Yawn, Yawn, Wakey Wakey!! 2016

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Apple Blossom

    Apple Blossom Total Gardener

    May 10, 2015
    Wow :love30: and I thought I was busy :snorky:

    I really hope you get first prize for all the effort you have put in, no doubt it looks wonderful :spinning:

    I hope we will get a peek at some photos, the costumes sound fantastic...and a big well done to Mr M joining in he sounds very much like Mr AB:heehee::heehee: it took me ages to convince him to dress up for New Years Eve and once he did he really enjoyed it so fingers crossed you'll both have a fabulous time :fingers crossed:
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Aloha everyone,

      Well, the forecast heavy rain and floods missed us. All we got was half an hour of drizzle around five a.m. and the temperature dropped to 57F (14C).

      I can't do any mowing today as the mower is in hospital. It went for a check up and relaxation in April but came home feeling very tired and didn't like waking up. So it's gone back in to get a transfusion and will be coming home tomorrow all perky and raring to go. :thumbsup:

      @Beckie76 Good decision :blue thumb: We can't have you feeling all on edge and upset. :grphg:

      @"M" Good luck with everything :dbgrtmb:

      I'm off today for another treatment for my back, which is getting better. It's got nothing to do with Nicola being young and pretty and getting me to undress! :whistle: :snorky:

      I've done some more tying in of beans and carefully unhooking some of them from the chicken wire and training them up the canes. A few of them that have grow onto and through the chicken wire have been nibbled :sad:

      Bin men come for the household recycling today (green bins are taken every week) and I've put out 20 bin bags of recycling from Open Day. I hope the men will take them all, otherwise it will mean a phone call to their boss.

      A whole batch of our sale plants (about 100) have gone off to another charity event (Air Ambulance) and another batch will go at the end of the week to one for the local Hospice. They are both Open Garden events.

      Sarafi 'helped' me with some weeding yesterday. :cat-kittyandsmiley: It was mainly bindweed, goosegrass, rose bay and wild garlic. Some of the goosegrass stuck to my trousers and when I pulled it off it cut through the trousers and gave a three inch cut just below the knee :hate-shocked: :mad:

      Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Good morning everyone, you have all been so busy! Today is operation day, I have to be there at 1pm. Just hope they do not keep me waiting around too long before getting on with it.
        Beckie, glad you decided not to go to the wedding, there is no point in stressing yourself out over doing something you do not want to do.
        Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless. :wub2:

        • Friendly Friendly x 7
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            Goooooooood morning WW'ers :spinning:

            No sunshine (yet) but lots and lots of rain! Supposed to clear up in the next hour or so :fingers crossed: Looking out of the window, it seems that all the bunting is holding up to the weather rather well :phew:

            Aww, thank you! I'm so lucky that I live on a road where the neighbours are "get stuck in" kind of people. Friday night at the ball should be a real hoot! :heehee:

            OUCH!!! Never knew goose grass could be so vicious. Hope it heals well :fingers crossed:

            I'll be thinking of you and hope it all goes swiftly, safely and with as little stress or pain as is possible for you :grphg:

            @Beckie76 - how's Buttercup? Just for the record, I have 5 of mine all broody together and all squishing one another in the nesting box :doh: :heehee: Have you been successful with Mr Rat-A-Tat-Tat?

            @liliana - hope you and Pete are both firmly on the road to recovery?

            Right, need to get on. I'm on an outing for the afternoon and there is still much to be done, including Ozzy's walk (he doesn't like storms so it would have been hopeless trying earlier).

            Healing vibes for those in need of them and miles of smiles for all xxMxx
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            • Phil A

              Phil A Guest

              Morning early people :)

              Hope it goes well Moyra :)

              Thank you all for your good wishes for the interview tomorrow :spinning:

              Would it be too over the top to take my "portfolio" ?

              DSCN2278.JPG DSCN2611.JPG

              Shiney, find some Hedge Woundwort for that cut, sure I saw some in your garden :spinning:

              Have a good day everyone :spinning:
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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                8.53 a.m. sunny and 70F here. So it should get to you soon. :fingers crossed:

                @Zigs it would depend on what the job is. You don't want to confuse things if it doesn't include that sort of work. You could take it in the car and mention it if they ask you about hobbies. Hobbies related to your work would be the first thing to mention. Plus the fact that you do voluntary work and enjoy helping people.

                Don't mention all the raves you go to :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
                • Agree Agree x 2
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                • CanadianLori

                  CanadianLori Total Gardener

                  Sep 20, 2015
                  Battle Axe
                  Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                  @shiney I have never heard of grass that could cut someone. How nasty. Hope your cut heals quickly.

                  @moyra I hope your procedure goes well, on time and that you recover quickly. Do let us know how you are. I know lots of us will be thinking of you.

                  @Zigs I agree with Shiney. Have the portfolio in your vehicle but talk the business of working for them first. If the topic comes up, you can mention that you have samples of your work in your car. Unless they've already got a lot of windows that need repair, they may only be interested in that topic as an additional attraction for you working for them.

                  We are very chilly here, cloudy and windy but these winds are supposed to bring in lots of sunshine. I'm going to get lots of work done while the clouds float by and be ready to spring outside in sunny times!

                  Have a safe day everyone!
                  • Friendly Friendly x 4
                  • moyra

                    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                    Sep 17, 2005
                    South East Essex
                    Hi everyone, you will not believe it. Got as far as having my wrist bands put on and into my day nightie thingy they put you in and then sat while they went through all the paper work, took my temperature and diabetes blood test. The saw a Registrar, then the Aneathist and then eventually the surgeon. They refused to carry out the procedure as I am running a high temperature and also because of all the rash and scratching on my body. They are sending me back to my own doctor for antibiotics and will see how I am in a couple three weeks time. I can tell you I am not amused! Now must have something to eat.
                    • Friendly Friendly x 5
                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      @moyra that is sad. You have so many false starts happen to you. Let's hope the next time, it's done and over with!
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                      • Apple Blossom

                        Apple Blossom Total Gardener

                        May 10, 2015
                        @moyra so sorry to hear that you have been sent home and hope that you are much better in 2/3 weeks time and in a better place with your temperature and rash so that all goes well for you then :)

                        @shiney oh my goodness I hope that you are ok... Not sure but are you up to date with your tetanus jabs? How lovely to send the plants to other charities:)

                        @"M" how wonderful, I haven't been to a ball in years, hope you have a lovely time :hapydancsmil:

                        I think we have some thunder clouds rolling in.. Hopefully it will give the garden a good watering and be gone for tomorrow :spinning:

                        Enjoy the rest of you day everyone :grphg:
                        • Friendly Friendly x 6
                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          @moyra our best wishes go out to you. :grphg:

                          @Apple Blossom it shouldn't be a problem as it was only the green part that got me and I washed it and put stuff on it immediately. :blue thumb:
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                          • miraflores

                            miraflores Total Gardener

                            Apr 16, 2006
                            mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                            big hug :grphg:
                            • Agree Agree x 5
                            • "M"

                              "M" Total Gardener

                              Aug 11, 2012
                              The Garden of England
                              Not amused? You must surely be feeling extremely frustrated and not short of a little bit annoyed into the bargain!!! :grphg: :grphg: :grphg:
                              So, so sorry to hear how things are panning out for you right now; but, on the other hand, I believe they have done this with your best interests at heart - even if it doesn't *feel* like it at the moment (high temp/rash/scratching). Hopefully, some anti-b's will bring your temperature down, resolve the rash/itching and then ... :fingers crossed: ... full steam ahead :grphg:

                              Well, what a fun day :hapydancsmil: Mr "M" costume arrived today, which is a tale in itself: arrived home from walkies as Postman Pat was delivering post next door; hung back and asked: "anything for me?", negative. Five minutes later, knock on the door: Postman Pat with a parcel! Mr "M"'s costume had arrived :yes: :heehee: (Silly Billy Postie Pat :doh: )

                              Anyway, finished cutting out the required amount of homemade bunting then realised I was getting squeezed for time for the afternoon "outing". Quick shower and then off on the outing. Now, I'd signed up for it simply so I could join in but not really knowing what I'd signed up for.
                              :wow: What a fUntastic afternoon! We went to a lovely open garden attraction and, not one to "follow the crowd", I broke off from the masses to do my own investigations. What a charming little jewel of a garden we had been taken to. So tranquil too! Just what I needed to recharge my batteries and give my mind some reflection time :thumbsup: Took some photos but I doubt I have done the place justice (if I have time tomorrow, I'll post in the Days Out thread).

                              Arrived home to a very excited Mr "M", who had already tried on his costume and was like a kid at Christmas waiting for me to get home so he could do a dry run with it and get my opinion. OMG! :heehee: It may well be cheap and cheerful in terms of quality, but ... :roflol: ... it is PERFECT! Way too big ... but, that just adds to the characterisation :heehee::heehee: He makes the perfect SPIV :roflol: :roflol: To see him get "into character" was hilarious! So, now he is feeling more confident about his "fancy dress", I feel happier ;) In addition, the lady who played chauffer today wasn't going to the ball because she had no one to go with :scratch: :noidea: so I told her, come with us!! Quick as a flash: thank you and yes please!!!!! :heehee: So: all is good in the hood! ;)

                              Tomorrow, I still have to prep the front garden for my display (temporarily pot up some plants to make room for it and turn those into "displays" for the duration), finish the home-made bunting for the windows/table, prep my food contribution for the bring-n-share supper, add my name to the volunteers for a stall on Saturday and ...

                              ... B.R.E.A.T.H.E :heehee: (Unlike our Shy Knees, I'm new to all this kind of thing: s'pose that makes me a Shy Knee Virgin? :dunno: :heehee: )

                              Oh and as a real bonus ... when we were putting up our outside bunting, I saw the Mr of our immediate neighbour so I asked: are you decorating? He replied: need to ask the wife ;) Sort of had an air of "excuses" about it, but, hey, not everyone wants or needs the hassle: fair play.
                              While we were in the garden this evening doing other work, I was so sure I heard the neighbour trundling his ladders hither and thither ... :th scifD36: ... even said to Mr "M": Do you think he's putting up bunting? :scratch: ... :dunno: ...

                              ... came into the office to log in here and ... He's put up bunting!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :hapydancsmil:

                              So, we're yet another step closer to the "Best Dressed Street" award ... (and I still haven't added my pièce de résistance display yet :heehee: a.k.a not just bunting! :loll: )

                              Can't believe I'm a grown up getting so stupidly excited about something so ... random! :heehee:
                              • Funny Funny x 4
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                              • wiseowl

                                wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                                Oct 29, 2006
                                Philosophy of people
                                Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                                Good morning all my friends ,have a lovely day and stay safe:smile:

                                @moyra my dear friend so sorry to hear that things at the hospital didn't go as planned,please look after yourself:grphg:

                                @shiney you have to be careful with grass,you will be alright as long as you don't smoke it:heehee:hope it heals quickly:smile:

                                @"M" have a ball my friend:smile:

                                @Zigs good luck with your interview my friend:smile:
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