Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hi Shiney,
    I guess the gardens were open for charity :thumb: I hope a good lot of money was raised.
    Nothing better than meeting up with old friends and catching up on all that you have been doing with yourselves :)

    Good luck with finding a hotel- what a lovely thing to do for Mrs. Shiney. :luv:

    oops sorry Hel, posted together.
    Will pm you but I would call the police.
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Jazmine we posted at the same time!:hehe:Hel.xxx.
  3. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    :dh: had to edit or you would have thought I was ignoring you :dh:
  4. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Confuzzled :scratch:, I thought you were renting, maybe I have misread, but yes, Spain on the proceeds of your house sale would be fantastic!

    Hel, with your neighbours -the thing is, many people see a crime and stand by do nothing, crims get away with it, we all pay for it in increased insurance costs etc. But, when it is a neighbour, it becomes a little more personal than seeing a crime committed in the town centre, and you have to look out for and ensure your own safety as a priority. If they are the type to go in and trash a house, you don't want yours being next.
    If you were to report it to the police, I would certainly do it anonymously, and insist that police patrols do not pull up and come into your home. This could go on to cause years and years of grief. Hopefully one of them left a piece of their a*se on a jagged piece of fencing, and they can find the culprits that way :) Take care, and look out for your own safety first.
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    It's all pretty sad as our 'old' neighbours loved their home so very much even though they had only been in it for 3 years or so as it was their first house together as a couple. While it was in their care it was a palace they worked hard 60 hours a week each and spent all their spare (non-working) time at home keeping things immaculate. I always said to Trish that only someone with no children or pets and working 60 hours each and every week could pull off cream carpets throughout the house!:hehe:

    Trish was in tears when she left as she didn't want to sell the house at all but her partner Nigel and her had a dream to live in Spain so had to sell to get the money to fund this new adventure. Poor Trish was horrified when shortly after selling her house Bob saw her and told her that the garden was a mess with the big dogs fouling all over it and not getting cleaned up afterwards and he say that he didn't think the new 'lady' of the house had Trish's love of cleaning!
    Bob's a little cheeky like me sometimes!:doh:

    Wish I had a photo to show you what the garden looked like when under Trish and Nigel's care so you can see the difference as it may not appear too bad to some of you.

    This picture shows the front with all the bespoke fencing removed from the top of the dwarf wall and the drive gates and small gates are both missing, I'm thinking that the ex-neighbours might just come back for the slabs!

    This is the back garden it's pretty tiny but Nigel built a stunning two staged decking area for Trish to enjoy her glass or two of wine in the evening after work and it was immaculate there never was a mark on the decking and it was surrounded by flower pots. You don't have to look too hard to spot the poop! It's in a worst conditon now as 'they' ripped up more boards and the rest of the railings but didn't take them with them!:( Makes you wonder what's going on in some people's heads!Hel.xxx.
  6. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its warm here but its raining and supposed to until Thursday, but we do need it.
    omorrow i have to go to Toronto to do a errand for Brad and then Wednesday is a holiday here, its Canada Day.

    If it stops raining later, I'll go out and do some weeding, got most of it done yesturday.
  7. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    What a shame, some just have no clue or respect do they!
    Keep us posted too ok.
  8. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Hiya Peri,

    Yep, lots of rain and heat, so its a good combination for growing veggies....and weeds :dh::rotfl::rotfl:

    Toronto is about 2 hours South of me, depending on the traffic, which is brutal in Toronto :dh:...we went to New York last year for a Holiday to take the girls shopping, and in my opinion, driving in New York is just like driving right downtown Toronto....it is AWFUL :dh:

    Plans for Canada Day, nothing at the moment, but those are somtimes the best plans to have, i know both the girls work though :thumb:

    Absolutely :thumb:....the rain makes it easier to remove those pesky weeds, those damn things sprout overnight :flag::rotfl:
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning everyone, still in bed all, its foggy here again this morning warm mind, have a great day
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    good morning rosa and everyone,

    It's 21C at the moment and they forecast in the 30's for the rest of the week :(

    Got to rush as I have 17 emails to deal with this morning before I go out.

    Have a great day :D
  11. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Good morning! Well, another glorious looking morning here, birds all out in the frot lawn having their breakfast others in the tree singing their morning greetings - so nice to sit out there in the mornings and have my first cuppa :) Looking like another scorcher though today - hope it's not as muggy though. Have a great day everybody!
    Penny - next time you have to drive in Toronto - I'll trade you - I'll do TO and you can do London! :) At least the roads in TO are wider!
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning everyone,

    I am here and have been up since before six but have been busy getting all my ironing done before it gets too hot plus I have been washing my throws and cushions/covers off of the setee and armchairs and because the throws are heavy they need lots of hot weather to dry them,phew:D Got the sleeping bags washed and dried yesterday so they just need airing and then spent the rest of the day planting more plants in the garden plus cutting back excess foliage on my geraniums and Iris plants so they are now tidy:DIt was so hot yesterday that I had to keep coming indoors to have a drink and cool off.:hehe:

    I'm dog sitting this wek as my neighbour is working and had great fun with Monty in their garden yesterday tea time and got some good photos of him playing with the jet of water from their hose pipe but had to stop when I got cramp in my hand:(

    Sat and watched the Murry match last night which was very good and Mr Kandy went to bed and left me to it as it didn't finish until nearly eleven.Glad he is through to the next round though:gnthb:

    I must get to the allotment some time today as i didn't go yesterday to water and my courgettes and Squashes will be shrivelling up if i don't go and I expect I shall shrivell up as well:D

    The temperature is already 70f outside and 74f inside and it is only 8.31am in the morning:oops: and the sweat is dripping off of me.:(

    Hope everyone has a really good day and please enjoy the day if you can:)
  13. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Shiney, Natalie, Kandy and all.

    Thanks Peri/Penny as I said it might seem not so bad how it looks now but to see how it looked 'before' would shock you. Bob and I are going to try and clean the front up a little bit because frankly it lets the estate down as very few people around us let their front gardens look rough.

    Penny give me a nice winding country road anytime of the year after all that kind of scenery sure beats the concrete jungle of the city!

    Natalie love the birds but I just wish they would find some other place to poop than on our fence I might just have to paint it white!:D

    Rosa have you had your top off yet darling?:hehe: Surely it's not foggy there all day for you? bit of a bummer if it is.

    Shiney good luck with the many emails I'm sending one to the RAC this morning I'll let you know how that goes.:skp:

    Kandy a real wash day for you today sweetie don't run around too much otherwise you will be swept away in all that sweat and then Mr.K. might have to hang you out to dry!:D

    Popped over to the allotments yesterday afternoon to see one of our buddies just for a short chat and ended up stopping for a couple of hours as the other guys came down so that short 'chat' ended up being a couple of hours and none of them got any work done!:dh: It appears they must have been missing me!

    Fresh cod is half price at Morrisons so yesterday Bob and I was on fish cake duty but just like sowing plant seeds we did far too many so have had to passed a few around....we made 30!:doh:

    Hoping to go over to the plots again later on today and this time I'll remember to slap the sun cream on!
    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  14. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends I do hope that you are all Bright eyed and Bushy tailed on this the 1rst day of July :),Its going to be another glorious day for everyone, ,with a bright feather duster in a Blue sky(there,s a song in there somewhere):hehe: well enjoy your day and everyone stay safe and don,t forget to wear that smile all day:yho:
    A Stranger Is just a friend you haven't met yet:thumb:
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Woo and all.

    It's been another hot and sticky night, I woke up at 3 am tried to get back to sleep but by 4.30 that was happening never mind I suppose I can have a little snooze later on when it gets hotter as I'm sure it will.:doh:

    It's always a treat (for me at least) Woo when you welcome in each month for us on here although I hope flaming June is long behind us and doesn't roll over into July otherwise I'll just melt!:flag:

    Hope you enjoyed your morning walk Woo and that there was a cool breeze in the air for you.

    Hope the weather was not too hot for your cygnet watch Peri and you were happy with the results.

    I never got chance to do my RAC email as I was on flan making duty while Bob did the delivery for one of our friends whose wife has had a stroke, both he and his wife are doing well now thankfully although she's still in hospital after 14 days and truly wants to be home and Ray bless him is piling on the pounds because he's getting looked after so well!

    Visited Bob's lovely mum (Doris) and sister (Diane) yesterday the pumpkin plant I gave Doris has already got two fruits on it as although she doesn't know what's what with plants regarding their names etc. she sure does know how to bring them on!
    Got to play with the grandkids who are really very cute a little blonde girl and the most gorgeous red haired blue eyed little boy toddler might have to change my name though as they wouldn't leave me alone once I starting messing around putting funny voices on and allowing the little girl to chase me with water!

    Also had a good few hours over at the allotment yesterday evening it's still far too hot to be able to do even the most of the basic weeding without dripping with sweat.
    Sadly there has been a couple of mishaps down on the site a polytunnel has been cut open around the door, another shed has been 'opened' and one dear fellow's plot has even been invaded with somebody hacking a sweetcorn down and digging up his spuds!:(

    One guy has far too many visitors down on his plot in just under two hours he had three different people down there with their cars all at the same time and yesterday I saw one of these vistors looking very suspicious around our plot he didn't see me at first because I was along the top track but when he spotted me he couldn't get into his car fast enough. I will have a quite word with one of the fellows on the committee I think as although I really don't mind people coming along for views when I there it's just not on when I'm not!

    Have to make another flan today for an old neighbour who we intend to visit later on and of course we will be taking them some of our lovely spuds, onions and if they are very, very good Bob might even allow them to have some of his peas!:hehe:

    Washing been on the line for an hour now it's so hot already it should almost be dry!
    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.

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