Yawn, Yawn, Wakey Wakey!! 2016

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Aloha Woo and everyone,

    Happy birthday Lilibet :love30: :snork:

    Yesterday was the sunniest day this year - according to my solar panels. :SUNsmile:

    We got quite a bit done in the garden and although it's still quite weedy it's looking good. :blue thumb:One of the Hostas is already 4" high but none of the others are showing yet.

    I had to do some frantic phone calls yesterday afternoon when I received a panic call from Barry. :sad: He'd received a letter from the Council telling him that his rent benefit had been stopped permanently and that he had to pay £125 by Monday. The most he's ever had to pay per week is £11 as he has been disabled since birth and unable to work.

    Part of it was his fault (I think I mentioned it on here) when he failed to get the details of all his savings and benefits to them by the required date (he has to do this each year). He had time to do this but the date he had arranged to go to the town hall with everything he was too ill to do so.

    So they sent him a letter saying that they would suspend his benefit and he had a month to appeal. I told him to get it to them quickly and take it in person. He did that the following week, so everything should have been OK. Until he received yesterday's letter.

    I phoned the town hall benefits office to tell them that I suspected they had stopped benefits because of the late arrival but it should have all been sorted out. Then I came across the usual "Sorry, I can't talk to you as we don't have written authority to do so. It's the Data Protection Act." I told them that the Housing and the Rent and Rates departments have the notice of authority and I got the expected reply "Sorry, but they can't pass the information to different departments because of the Data Protection Act"!!!

    I said in a friendly and calm voice that I would deliver the authority this morning and I realise that they can't discuss the matter with me until they get it - but that doesn't stop them from listening to me. So I explained about the delay, told them that the info was delivered to the town hall two and a half weeks ago and that Barry had collapsed when he received the letter.

    There was a silence for a short while and then the girl asked me to hold on for a moment. She then told me that they have no record of having received the info and that she wasn't really supposed to tell me even that. I then told her that I have a receipt from the reception desk (I'd told Barry to get one when he brought the papers to them) so she asked me to hold on again. A couple of minutes later she came back and said that she had found the paperwork in the pending file (another thing she wasn't supposed to tell me). Apparently they are way behind with their work because of lack of staff.

    She said she would work on it herself but would still need an authorisation for me to deal with her in future. So, I've printed the authorisation, have to go into town to Barry to get him to sign it, take it to the Council and make sure it goes to the correct department (I'm going to insist that I take directly to the girl I spoke to). Fortunately the people in reception know me.

    Barry will still have to pay the money and, when it's sorted out, I shall have to work on getting it back.

    That's going to take me half a day that I can't really spare :doh: :sad:

    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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    • moyra

      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

      Sep 17, 2005
      South East Essex
      Good morning all,

      Oh dear Shiney, poor Barry it seems that everything seems to go wrong for him, pity they cannot send someone out to see him when they need this information. Where would he be without you.

      Hope everyone else is ok today. Have a good one and don't go overdoing things. God bless.

      • Friendly Friendly x 5
      • Beckie76

        Beckie76 Total Gardener

        Jan 26, 2015
        Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
        Good morning all,

        I hope everyone is well?

        I had a little 'bump' in the car yesterday (the first accudent I've had that was my fault) my pride is very much hurt :sad:. There was a large accident on the A14 causing a road closure, the whole of my local town Bury St Edmunds was at complete grid lock, more accidents were caused in the chaos, I tried to get on the back road to avoid the traffic but the world & his uncle had taken the same route :sad:, I was on a single track road which allows two way traffic! The traffic was nose to tail on both sides, my wing mirror was clipped twice :gaah: but as we were all going so slowly there was no damage , a van tried to pass me & as I tried to move forward so he didn't drive into me the traffic on my side stopped quickly & I bumped the car in front, luckily we were only traveling very slowly approx 5 mph, the chap in the car was not happy but I took full responsibility & apologised straight away. We swapped numbers & he gave me his address (he's from the next village) I left a message for him last night again to apologise, he rang this morning & im going to pay for the repair myself it's too small to get the insurance involved. I just feel so stupid, but had I not have moved the van would have taken me out, he was so close to me my tummy was like a cement mixer! No one was hurt & my old car is in perfect condition :yes: not a mark on it.

        @shiney you are such a good man, it's jolly kind of you to help Barry, I hope it's soon sorted out.

        @wiseowl I hope you are feeling better?

        I'm off to make some coffee.

        Enjoy your day folks :grphg:
        • Friendly Friendly x 5
        • CanadianLori

          CanadianLori Total Gardener

          Sep 20, 2015
          Battle Axe
          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
          Good day everyone
          I've had some very busy days lately and should get back to work right now! We've got cloud cover and are looking at getting some rain today which we do need. Then our temperatures are dipping very sharply.

          I need to arrange for another special mattress for my friend in the home to help keep him from getting sores. I had thought I had gotten him the best there is but apparently there is one more step up...

          Back to work now.
          Have a safe day everyone!
          • Friendly Friendly x 4
          • moyra

            moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

            Sep 17, 2005
            South East Essex
            Good morning everyone, not so nice this morning and a lot colder too. Got a scan at Basildon Hospital later this afternoon to see whether it is fibroids or my ovaries causing my anaemia. I hate this type of scan so demoralizing. I guess as I have got older I have got more prudish.

            Have a good day everyone, Shiney, hope you were able to sort Barry out ok. WOO and Lili hope you are both on the up! Take care all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.

            • Friendly Friendly x 5
            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Aloha everyone,

              @Beckie76 Sorry to hear about your little accident. Unfortunately these things happen and it was good that you weren't hurt :grphg:

              Apparently, it's all sorted out now (spoke to them again on the phone) but the paperwork will take about a week to come through. I didn't tell them that they had obviously made an error in their records from the paperwork that Barry gave to them. It would only complicate things. So I'll wait until this has settled down and then tell them that they had misread his saving (it's quite clear on the papers :doh:). He has more than they told me he has :rolleyespink: It shouldn't make any difference to Barry's Support but we need to get it right.

              I popped in to the village last night for the lighting of the beacon for the Queen's birthday. I'm pleased it was a real beacon because it had got quite chilly by then :heehee:


              Tonight we have the AGM of one of the bridge clubs I belong to. I have to go as I've won all the major competitions and have to collect the trophies - and money (not a lot). :)

              I got a lot of mowing done yesterday. It had only just come back from having a service and new blades. I normally do different lawns on different height of blades but I've had to readjust what I do. They've readjusted everything so the mower cuts evenly! :whistle: :heehee:

              I'll carry on with edging and pressure hosing as I want it to look fairly good by tomorrow as Mrs Shiney is running one of her seminars then. I'm cooking, as usual. Main course will be veggie chilli (always popular) and veggie Tagine. :dbgrtmb:

              Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                Morning early people :)

                Rained off today, need a break for my foot to get better, not feeling bad today, but I've not walked anywhere yet.

                Have a good day everyone :)
                • Friendly Friendly x 4
                • Beckie76

                  Beckie76 Total Gardener

                  Jan 26, 2015
                  Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                  Night night sleepy sleepy! :snooze:,

                  Goodness me I've had a busy day at work :thud:, I've had a quick peep on here today but I've not been able to spend enough time, I'm feeling a bit behind! :thud:

                  I enjoyed gardeners world this evening, loved the tulips :dbgrtmb:.

                  I hope you've all enjoyed your day :dbgrtmb:
                  • Friendly Friendly x 5
                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    Aloha everyone,

                    It's a lovely sunny morning but frosty. :SUNsmile:

                    I used to get told off for doing that! ;) :lunapic 130165696578242 5:

                    I've started getting things ready for today's cooking marathon :phew: but can't do much until after I wake Mrs Shiney, which won't be until 8 a.m. People will start arriving at 9.30 for a 10.00 start. Lunch has to be on the table at 12.30, on the dot. Twelve people - three course meal. :phew:

                    Tonight we're off to a charity supper and concert.

                    Got a lot done in the garden :blue thumb: and got my three trophies and the enormous prize money of £30 for winning them. :heehee:

                    What the world needs are more geniuses with humility - there are so few of us left :loll:

                    Have a great day :biggrin:

                    • Funny Funny x 2
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                    • moyra

                      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                      Sep 17, 2005
                      South East Essex
                      Good morning everyone,

                      Well done Shiney on your trophies and the cash win every little helps. I hope H's seminar goes well today!

                      WOO you are on the quiet side just lately I hope you are still not under par, just busy in the garden.

                      Lili, hope you are feeling much better now. Had my scan at the hospital yesterday and very unpleasant it was too! See the consultant next Thursday.

                      Have a good day everyone, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless.

                      • Friendly Friendly x 6
                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        Morning early people :)

                        Caught up on my sleep now :yawn:

                        Rains gone and the sun is out :SUNsmile:


                        Have a good day everyone :)
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                        • wiseowl

                          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                          Oct 29, 2006
                          Philosophy of people
                          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                          Good morning @moyra and all my other friends I am ok thank you my friend,just been concentrating on other things,thank you for asking, have a great Saturday and take care:smile:
                          • Friendly Friendly x 6
                          • Beckie76

                            Beckie76 Total Gardener

                            Jan 26, 2015
                            Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                            Good morning all,

                            Nice bright morning here so far. :SUNsmile:

                            One of my half sisters is getting married in June (quick wedding as she's pregnant), We are going but this does mean I'm going to have to spend the day in the same room as father (he's only spoken to me 4 times in my whole life, I'd rather like it to stay that way if I'm honest, we've not fallen out I just feel after meeting him last year we are so different & I'm not interested in making up lost time, grandad was my dad as far as I'm concerned, he was a wonderful man , I shall be putting my best foot forward & taking the day in my stride :dbgrtmb:)

                            Now on to other news, my cornflowers are up :dbgrtmb:, I have one daliah out of 15 shooting :whistle:...not too bad! :roflol:, I've spoken to the others & given them a verbal warning!! ;)

                            I have four Robins in the garden, Thursday three of them sat on the fence in a row, I'm wondering if they are this years young, they weren't showing any signs of fighting, you know how territorial they can be!

                            Buttercup is still broody :whistle: & very bad tempered.

                            I hope everyone is well :grphg:, happy gardening & enjoy your day :dancy:
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                            • toppington

                              toppington Tiny garden, always on the cheap!

                              Mar 19, 2016
                              South Midlands, UK
                              Good morning all WW people! Had a very busy week at work but happily now have a quiet weekend so gardening can take place. So much to do though!!! Oh dear. Hope you all have a lovely morning and coffee, tea and nice things are aplenty!
                              • Friendly Friendly x 5
                              • CanadianLori

                                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                                Sep 20, 2015
                                Battle Axe
                                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                                Good day everyone
                                Busy hoovering the upstairs before I go out of town with my friends to attend a lunch and show.

                                It's cool but sunny so at least the solar panels will be hapy!

                                Have a safe and fun weekend!
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