Yawn, Yawn, Wakey Wakey!! 2016

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    He did surprise me yesterday - he didn't turn up! :mad:

    So I did the gardening on my own and got quite a lot done. A lot of what I did isn't too obvious to the eye as it was mainly weeding and tying up lots of plants that had flopped. A lot of them are hardy geraniums that look as though an elephant has sat in the middle of the plant. Also, a lot of euphorbias and campanula had fallen over. The campanula are self-seeded but look very good so we leave them there. They seem to appear in bunches of well over a dozen so it's not too hard to just run some string round them. The bending is difficult for me as it needs two hands to do the job which puts a strain on the back. Whereas weeding is easier because I can take some of the strain by leaning on the weed bucket with one hand. :blue thumb: Got some mowing done as well.

    That was a lot of money in those days :dbgrtmb: I used to buy 6oz of Sun-Pat hot salted peanuts for that. The confectioner shops had the peanuts in a heated container (similar to a very small version of the popcorn machines you see in cinemas) and they just used a small shovel to get some out, into a paper bag, and sold them by weight. Yum Yum. :)

    It's been raining all night but has just stopped. The forecast is dry and warm so I'll do some more pottering around the garden.

    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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    • moyra

      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

      Sep 17, 2005
      South East Essex
      Good morning everyone,

      Shiney, don't go overdoing things again. I have a load of washing to go out on the line so hope it is going to stop raining soon and brighten up!
      Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless. :wub2:

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      • CanadianLori

        CanadianLori Total Gardener

        Sep 20, 2015
        Battle Axe
        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
        Good day everyone,
        @moyra I wish it would Start raining here! We got a sprinkle in the middle of the night. Barely enough to wet the ground and not enough to cool us down - we are over 30c - around 87f already... :phew:

        I've got to get myself in gear for when my two new raised garden structures arrive. They 4'x8' and are made of composite which is guaranteed to never rot. I need to get a yard of soil ordered. Oh, guess I'd better figure out what kind...and get my wheel barrow technique thought out in advance :scratch:

        Have a safe day everyone :)
        • Friendly Friendly x 3
        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Good afternoon fellow WW'ers

          Up early today and got all the "have to's" out of the way so I would have some time for the "want to's". Trouble is, I'm feeling quite weary now and may soon end up as a snoozy snooze! :doh:

          Oz is back to his usual friendly, chilled out self so I'm putting down his grumps from the other day as just that: grumps! Either that or he was cheesed off with the referendum results (which seems to be the current trend) :scratch::dunno: Whatever happened to that distinguishing feature of "Britishness" where, even in loss, we would still say, "Bravo!"; "the best man won"; and, "be a good sport"? Not to mention that other typically British attitude of "master of the understatement"? People bandying emotive words around such as "ashamed" to be British and the results being "disgusting" and the youth crying out they have been "robbed". Whatever happened to a bit of backbone and a bit of stiff upper lip? :dunno:

          The weather really isn't inspiring one way or another, although yesterday was lovely and Mr "M" saved me from "sweating over a hot stove" (? :noidea: I'd planned a salad!) and took me out for lunch. It was a chain restaurant place, but, to be fair, the lunch was actually quite good quality, fresh, hot and tasty, with portions being generous enough that Mr "M" had to sacrifice his waistline by finishing off what I could not manage (and we only had one course) :heehee:

          Yesterday evening watched a very interesting programme called "Calling Blighty"; archive film of troops serving in WWII (Burma) sending filmed messages home to loved ones. Now, *there* was evidence of true "stiff upper lip" (and that was your working classes ;) ).

          Oh dear! :nonofinger: :cmonhug:

          Just seen the picture of them, how exciting! Hope the delivery happens when they say it will :thumbsup:

          Right, Mr Iggulden is calling me, so I best be off.

          Miles of smiles for all and healing vibes for those in need of them xxMxx
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            I agree. I'm getting a bit peed off with people's attitude. It's happened, for better or worse, so now lets get on and make the most of it. I liked the attitude of a cycle manufacturer (family business) that was being interviewed on the news. He said that he had already got his contingency plan worked out and it swung into action straight away. He said there are always opportunities if you look for them and he's already doing deals with EU and non-EU countries. He had such a bright and positive attitude that it was really heartwarming.

            The weather today is hot and muggy :phew:. After Mrs Shiney phoned Michael this morning and told him to get his backside over here he turned up at 10.05. She's out and I'm not making him his usual cup of tea every 90 minutes. Instead it's going to be every three hours.

            I've been working hard, but slowly, putting up climbing facilities for the cobaea scandens that Mrs Shiney has put in pots in the greenhouse. I did that first before it got too hot in there. I was hindered a bit by Sarafi insisting on attention.

            Then I've been weeding the new bed (half a wheelie bin full) and I've picked 35lb of rhubarb and now need to package it for sale tomorrow. There's loads more to pick but I can't do any more bending. I also had to drive a 6ft 2"x1" stake 2ft into the ground so that I could tie up the artichokes that had collapsed under their own weight. They were so heavy I had to get Michael to give me a hand lifting them!

            I'n having a break and then I'll make the tea for Michael - after I've finished mine :heehee:

            It's 78F out there :hate-shocked:
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            • Phil A

              Phil A Guest

              Morning early people :)

              Lovely morning despite what the weatherman said :th scifD36:

              Only found 17p yesterday but did find these...


              Museum lady reckoned they're bronze rivets from a shipwreck and a cast bit of bronze, possibly a bit of a bell :) Been pointed in the direction of someone who can confirm that :thumbsup:

              Back down the beach in a bit.

              Have a good day everyone and always check your inhaler for woodlice :spinning:
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              • moyra

                moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                Sep 17, 2005
                South East Essex
                Good morning everyone. Shall be glad when these politicians sort themselves out. Hope you are getting straight again in the garden Shiney and not overdoing things.
                These antibiotics are giving me a lot pain in my stomach. I took some extra Lansoprazole yesterday to counter act them. May have to stop taking them if they continue to cause me such indigestion and pain.

                Happy hunting Zigs.
                Have a good day everyone, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless. :wub2:

                • Friendly Friendly x 4
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Aloha everyone,

                  Apart from a stinking cold and a sore throat I'm fine :blue thumb:

                  @moyra You should phone the surgery and tell reception that you seem to be having a bad reaction to the antibiotics. They should take that bit of info seriously. :grphg:

                  @Zigs Have you declared the 17p to the taxman? :heehee:

                  Nice and sunny this morning.

                  Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

                  • Agree Agree x 1
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                  • Beckie76

                    Beckie76 Total Gardener

                    Jan 26, 2015
                    Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                    Good Afternoon,

                    Goodness me this blinking referendum is causing all sorts of troubles & dramas at work :doh:so many people have got themselves into a state, I'm doing my bit to keep everyone calm :coffee:.

                    Other more important news :heehee:, Buttercup got herself up this morning & had a dirt bath!! :hapydancsmil:Hopefully this is the turning point, Florence is now showing signs of going broody, fortunately she's a girl who likes her food so hopefully she will at least keep getting up to eat! :thumbsup:
                    My cat is loosing big clumps of fur :sad:, that's a bit of a worry but he's very bright & happy in himself :fingers crossed:

                    Kev is setting up at the Norfolk show today, hopefully he will get set up before the rain!

                    I really need to get in the garden to do some weeding etc, I don't seem to have had much spare time recently :thud:, hopefully at the weekend I will find a couple of hours :hapydancsmil:

                    Enjoy your day :hapfeet:
                    • Friendly Friendly x 3
                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      I need a tap on the head - to try and stop my nose from continually running :whistle:

                      It's so bad that I have given up going to bridge this afternoon. :hate-shocked: :doh:
                      • Friendly Friendly x 3
                      • "M"

                        "M" Total Gardener

                        Aug 11, 2012
                        The Garden of England
                        :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: Crikey, you *must* be bad :comfort:
                        • Agree Agree x 2
                        • "M"

                          "M" Total Gardener

                          Aug 11, 2012
                          The Garden of England
                          Good evening, WW'ers

                          Been under par a bit today but we all have times like that; no doubt tomorrow I'll be up to speed once more.

                          Had a wonderful phone call today: #1 Son got his finals results today and, suffice to say, he is now an Honours Degree Graduate :yes: :hapydancsmil: :yay: Most amazingly of all, in every aspect of his Mandarin module (reading, writing, speaking) he scored in the 80%+ bracket :thud: :thud: :thud: (he isn't the language degree son either :heehee: ). He never went to Uni to learn another language, but he and a friend thought it might be a bit of a giggle (way back in their first semester, as Freshers). He was the only one of his intake to see it through to the finals. I am *so* proud of him! :wub2: He's the one who has had such a bumpy year: being sent to Coventry by his housemates (who all dropped out before their finals); the unfortunate incident when he was attacked on his way home ... such a worry! Then, most recently, we've had the is he/isn't he coming home hokey cokey and now ... well, now he's back to ... reviewing his options :lunapic 130165696578242 5: As I told him earlier, there may be many who will graduate with the same degree and even same degree mark as him, but, that Mandarin will be his Unique Selling Point in the employment market :thumbsup:

                          @Beckie76 - hurrah for Buttercup! :chicken: Hope Florence's love of food overcomes her biorhythms.
                          Sorry to hear about your cat. Have you changed his diet recently? Is he up to date with his worming? Hoping it resolves itself very soon!

                          @moyra - did you take Shy Knees advice and contact your surgery? Are they able to give you a different brand of medicine?

                          Healing vibes for all who need them and miles of smiles for all xxMxx
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                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b

                            :yay: :yay: :yay:
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                            • Phil A

                              Phil A Guest

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                                Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2016
                              • shiney

                                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                                Jul 3, 2006
                                Retired - Last Century!!!
                                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                                Aloha everyone,

                                It's another sunny morning after some light rain last night.

                                Sore throat almost gone but I have a nasty headache and my insides are running out through my nose :sad: - but it's not Man Flu :thumbsup:

                                I hope to be well enough to be able to go to bridge tonight. :)

                                Can't get my head in gear to think about what I'll do today but I'm sure I'll have a wander round the garden.

                                Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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