Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Well that weekend went quick,still we managed to get plenty done despite the weather and had another trip to the allotment yesterday so that Mr Kandy could try out the new rotavator.It is ok but not as good as the one that got stolen,but at least we have got one now:) Took some photo's of a lot of the insects pollinating our Runner Beans which included a wasp:p,trouble is apart from the lady birds and beetles they are all going round the back of the flower to get to the pollen so a lot of the flowers are dropping off so we are not getting much of a crop at the moment.:( I wonder if I can train the insects to take the proper route and go in the front way of the flower:D

    Shiney sounds like you have had a good weekend with your friends.We have noticed thta all the pubs that don't do food are all closing down whereas all the ones providing food are thriving,and we have noticed the same with the garden centres that have restaurants,they are all packed at the weekends:)

    Helen I should stick with your real life allotment you seem to do better with that rather than a cyber farm:D Sorry to hear about Bobs swine flu and lets hope that he soon gets over it so he can finish off the garden work:)

    Penny sounds like you are busy as well with the work being done.Hope it is soon finished:thumb:

    Enjoy your day everyone,I have to go and get those veggies prepared now for the freezer and for our dinner tonight:)
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Kandy and everyone,

    Helen, you are going to have to give Bob a lot of TLC as I understand that swine flu is even worse than man flu :hehe:. Although I didn't know anything could be worse than man flu :rotfl: :rotfl:. I wish him lots better :)

    Kandy, you're right, the weekend really flew by.

    Yesterday morning we, and our friends, went to a local garden centre (the interesting one with all the statues etc) and then on to an exhibition of a variety of arts - glass work, metal work etc. By the time I had cooked the roast and we had eaten it was mid-afternoon. We then had a very nice stroll along the river in the hot afternoon sun.

    It looks as though today will be another sunny and warm one. Unfortunately I won't have time to take advantage of it. Lots of paperwork to do this morning. Then a meeting all through lunchtime, only helped by the fact that it is being held at a pub :hehe:. The afternoon will be taken up with trying to finish off the paperwork - but that never seems to happen :(.

    Have a great day :D
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi all my good friends, just got back from lakes this afternoon had a great time, weather was good took loads of pics. had a good shop in windermere and ambleside.the 2 days flew by wished we had stayed a bit longer.hope everyone has had a great weekend
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Rosa,glad to have you back again and glad that you had a good time up in the Lakes.I knew you would like the place that is why we keep going back up there.Ambleside is nice as well,well in fact all of the lakes is beautiful:luv:
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi kandy thanks, had a great time just love the lakes mind i preffered windermere to Ambleside, met a great couple from scarborough when she gets back home shes joining gc sending her the link and we are keeping in touch.
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning all!

    Up very early (late really) had a very busy day yesterday finally got the freezer after waiting nearly a month for it and then couldn't believe the time it came at 7.30am!

    Glad you enjoyed your little trip Rosa it will be fun indeed if your new friend joins us all on here as there's always room for another little one.

    Shiney after your wonderful roast I'm sure you and your friends should have been jogging along the river not walking.:hehe:

    Kandy not been able to pop over the plots when there's people about what with Bob and his germs but he just had to sneak out over there last evening just as it was getting dark. He's bearing up but one day he can be fine and the next off his feet thank goodness for his little puffer it seems to help him.

    Hope the weather is nice when it's time to really get up as I'm looking forward to spending a few hours in the garden today.

    Hope you all have had a really nice sleep.:hehe::gnthb: Hel.xxx
  7. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi Hel do send Bob my best wishes I hope he has a speedy recovery and take care yourself don't be overdoing it.
    Looking forwards to your pics Rosa it's a while since I was in Ambleside it will jog the memory.
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Helen and everyone,

    We have rain here this morning so the slugs and snails will be out in force:( Even the ones I have chucked over the fence on to the piece of spare land next to us keep coming back albeit with broken shells.They must love us or should that be our plants:D

    Rosa,we like both Windermere and Ambleside,but don't like all those hoards of visitors that insist on visiting the Lakes in the summer:oops::p How was the Hotel,was it a good one?:)

    Helen,I would rather they deliver the stuff at 7am in the morning as oppossed to 7pm in the evening:D We need to get a new upright freezer for the garage and keep looking to see what is about in the shops.The small one we have is too small and is not a frost free one so have to keep defrosting it but can only do that in the winter months.Mr Kandy slammed the door on it last week and the door slightly came open so when I found it all the metal shelves had an inch thick of ice on them so that won't be running well now:mad:
    Anyway,hope Bob didn't over do things at the allotment last night with the flu.He needs to rest to build his strength up:)

    Shiney,glad that you had a good time at the GC with your friends.I like the ones that have interesting things apart from flowers.They seem to do loads of bits and pieces these days.Saw our first Daffodils for sale in bags in our local one last Saturday:p

    We had beef on Sunday which went down nicely although it takes hours to cookthe stuff and then five minutes to eat it.No wonder people live on takeaways and ready meals these days:D

    Well hope you all have a great day in all that ytou do.No doubt I shall find plenty to keep me occupied:D
  9. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy helen, walnut and everyone.
    had a great time there was loads of visitors from all over the world, got most annoying when taken pics idiots were walking right in front of my camera when i was getting pics.
    the guest house was lovely 2 brothers run and own it they were such nice guys would stay there again the melbourne guest house in bowness on windermere, its right in the village close to all the shops.
    helen hope bobs feeling better ive still got my cold not nice at all.
    its raining here mind it still feels warm just been on my balcony for a coffee sat on my new camping seat i bought cheap in sale at keswick on the way back we didnt stay long there.
    have a great day
  10. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    rosa, I'm pleased you had a good time in the Lakes :thumb:. We shall be up there next month.

    Helen, it sounds as though Bob is getting better :gnthb:. After our roast we could only just manage to get out of our chairs :hehe:

    Kandy, I hope you can sort your freezer out as they don't work proerly if they are iced up :(. Mrs Shiney is on a coach trip to Coton Manor today. Have you ever been there?

    I'm spending a lot of time doing research for our winter holiday and it is taking up a lot of my time.

    have a great day :D
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Shiney,

    I think I have missed you on here as I have only just come back on line while having my brekkie.

    We have been to Coton Manor Gardens several times ,and we went last year and this year to walk through the Bluebell woods when they are in flower.It is at Coton where I take the photos that I put up on this site of Rodney their resident Macaw,who is found in the plant sales area.

    There are also some small chickens down near the stream and some pink Flamingo's near by.hen we went earlier this year there were lots of plants in flower and I got loads of piccy's,well so did Mr Kandy.

    Here is a link for the gardens,and I should tell Mrs Shiney to take a rain coat as it has just started raining here again,oh and tell her to wear some good shoes as it will take a few hours to get round to see it all:)

    We have been looking at the freezers for a good twelve months and Comet have a Beko{spelling} which we are interested in but have to move the caravan before we can order it to be able to get it in.There is about an inch of snow on the shelves and we dare not try to chip it off as it is part of the freezer and might do more damage.This freezer doesn't have plastic drawers like a lot of them have.

    Enjoy your holiday researching. I expect you will pick somewhere warm.:DI am busy doing that for next years summer holiday and at the moment either Bute or the of Isle of Mull looks possible and we still can't decide on the September one for next year as it is a special one:wink:

    Anyway,enjoy your day:luv:
  12. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Kandy, Thanks for the info :gnthb:
  13. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone....
    Had a really busy weekend and yesturday was a Holiday here.....so today is my catch up day, lots of laundry, house cleaning.....so have a good day everyone.
  14. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    Hello everybody! Getting computer time in this house right now is hard! Hubby's laptop won't hook up to the wireless router for some reason (probably rather simple if I really looked at it!) and mine is back to work for it's summer 'fix up' or replacement for me to start back to work in September. So, with taking my 'turn' with the kids, not often I can get on!
    Will catch up here with everybody's posts - but hope you are all well and healthy!
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi natalie, i have a laptop and a while ago we had problems with the wireless connection hubby only accidentally pressed the buttons on the front of the laptop and knocked the wireless off and we couldnt get it back on so i had to get my pc guy out, check the front iff the orange light is out thats what the problem will be.

    shiney thanks had a great time bet you cant wait to get to the lakes just wished we had stayed longer and the weather was lovely
    helen had a great time sent my new friend the link for here so she will be joining when she gets back home from the lakes

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