Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It was sad news about Jacko who was a great performer but I wish that the media would leave it alone now.

    rosa, I'm pleased that your car is now fixed and hope you have good weather this weekend so you can have your top down :hehe:

    Kandy, we don't grow shallots but thanks for reminding me to check on our garlic :thmb:. It should be ready now.

    Helen, it's good that the dogs have now been sorted and I hope that you get good neighbours :thumb:

    Peri, enjoy getting your new house organised :gnthb:

    woo, I hope you and the girls had a good walk this morning and didn't get wet :)

    I've had a good week on the social front and with my consumer battles :yho:. I've just won two more bridge leagues and have got through to a cup final, had a good time providing meals for friends and family who have all been great company (more friends for dinner tonight) and have finalised two consumer battles.

    Full marks go to Scottish Power :gnthb: for handling a problem in a sympathetic and friendly manner. They had messed up some meter readings over nearly two years resulting in the bills having been much too low for all that time which left an outstanding balance of nearly £2,000. After nearly three months of friendly phone calls and them having to ponder what to do they have agreed to knock £1,250 of the bill to compensate for their mix up and the worry caused.

    The other case was very minor but dealt with very stupidly by alliance and Leicester :scratch:. They had charged £1 for someone going overdrawn on their current account. This sounds quite reasonable until you find out that they hadn't gone overdrawn then it becomes annoying. When this was pointed out to them their answer was 'we have charged correctly according to our terms and conditions' :skp:. Not the right thing to say when I'm on the job :rotfl:. Five polite emails later with no effect I go into Mr Nasty mode. They only have an 0844 number for their Customer Services Dept, who were the dept supposedly dealing with it, and I don't phone on numbers that will cost me for the call. So I got hold of an 0800 number within their organisation and got the call routed to Customer Services.

    The poor sod who answered ( I can use that word as this is a gardening forum :hehe:) wished he hadn't turned up at work that day but handled it very well. End result - a letter of apology in the post, the charge refunded and £25 compensation. :D

    Got shopping to go and do now. Then some gardening and then preparing the food. :thmb:

    Have a great day :D
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo, Natalie, Kandy, Rosa, Shiney, Peri and all.

    Woo it has been so very warm and sticky here also through the night, really uncomfortable but it's nice to be able to have the windows open and a cool breeze flowing through lovely.

    Rosa I'm over the moon for you sweetie about your car I can just imagine you running about like a superstar with your top down.... on your car that is!:hehe: Enjoy yourself hun you deserve it after all the grief you have had with the car so far.

    Rosa Bob doesn't see himself as ill at all in fact since getting the news he's at stage 4 kidney failure it has given him a new lease of life and he acts like superman he will take on tackle anything!
    Sadly I have to watch him like a prison guard to make sure he doesn't do too much just getting in and out of the car leaves him out of breathe, he just refuses to admit to the doctors how he struggles I think it's because he doesn't want to be hooked up to a dialysis machine anytime soon but it will happen.

    Peri go steady sweetie and take things nice and easy with your new house remember you don't have to rush not that you could in this heat!:doh:

    Natalie it's 'looked' like rain all week here you know a very close heavy feeling in the air sadly no rain yet and by 'eck it blooming hot..... I feel like the Wicked Witch of the West 'I'm melting, melting. Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world' :D

    Kandy how lovely for you that your shallots are ready, ours are just starting to go brown on the tips of their leaves does this mean that they will be ready soon too?
    I'm sure you and Mr.K. will make the most of this weekend together and I hope it stays nice for you.

    Shiney well done with winning your bridge leagues and good luck with your cup final I bet you and your team are over the moon with the results.:gnthb:

    I had no doubt that you could 'win' the letter/phone war with any one of your problems areas, I for one would bow to your greatness and wouldn't dare to go against you!:hehe:
    I'll try the email thing with the RAC and see if I can get a result i.e. an apology and a promised that we will not be let down again would do me fine.

    Bob and I managed to sand down quite a few deck boards that we brought last year (which we never got round to putting down due to getting the allotments) that I 'picked' incredibly dark and regretted it soon aftwards. Bob wasn't convinced that they would sand down well but they did indeed although we do have to finish the rest toff today.

    Don't get on to me but I'll be doing a naked rain dance later on in the garden not to scare the birds away (but I'm sure it will) but just asking for rain of course!:yho:

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Do we have to know the time to log on to Google Earth? :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :o :o
  4. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Maybe we can watch it on youtube? :lollol:Post the link when you've uplaoded it:gnthb:
    Hope your back is feeling better Peri. Wrong week for it to happen when you are moving :(
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all.

    Well the dance 'worked' as it rained through the night but already the grass is dry so it's off to the car boots for us this morning.... if we don't go now it will be a 2 mile tail back!:doh:

    The neighbour situation has taken an horrific twist (well it totally shocked me!) but I haven't got time to explain it to you until later then maybe you can aid me in what to do if anything.

    Right I'm off I'll speak to all you sleepy heads later enjoy your sleep guys.:snz:
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning helen and everyone.
    helen enjoy your car boot, intrigued to hear whats been going on with the neighbour situation do hope everythings ok with you and bob in all of this, will hear from you later and watch them check out tills in B&Q guess you wont be going there anymore.
    got my car back yesterday its running like a dream the owner of garage even filled my car with petrol to the brim it was £52 that sure was nice of him and got another 28 days warranty so lets hope nothing else goes wrong dont think i could cope with that again, anyway im pleased its back, the garage sold the rover we had so thats gone to a good home they will have a good car whoever bought it.
    have a great day
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Morning everyone,

    Well we have thick fog here this morning which means it will be a hot day today:yho:

    Shiney,how can you tell when the garlic is ready to harvest because we planted our first lot last Autumn and Mr K scraped away some of the soil round the base of one of the bulbs and it was quiet large but we cannot tell if they are ready or not.:)

    Hope your evening with friends went ok:thmb:

    Peri,I suffer with Sciatica and can tell you thta sitting down is the worse thing you can do with the condition.I have found that sitting for too long even at this computer traps the nerve even more and have found that you need to keep moving all the time.I had it quiet bad the other year and it went on for eleven months and I had Osteopath work done,plus an MRI scan to find out what was causing the pain.I do hope you manage to find some relief as it is a horrible thing to suffer from:(

    Hel,hope you enjoy your car boot today.I would never be able to get Mr K round a car boot so have only been to the odd one or two over the years :D

    We find that our shallot greenery starts to go brown and the bulbs should be in a large cluster and each bulb quiet large.I usually lay them out on my slatted staging in the greenhouse to dry and then once the foliage has gone dry thye are ready for pickling or eating:)

    Rosa,hope you are enjoying your new car and lets hope you have no more problems with it:thmb:

    Hope eveyone has a good day:)
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy hehe we posted the same time, pleased my car is back now i can enjoy it to the full, its a bit dull here this morning rained in the night, heard we are going to have a heat wave next week in the 30s wow get that roof down haha. just got pic of my first honey bee on my balcony at 7 this morning hope its clear the pics i took.
    have a great day
  9. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa,they are talking of 29c down in London today but I bet it will be more like 35c.Glad I don't live down that way:hehe: We are supposed to be having it hot here as well but at the moment it is damp and misty:(

    We sat and watched the tennis last night with Andrew Murry and then went outside when it had finished and never came back indoors until after nine.Got some good photo's of some of my garden flowers and even got a good one of a night flying moth and a hairy caterpillar:D

    Did you see Bruce Springstein at Glastonbury on the telly?:D

    Enjoy your car and don't forget to give your hubby a big kiss when he gets back home to say Thankyou for buying you such a lovely car:D

    Enjoy your day:)
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy, no i didnt see bruce springstein on the telly shame i missed him, its not very nice here quite dull this morning.
    yes will give hubby a kiss for getting me the car wouldnt of felt that way iff it hadnt been fixed haha.
    have a great day
  11. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Peri, I hope your back gets better quickly :thumb:. I have never looked at google earth but I know that our local authority planning dept use it to check up on whether people have built extensions etc without permission. :(

    Kandy, I reckon our garlic is ready when the leaves have all died back (which they have) so I shall lift them when the ground is drier. :thmb:

    Helen, I hope your neighbour problem is not too horrendous.

    rosa, I'm pleased you have your car back :yho:

    Our evening went very well last night and the food turned out excellent :gnthb:

    We may be visiting some open gardens today - depends on the weather.

    Have a great day :D
  12. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi shiney, thanks im pleased ive got the car back just going out soon to take it for a run, hope you enjoy yourself at the open gardens iff you decide to go have a great time we havnt got anything like that were i live probably have to drive quite far to find any. have a great day
  13. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Glad you have your car sorted Rosa, I'm sure you will be like a kid with a new toy now on sunny days!
    Very muggy here today, overcast, but hot as well. Tiem for the ice cold aisles of the grocery store!
  14. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its overcast and its going to rain, they say for the next 5 days, which we do need and will cool things down.
    Its been busy here this weekend, with my daughters Highschool Graduation on Friday and out shopping yesturday, but i did buy 2 Hydrangea bushes and 1 Rose bush
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi natalie and peri, been out today in car its running great no more orange lights on, its very nippy, weather here was a bit dull but it brightened up this afternoon and its lovely and warm, hope the weather is better tommorow may be going to high force in Teesdale for the day out with my friends, dont know which friend is sitting in the back of car as the seats are quite small not much room in the back hehe should be funny. hope you had a great day

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