Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, kandy and everyone, my daughters and grandson arriving at 9 staying for the day we are hoping to go for a walk on the beach hoping the weather will be nice but wont hold my hopes out as its a bit windy still here and a little dull.
    shiney love your pics do like mrs shineys hat looks great.
    penny those pics of the falls are excellent ive been there myself many years ago i went in the maid of the mist boat got drenched under them falls.
    kandy and peri they have eventually found the problem on the car its the injectors so part coming in on monday apparently on this 2 litre make car the problems are hard to find on this particular model but at least they have found it now so as soon as its fixed i should have it back monday, my hubby called the garage were we bought it and hes pleased they have found the problem now and is paying the bill he doesnt expct us to pay a penny.
    as soon as ive got it back will get a pic of me in it im off out with my friend on wednsday in it for the day so lets hope the light goes out when this part goes in, its out of my hands now son in law dealing with it hes finding out monday that the part goes in as all parts go to the main dealer were his friend runs it as he worked there for 8 years, he said his friend said any more problems hes going straight up to garage and taking the car back to main dealer and will fix it there, he offered to go up and check it but after his call they found the problem.
    have a great day
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Penny your photos certainly show the grandeur of the falls :gnthb:

    Welcome back Scilly :)

    Kandy, I said that I was struggling with the hedge :( :hehe:. It has been there for nearly 60 years and was that big when we came here. Although you can't see it in the photo it is actually a V shape. The driveway is a diagonal and part of the hedge runs alongside the driveway. The other side of the V runs parallel with the road. A lawn runs into the V and we have a compost heap at the end of the inside of the V so it is hidden from view.


    We never had any trouble cutting the hedge because, before Tracy started helping us, we had someone called Richard who cut all the hedges and shaped the trees. He had all the gear that did it easily. I had to place a sheet of plywood on the top of the hedge, lie across it and stretch out with the hedge cutter. Very difficult for an old codger :old: :hehe:. We are thinking of having some of it taken out but can't work out how it can be done. It is made up of only six laurel plants/trees :scratch:. If we just had it cut back it would take years for it to sprout properly as we would be back to trunks that are between 6 and 18 inches diameter.

    Peri, hope the move goes well :thumb:

    rosa, I'm glad the car is now being sorted :yho:

    We have visitors today so, after I have cut some lawns, I am on kitchen duty. :)

    We are off tomorrow morning to the village of Lode (about 40 mins away) to look at their open gardens. It is in aid of the RNLI so, as an old sailor, I have to go and support them :old:. The gardens there are usually very good.

    have a great day :D

    Have a great
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Kandy, Rosa, Shiney and all.

    Penny truly stunning pictures you do live in a beautiful part of the world you lucky devil you.:wink:

    Scillygirl you are forgiven going AWOL you really have to make the most of the weather, we have been promised a heatwave next week but at the moment it's hard to believe as I'm still considering if it's wise to put the washing out as you can't see the sky for the clouds!:doh:

    Kandy totally understand you sweetie if you have spent that many years working a plot I too would be horrified if others wanted to sell it off from under me I mean it's just not right, fingers crossed your plots will be safe for a great many years yet.

    Rosa I'm so pleased for you darling that the problem is now known with your car maybe now it will get all put right and you can enjoy the summer with your top off.....that's the car's top I mean!:hehe: Have a nice day with your girls.

    Shiney it's a nightmare trying to keep a thick hedge in order ours is more than 4ft deep in some places although I have to admit your laurel looks far more nicer than our old privet hedge. Hope the weather is nice for you visit to the open gardens of Lode tomorrow and don't work so hard today.:)

    Loads of work to be done today I just hope the weather 'holds' for me to be allowed to slack off and have a couple of hours pottering around the garden too.

    Have a nice day guys and good luck with your move Peri.Hel.xxx.
  4. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its overcast, warm, but raining here.
    I cant even see the Mountains out my back window, so it looks like its an all day thing.

    I have a family reunion to go to at 12, and its raining.....blah!

    Anyhow, you's all have a great day and i am glad you enjoyed the pictures of the Falls and thanks to Wiseoldowl for fixing them for me.

    I have a few more pics of the Falls too, just need to go through with Photobucket and find them, and once i do, I'll post them, and hopefully they'll be the right size.
  5. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hello friends :luv:
    I hope you are all well and happy.

    Just catching up on all the news here. Have been too busy to spend time on here :lollol:

    There seems to have been a lot going on here this week. I am trying to get on with my art work and calligraphy that I am learning to do. My art therapy teacher sent me an email saying I should apply to have some of my drawings displayed at an art showing in our Forum so I will have a go so I will phone and see what that is all about. :)

    Take care all.
  6. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    A very good morning to all my friends and I trust that everyone is well on this Beautiful Sunday Morning,its the 21rst of June the first day of Summer(Summer Solstice)and what weather we are going to have :cool:so lets get that Sun cream on:yho:I get a moment of feeling great as each new day arrives,but like Poo bear not sure what its called :dh::)

    Everyone have a great Sunday[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif] and please stay safe:thumb::)
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo and everyone,and a 'Happy Summer's Day' to you all.:)

    I can't believe how quickly the time is going this year and I am still waiting for this heatwave they keep going on about:D

    Woo,love those Pooh words:gnthb:

    Shiney,it shows that looks can be deceiving because in that first hedge photo it looks like the laurel is pretty large and it isn't until you put up that other photo that i can the size of it.I can just imagine you lying on a board trying to cut it with shears.You should have given that job to Mrs Shiney:hehe:Hope you have a good day out at the Lode Gardens.I always think the RNLI a worthy cause and we always visit their shops when we are on holiday by the sea:luv:

    Penny,just a suggestion,why don't you make a thread for your Canadian photos and then everyone can see them because a lot of members don't come on here to speak in the mornings so wouldn't see them:thumb:

    Peri,when we moved here eight years ago we had twenty one years of stuff to sort through from our old bungalow loft and we only had three months to do it in before this house was finished so we boxed it all up and brought it with us as there wasn't time,though the prioblem now is it is either too hot or freezing cold to spend too much time up in the loft but it needs to be done for when we eventually down size from here.I expect that if you move often enough then you can get rid of a lot of stuff each time you move.:D

    Helen,weather we have gardens or allotments it is always nice to grow things whether it is flowers or vegetables and to enjoy them.At least I suppose when your land is sold off to developers then the new house owners will have their little piece of heaven to tend and will have bees and butterflies feeding off of the flowers:gnthb:

    Rosa, I bet you had a good day with your daughter and Grandson.I can't belive how quickly that time has gone since he was born:)

    Jazmine I bet your art work looks good.I envy anyone that are able to draw and paint.One of my favourite artists is Richard Whittlestone.Fanatastic paintings but a tad too expensive for me:(:D

    Well I think that is everyone covered.Oh I just rememberd what happened to me yesterday.I was driving over to our allotment to pick some raspberries and water the plants and was driving along the rpad when I hit a swarm of bees that were right across the road.It was too late to take evasive action so hit them head on so to speak.I don't know how many there were or how many I killed but had to stop along the road to pick off the headless bodies and to take some photos of them:D I even ducked as they hit the glass of the windscreen:D Anyway,I have to spend some time cleaning all the sticky gunge off of the galls this morning before I drive anywhere:(

    Anyway,poor old Mr Kandy has to go back to work today and he isn't happy about it but they had so many problems yesterday it will be another all day job and it will mean missing the grand Prix and another weekend wasted:(

    Hope you all have a great day and that the weather stays fine for you all:):luv:
  8. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning woo, Kandy and everyone,

    I hope you enjoy your first day of summer :yho:.

    woo, That's a very good philosophy :gnthb: :). I guess that you also celebrate unbirthdays as well :hehe:

    The forecast for our day out is mostly cloudy but mild with 10k winds. That will be just right for walking around gardens :thmb:

    quote from Helofadigger [Loads of work to be done today I just hope the weather 'holds' for me to be allowed to slack off and have a couple of hours pottering around the garden too.] Hi Helen, I hope your pottering was good and you didn't get stung by nettles whilst your slacks were off :rotfl:

    Kandy, the view of the hedge is deceptive. The left side of the V is nearly 40ft long and the other side is just over 40ft. It looks smaller in the second picture because I was taking the photo from quite a distance away :thumb:

    I finished cutting the lawns yesterday after trying to catch up on all the gardening from when we were away. We have been pulling up all the forget-me-nots and have filled 35 bags with them. I've just got time to pop out into the garden and finish yesteday's bindweed and horse tail patrol before my cousins turn up for our day out. :)

    Have a great day :D
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning woo, kandy, shiney and everyone.
    Happy Summers day to everyone.
    seems nice out there today, kandy had a great time yesterday with my daughter and grandson.that will be some mess on your car to clear up and what a shame mr kandy working again he will be tired working every day then all weekend aswell.
    peri son in law calling his friend in the morning to see iff the injectors for the car have arrived so after they are fitted will know more and hope i can get it back as ive arranged a day out with my friend on wensday will let you know.
    jazmine i didnt know you were in to artwork, im a water colour artist mainly dog portraits mind i havnt done any for a while i should get back into it, look forward to seeing pics of your work.
    helen thanks lets hope it gets sorted tommorow then i can have my top off haha you know what i mean megane haha
    i hope everyone has a great sunday and i havnt made my mind up what im doing today as yet
  10. scillygirl

    scillygirl Gardener

    Feb 7, 2009
    Good morning everyone and happy midsummer's day! We were forecast good weather but we have drizzle :( my least favourite, and particularly today, as it was this date last year that our three nonths of non-stop drizzle began :flag:. Fingers crossed this is not the same!!

    Peri, it's nice to meet you too. It took me a while to join in on this thread as I felt as if I was butting in on a conversation between old friends, but I was made welcome, and even forgiven for going awol - thanks Hel ! :)
    Good luck with your move Peri, it's very unsettling when it's happening, but we moved 11 months ago, and i'm surprised how settled I feel here already. It's mostly due to getting on with the garden, there's nothing like getting your hands in the soil to make a connection with a place. Hope your new home will be everything you hope for.

    Well my little one is playing with his dad so that I can get on with house cleaning - they don't know I'm on here :hehe: so I'd better get on with it.

    Hope all of you have a great day, and hope we all get the weather we wish for! xx
  11. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its kind of sunny here, and its warm, so today might be a good day to bath the dog.

    Thanks Kandy, thats true, so i will do that, so that everyone can see them.
  12. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Evening friends :luv:

    I hope everyone has enjoyed the weekend. The weather actually got a bit better as the day progressed.

    Beautiful pictures Penny, I agree a thread of your own would be great then the pics wouldn't get missed. That tower must have been some height :cnfs:

    I'm just too tired to add much - a bath is calling me :roll:
  13. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good evening! I know it's the 'wakey wakey' thread, but does having just had a nap count? I have gone to join in here a few times, but like Sicilly, felt I was intruding on lifelong friendships....but here I go.....feet first and jumping in.

    Hello everybody!
  14. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello NatalieB and a big welcome to Wakey, wakey ... I can say that because I started it .... :hehe:

    I don't come on too often now as I'm not on often in the mornings and am not the chatterbox I used to be as I have so much going on at the moment, but I started the thread for anyone to come on and say what their day is going to be like and what happened the day before ... just our chit-chat thread.

    It's not a 'private' thread .. .people come and go .... including myself :dh:.

    Enjoy and you may catch me here on the odd occasion ... k-l

  15. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Welcome Scillygirl [we have chatted on another thread :)] and NatalieB- just jump in, I did and everyone was welcoming.

    Night all.

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