Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. CanadianLori

    CanadianLori Total Gardener

    Sep 20, 2015
    Battle Axe
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
    Good day
    It is 59f and the heat wave has now subsided and will stay that way for at least the next 10 days. Well, that's according to the guessers! The days are all rumoured to be mid 70's and fairly clear skies which to me is perfect :)

    @Victoria I'm glad to hear your heat wave is possibly on the way out. We didn't get above 31 but the humidity was absolutely chocking.

    @Upsydaisy a riverside walk is a lovely way to spend a morning. I hope it is tranquil. Yes, you're right. New Orleans was 9 years ago and the wobbly one is well over 200 lbs - approximately 15 of your stone? So I shall shove any thoughts of that little excursion right out of my head!

    I've got laundry going and with these lovely blue skies, line drying is on the agenda. I've also got a bit of baking to do. I might make some pie pastry to make tarts or whatever.

    There is a pile of deadheading and tomato pruning that needs to be done and this is the first opportunity in many days to do it without being rain soaked. And talking about rain, my rain barrels are full. 55 gallons in one and 45 in the other. And that is just what came off of my little greenhouses. I'm pleased :biggrin:

    Cheers :coffee:
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      Our Azaleas, sad that they only bloom for such a short time. 20230512_105209.jpg

      Morning all.

      Well we did make it to the river but unfortunately the rain joined us too. We walked on a bit further but the sky began looking a tad threatening so we turned back and headed home. Once back it stopped..... typical!!:mad:

      So from now on we won't make plans ...just go with the flow:dbgrtmb:

      Have some housework tasks to keep me occupied today...but you never know, I might just end up doing something else.:noidea:

      Have a super day! :biggrin:
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      • Michael Hewett

        Michael Hewett Total Gardener

        Mar 13, 2016
        Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
        'Something else' sounds more interesting @Upsydaisy :biggrin: x
        Your Azaleas are lovely, and I agree they don't last long enough.

        Good morning everyone ...
        Don't know what I'm going to do today, We've had such a lot of rain these past few weeks, it's more than made up for the dry spring, so anything in the garden is out of the question.
        I had a touch of vertigo in the night so didn't sleep well ... I may go out somewhere to clear my mind.
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        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          Morning Michael, lovely to have you drop by.

          Sorry to hear you had a bit of a rough night, not nice,at all.:sad:
          A trip out sounds like a good idea.:blue thumb:

          Yes I totally agree that ' something else' sounds much nicer that housework......fingers crossed that 'something else' comes along.;)

          Take care and I hope you soon feel better.xx
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          • Michael Hewett

            Michael Hewett Total Gardener

            Mar 13, 2016
            Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
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            • Victoria

              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

              Jun 9, 2006
              Lady of Leisure
              Messines, Algarve
              Bom Dia1.jpeg
              Morning all. I didn't look for any morning greetings yesterday ... so maybe today.

              Upsy, For six months I lived in a small town called Summerville near Charleston, South Carolina. called Flowertown because it heaved with Azalea, Rhododendro, Magnolia. etc and Spanish Moss. A stunning place.

              Summerville, South Carolina - Wikipedia
              @michael Hewitt Mice to see you. On the British Expat Forum this morning a guy here in Tavira said he is currently in Wales for six months, normally three each Summer but said he is having work done on his house there ... well, would if it wasn't always raining! Bet he wishes he could bring it back.

              Nothing to report from here.
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              • CanadianLori

                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                Sep 20, 2015
                Battle Axe
                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                Good day
                It is 61f and the guessers say it is only going up to 72f and be a mixture of sun and clouds. A thoroughly pleasant day in my mind!

                @Michael Hewett I'm sorry to hear about your vertigo. The first time I had one of those "spells" I was outside and thought I was having a stroke. It frightened right out of my wits and I'm glad that hasn't happened in a couple of years. You've reminded me to do those exercises they recommend so that it doesn't come back. I hope it passes you quickly.

                @Upsydaisy I cannot believe the amount of rain this year. Even some of my outdoor plants are starting to act waterlogged. The guessers are saying that instead of 6 days of rain and one of sun per week, it will be reversed for the next few weeks. :blue thumb:

                @Victoria those azaleas are lovely. I've got one little rhododendron bush that has purple flowers which blossom from small buds, not the large cone like ones I see most places. And as you say, they don't last long particularly since every year it seems to start pelting rain at them the minute they pop out. :mute:

                I'm going to be doing a bit of shopping for business supplies this morning because I need some boards to make roman shades and while I'm at the DIY I'll grab another bag of compost from their garden center and see what might marked down and crying out to come home with me... :biggrin:

                Cheers :coffee:
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                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b
                  Afternoon Vicky and Good morning Lori

                  Grey and murky here but no rain ..yet.. to speak off.

                  Just got back from a bit of ' something else'.....which unfortunately wasn't at all interesting....a big grocery shop!!!!! :yikes:.

                  That must've been a most beautiful place to have lived in Vicky.

                  Enjoy you shopping Lori.....I 'm sure something will jump ( all by itself ;)) into your trolley. Do share with us please.:biggrin::dbgrtmb:

                  We really haven't had that much rain Lori despite what the BBC forecast say . The good thing is that it's not baking hot anymore so that at least everything in the garden isn't getting sizzled to a crisp. :)

                  Well I can hear my vacuum cleaner calling out to me so off I must go.
                  Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

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                  • Michael Hewett

                    Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                    Mar 13, 2016
                    Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                    That man should have been here in the spring @Victoria, we hardly saw any rain in April and went for the whole of May and June without a drop. It's making up for it now :dbgrtmb:
                    I hope he gets all the work done, it's a tedious time waiting for things to be done ...

                    I didn't know there were excersises to prevent vertigo @CanadianLori. I had an attack when I was driving years ago and got given tablets for it. I still take them when I feel a bit coming on and they prevent it getting worse, but last night there was no warning, I woke up at 2 a.m. with it. Anyway it's been zapped ! and I'm better today.

                    Well we have to eat @Upsydaisy :smile:
                    I can hear the vaccuum cleaner calling too but I've told it to shut up - I'm too tired !

                    I caught a bus to a not-far-away city and had a nice dinner of fish and chips in a lovely cafe. It came on a huge plate and the fish was the size of a whale ! It was very nice too :smile:
                    And it stayed dry :blue thumb:
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                    • Upsydaisy

                      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                      Apr 26, 2017
                      Living in hope of world wide peace.
                      Hampshire. Zone 8b
                      Ophiopogon planiscapus.
                      I started off with a tiny cutting from my parents garden and now have it dotted throughout our garden.

                      Good morning ,how are you all doing?

                      It's suppose to stay dry all day today ( :fingers crossed: ) so all the laundry has been done and is waiting to be hung out to dry....you wait we'll probably have the thunderstorm now that they've been promising us with for this past week.

                      We may ( not sure yet that I can trust the allotment holders not to light up a smellie bonfire in my absence) go into town to attend to something, but as it's not very urgent we may wait until Friday.

                      Apart from that there's not a lot else happening today.

                      Hope your day is a good one.

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                      • Victoria

                        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                        Jun 9, 2006
                        Lady of Leisure
                        Messines, Algarve
                        Bom Dia Roses.jpeg

                        Morning all. Guess who didn't look for new greetings? ;)

                        A strange coincidence yesterday ... J came out of the doctor's yesterday (all went well), walked to the square where he parked his car a block away and he was blocked him by another vehicle ... that vehicle belonging to his friend John who was sitting in the car reading directions to somewhere but did not realise it was J's car he was blocking!!! So they had a quick natter and departed. How spooky is that? :hate-shocked:

                        Off later this morning to SEF/Border Control in Portimao to collect J's Permanent Residency Card ... :hapfeet:It will be a nice ride out for me even though I will just sit in the car ... it should be just a few minutes as it is not an appointment, just collect from Reception. A 90 minute outing.

                        Have a good one.
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                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          Good day
                          It is 52f 10c and the skies are totally clear. The guessers say it will only go up to the low 70's but for me anything in the 70's is wonderful.

                          @Michael Hewett I'm glad you've got something to get rid of the vertigo. I think we're talking the same thing- I'm referring to an inner ear based imbalance that makes you feel dizzy and the first time it happened to me while lying down, I found out what they mean by the room "spinning". Really unpleasant. But you've got a better solution so that is excellent news. Bella sounds like a furry fishwife from your description in another thread - sounds like she keeps you disciplined! :heehee:

                          @Victoria the odds on J's meeting John like that are probably quite long so it must have been a little spooky.

                          @Upsydaisy it is now cooler here too and we did get a spot of rain yesterday. I managed to get last weekend's laundry dried in between showers and am hoping to do the same this week. Everything just "feels" so much fresher when dried outside :)

                          I have some shopping to do this morning before I meet my friend (another sewist) for breakfast. Then I carry on from there and go another hour west of me to pick up Emily. Emily will be staying at my house overnight tonight, then tomorrow night she stays over with cousin Violet and the next morning they all pile into their SUV and my van to go camping for about a week. My van has a large cargo area plus a good sized roof rack and is perfect for packing tents and mattresses and all the other paraphernalia needed to stay in the woods.

                          When it is time to take Emily back, I'll drop her off and then bounce across the border to pick up my new animal barrier which will be waiting for me in Niagara Falls, NY.

                          Cheers :coffee:
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                          • Victoria

                            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                            Jun 9, 2006
                            Lady of Leisure
                            Messines, Algarve
                            :yay: J got his Permanent card! It was quite quick and I only had to wait in the car about 15 minutes. We left at 10am but didn't get home till 12.20 as we stopped off at Burger Ranch for a take away lunch and then the Post Office, where we both had goodies (J solar lights and me a small pot and two lots of seeds). Had lunch on the Front of House Patio in filtered sun with both furries milling around us. Came in at 1,15c as it was 31c so inside in the a/c now.

                            The camping trip sounds fun. We used to camp on the Tennessee River.


                            We had these two small boats. just 14 footers.
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                            • Upsydaisy

                              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                              Apr 26, 2017
                              Living in hope of world wide peace.
                              Hampshire. Zone 8b
                              Bearded Iris.


                              Good morning.

                              It's lovely and sunny now but boy did we have a noisy wet night!! With all our windows open we could hear the rain pounding down at 2am this morning..terrific din!!!

                              We did go into town ( Winchester) yesterday morning after all ,after attending to things we had lunch out. Walking through the park afterwards we spotted a beautiful looking Great Dane dog who was so obedient and well trained. It was lovely watching him.!! So different to the other yappy dogs that ran about chasing the birds once they were let off their leads!!!
                              We popped home quickly mid afternoon to collect some mail that needed posting and then when on to visit my sister. Finally getting home at 5:30......to dry fresh smelling , smoke free laundry...:hapydancsmil:

                              As we are forecast a wet and breezy day today ( hard to believe at the moment!!) we will have a 'go with the flow' day .:biggrin:

                              Have a lovely day yourselves.
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                                Last edited: Aug 2, 2023
                              • Michael Hewett

                                Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                                Mar 13, 2016
                                Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                                Same here but I enjoy listening to rain. The curtains were also being blown by the wind but I found the fresh air refreshing.
                                Hope your weather is better today @Upsydaisy xx

                                I have ordered new curtains for the front lounge, to be put up after the plaster on the walls has been seen to (soon I hope!) and they are ready so I may go to collect them, and have lunch in a nice cafe I've found near-by.
                                I also want to collect the seat of an old dining chair I sent to be reupholstered in a near-by village. The upholsterer phoned me yesterday to say it is ready.

                                I have to go now, Bella is calling me !

                                Have a good day everyone :smile:
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