Yawn Yawn, Wakey WAKEY... 2014...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Aloha everyone,

    Things got a bit hectic yesterday. I went off to the doctor at 5 p.m., he checked me over and sent me straight to A & E and Mrs Shiney and myself didn't get home until 2.30 a.m.

    The doc did an ECG (it was OK) but said my BP was way too high. He phoned A & E and had them waiting for me. The hospital were pretty good but things took time.

    I went to one nurse in A & E for my BP to be done (had come down quite a bit but still too high) and then off to another section for another ECG. They checked all that and then sent me to EAU (Emergency Assessment Unit).

    Then we had the hurry-up-and-wait treatment. I had another ECG and BP done plus loads of other tests. They included loads of blood being taken (I have a bit of a needle phobia and also get bad reactions to injections (bruising) and anything stuck on my skin).

    I now have small sections of rash on my skin from where they stuck all the electrodes (three times) and from the sticky tape put over the needle holes. I'm covered in bruises from the needles. The nurses were very careful with the needles and used special sticky tape but that doesn't help me.

    We had to wait a couple of hours for the results of the bloods and then the doctor came to see me (she was very nice) and did a few more tests, including checking in my eyes with a bright light (which gave me a headache!). She also sent me for chest X-Rays. Then she said I needed to wait three hours before having another load of blood taken :hate-shocked: and then had to wait an hour and a half for the results.

    End result:- my heart seems OK, I now have to have blood pressure tablets (another problem for me as I can't swallow pills - so I'll be seeing my doc today to see whether they do a soluble version) and I may have a blood clot! They're arranging a scan for me and in the meantime I have to have an injection in my stomach every day! :yikes: I'm supposed to do it myself (a very thin needle) but they know I can't so they're arranging for the District Nurse to come in every day. They gave me the first injection before I went home. So I now have another bruise to join the ones on my arms!

    I'll go in to the doctor's surgery this morning as I need to pick up the injections and get them to sort out my script.

    I had better start getting ready :)

    Have a great day :biggrin:

  2. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone....

    Shiney...My have you been through it:hate-shocked:.....:grphg:....(wonder if your BP raised with the pain)...just thinking out loud:dunno:....i hope you get your medication sorted out and you're soon back on the right track....sorry about all the needles:doh:....i remember going through something similar with the stomach injections and ended up looking like a pin cushion...it's certainly not very pleasant even without a needle phobia.....Go steady and keep us posted when you can:grphg:...

    Wishing everyone well,
    Takecare all:SUNsmile:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Aloha everyone,

      Another bad night. The trouble with my chest had gone from intermittent to constant.

      Got home from A & E at 4.30 a.m. I left another armful of blood with them :heehee:. The cardiologist said I'm doing well from his point of view and I'm already receiving the injections if I do have the clot on my chest. Still waiting for the appointment for the scan. BP has come down - even without the meds, which will be at our surgery for me this morning. They've had to order the meds in liquid form as I'm unable to take tablets.

      Have a great day :biggrin:

    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,

      Shiney...I'm sorry to 'hear' that...but good news about your BP:dbgrtmb:...They could do to get their finger out for your scan though to put your mind at rest....They like their blood at these places don't they:rolleyespink:.....You rest up:grphg:

      Moyra....hope the workmen have got the job finished:thumbsup:....

      It's another wet morning here but at least the forecasters have been spot on lately:blue thumb:

      Waves to Woo,Penny,Lili,Jaz ,Kandy et al:dbgrtmb:

      Take it easy everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
    • moyra

      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

      Sep 17, 2005
      South East Essex
      Aloha everyone,

      Shiney what a performance am sorry to hear of all your troubles I am on constant blood pressure tablets one everyday. I do hope they get to sort out the major problem of a possible blood clot.

      WOO, do hope you are on the mend. Look after yourself.

      Lili, Good to see you around, take care.

      Loli, I am hoping now that the amount of work they have done which they tell me they have successfully carried out on some of the other properties on the estate with the same water problems things should be ok from now on as you say fingers crossed.

      Steve has gone back to work at long last I do hope that his back will hold out ok. Have a good day everyone and those of you who are poorly do take care or yourselves please. God bless.


    • Penny in Ontario

      Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

      Sep 7, 2006
      Work for my husband.
      Ontario, Canada
      Morning all,

      Its still cold here, bitter cold and we've had some snow again. Need to do some more snow blowing again tonight.

      Its been a busy week, been back and forth to Toronto, and just waiting on Brad to text me on whether I need to go back down again shortly, if not then it'll be tomorrow. If I don't go, then I'll go up stairs and prime the trim in the bedroom, we did paint it but I don't like the color at all, so I'll prime it and go get some white trim paint, should've went with white in the first place.

      Off to get dressed.......so enjoy your day everyone.
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,

      Shiney...How are you doing today? hope you've had a better night:dbgrtmb:....

      Penny...the times i've done the same as you and gone back to white:rolleyespink:

      Moyra...hope Steve got on OK back at work:dbgrtmb:

      Woo...i bet you're playing with your new camera lens:dancy::dbgrtmb:

      It's a frosty one here but bright sunshine:blue thumb: the top of the fences are steaming...haven't seen that in a long while....all the birds have been fed and watered so that's calmed the chooks down ...anyone would think it was my fault it was frozen:rolleyespink:

      Waves to all....

      Have a great day everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
    • Penny in Ontario

      Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

      Sep 7, 2006
      Work for my husband.
      Ontario, Canada
      Morning everyone,

      Its still cold here, but not as cold as it has been, and we didn't get any snow overnight!!!

      I'm off to Toronto again shortly, and then when I get back, I have to go over to Barrie and make some deliveries for Brad, but I think he's closing the shop and coming with me...so maybe I'll let him drive LOL.

      I did manage to get the trim primed again, so its back to white, the color that I should have left it in the first place, we'll get some more trim paint this weekend. I am going to try and clean out the attic/crawl space that's accessible from what will be our new bedroom, plus when we drop the ceiling downstairs everything in there will drop on us, so Brad would like me to clean it out and put back what I am keeping on the sheet of plywood that's in there, and toss the rest....and it would ne easier to clean it out before we move the bedroom furniture upstairs, so that will most likely be my weekend project.

      We had Daniel for awhile last night, so we didn't get our snow blowing done, so that will be tonight......I'm off to get some more coffee, and throw some laundry into the dryer.........so enjoy your day everyone.
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Aloha everyone,

      I'm not too bad today :blue thumb:. Yesterday, the chest aches went :dancy: but I must have done something to my shoulder whilst having a 20 minute nap. It was extremely painful and felt a bit like the way my other shoulder felt when I had a frozen shoulder.

      Mrs Shiney gave me a really good shoulder massage and I took some Paracetomol. I needed some painkillers again by 10.30 p.m. but when I woke this morning the pain was not too bad and I have full mobility in it.

      Been for my annual dental checkup this morning (he said all were in good condition and gums are excellent) and then went shopping. Shoulder is still painful but no worse. So I'll keep of the painkillers and Mrs S will give me a massage when she has time.

      My stomach is beginning to look like a pink, black and blue chequerboard :heehee: and I'm off for another jab at five. Then it's bridge club.

      Have a great day :biggrin:

    • liliana

      liliana Total Gardener

      Sep 12, 2012
      Afternoon all,

      Shiney, you have been in the wars. I will send you a special massage in my thoughts.:imphrt:

      Been out shopping to our local Friday market, then on to Waitrose to get our free coffee's.

      OH has his ears done, and no change, so I am going to book him for a hearing test.
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Thanks, Lili,

      I got a phone call from the hospital this afternoon. They said that the scan department had rejected their application for a scan for me. According to them the data didn't warrant it and I have to go back on Monday to be reassessed. I suppose that means another armful of blood - not sure where I'll get the third arm from :scratch: :heehee:

      In the meantime it's - carry on with the injections.

      My shoulder is a lot better but I'm banned from digging up some plants that I was going to split.

      I haven't started the BP meds as I reckon my blood pressure levels don't warrant it. I had a chat with the practice nurse when she was giving me my injection and she agreed that I could postpone it whilst I have a week of monitoring my pressure at home.

      Then I'll see the doc and argue with him about what is an acceptable level. I think they are over cautious nowadays. I did a quick test earlier and it's 150/87. Although that's a bit high I think it doesn't warrant being on meds for the next fifty years. :heehee: I'll see how it averages out over the week - two checks in the morning and two in the evening.

      I'm cooking Thai veggie curry for the students tomorrow. :blue thumb:

      Have a good night. :biggrin:
      • Friendly Friendly x 2
      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Good morning everyone,

        Shiney...I'm really pleased your shoulder has eased off:dancy:...and i totally agree about the BP,they are over cautious these days..my brother went to the doctors and suffered a panic attack (he doesn't like doctors) naturally his BP was up so out came the pills..a day later when he went to get the prescription filled they checked his BP at the chemist and sure enough it was 'normal'..so he didn't bother...obviously it's important to keep an eye on it but no doubt he'd have still been on the tablets now....
        I think a weekends ban is in order,just while you go back on Monday to see the vampires:pathd::thumbsup:

        I hope everyone else is ticking over nicely:dbgrtmb:

        It's as black as pitch out there but the birds are singing away...it baffles me:scratch:...i don't remember them singing this early and in the dark a few years back....

        Just time for a quick cuppa:coffee: then i'll be off to work...Hi Ho:whistle:

        Have a lovely day everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning Loli and all my other friends hope you are all OK,Shiney please look after yourself and sincerely hope that you feel better soon, enjoy your day my friends:)

          My BP is a little high but I also told the doctor what to do with his tablets in a polite and courteous manner of course;)
          • Like Like x 1
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Aloha everyone,

            Woo, thanks very much, and please look after yourself as well :)

            I'm off soon for another pincushion job :mute:.

            In the meantime, I'll start prepping the veg.

            I'm starting my own BP 'Home Monitoring Record' this morning. I was given the sheet by the surgery and it says to do the readings twice (one minute apart) in the morning and evening. I've got to check with them about that as my machine automatically does it twice and averages it. :scratch:

            Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

            Pheasants are making quite a racket outside so I'd better go and look.

            • Friendly Friendly x 2
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Aloha everyone,

              Shiney so sorry you are not at all well, hope you are better soon.

              WOO you too, look after yourself.

              Have a good day everyone and stay warm and dry and safe too! God bless.


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