Yawn, Yawn, Wakey Wakey!! 2016

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Hi Lori,

    I've always been told you should never stop feeding them, as if you do they go looking elsewhere.
    Also, not all birds eat bugs etc a lot of them depend on ( especially in towns ) humans for grain, seed etc.
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Mine get fed all year round. They get through 20kgs of seed and 2.5kgs of nuts every six weeks. This time of year they get through it slightly faster (about 5 weeks) and in Autumn it's slightly slower (about seven weeks). :blue thumb:
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      • CanadianLori

        CanadianLori Total Gardener

        Sep 20, 2015
        Battle Axe
        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
        Interesting - I will feed them for another few weeks. I did not feed them last summer and when I put the feeder back out as soon as the berries in the trees were being exhausted. Fed them all winter. I only have the one feeder so don't go through nearly as much seed as you @shiney ! :)
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        • Beckie76

          Beckie76 Total Gardener

          Jan 26, 2015
          Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
          Yawn yawn sleepy sleepy AGAIN!

          This needs to stop! I have been too blinking busy to get on here again today.....I'm going part time!!! :heehee:

          @CanadianLori i feed my wild birds all year round too, my end of the village is like wild bird heaven! Lots of us feed the birds all year round :dbgrtmb:

          So my day started off with a plumbing problem at one of my properties, we tried to sort it but to no avail, dyno rod are going tomorrow :thud: the kitchen sink is blocked solid! Fingers crossed it will be sorted :fingers crossed:. Next stop was an ice cream from the ice cream van on the Angel hill in bury :hapydancsmil:, I certainly didn't need those calories but not to worry I've eaten them now! :snorky: Then I worked until late. :snooze:

          Still no baby! I think I should stop posting this & tell you when he finally arrives! ;) Needless to say I'm getting a bit anxious now, he's a week overdue & has been engaged for 3 or 4 weeks :noidea:.

          Buttercup....you guessed it still broody! :doh:, I'm going to lock her out of the coop when I'm here at the weekend!:noidea:

          I really must go to sleep :snooze: I'm exhausted. Night all :grphg:
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Aloha everyone,

            I'm just back from opening the village hall for voting and have to go back again after 10.30 p.m. to make sure everything is OK. What a boring job they're going to have today! :yawn: The only voting here is for Police Commissioner and nobody has the faintest idea who the candidates are. We've had no information at all. I don't think they'll get even a 10% turnout here. Other parts of the country have Council elections as well, so people will already be at the polling station and will vote.

            A retired midwife (in the profession 50 years) told us that the dates they give for the birth are usually two weeks too early! :noidea:

            Doves are still on the eggs. :blue thumb:

            It was a beautiful day yesterday and I got six hours of pressure washing done. Only about another six hours to go :yes:

            The timing on the flowers in the garden is all haywire. :sad: Some things are opening earlier than usual and others are later. :doh:

            Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Good morning everyone,

              Beckie you must be on edge waiting for your little nephew to arrive. They wont let her go more than two weeks over. So before you know it he will be here. Not sure what you should do about Buttercup she sure is spinning it out a long time.

              Shiney, glad things are moving along quite fast in the garden now. Open Day will soon be here. Must get my car Mot'd or rid of which ever is the least problematic.

              WOO hope you are keeping well in your nest and the family is also. Lili, hope your aches and pains have been alleviated somewhat too. Take care everyone, God bless.
              • Friendly Friendly x 3
              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                Morning early people :)

                Lovely morning here, better open the greenhouse and water the pots outside.

                Run out of butter :doh:

                Have a good day everyone and don't breathe in the Saharan dust :yikes:
                • Friendly Friendly x 3
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Milk a cow!
                  • Funny Funny x 3
                  • Agree Agree x 1
                  • Phil A

                    Phil A Guest

                    But what if it's the grim reaper manifesting as a cow? :yikes::thud:
                    • Funny Funny x 3
                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Show him your cross! :mad:

                      Sorry, but the old nun joke just came to mind. :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
                      • Funny Funny x 2
                      • Beckie76

                        Beckie76 Total Gardener

                        Jan 26, 2015
                        Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                        Good morning,

                        :phew: I've had a busy morning, just stopping for coffee break :coffee:.

                        I appear to have a slug problem, little beasts have eaten the leaves on my new delphinium :mute: tonight I'm going out with the torch :paladin:.

                        Beautiful sunny day here :SUNsmile:, the birds are singing, bees are buzzing & I've seen two peacock butterflies :dbgrtmb:, I love this time of year :hapydancsmil:.

                        @moyra I'm pleased to hear that you have got your appointment.
                        I think your postman needs to be shown the door! He has a responsible job to do & he's certainly letting everyone down!

                        @shiney & @moyra, my nephew is certainly taking his time! SIL will be induced on Tuesday if he's not been born before hand, which would be 13 days overdue, Interesting that your midwife friend told you that the dates given are two weeks early, that would also tie in with them inducing the baby on Tuesday :noidea:. I need to learn some patience! :whistle:

                        @wiseowl, I hope you are ok & all is well in your nest :grphg:

                        @BeeHappy, I hope you are ok?

                        @liliana how are things with you? I hope you are feeling much better & hubby is ok too :grphg:

                        Well that's coffee break over so I must crack on. Enjoy the sunshine everyone :grphg:
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                        • wiseowl

                          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                          Oct 29, 2006
                          Philosophy of people
                          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                          Good afternoon @Beckie76 and I am OK,thank you for asking my friend:smile::blue thumb:
                          • Friendly Friendly x 4
                          • miraflores

                            miraflores Total Gardener

                            Apr 16, 2006
                            mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                            I look forward to seeing your many emoticons, Beckie, now that we have the possibility to store them in the forum...
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                            • "M"

                              "M" Total Gardener

                              Aug 11, 2012
                              The Garden of England
                              Good evening, GC WW'ers

                              It is not silly at all :) Winter and Spring are the main times when birds will need any and all extra food they can get! Winter because natural food is scarce and Spring because they use up so much energy feeding their babies. Nothing wrong with doing it all year round; I'm quite sure that birds are clever enough to spot a delicacy in the hedgerow/wherever in preference to a bird feeder if they wish and vice versa.
                              I recall you saying this recently and I thought I'd replied to that and mentioned that I'd found the information on my candidates on my County BBC news pages?
                              Seems to me that in our modern age, it is taken for granted that the world and his wife have internet/are IT savvy and are no longer in need of hard copy pamphlets? :dunno: Certainly I've had nothing through the post; yes the BBC News pages online for our Country listed the candidates and, the other morning, our local BBC radio channel had a 45 minute special, in the morning, for anyone to ask the candidates questions. Now, call me picky, but 45 minutes to share between 5 candidates, the news, the travel, the weather report and then the radio presenters blurb ... well, didn't leave much time for "discussion" did it :heehee:
                              Then, on Monday, I was directed to this: "Choose my PCC" (enter your county and it will take you to a page listing all candidates for your area)

                              Woke yesterday morning to a message from #2 son that things had come to a head in Spain with his "land lady" over the issue of him paying half of the domestic bills. He asked to see a copy of the original agreement, which she showed him (no mention of bills) and continued to demand money "or leave". So ...

                              ... he booked the first flight he could to get home and I drove up last night to collect him from Stansted. Fortunately, I had advised him to make his personal tutor back in Swansea aware of the issues he was encountering (between both her and the mentor) so, hopefully, this won't impact on this module or see an academic year wasted!

                              On the up side of that, it did mean that when Mr "M" came home from work today, the three of us went to vote (PCC) and as it is #2 son's first experience of voting, I saw it as a memorable occasion :heehee: and we celebrated with a fish and chip supper: very British :pathd:

                              @Beckie76 - please do try not worry too much with Buttercup (although I know you still will). They do lose a little weight when broody and, often, feathers around their chest/tummy too; but, once she breaks broody, she will bounce right back! I know it seems an awfully long time to our minds, but, it is very, very natural for her and she is following her instincts. Just keep removing any eggs that she steals from the others to sit on, as often as you can, and she'll get fed up before very much longer :grphg:
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                              • wiseowl

                                wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                                Oct 29, 2006
                                Philosophy of people
                                Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                                Good morning all my friends hope that you are all OK,have a lovely Friday and take care:smile:
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