Yawn, Yawn, Wakey Wakey!! 2016

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Good morning everyone. Seems a lot colder again this morning. Amber is awaiting her walk so had best get on with it.

    Have a good day all take care, keep warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.

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    • liliana

      liliana Total Gardener

      Sep 12, 2012
      Morning all :SUNsmile::spinning:

      Yes, it's little 'ol me. I am in the land of the living, just having a very
      busy time of things.

      As like everyone else, seeds, plants and garden is taking over, today's forecast is
      21 degrees, so my smaller pots will need an extra soak.

      My back pain is ticking over, on Tuesday I went for a full on massage, and boy, it's
      done a bit of good. I felt a bit bruised for a couple of days, but that was supposed
      to happen. Just the lower back is still giving me jip.

      Ah well, going to be another couple of busy days ahead, sorting out tomato
      plants for the boot sale on Sunday. Last count, I still have 350 plants left.

      Make sure you lather on sun cream if working in the garden.

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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Aloha everyone,

        It's another lovely sunny morning. :SUNsmile:

        Yes, you did, thanks. I did look them up - didn't help a lot :noidea:. After opening up the village hall for the election yesterday I then had to drive to then next village to cast my vote. :rolleyespink: To get to my ward I have to drive through the nearest village to get to it. This is because the parish boundaries are the old fashioned ones which were drawn up before the roads were built. My parish is actually closer - if I want to walk across the fields.

        It's a similar situation with general elections. My constituency comes under the town that is further away than two other towns. Also, if I want to get to where my local authority is based I have to go through three other local authorities to get there!!

        I went out fairly early, back to the village hall to reset the automatic barrier, and it was quite a bit milder than yesterday. :blue thumb:

        I knew I was doing something wrong! :doh:

        Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

        • Informative Informative x 2
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        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          Morning early people :)

          Nice morning again :SUNsmile:

          Got a small job to do in town that I don't really want to do, but it's for a mate so kinda feel obliged.

          Only 3 weeks till Shineyland :hate-shocked: Going to be visiting one of the Wakey Wakey'ers on the way up there, so ask yourselves, should I be afraid? :heehee:

          Have a good day everyone :)
          • Funny Funny x 4
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Be really afraid!! :yikes:
            • Funny Funny x 3
            • Agree Agree x 1
            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Good day everyone
              We are expecting a sunny and warm day here too and I will be outside with my sunscreen on. :)

              Going over to the city next to my town to the provincial court house to register my dispute of a traffic violation. I'm not giving up $325 without a fight! If they want my money, I want them to spend time in court to get it! :paladin:

              Then I'll stop to see my friend in the home on the way back to drop off a couple of bags full of toiletries for him.

              Hope to be back home and in the back yard again by 2ish. :)

              I hope everyone gets to enjoy this wonderful day and stays safe!
              • Friendly Friendly x 4
              • "M"

                "M" Total Gardener

                Aug 11, 2012
                The Garden of England
                Good day to our GC WW'ers

                Had a lovely walk this morning to a different woods than usual (it's a proposed fracking site and last year there were a number of "do not enter" signs up :th scifD36: No signs today though :hapydancsmil: ) and the wildflowers were glorious in their abundance. Took some photo's on my phone so I might upload those later. I thought it was milder this morning, so for the walk I wore a sleeveless T-shirt, with a lightweight shirt over the top and a gilet but, boy, did it soon heat up! I ended up having to remove the T-shirt when I was in the woods. Even though I was the only person for miles around, I still ended up taking it off from under my gilet and shirt :heehee: I was amazed I could still do it!

                I've been pottering in the garden since I got back but I've come in from the midday sun :SUNsmile:

                I was out visiting yesterday and looking around my friends garden (it's a big one) and she's offered me some cuttings in exchange for a weeding session :thumbsup: Sounds like a fair deal to me! This afternoon I'm off to see a neighbour (who has a greenhouse!!!) who doesn't know very much about gardening. So, I thought I might have a little nosey around and point out any *weeds* which I might have to relocate for him :whistle: :heehee: He's on one of the committees which is organising events in June to mark the Queens birthday so I need to know just what he is expecting when he asked me the other day if I'll be putting up bunting. I don't mind decorating the front of the house with bunting, but, I'm not quite sure just how far/few is expected :dunno: I've got some fabric which I've had for a while (was going to be used in a friendship quilt, but never got around to it :doh: ) with a union jack motif running through it so I could make bunting out of that? I'm sure he'll point me in the right direction.

                The scaffolding came down on the new build at the end of my garden this week, so I reckon I'll have new neighbours down there for the summer. I just hope they aren't noisy/nuisance types [​IMG]

                Right, need to get my thinking cap on and make a decision what I'll be cooking tonight. I'm all out of inspiration :doh:

                Healing vibes for all who need them and miles of smiles for all xxMxx
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                • wiseowl

                  wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                  Oct 29, 2006
                  Philosophy of people
                  Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                  Good morning all my friends have a lovely weekend and look after yourselves:smile:

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                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    Aloha everyone,

                    It's another lovely sunny day and I had better get out there doing things before it gets too hot. Everything is growing apace and we're trying to keep up but I'm not sure we're managing it. :rolleyespink:

                    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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                    • moyra

                      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                      Sep 17, 2005
                      South East Essex
                      Good morning everyone, The sun has not emerged here yet, but I have to get Amber out for her walk. Have a good day everyone stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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                      • "M"

                        "M" Total Gardener

                        Aug 11, 2012
                        The Garden of England
                        Good morning WW'ers

                        Another gorgeous day out there. Thank you for the pretty sunrise picture @wiseowl it's beautiful.

                        There is a charity football match on in the village this afternoon, which we might go to. Much depends on how hot it is because I'm not a lover of our sticky heat; I find it can be debilitating.

                        Had a good nosey around the garden when I visited a neighbour yesterday but he seems to have it all under control and looking really lovely; no opportunity for me to kid him a "weed" needed relocating either :heehee: Instead, I'll be taking some cuttings from my mints to add to his collection. I've got some vegetable seeds he may appreciate too.

                        Gave the garden a good soaking last night because the temperatures are set to soar. Even though I have a good layer of bark chip for mulch, the new bed still has young plants in it and they will need the moisture more this year than any other.

                        Enjoy your day today, how ever you choose to spend it. Stay hydrated and cool! Healing vibes for those who need them and miles of smiles for all xxMxx
                        • Friendly Friendly x 4
                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          Good day everyone,
                          I hope everyone has a super time outside today. We're not expecting rain until the late p.m. so I plan to get lots done out there before that happens.
                          Have a safe day all
                          • Friendly Friendly x 4
                          • Beckie76

                            Beckie76 Total Gardener

                            Jan 26, 2015
                            Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                            Good day!

                            What a beautiful day :hapydancsmil:I'm at work unfortunately but just being able to see the sunshine & feel the heat through the window is very nice :hapydancsmil:, I hope we will be blessed with this weather for a few weeks, lets hope it holds out for Shineyland :hapfeet:.

                            We had an owl in the tree at the front of the house last night, he was calling to another owl, who was calling back, it was wonderful to hear them :dbgrtmb:.

                            I'm going to have to do some watering tonight, my new plants aren't going to manage in this heat if I don't give them a good soaking. I can't believe just how much the garden has changed in a few days, everyday I see something new out there :thumbsup:

                            I'm thinking about putting a rockery in the garden, I fancy a few alpines :scratch: I need to give that some more thought ;)

                            I took my car for service on Thursday, it needs a new spring :scratch:, they have ordered the part in but are now short staffed do I won't get it back until Tuesday, I'm driving to old Toyota, I'd forgotten just how big the boot is, my passing comment to Kev this morning was 'just imagine how many plants I could get in this boot!' :loll: Needless to say there was no comment returned! :heehee:

                            I hope you are all well, enjoy your day & don't over do it. :grphg:
                            • Funny Funny x 2
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                            • moyra

                              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                              Sep 17, 2005
                              South East Essex
                              Well finally got my Biopsy date and that is for Friday, the 13th May at 4.40pm. They say don't have appointments on a Friday and quite frankly I would prefer it not to be on the 13th or at 4.40 when you consider it time they are all thinking of going home!!! Still it has to be done, I shall go by taxi as it may be too uncomfortable for me to drive. I shall then have to get a taxi home another £20 down the drain but nevertheless lets hope it will go ok. The follow up appointment with the gynaecology consultant is not until the 11th of August at 12.15 much better timing provided that will be that and there will be no further need for surgery etc.

                              Have a good evening all. God bless. graphics-angels-781817.gif
                              • Friendly Friendly x 5
                              • "M"

                                "M" Total Gardener

                                Aug 11, 2012
                                The Garden of England
                                :grphg: I can see all the reasoning behind preferring not to have that date. But, in my opinion - far better to get it done and over with :grphg: Will have my :fingers crossed: that it all goes without any hitches!

                                Well, never made the charity footie match - Mr "M" wasn't in that frame of mind and #2 wasn't keen either. :doh: So, instead we went ...

                                ... shopping! UGH!!!! :th scifD36: Mind you, on the bright side, it did include Morrisons and I did find a replacement for the plant I murdered through dehydration :whistle:

                                @CanadianLori - give me a 5 minute warning of your rain ... I'll will myself over to you - I need a cold shower, its been baking here today (temp wise!).

                                @Beckie76 - owl noises (to my mind) are the best! :wub2: I fell in love with them when I moved here and laughed aloud at the "T'wit, t-whit" from one direction and the responding, "T.Woooooo" from another direction!! They make me chuckle :heehee:

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