missed you.:)

    Jazmine hope the art class went well I'm getting quite jealousy now what with both you and Rosa being very arty where I'm sadly a jack of all trades and a master of none!:doh:

    Periwinkle I caught as many of them blooming sneaky weeds yesterday morning as I could and even managed to take some pictures although I haven't a clue yet what the snaps are like but I'm sure I'll have time today to sort them out as darling Rosa answered my call of help and sent me some lovely rain!:D

    Rosa sweetie thanks for the rain it started to come down yesterday evening and hasn't stopped since..... so far I'm enjoying it!
    Glad your car didn't cost the earth to find out whats wrong with it but I would try and recover whatever costs you can from the seller of which they are obliged to do so on any faults the car had when you purchased it but I must warn you it's blinking hard to do so.

    Kandy terrible news to come home to find your home flooded sadly even with insurance it still takes forever and a day to sort out the claims, hope it gets sorted out for your friends soon enough.

    A nice and easy day ahead a good old house clean and then I might go over my allotment plans.

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    afternoon helen and peri, sorry to throw the rain your way helen haha its a bit cloudy here but dry for now.
    peri dont blame you for having a lie in wish i could, just been out earlier in the borrowed fiesta quite a nippy car so i went to wilkinsons bought some frames for my poppy pictures i took and just painted the frames green to match the pictures, going to frame the poppies soon and will take pics, i also bought a lovely garden clock, so had a nice bit shop.
    planning a trip with my friend to high force in teesdale so will go when weathers nice so that we can have top down on car
    have a nice afternoon
  3. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends ,I hope that you are all well,its 4.30am and its just getting light,Its torrential rain here but the good news is its only meant to last a week:hehe:so Its on with my wet gear :dh:,Gypsy loves the rain,but I think I will get a buggy for Penny as she refuses to get wet,Tiny is away over the border in the wilds of Essex with my son:) The tune on the radio is"It might as well rain untill September":lollol:(Carol King) I don,t expect all you young people will remember that one:wink: anyway everyone have a lovely Sunday and all stay safe:)
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo and everyone, well its dry here suns coming out hope it stays nice and not bad outside,
    woo this is what you want great dog buggy for penny mind its 136 euros hehe


    or you could go for this lovely bright green one 119 euros haha


    have a great day all
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo Rosa and everyone,

    Woo hope your flight feathers don't get too wet.It started raining here at 6.30am but it was ok when I got up at 5.30am.Enjoy your soggy walk:D

    Rosa,are you going to get one of those for little Rosa?I think she will look sweet in the blue/grey one:hehe:

    Peri,the hand problem I have is called De Quervain Tenosynovitis but if any one asks I just say Tendonitis.I never went to the Dr straight away,and only went a month later when the pain got worse.I just thought it was Arthritis in the wrist bone.Anyway,after having to do hand movements when I went to see the Dr she told me what it was.

    I had to have stronger Anti-inflammortories that made me feel ill so then had to have Anti sickness pills.The pain is at the base of my thumb and the thumb pad on the palm is swollen.
    I had a Steroid Injection done four weeks ago and have to make another appointment within the next two weeks for the second one to be done.I have problems writing,using scissors,turning keys, ironing, opening tins etc and have been told to rest it as much as i can but that isn't easy when I am used to doing so much.You don't realise how much you depend on your limbs until one of them plays up:D

    Anyway,while i have been up early this morning and since it has got colder I have got out my slow cooker and have been preparing meat and vegetables for todays dinner so it is now cooking nicely and smells really nice:D

    Went with Mr Kandy over to the allotment yesterday afternoon so he could net the sweetcorn.As we were leaving we had a visit from this chap{Community Support Officer} who was checking the allotments to see if everything was ok after the shed breakings and thefts the other week.We must have stood there talking to him for nearly an hour so didn't get home until late.:D

    Hope you all have a great day and apologies if I have missed anyone:o
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, i wouldnt be seen out here in whitley bay with a dog buggy people would laugh their heads off hahaha heres some more i found nice colours, these are for woo haha, mind they are nice, have a great day and enjoy your dinner im doing chicken today, great pic of the support officer.


  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Rosa, Kandy and all.

    My goodness when I saw the buggies I thought someone was having a baby then I realised there were fur babies in them! It had to happen really didn't it? I mean I have seen quite a few old dears pushing their beloved aged pups around in them but I fear silly young girls will buy the buggies for their tiny toy pups so they can 'act' like mummies!:doh:

    Kandy your CSO seems a lovely chap I do feel these new CSO people seem an awful lot how the old type Bobby-on-the-beat use to be like just walking around and stopping to chat with everyone, I truly think we need to get that kind of respect back.

    Rosa I wasn't complaing about the rain sweetie I was over joyed with it so badly needed down here although truth be told it didn't last long but fingers crossed we will get some more soon enough.

    I think it's Gammon for us today Rosa I just need to pop over to get a cabbage from the plot.

    Woo I'm sure your beloved Tiny is being a little rascal and keeping your son in check!

    Kathy yes finally posted some new pictures I am sure you will not be able to miss us in the allotment section, Bob even got in frame a couple of times but he didn't know I do hope I don't get sued!:hehe:

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning helen i know you werent complaining about the rain, yes guess you need it for your garden, my friend waters her garden it takes an hour pleased ive just a balcony it doesnt take me 5 mins to water my pots.
    thats sooo funny helen about the dog buggys mind they do look like prams for babies i was quite suprised to see them haha.
    enjoy your gammon my dinner is all prepared and on then going to local pub at 12 meet family for a few drinks, put more potatoes veg etc on bet they come for their dinner later.
    have a lovely day
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning peri and everyone, the buggys for pets are a good idea but dont think i would like to walk along our roads with rosa in it, everyone would be in histerics would be thinking i had a baby once they see them, i know they use them in america.didnt go out for lunch we went for a few drinks and came back and had dinner at home family enjoyed the chicken dinner i had made.
    its lovely and sunny here off shopping this morning hubby wants a new football shirt and then to morrisons for a few things and not missing the garden dept.
    have a great day all
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa and everyone,

    Rosa when I saw those buggies yesterday I did think to myself that someone on here had something to tell us.I should think you are more than happy being a Grandmother to your girls children without starting again:D Enjoy your shopping trip with your hubby.You would never see Mr K in a football shirt.He hates all types of sports,quiet boring actually:D

    Peri,sorry to hear about your hand problems,sounds quiet nasty.I have heard of a few people that have had that condition and have had to have operations done.When you think about it our hands are one of the most important parts of our bodies with the work they have to do:D

    Hel,that young CSO was telling us that he had run the London Marathon this year i n just over three hours and was in training to run another one but can't remember which one he said now:oops::pHe was going to be sitting outside our allotments Saturday morning {3am} but i doubt if the thieves will be back until we have all replaced our machines that were stolen:(

    Anyway,have had a busy weekend going around to various places to see if we can get another replacement rotavator so haven't had a lot of time to sit on here and then last night was the final of The Apprentice so didn't get to bed until gone eleven:snz::D

    Hope you all have a great day without too much rain:)
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy,i thought those buggys looked a little like prams for babies hehe, that got you and helen going for a while haha soooo funny couldnt resist it as woo did say he was going to get penny and buggy.
    i might have a look myself at a few shops while hubbys looking for his football shirt see what next and river island has in.
    have a great day
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Kandy, Kathy and all.

    I haven't just got up (honest) my goodness this morning seems to be flying fast!

    Kathy I had to look up Dupruytrons Contracture. I must say the operation images were a little graphic goodness knows how sore your poor hands must be after getting butchered like that but saying that the operation must make things a little easier for you at least I hope so.

    Rosa Bob wears the boys old football shirts down on the allotment ( I hate to throw out good wear-able clothes) he does get strange looks as one of the lads had tons of shirts of different teams although his two favourites were Man U. and Newcastle.
    Rosa do you remember the very sexy David Ginola? I never missed a T.V. match when he was playing!:hehe:

    Kandy I thought it was kind of cute your CSO was riding a bike it made him look super fit didn't realize he was proper fit! Well done for him doing marathons the only ones I like to do are the chocolate kind you know before they were called snickers!:lollol:

    Not raining today hope to get a little pottering done around the home gardens today.
    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  13. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its cool and overcast here, looks like more rain for us, it pretty much rained all weekend, but i dont have to water though.
  14. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Afternoon, sorry a bit late today.
    I went to WW this morning then to afternoon tea round a friends. She had invited some neighbours and there were lots of cakes and jam and cream.:)
  15. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends I hope you are all well and OK,Have a great day and please stay safe:thumb::)

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