Yawn ... wakey, wakey ...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Victoria, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    What a beautiful day it was yesterday. We had a good time at the 'Art in Clay' show with some superb pottery and ceramic work. Then it was back home with our friends to enjoy the late afternoon and early evening sunshine in the garden. I picked loads of beans and we had an enormous amount of them with our roast :gnthb:

    It is another gloriously sunny day today but I will be stuck indoors working away on the computer for most of it.

    Have a great day :D
  2. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its hot and humid here, the AC is running, first time i've had it on in awhile.

    Today is my "catch up" day, i had a busy weekend and have laundry on the go, and floors are mopped, just need to vaccum.
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    good morning everyone,
    shiney i watched a programme and a couple went clay pot making i wouldnt mind doing that myself looked interesting, pleased you enjoyed sitting in your garden with your friends.
    i had a dreadful afternoon my car broke down in a town centre i was luckily enough to get it close to a garage, called AA they told me not to start it in case it went on fire, the garage is looking at it, seems the same problem so that renault garage didnt do something so im really mad, im calling them today and telling them they have put my life in danger twice now, the AA had the fire brigade at the ready as the smell of petrol was unbelievable and the engine area was hot and petrol all over the ground, im lucky it didnt go on fire, the car was shuddering while i was driving it and i was stuck behind a bus at traffic lights i was terrified.
    will find out this morning AA has down on report fuel leak, possibly from injectors, this is becoming a total nightmare.
    helen the allotment thats another problem as ive mentioned in my allotment thread not having much luck lately, my greenhouse arrived yesterday so that will be stuck in its box for a while
    im up early this morning hubby just left for airport back to africa by the 4 weeks flew over
    anyway have a great day all and let you know outcome
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Rosa and everyone,

    Shiney,yes the weather was beautiful the whole weeekend.It went up to 28c where we were which was nice but wouldn't have wanted it any hotter:D

    Rosa,you should have kept the Rover,this Megane sounds a right death trap and there is no way would I trust driving it.I am sure there is some way you can reject it still under the sale of goods act and it is still under watrranty.Sounds like you are going to have to spend the rest of the cars life with a fire engine following you everywhere you go in case it does go up in flames:skp: Lets hope the garage gets the job done properly this time:thumb:

    Had rain showers all day yesterday so lets hope it is a better day today.Have a good one everyone in all that you do:)
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Rosa, Kandy and all.

    Shiney did you take any snaps at the clay show or was it a case of viewing only? I have to agree with Rosa it does sound interesting sadly I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none but I do like to try new things out or at least have a go much to Bob's horror!:hehe:

    Glad you enjoyed your time with your friends and I'm sure there is never any shortage of food on your plates what with you being a master chef and all.:wink:

    We had runner beans too yesterday and my goodness they were very yummy indeed!

    Rosa sweetie I do feel for you things are not going your way at the moment at all what with the allotment and now the car (again) but I must warn you hun those 'bad' things come in three's so don't go out for a few days..... in fact stay in bed it might be for the best!:flag:
    Seriously though Rosa I do wish you some good luck you really do need it darling.:luv:

    Kandy the hot weather is really no joke for Bob and I once the temperatures drop to around 16c for a few days it's really comfortable for us but when it goes back up it's far too much for us we just can't win.

    Hope Mabel is still bearing up.

    Bad day yesterday hobbling about for most of it thankfully just normal pains today (which I can cope with) so should be able to get something more than ironing done today. The sun is shinning so it looks like it's a gonna be a good day to work outisde.

    Have a nice day peeps and take care.Hel.xxx.
  6. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning kandy and helen.
    to both saves answering twice, the car felt like a death trap yesterday, lets hope this garage can sort it, talked to my sister in law last night she knows the guy that owns the garage were the car is she said they know what they are doing its a good garage for repairs unlike that crazy renault garage that its been in, they gave me back a death trap as they didnt do the fuel injectors like they said they had done, hehe just waiting for the third thing to happen, this carry on with the allotment now the car its a total nightmare, my hubby was out in car yesterday morning and he said it was fine till i went out in it.
    have a great day and will let you both know later on what i hear, then im on phone to the boss of that renault garage, they are not getting away with this. ive got to call back the garage were we bought it as soon as i hear about my car.
    talk later
  7. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    rosa, sorry to hear you are having more trouble with the car :(.

    I reckon you would be within your rights to reject the car and get your money back. Normally it would have to be done much sooner but you have had trouble with it (and had it in for repairs) right from the start. If you are thinknig of rejecting it I would first check with Trading Standards about whether it would qualify for rejection under the Sale of Goods and services Act. In April 2003 the Law included sections (48A to 48F - I think) that said if the goods are faulty within the first six months it is deemed that they were faulty at the time of purchase. If the garage disagree the Law says that the burden of proof is upon the seller.

    After the first six months the proof is upon the purchaser - but - if it is after the first six months you would still have a good argument if the fault was one that had occurred in the first six months and been reported to them.

    Although secondhand cars don't always come under this Section as they are expected to have some faults, your car had the faults from the start and the garage accepted that there were problems with the car and agreed to put them right. You have proof of this.

    Helen, I didn't bother to take my camera with me but Mrs shiney took her's. If there are any good photos I shall try and put them on here. Mrs shiney has loads of hobbies as well as working and doing the garden - and cuddling Oscar k-l. Amongst the hobbies she does pottery and glass work and has made some lovely pieces. I shall look for some photos of her work.

    Hope you are feeling better :thumb:

    Have a great day :D
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    morning shiney, im hoping that this other garage were it is gets to the root of the problem, we can take it back and get another car iff we want, but we honestly thought that renault garage had fixed the problems and they charged hundreds to that guy were we bought the car and its still got the same problems so it will be proof that they havnt done the car as i have the AA proof of whats wrong.thanks for yours and everyones support over this car and allotment business.
    will look forward also to seeing mrs shineys pottery pieces
  9. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Morning Rosa, Kandy, Hel and everyone,
    Poor Rosa no fun having a car that keeps giving you grief.:dh: You go give them jip girl for not doing a proper job the 1st time.:thmb: Tell them that the AA said it was to dangerous to drive. Hope things start to work out better for you soon.:wink: 02

    Hiya Kandy, yes we had a beautiful weekend also, but its been grey and overcast since.:(

    Hope your aches and pains are not to bad today Hel, this barmy weather dosnt help, it cant be good for the old bod trying to cope with these fluctuating temperatures.:skp:

    Well Im ashamed of myself because I was going to start getting back into regular swimming again this morning but woke up a bit late. I say late as in liking to get there for 7.30am to avoid all the kids :dh: Tomorrow definitely. :skp::hehe: 02
  10. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Helen and Rosa,

    Helen hope you are feeling a bit better today with your back problems.((((((((hugs))))))) Touch wood mine hasn't been too bad of late but I manage it a bit differently now so know my limits,not too much gardening,allotmenteering,or sitting at the computer for too long and it seems to have done the trick.:thumb: I seem to be the only person on the planet that likes ironing,but thena gain if I didn't do it no one else would.Coming from a large family {12 of us} I learnt from an early age to fend for myself,but at least I am not like a lot of the thirty year olds these days who have to have their parents wipe their noses for them as they haven't got a clue:D

    I am putting up a photo of the new cold frame type thingy that Mr Kandy built on Saturday with some old panes of glass we had lying about at the bottom of the plots under the hedge.It took him hours to build but at least the carrot fly won't get to his carrot seedlings:D

    Rosa, Good Luck with getting the car fixed.No way should you have the smell of fuel when you drive it.I hoep the garage gets it right this time and lets hope you have some success with the allotment especially as ypu have all the stuff now.:thumb:

    I forgot to put up a photo of that Parasol that I wombled from my friend.they didn't like it after they had brought it a few weeks ago so was going to throw it away until I spotted it behind the dustbin.We just need to get a base for it and a new bag because Mr Kandy ripped it's bag as he was putting the Parasol away:(

    Anyway,hope you both have a good day:)
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Shiney and 02 didn't see you popping up there while I was typing.:luv:

    Hope your daughter and SiL had a lovely day Wendy and did thye get away on Honeymoon to anywhere nice?:)

    Have a great day:luv:
  12. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Morning Shiney, hope you and Mrs Shiney are well. I would love to see some of Mrs shineys pics she took. Thats what I need a hobby, but cant decide what.:dh:
    Hope you all have a lovely day.:thmb: 02
  13. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hee hee, we keep missing eachother Kandy. The wedding was suppose to have taken place in March just gone but due to a car crash they had to postpone it. (everybody was fine but not the car)

    So they had to take their honeymoon that was already booked to Jamaica then. So this time they planned on going to cornwall camping, just drive down there and see where their fancy took them.

    They got all the way down there to find there was a yearly surfing event going on and everywhere was chock a block:dh: So they came all the way back and went to Blackpool!!!! I know dont ask, I did and got, we couldnt be bothered driving to far again :dh: Oh well it was their choice and apparentley had a great time :skp::hehe: 02
  14. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,:)

    Its another hot one here:thumb:, had some good storms go through here last night, but the worst of it missed us.:gnthb:

    Have some laundry in the washer, floors are mopped and vaccumed, and the house is clean, so today might be a good book day:D, i'll go out and water some later, plus my stomach feels blah.....gotta love "mother nature":flag::dh:.............NOT:rotfl::rotfl:
  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    evening everyone,
    take more and kandy had a bad day today the garage only told AA that 4 weeks ago wylam garage had done that to car the injectors cracked and AA wont pay for it and they even wouldnt come out to pick car up i got annoyed with them and asked why we are paying £22 per month for no service as i have homestart relay stat-mobile breakdown repair service.
    anyway were i bought the car hes having to pay someone to come down near mine and pick the car up and its going back to wylam garage in the morning, told AA to s---- their service and thats the finish, going to join our insurance breakdown service as AA let me down badly today.
    helen hope your feeling a bit better back problems i go through the same so know what your going through take care
    kandy love your parasol seen them in the shops very nice

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