Yawn, Yawn, Wakey Wakey!! 2016

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Aloha everyone,

    I got a fair amount of work done in the garden. I was making the new bed and am now cutting the edges. I'll need Michael to dig out the edges and move that soil to the back of the bed. That can't be done until Michael works on the back of the bed. I shall continue digging and weeding the centre part of the bed.

    This is a bed that we're making where the neighbour has removed a row of conifers and put up a fence. That area was covered in ivy :rolleyespink: and I can't dig it out near the fence. There are also the roots of the conifers there. That's why Michael is going to have to do it. The ivy had been growing from our boundary for five feet into our garden. With it being down in the orchard/wild garden we had never really bothered but I want to turn that area into a flower bed with climbing annuals on the fence. I hope it will also attract more pollinators.

    It runs from the back of the shed, past two apple trees to the compost heaps. The other side of the heaps we have a nettle bed for butterflies.

    I was trying to pace myself and did 30 minutes of digging and then an hour's break for a sit down and cuppa - got through a lot of cuppas :coffee: Back's OK. :dbgrtmb:

    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Good evening WW'ers :spinning:

      @moyra - ah yes, the pitfalls of being early enough to get a parking space vs being too, too early for the appointment! Good luck with the biopsy (and do take their advice re the painkillers beforehand :grphg: )

      And then had to keep racing to the toilet :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

      I cannot believe I have been such a Numpty Turnip :doh: :doh: :doh: Yesterday, I transferred a couple of plants (which I'd planted last week into a small piece of soil) into tall planters. Gave them a good compost bed, tucked them in nicely, gave them a fresh, clean duvet of bark chippings and remembered to put in some slow release fertilizer too! :pathd: Anyone spot what was missing? No, I didn't either! :doh:

      Had quite a busy "non-garden" day today, part of which involved a 2hr Skype chat with son in Spain (lots of "oh dears", "never mind's" and "soon be homes"). Part way through the conversation, he indicated he was going to make a cuppa and I decided to do the same. As the kettle is coming to the boil something caught my eye through the rear door :th scifD36: No!!!!! :hate-shocked: The hens were in the main part of the garden! I raced outside to usher them back into their part of the garden - noting along the way that *someone* hadn't shut the gate in the arch fully and that is how the girls had got out :nonofinger: Not simply "got out" you understand: oh no; these are hens we're talking about ... hens who took one look at the open gate, the "greenery" beyond and clearly thought: Smorgasbord!!!! :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: So, half a dozen hens rampaging through the new border I'd lovingly created a month ago :doh:
      The saving grace on the whole situation was: Ozzy was upstairs snoozing and *not* in the garden :phew: Otherwise he may also have thought: Smorgasbord!!!

      Finally finished the Skype session and then I got the baking bug. Now, the ancient range in this house has never had an "efficient" working oven. Out of two ovens, only one works and it has just two temperatures that can be relied upon: on and off. I've sort of managed to wiggle my way around that, until just after Christmas when the bottom hinge on the door snapped through completely :doh: Yes, I know, buy a new oven - but, that's another (long) story. So, today's baking relied upon a) the microwave and b) the bread machine (which I've never used to bake a cake before, so it was all rather exciting). The microwave bake is a sort of crumble slice effort and is a family favourite of old and simply swapped oven cooking for microwave with some success. The bread machine cake is a toffee sponge/loaf thingamajig effort, which hasn't turned out too bad (even if I do say so myself :heehee: ).

      So, now all suitably warmed up and in need of a break, outside I go with Ozzy and a cuppa and sit on the bench on the patio and reflect upon #2 son's situation. I gaze over the chaos the girls had created and note that, all things considered, there's no damage that cannot be replanted. With smug satisfaction I turn my head to the right to my newly planted raised tubs to admire my recent project ... :yikes: ... one of the plants is positively d.y.i.n.g! :hate-shocked: Well, drooping so much it's head was almost touching the floor. WATER!!!! :doh: :doh: :doh: That's what I forgot: to water the ruddy pot after planting it up :oops: 24 (ish) hours after being put into their new home and one of them has been neglected already :redface: I've given both of those pots a thorough dousing and keeping my fingers crossed the poor thing survives my plant abuse.

      :phew: I'm glad its the evening and the day is behind me :heehee:

      Healing vibes for all in need of them and miles of smiles for all xxMxx
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      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Evening later people :)

        Been a tiring week, sorry i'd not cort up with everyone :doh:

        Have a good evening everyone and don't get locked out on a frosty night :spinning:
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        • CanadianLori

          CanadianLori Total Gardener

          Sep 20, 2015
          Battle Axe
          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
          @"M" you crack me up. Yes, I too have been reminded to water my plants because they are doing a run on death. :)

          Like Zigs, I have been working a lot lately - and thank goodness for that because I've got lots of unexpected expenses to take care of.

          I'll be finishing up some paperwork and then having a nice spritzer to celebrate the end of a long work week.

          I hope everyone else had a great day and wakes up in the morning to fine weather.
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          • Beckie76

            Beckie76 Total Gardener

            Jan 26, 2015
            Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
            Good evening,

            :snooze: That smilie sums me up! :heehee:

            I'm having internet problems, everything works apart from my phone! Technology hey! I will try to sort that out tomorrow :thud:.

            I hope you've all had a good day :dbgrtmb:

            I will catch up with you all in the morning, night night :grphg:
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            • wiseowl

              wiseowl Admin Staff Member

              Oct 29, 2006
              Philosophy of people
              Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
              Good morning all my friends have a lovely weekend and look after yourselves:smile:

              Sunshine on the flowering cherry this morning:smile:

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              • moyra

                moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                Sep 17, 2005
                South East Essex
                Good morning everyone, nice to see the sunshine this morning, still pretty cold though. The last day of April already and no promise that May is going to be any better! I hope you are going to have some good weather for the Open Day Shiney. I didn't get there last year but I remember the year before we had quite a bit of rain!
                Have a good day everyone, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless. :wub2:

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                • Beckie76

                  Beckie76 Total Gardener

                  Jan 26, 2015
                  Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                  Good morning,

                  Another beautiful bright day here, but it's chilly.

                  I have a flipping magpie :th scifD36: visiting the garden, the dam thing is really noisy, I've told him he's not welcome! I don't know what it is about those birds but I just don't like them! :yikes:

                  I'm off into work shortly, I also have to do a couple of hours on Sunday or Monday :th scifD36: so much for two days off, I think I will have an early start, that way I will not use up too much gardening time.

                  Still no baby news, we are teasing my brothers girl friend now, Kev has offered to take her for a ride up a bumpy track in a tractor :heehee:! (Of course we wouldn't really)

                  I spoke to my mum last night, she sounded a lot better on the phone, I might pop in on her over the weekend.

                  I hope you are all well.wrap up warm if you are going to venture out:dbgrtmb:.....oh & happy shopping to those who can't resist a trip to the garden centre! :snorky:

                  @BeeHappy I hope you are ok, I've not see you for a few days & ive missed your posts :grphg:
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                  • Phil A

                    Phil A Guest

                    Morning early people :)

                    It was a bit soggy @moyra thanks for lending me your coat :thumbsup:

                    Think @CanadianLori and I need to combine our 2 cars and have a mustang/land rover hybrid, between the 2 of them we might make a whole one, mine just cost me another £370 :doh:

                    Touch of frost damage on the greenhouse tomatoes, but I think they'll recover :fingers crossed:

                    Off to Salisbury to go to the Cuckoo Fair with Willow tomorrow :)

                    Have a good day everyone :)
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                    • Trunky

                      Trunky ...who nose about gardening

                      Apr 23, 2011
                      Professional Gardener (retired)
                      East Suffolk
                      Morning all. Hope everyone is well.

                      Frost here first thing this morning, but it promises to be a lovely sunny day. :SUNsmile:

                      @Beckie76 You're right about the magpie, not the most musical of birds is it? At least you only have one, we get anything up to half a dozen at a time around here. Their speciality is gathering in the trees across the road at about five o'clock in the morning, squawking and chattering away until they've made sure everyone is awake. :rolleyespink:

                      Got plenty of garden jobs lined up today, then a meal and a pub quiz with youngest daughter and her fiancé tonight.

                      Have a good day everyone and enjoy your weekend. :)
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                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        • Funny Funny x 4
                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          Aloha everyone,

                          Looks as though we're in for another sunny, but cold, day. :SUNsmile:

                          With all that tea on top of the two litres of warm water that I have in the early morning I keep the compost heaps well watered! :thumbsup: :whistle: :heehee:

                          Some more mowing, trimming edges and new bed digging today (maybe some weeding/digging as well). :fingers crossed:

                          I quite like the magpies. Our ones are not noisy at all and they help clear all the scraps and bones that we throw out. They're certainly attractive when they fly down to land. Their tails flare out in a pretty curve. I think that they aren't noisy here because they get enough to eat. Also, the collared doves get very aggressive to them if they become a nuisance. The doves may be smaller but they are certainly no push over. They're the only birds that will stand no nonsense from them. The pheasants just ignore all the other birds and none of the others bother them at all.

                          You're going cuckoo!! :heehee:

                          Sarafi's paw is a lot better now :dbgrtmb:

                          Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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                          • CanadianLori

                            CanadianLori Total Gardener

                            Sep 20, 2015
                            Battle Axe
                            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                            Good day everyone
                            @Zigs have fun at the fair where all is Cuckoo!

                            Glad to hear that the sun is shining over there. I also am looking out the window at a clear blue sky. Just makes me smile to see a day starting out like this.

                            My new side fences and front gates are being installed today. I'm am extremely excited about this because once they're in, I can start doing repairs to the grass. The old wooden fence blocked a lot of sun and I am looking forward to better growing successes around the perimeters. I never thought I would get excited over a fence but I am. Truly excited!

                            I hope everyone has a safe day and one as fun as I'm looking forward to!
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                            • "M"

                              "M" Total Gardener

                              Aug 11, 2012
                              The Garden of England
                              Ha! I was like that when I moved here and was having my fencing done :heehee:
                              Hope it all goes well and without any unexpected issues :thumbsup:
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                              • shiney

                                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                                Jul 3, 2006
                                Retired - Last Century!!!
                                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                                Aloha everyone,

                                I've just got home after having to open up the village hall that is being used for the base for a cycle race. I don't mind opening it early but didn't like having to scrape the ice off the car :). I volunteer to do all the early openings but have never had to scrape the frost off before :doh:

                                It's going to be quite a few 'Earlies' this Spring and Summer. The next one is on Thursday when they have to have the hall set up for the election at 6.30. I don't know how anyone is supposed to work out who to vote for (Police Commissioner) when we haven't been sent any info at all. I'll be amazed if they get as much as a 10% turn out. Unless they also give some information with the ballot paper I'm going to write a big 'WHO?' across it. :scratch:

                                I've got a bit of sunburn from working out in the garden for six hours yesterday. I'd like to carry on out there as I'm getting on quite well but Mrs Shiney has some idea about going to a church flower festival at the other side of the county! :rolleyespink:

                                Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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