Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by shiney, Jan 1, 2022.

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  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Autumn Squirrel.jpeg Good morning all.
    I get those frequently buy just find them messy. When our friends with daughters were here the other week, one said last time they were here (three years ago) I had them. Will you eat them after you decorate the wreath? They are always roasted here.

    Nothing special on the agenda today, maybe I will do the little pots. Everything in the garden looks good as they are self-cleaning and J does the sweeping. :biggrin:
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    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      Good day
      I will be gluing the entire peanut onto the wreath without any shelling. Actually, I'm re-thinking the form and since Sam is a "girly" girl, I may pick up a heart shaped form and decorate that instead so she can hang it over Peanut's bed.

      Sounds like a nice light movie @Upsydaisy. I hope it is a lot of fun for you gals :)

      I've got a busy day today. Going to meet another sewist for breakfast, then I visit a client and after that I've got 3 or 4 shops to visit on my way back. I need to start some seasoned bread for making the dressing for this weekend's turkeys and I have lots to try to clean up outside too. You wouldn't want to lend me J would you @Victoria ? :heehee:

      In the meantime, I'm listening to the news and answering my emails while sipping my cuppa.

      Cheers :coffee:
      • Friendly Friendly x 1
      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        He has started a new 'project' having had a two-week break. Instead of painting the inside wall of The Baffa under the windows on the garden side (currently blue) he went to the DIY today and bought lock-in flooring in sandwash grey which he is currently working on. *

        Seems like Sam is getting along well now Lori.

        Looked up the movie Upsy and sounds interesting.

        I sat out front for a half hour before lunch but it was too hot in the 25c sun!

        * picture of flooring (for wall) ..
        Wood Wall Oct 22.png

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          Last edited: Oct 4, 2022
        • Flumpy

          Flumpy In with the bricks!

          Nov 16, 2018
          Hi all, not good at my Chemist, one colleague gone down with Covid, worrying thing is she worked with us all day yesterday not feeling well but tested positive this am :rolleyespink: we are keeping our fingers crossed :grphg:
          • Informative Informative x 4
          • Upsydaisy

            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

            Apr 26, 2017
            Living in hope of world wide peace.
            Hampshire. Zone 8b

            Good morning everyone :)

            The new project sounds interesting Vicky, I can't wait to see the finished results.

            Likewise so do your wreaths Lori....pics please!

            Had a lovely catch up with my friend and thoroughly enjoyed the film too.
            We have already planned our next two cinema visits .:biggrin::dbgrtmb:

            Our youngest has just phoned to check our arrival time for our visit to him up in London this weekend. He also needs hubs to give him a hand with a couple of 'small' DIY jobs too!! Hmmm ,how small is small !!:scratch::heehee:

            I need to quickly pop into town ( different one to yesterday) for a few bits at some point today but our weather doesn't look very inviting. Hopefully that's all then for the rest of the week..well until Friday.

            Yes unfortunately @Flumpy cases are on the rise again but thanks to the roll out of vaccinations much less severe. It's going to become part of life now and we just have to accept it...like Flu.

            Have a good day .

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            • Victoria

              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

              Jun 9, 2006
              Lady of Leisure
              Messines, Algarve
              Como Vai.gif
              Morning Upsy and all who follow.

              It is a hazy start to the day again but 21c going to very warm.

              J's project didn't go too well ... after a couple of hours of his 'design' of installing he gave up for a while then came up with the brainstorm of installing them just upright so worked a bit more than quit for the day ... with a painful back!!! I kept telling him to take a rest ... but what do I know?! He hasn't had any problems for two weeks. Grrr ... men!

              Today is a National holiday and J is meeting Donald for lunch.

              Karen, hope you don't catch the bug ... how insensitive and stupid of people to go to work feeling ill!
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              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Morning Vicky

                Oh no:yikes:!! Sorry to hear that J's back is troubling him and that his plans for his new project didn't go as he'd hoped.

                On the whole I agree with you Vicky but we must move on . With vaccinations now it has, for most, become less of a threat just as Flu has.
                The onus is on people ensuring they keep up to date on their vaccinations really ..and wearing masks in crowded places......even if it's only for the duration of the coming Winter months. We've been warned on the news that an increase of both Covid and Flu is expected this Winter and yet still people go about their lives in crowded environments without any attempt at protecting themselves or other's by simply...wearing a mask !! The other day hubs and I had to catch a bus and by the end of the journey it was standing room only and apart from us there was only one other person who could be bothered to wear a mask!!

                I think we just need to keep ourselves updated on the way things are predicted to be and act accordingly to help minimise the spread of these viruses.
                It seems to me that people still need to be told how to act sensibly..and if they don't and restrictions are reinforced ,all because they refused to use the brain they were given, there is uproar and protests!!

                We still use masks in crowded situations and both carry and frequently use hand sanitizers when out and about. It's not a big deal and certainly not inconvenient at all.

                We have to face facts that just like any other bug some will be able to self medicate to ease their symptoms and just carry on as normal.....I hate to say it but it's the way it must be now.:sad:
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                  Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
                • Victoria

                  Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                  Jun 9, 2006
                  Lady of Leisure
                  Messines, Algarve
                  Morning Upsy.

                  I appreciate what you are saying and it would be nice if more folk had the same conscience ... but Karen works in a Chemist!!!

                  Donald has cancelled the lunch so guess J will continue with his project shortly, he's putting his brace on now ... and it will look wonderful. He said his back feels better but achy.

                  Sun has broken through the haze.
                  • Agree Agree x 1
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                  • Victoria

                    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                    Jun 9, 2006
                    Lady of Leisure
                    Messines, Algarve
                    Yes, I know you know. What I was referring to was that her colleague should know better!
                    • Agree Agree x 2
                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      Good day
                      It is sunny and 48f 8c. The guessers have said it will go up to 72f - and lately they've been right more than wrong which is good news but still :hate-shocked:

                      I've got another busy day ahead of me. I don't know how much I can get done as my hands are quite painful from the splits but now I have the added bonus of a partially pulled out nail on my baby finger after a shopping cart mishap at Costco yesterday. :doh:

                      I agree with @Victoria assessment that it was incredibly thick of a person who works in the health field to ignore their symptoms commonly associated with covid. Being a health care professional, she certainly could not possibly claim ignorance. @Flumpy I hope you dodged the virus and cross my fingers that this silly woman doesn't do it again. :paladin:

                      I best get myself in motion and do what I can to try to stay on my to do list schedule.

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                        Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
                      • Upsydaisy

                        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                        Apr 26, 2017
                        Living in hope of world wide peace.
                        Hampshire. Zone 8b
                        Morning Lori.

                        As I first said to some degree I agree too but where do you draw the line. Ok yes most definitely with hospital staff that goes without saying obviously.

                        But for everyone else it's been deemed we are intelligent enough to make such judgements for ourselves.:yikes:. But are we?? It really needs to be clarified and rules set and complied with by...everyone.

                        Yes customers visiting a chemist are more likely to be in a vulnerable state but equally so could the person in the queue behind you in the shop / bank or sitting next to you on the bus or tube...so in that case it should remain that we test and if positive then we must all stay in isolation. As it stands now the advice is too iffy and open to interpretation! No one really knows what to do for the best.....if they have only mild symptoms should they just medicate and up their protection to the highest level ....mask,gloves even stick with and wash up their own coffee cups at work. Or do they stay home...if that is the case then chaos will resumed and colleagues will complain that 'a' was lucky to have had no symptoms and get a rest break while they were rushed off their feet at work.....and that does happen!

                        In absolutely any job you are just as likely to come into contact with vulnerable people...or someone who has a vulnerable family member back at home. These are the invisible people who are everywhere , supermarkets, cafes, shops of every description...and not forgetting chemists, to me they are all equally important.

                        Information was even given that if your child had mild symptoms then they can go to school...and sit next too/ play with a child who...for example, has a parent, sibling, grandparent who may have compromised immunity due to illness, chemo, other medication......it's scary to think about these poor invisible people who are relying on us all to give them a fighting chance at hanging on to their lives.
                        People complain about being told what to do/ living in a nanny state but all this conflicting advice and public behaviour just proves that we need to be told just that...we need rules to abide by otherwise we carry on making up the rules to suit ourselves.

                        Clear and concise rules and guidelines are a must.....for everyone no matter who they are and what job they do. Very vulnerable people are everywhere and need protecting.

                        I hasten to add that I sincerely hope you Flumpy and your other colleagues remain clear.
                        Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
                      • CanadianLori

                        CanadianLori Total Gardener

                        Sep 20, 2015
                        Battle Axe
                        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                        Perhaps it is different over here. We can access test kits almost everywhere. Even the checkout at Walmart so we can test ourselves the moment a sniffle or fatigue some other symptom common to covid comes along.

                        They say another wave is starting up here now that the kiddies are back in school and lots are attending work in the office. Hopefully they'll all use common sense and isolate themselves as we all do when we get a cold or the flu. :blue thumb:
                        • Agree Agree x 1
                        • Informative Informative x 1
                        • Upsydaisy

                          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                          Apr 26, 2017
                          Living in hope of world wide peace.
                          Hampshire. Zone 8b
                          Yes we have test kits here too that you have to buy, prices seem to range from a few pounds up to £60/ £70. But obviously some people are struggling at the moment with all our rising living costs and desperately need all the money they can spare to go towards heating and food.....so that's an additional worry this Winter too. People walking around and carrying on as normal with Covid untested !!
                          The free testing was stopped earlier this year, but certain people should enquire as they may be eligible to get free testing still.

                          Even with readily available test kits, people need to be bothered to use them.:dunno:
                          Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          No wonder people hesitate to test. Our kits are free. It should be the same everywhere. Some girls can't afford feminine products (we're starting to make those free now too and about time!)so how the heck could they afford the tests. The clinic administered tests are free too but most wait until they have tested at home a few times before moving on to setting up a clinic test.
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