Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Morning everyone,

    Hope everyone is well and Peri,glad to see you have now got wheelchair use.I didn't realise thta you could hire them out from the red crosss,although I couldn't imagine Mr Kandy pushing me everywhere in one of those,I would have to have a motorised one.

    I thought i had better put up a few of my fruit and veg photos as I keep talking about them.Your allotment looks good Nat:thumb:
    Bunching Onions....

    I shall have to try and get round to updating my allotment thread as I have taken loads of fruit and veg photo's and now I can bulk upload them in PB it should be quicker:hehe:

    The sun is shining in Kandy land and it looks like it is going to be a good start to the day,so I had better get a move on as I am stiffening up sitting here due to :old: age:D

    Hope you all have a good day and please take an umbrella if rain is forecast or a sun hat if sun is forecast:thumb:
  2. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy and all my other friends hope you are all OK and well,Kandy the Gooseberries and Raspberries will make something very nice to eat or a lovely bottle of home made wine :thumb:everyone have a great day and please stay safe.:)
  3. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Morning one and all,
    Well done Hel. way to go it's those green fingers again.
    Kandy they look delicious.
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning natalie, kandy, woo,helen, walnut and everyone
    kandy your fruit looks most delicous what are you planning to make with them must be great to have an allotment a lot of hard work but worth it in the end.
    peri great news you getting a wheelchair dont think i could see my hubby pushing me around in one also as kandy has said, away to go motorised mind you would only get a motorised one for pretty long term use
    have a great day all
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Kandy,Woo, Walnut, Rosa and all.

    Peri glad your sorted out now sweetie I can just imagine you bombing around the place with your poor hubby pluffing behind you all the while you shouting 'FASTER!:hehe:

    Penny I used to be very much into romantic novels too my favourites were by Catherine Cookson, these days I will read almost anything although I'm sure there's a bit of a Goth in me as I do so enjoy Stephen King (the Dark Tower was amazing) and James Herbert.

    Natalie you have done very well with your allotment. I think it's wonder that your children seem to want to help out too and you are so right about swapping sweets for veg. We grew mangetout this year I was amazed at the beautiful flowers but I do perfer the normal peas rather than the mangetout but then again that's what growing your own is all about trying out new things!

    Kandy yummy pictures there sweetie our garlic are like that too I didn't realise there were ready to pull!:doh:

    Very good idea Woo making wine out of Kandy's fruit might have a go in a couple of years with our own fruit.

    Thanx Walnut Bob's even coming aorund to liking the Datura he's always informing me of a new flower on them.

    Rosa have you sorted out how much your car's scratches are going to cost you yet?

    Managed to pop over the allotment twice yesterday first to collect some spuds and the second to dig up our onions sadly the onions are a sorry tale one for the allotment thread I fear. On the plus side one of my buddies down on the plots was trying to give me so much stuff and no matter how much I protested I had to accept some spuds and spring onions even though we have some!:doh:Although I have to admit I do love spring onions with a blob of salad cream in fact that's what I had for my dinner yesterday.:D

    Have a nice day guys.Hel.xxx.
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning helen, talking about spring onions they are lovely cut up and put in mashed potato with salad cream yummy great with salad.
    ive got to get number off the garage for the guy that will come to house and do car it will cost around £60 so thats not bad, there is 2 quite deep scratches and on the plastic bumper a little bit it missing, dont know when its getting done cos when hubbys home next week we got quite a lot on, visiting friends in essex and friends coming for weekend from leicester.
    have a great day
  7. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Peri, I'm pleased you have got your wheechair but make sure you don't get caught for speeding in it :hehe:

    Helen, I hope you start feeling better soon :thumb:. We grew a load of different beans -all stringless. We sold so many at the open day that we seem to have sold all the white flowered ones which were White Lady and Lady Di. The ones we planted out are Polestar, Butler, Armstrong and a couple of other varieties i can't remember. Plus a new variety of bi-coloured ones (not named yet) which we are trialling. We have to keep detailed records of the new ones - when sown, germinated, planted out, how quick they grow, first flowers, first veg, weight and size of crop, taste etc. The flowers look very good at the moment with red hoods and white petals below and are much deeper colours than Painted Lady.

    Natalie, it's good to hear that the kids enjoy eating fresh veggies :thmb:

    Kandy, good crop there. Our gooseberries and currants are finished already but the veggies are starting to do well. Mrs shiney is out there now picking a lot of courgettes and she will probably pick some lettuces because they seem in danger of bolting. I picked a couple of pounds of runners the other day and we ate them all in one meal :gnthb:

    walnut, I guess the brug seeds I got from LMRR were yours. They have all germinated and are blooming :). Is it all right to put them out in the garden now?

    I didn't manage to find time to do any gardening yesterday :( and am too busy today as well. I cut Mrs shiney's hair out in the garden this morning as it is so nice and sunny. Oscar decided he wanted to join in so jumped up on her lap. That was OK but he then kept wanting to climb on her shoulder which was a bit of a nuisance. He got covered in hair so he is now a ginger tom instead of black and white :hehe:

    Have a great day :D
  8. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,
    Its warm here and the sun is OUT~~!!!!
    I have some grocery shopping to do in awhile, and then once thats done, off to weed and water outside, so have a greay day everyone.
  9. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Yes Shiney no problem just keep your eyes open for the usual pests.:thumb:
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    walnut, sorry to be so ignorant but what are the usual pests? :scratch:
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all.

    Rosa your bump was a tad dearer than Dan's but to be honest Dan already had a little scratch so we wasn't too fussed about it. Angela (who did the bumping) told us that within half and hour of bumping into Dan she was bumped into in her own car and couldn't believe her bad luck!:doh:Will have to try some spring onions in potatoes with salad cream can't say I'ave heard that way to have them sounds interesting.

    Shiney I would be very interested to know which of the stringless runner beans you found to be the best after all a little inside information can save you years of trying different stuff.

    I didn't know Mrs.Shiney was a red head? Bob's one too very handy to find in a crowd as there are not many about and if that fails a cracking great shout of 'BOB' and I soon find him thankfully he doesn't get embarrassed about that now.:hehe:

    Peri sounds like you have found a good'un in your OH how many years did it take to train him? Sorry Shiney and Co. but I'm sure you all know who wears the trousers in every household!:D

    Penny I hope you enjoyed your wonderful warm day nothing better than popping an ipod on and weeding my idea of heaven although I'm sure Bob's is without my singing!:doh:

    Went to see the new Tranformers movie yesterday but had a terrible time not the movie which was great (although quite corny) but the air-con wasn't working and so we all ended up feeling faint and sick very uncomfortable indeed. Thankfully the wind was up when we came out and so it was a welcome relief for us all.

    Popped over to raid the allotment last night for some veg to go with the chicken today we collected potatoes (Rockets), Jap onions, broad beans (our first of the year) and a cabbage, I only hope our neighbours didn't see us bring in the cabbage otherwise they might think we have some ready for them but it's the last one of the earlies!

    Dan has been a 'Dirty Stop Out' this morning he's been to see Bruno and I swear he's only just got in!

    Well the tables have just started to work so I'm going back to bed that's if I can sleep.:snz:

    See you later guys.Hel.xxx.
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Hel and everyone,

    I am late getting up this morning:ywn::snz:

    The sun is shining out there again today so it looks like it will be a nice day:gnthb:

    Was quiet busy yesterday what with housework and then popping over to the allotment to pick some more Raspberries{which are slowing down now} Peas for Mr K,{those flat ones,can't spell the name but they begin with M:D} and some Hurst Green Shaft ones for me:)Also picked a carrier bag full of Broad Beans and there is still loads more to pick and last night me and Mr Kandy spent an hour podding them.I am having to turf out some of the old stuff in the freezer so that I can fit them all in,but at least they won't be wasted,they will get composted:D

    The photo of the red raspberries is only one lot,we have also some very large green ones and then the leveler ones we have had for years.I only like sweet things so Mr Kandy can eat the bitter tasting ones:D

    Shiney,when you say Ginger,for Mrs Shiney's hair do you mean lie a carrot type colour?One of my nephews is bright ginger and he hates it so much he has shaved it all off:hehe:I also have a Niece with Aurbun coloured hair and she hated that as well so she has dyed it blonde:p

    Peri,is it tomorrow that you move house?Hope it goes well for you and your OH:gnthb: Mr K is in IT as well,was in Engineering first but the money was rubbish so he got a job in IT and although he loves computer work doesn't like the stress and pressure of it now,plus they have a **** boss who hasn't got a clue what she is doing and then tries to discredit what Mr K and his colleagues do,but it usually proves wrong and what they do in theri job is spot on and correct.I wouldn't want him to have a job where he was away for a month at a time even if the money was good:p

    Well I hope everyone has a good day.I am just about to start my breakfast and then have some washing to put on and then have peas to pod:luv::D
  13. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Caterpillars,Aphids,Capsid bugs,Red spider mite.
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone,
    peri happy moving hope all goes well what with you having that broken foot looks like your OH will be doing most of the moving.
    its great hubby being away 4 weeks on 4 weeks off it means his 4 weeks off we can go places have days away every so often and visit friends when the weathers good of course, hes got a good job and excellent pay as well as the piping side hes a lot in the office being a piping supervisor.
    helen the spring onion and potato salad is lovely my grandma used to make it years ago got a nice taste. the bump on the car its not too bad but T-cut wouldnt do it just noticed our indian neighbours he bought a new car recently hes just passed his test hes had a bang the back of his car is a right mess worse than mine, anyway getting it done soon and off to buy a new hoover when hubby gets home he said he would buy a new one as my friend said it sounds like the motor is on its way out.
    kandy enjoy your breakfast hope you put some of them lovely rasberries on your cereal, guess your getting ready for your adventure away soon.

    have a great day all its lovely and sunny here this morning so thinking of somwere i can go to take pics.
  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Helen and Kandy,
    Mrs Shiney's hair used to be a beautiful deep rich red/ginger/auburn colour (technical - 7NK) but as she matured so did the colour :hehe:. For ladies of more mature years it is better not to enhance the natural highlights :hehe: back to their original colour but to keep the whole effect a lighter version of the original. This helps to keep the skin tones looking better. :gnthb:

    Helen, for a general all round stringless bean I find Polestar is hard to beat and can be bought very easily. Armstrong withstands drought conditions very well. Butler is a slower grower but the flowers set well. Mergoles is a reasonable all rounder. Of the white flowered ones both White Lady and Lady Di are good croppers but start off a bit slower than Polestar. As a bi-coloured bean Painted Lady is one of the original Victorian beans that has now been bred to be stringless and gives a reasonable crop with interesting flowers. All these are stringless - unless you leave them on the plant too long. The new bi-coloured bean we are trialling hasn't been named yet but the flowers look very good and have richer colours than Painted Lady. As we sowed them later (according to instructions) they are now coming into flower but no beans yet.

    Mrs Shiney picked a dozen courgettes yesterday and made a courgette soup and courgette salad :thmb:

    Have a great day :D

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