Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :gnthb: Morning everyone.! Hel I am so pleased to hear Bob is doing so well, that really is good news..! My friend's transplant was 12 1/2 yrs ago now & he is still very well.. They have taken him off most of the steroids now as he did have a very dodgy time a while back, so they altered allot of his medication & although still has to take quite a bit of medication daily leads an almost normal life..!! He has just come back from almost 2 weeks driving & camping across Moscow.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So theres always hope.. In the end in a rare decision he had a kidney from a brother, but before that he had 2 failed transplants & was in a grave condition & at deaths door... He had one of those internal dyalisis units by then...!! To see him now you would never know if you didn't know him....:yho:
    Kandy so sorry about your Lilies I would be very upset if I had to do that to mine...!:(

    :(rosa you poor dear..!! They still haven't sorted your car out.. How miserable, all this sun & no open top car to enjoy it in..!!! I do hope this Renault mechanic can solve it..! Got my fingers crossed dear..:thmb:

    :thmb:Jazmine I am so glad you & your friend had a nice day out... It is very difficult sometimes to get yourself back into the main stream of life again, I am sure with everyones help she will manage it.. I wish her all the luck with that..

    :hehe: Shiney, what are you..? Forgetting a meeting, that's not like you..!! Senior moments.! What are those then....!! Ha ha or are they the same as brain farts..???:lollol: Have a great day mate & hope all goes well at your dinner parties
    :thmb: So even you get heat waves up there then Penny.. I heard from a friend in Toronto & she said it was lovely weather there too..!! Enjoy Penny..! :yho:
    :wink: Woo you get earlier & earlier sometimes, but always so good to hear from you..!:hehe:

    If I have missed anyone then I am sorry, but all have a great day whatever you are up to..!:thmb:
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning marley and everyone, not heard a thing about car dont know whats going on just had no pleasure with that car since we bought it, its really upset me put me on a downer, peri its not worth going to plan b as my friends wanted to see my new car not a little fiesta they loan us that was the whole idea of our days out to enjoy the new car, my friend in berwick wanted to see it. will let you know iff i hear anything as this is just going on and on.
    helen i know what you mean about calling rspca but as you said the dogs cant be left with no food and water so your best calling them and the dogs will get new homes eventually. good luck with that and the rac also
  3. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :( Oh dear poor you rosa.. I can entirely understand you feeling the way you do about it all.. As you say fed up with the whole saga now & there is, as you say, no pleasure going on your planned trips in a horrid little fiesta.. Just not the same... :mad:

    :thmb: Have my fingers crossed they will sort it today & you can re-schedule your trips..:thmb:.
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    thanks peri and marley for the lovely comments sure hope its not long as i feel ive no car cos its gone on for nearly 1 month now, i feel reluctant to drive that fiesta not very far after the tyre blew into shreds just aswell i was local and not on a motorway when it happened.
    iff theirs any developments i will let you know
  5. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone, :)

    Its another hot one today, 90's again. :)

    I have some errands to do today and grocery shopping:thumb:, kind of tired too, my oldest went to Toronto last night to see Transformers at the IMAX theatre:), and it started at 11:50pm, and didnt get in until 4:30am, so i wasnt really sleeping:snz::dh:, but they made good time considering Toronto is 2 hours south of us.:thumb:

    Tomorrow is my youngest daughters High School Graduation too.:yho:

    Have a great day everyone.:D
  6. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Sorry folks,I don't feel like posting today now I have heard that the 'King Of Pop' has passed away.:cry:

    Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible:)

    Enjoy your day everyone:luv:
  7. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends everyone have a lovely day and all stay safe:) Every Day is a Bonus:thumb:
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy, Woo and all.

    Yes Kandy very sad indeed Dan grew up on M.J. and I have to admit he had some sweet moves it will be a great loss.:(

    Woo a little later than usual have you had your feathers in a ruffle sweetie?

    Marley I spoke too soon yesterday as we got a letter through (later on yesterday morning) to get in contact with the hospital for some more yummy intravenous iron again!:doh: And Bob was/is feeling so good too....I bet it's the nurses missing his cheeky banter!:D

    Good news we managed to track down our neighbour (Kelly) at her work and my goodness she wasn't shocked in the least at getting caught out, she told us that she only 'left' the dogs to bug the neighbour on the other side!:(
    That neighbour was constantly reporting her for one thing and other so there was a lot of bad feeling there.
    Bob told her the dogs were stressed, we're stressed and that we have always been 'right' with them and asked her to move them otherwise we will have no other option but to report the dogs as abandoned ....well yesterday tea-time the dogs was moved within 5 minutes of Kelly arriving. I think she was feeling by then either peed off with us or ashamed god only knows which and to be honest we really don't care as it's not something we would even consider doing ourselves leaving animals to fend for themselves it's shameful!

    Fingers crossed that when we get new neighbours they will be good ones otherwise it's barbed wire and land mines me thinks!:wink:

    Penny we have yet to see the new Tranformers movie but I'm sure we will get round to it as we do like to go to the movies quite often. Hope you have a nice time today with your family.

    Shiney with all those hoses do you want to be a Fireman when you grow up?:hehe:

    Peri not too far to move then that is good and least hectic for you, we moved about 5 miles away from our last house but it might as well have been 500 miles away it is so very different.

    Bob picked me a couple of peas yesterday when he popped over to the plots only to be accosted by his 'girlfriend' (a sweet old lady) on his way back who took a shine to my peas ....I told him that's it I'm leaving him it's peas today whatever will it be tomorrow!:D

    Both Bob and I are struggling with the heat it's far too hot for us at the moment we are trying to keep busy as we are never ones for sitting around. Bob's 'thinking' about doing a little brickwork for the 'new' decking, funny he was 'thinking' about it last year when we brought the boards for it then!:doh:Captain Procrastinate strikes again!:hehe:

    Have a nice day guys and remember to slap on that sun cream.Hel.xxx.
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Penny, your weather is too hot for me :(. Anything above 75 and I'm not too happy. They've forecast possible thunderstorms here today but it is still sunny and very humid at the moment.

    Marley, at least I didn't forget to check my diary :hehe: so I didn't miss the meeting. Actually, I wouldn't have missed the meeting anyway. It was being held at my house :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

    My three hose reels seem to be getting on together quite well. Oscar has checked out the new one and given it his seal of approval. I gave it a quick hose down after that :hehe: :lollol: :lollol:

    Have great day :D
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, woo, helen and everyone.
    its sad news to hear of micheal jacksons death he was a great dancer and singer throughout his career RIP Michael.
    helen so pleased you seen that neighbour i dont blame bob for saying what he did but with his condition he shouldnt have to be worrying about things, mind they are lucky that neighbour didnt call the rspca iff they did that to get them back a bit childish and irrisponsible isnt it purely no thought for them dogs on their own for all them days, lets hope you get some nice neighbours keep my fingers crossed.
    off out shortly to my friends that live local taking them some pics i printed off of their peony roses so have a great day everyone
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney we posted te same time, its been quite humid here also seems dull this morning but dry, have a lovely day
  12. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends I trust that you are all well and fine on this lovely June weekend,Yes its Saturday morning at 1.40am ,Its so warm ,Have all the windows wide open,The Foxes are on the move,Gypsy and Penny are a little restless to get out in the wide open spaces,but they will have to wait awhile until about 3am this Morning,don,t want to go out to early Now:hehe:Now everyone have a great weekend and please take care out there:)
  13. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good morning! Woo, you are up early! or was it up late? Trying to decide what the weather is going to be like here today - it looks like it could go either way.
    Hope everybody has a wonderful weekend planned doing exactly what gets you relaxed on the weekend :)
  14. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo,Natalie and everyone,

    I can't believe how quickly this year has flown and to think we are past the longest day and it will soon be the dark nights again:( Still thats a few months off yet so will enjoy this heatwave we are due to get over the next few days.I have my sun cream at the ready,although I think I might have to get a sun hat soon as I am finding that if I am outside in it for too long I start to feel quiet yuk:p Our friends are flying off to Portugal on Monday so hope she has good weather out there or else she will be cursing:D

    Well,I pulled up all the shallots on Thursday just before we had all that rain so I will be getting them laid out to dry over the weekend:)

    Mr Kandy doesn't have to work this weekend but will have to next weekend so we need to get lots of things done before then.I have managed to cut away all the Day Lilly growth and found one bloom unaffected by the Gall Mite so quickly took a photo of that one and now all Mr Kandy needs to do is dig them up.I think we will have to destroy the plants and put something else in their place.Such a shame as well as we have had them eight years and they always looked so nice in the summer.I have other varieties but they too are starting to show the same signs so I think they will have to go as well and those plants are only a couple of years old:(

    It was a shame about Michael Jackson passing away.I was only thinking the other week to myself,I wonder what he would look like as he got into his sixties and seventies,but we will never know now.I haven't heard what Diana Ross thought to his passing because he tried desperately to change his looks to look like her.Anyway,the world has lost a musical genius and there will never be another like him in my lifetime:(

    Anyway,time i wasn't sitting here.I put on my porridge to cook while I was typing this and have burnt the lot so it looks like toast ofr brekfast.Luckily the smoke detector didn't go off:hehe:

    Hope you all have a great day and please enjoy the weather:)
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning woo, natalie, kandy and everyone.
    its a shame about micheal jackson passing watched him on telly last night for an hour loved to listen to his songs had a tear in my eye he was an icon, i dont really care what media has said about him he was just enjoying being childlike as he had no childhood really his father just pushed him into singing at a young age,he was coming to london in july now all those people that bought tickets will get a refund, his music will live on. RIP Micheal.
    waiting for call this morning off to pick my car up as most of you know already its fixed so im pleased about that its very foggy here this morning so unless it lifts and gets sunny i wont be driving back with the roof down hehe.
    have a great day all

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