Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Morning Upsy and Flumpy.

    Enjoy the movie Upsy (cringe), I hope the theatre has a/c!

    No, we usually don't eat snacks but we do have popcorn occasionally. I also like sweet popcorn but J does not.

    Trust all goes well at work Flumpy ... does the shop have a/c? How were your test results?

    J off shortly for his Physio. Same gym as mine were, in the Alvor hospital. What a difference of routine though. I had to cycle 10 minutes, use a weight lifting machine on my legs for 10 minutes, then walk on balance stones whilst stepping over little barriers, sitting on a rubber ball catching a ball thrown to me and moving it around my body ... amongst other things. J lays on a table attached to a Tens machine for 15 minutes, then is deep muscle/tissue massaged for 15 minutes then back with the Tens and the Volteran injection fluid put onto cotton pads and attached to the Tens pads for the last 15 minutes, never having left lying on the table! No physical movement at all. Well, hope it works. I am convinced if he did a little physical exercise he would not have the aches/pains/stiffness he does. He spends too much time on the computer, be it desktop or phone.

    Take care in the heat ya'll and drink lots of water ya'hear?
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      Morning everyone..again!!

      I despise uniforms too Michael.....apart from emergency/ medical workers and schools.
      We were fortunate in that we all jointly chose a colour theme and then it was individual choice on what we each wore.

      Yes Vicky we have a/c over here ... :roflol:. So looking forward to some lighthearted giggles..... I think we take life too seriously as adults along with the heaviness of the woes of the world....people seem to be in a constant state of doom and gloom on every subject lately.
      A dose of pure escapism should be prescribed to everyone.
      As the world's highest grossing movie... I want to also see it if really does live up to being ' hysterically funny '.
      We need some fun !!

      Have no fear Flumpy....this time next week everyone will be reminiscing over this weeks weather fondly and moaning on about the impending doom of Winter...so just hang in there as we all are ...for a couple more days!!:roflol:

      Enjoy life and appreciate and make every day a memory to hold on to.
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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        I don't think the UK is still in the Dark Ages, but I was wondering if all public places, including restaurants, cafes, pubs, etc had it now, as I know all homes do not. Of course here it is a/c and heat in one unit, not so much on the central thing although a lot of new homes have underfloor heating ... but you don't have wall to wall carpet here either.

        I am sure lots has changed since I left. ;)
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        • CanadianLori

          CanadianLori Total Gardener

          Sep 20, 2015
          Battle Axe
          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
          Good day
          It is much cooler today, 75f, than the last few weeks which had daytime highs of 96f+ and a huge dose of humidity but no rain, to go with it. We had a good downpour last night which was badly needed and now the skies are grey, giving the plants a chance to recover.

          I am still fairly busy but not crazy busy like the last month and now I am also fully recovered from a nasty medication side effect. I had been put on a medication to fight a UTI and it nearly killed me. My blood pressure was constantly up around 198/130 for over a week, even when I first woke up. I was constantly retching and fainting and lost about 6 lbs. Don't know where those pounds went as my pants still feel fitted!

          The day after I finished that horrible medication and started recovering, I got a call (from the police) that one granddaughter was being ushered out her door as her mother didn't want her around and because my son doesn't have any room for her, could I help out? Of course, no grandchild of mine is going to foster care! So I went and got her and all of her possessions and have now shifted things around here so that she has her own room and it is set up the way she feels comfortable. It was a lot of pressure to get her registered for school to start on the first day but we got that done and today is her second day. I got her (and her cousin) their library cards, their presto (bus pass) cards and lots of other things done. It is free for 13-19 years old kids to ride the bus here in Oakville, and also for over 65's. It is a bit different having to pack a lunch and get breakfast done up early for her and then drive her to school but after this week, she wants to take the bus or ride her bike and making a lunch is easy peasy. I got her a nice insulated lunch pouch, bees wax paper to wrap her sandwich etc. Little containers of yogurt, fruit and muffins round out the contents. Her mother has done this type of thing in the past and history has been that just when everything is going smoothly, she'll suddenly demand her kids back so I don't know how long Emily will be allowed to stay here where it is stable. :sad:

          I probably will only pop in a couple of times a week as I have quite a lot on my plate. And I have a birthday celebration taking place here on Saturday for my oldest boy's 50th.

          I do miss you all and try to spy now and again so as not to miss anything important.

          Cheers all :coffee:
          • Friendly Friendly x 5
          • Victoria

            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

            Jun 9, 2006
            Lady of Leisure
            Messines, Algarve
            Hi Lori, I have been wondering how you have been.

            My goodness, you have had the heatwave also! Unfortunately we haven't had the rain following ours.

            Sorry to hear you have been unwell but pleased that is now in the past.

            So your household has grown again! Which youngster is it, the one from Toronto or the one nearby? You have had your hands full of late.

            Thanks for stopping by and letting us know how things are. You take care of yourself and visit when you can.
            • Agree Agree x 2
            • Upsydaisy

              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

              Apr 26, 2017
              Living in hope of world wide peace.
              Hampshire. Zone 8b
              A snake cake......yum yum...I think!! :scratch:

              OIP (8).jpeg

              Good morning , how are you all doing...hang on in there the weekend is almost here.:biggrin:

              Oh my Lori I was totally exhausted after reading your post!!.:thud:...Your family are very fortunate on two counts....firstly to have you willing and able to help them out and secondly to still live near enough to you to enable this to happen.
              Look after yourself and remember everyone needs and deserves some ' me time'.:blue thumb:
              Keep harvesting those Cleome seeds as we both know from our past attempts ....you can never have too many!!:heehee:

              Vicky my lovely, I haven't forgotten you and will reply....possibly tonight. :fingers crossed: Our internet hasn't liked this heat it seems + it takes me ages at the best of times.:whistle:
              J has been let off lightly by having cushy sounding physio sessions!!!;) Good luck to him, I hope it works well.:fingers crossed:
              Hmmm.. yes I agree about the benefits of frequently moving around a bit throughout the day...I too feel it would help one of my sisters no end.:blue thumb:
              I was only joking about the a/c.....most if not all public places seem to have it.:)

              Michael how are those naughty knees this morning ?
              Has all the decorating been completed, if so now's the hard part... moving everything back to it's rightful place...in this heat!!!:yikes::phew: Please don't push yourself to get it all ship shape in one day....gently does it.:dbgrtmb:
              I have struck a deal with Bella to let me know if you overdo things.;) :cat-kittyandsmiley:

              Flumpy ..a bit late in the day now I know , or should I say.. year....but next year I would definitely speak to whoever is on ' uniform decision ' duty to request more seasonally appropriate uniforms!! You have a right to be able to dress in a manner to enable you to carry out your work duties feeling comfortable. :blue thumb:

              Had a fabulous time yesterday and we all thoroughly enjoyed the film, more have been added to our ' must see' list for this Autumn.

              Off to visit my brother this morning and then probably my sister this afternoon ,she has taken a Covid test that was thankfully negative.

              Have a fab Friday.

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                Last edited: Sep 8, 2023
              • Victoria

                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                Jun 9, 2006
                Lady of Leisure
                Messines, Algarve
                Morning all. A hazy start here, 19c going to 26c.

                Pleased you enjoyed the movie Upsy. Funnily, a trailer for it came on the TV yesterday ... I thought, how coincidental is that!

                On the bone forum I used to be on there was a phrase ... Motion is Lotion!

                J had problems with his car again yesterday so is seeing mechanic on Monday. Also going to see another car tomorrow in Messines.

                Nothing today but J meeting John for lunch.

                Take things easy in the heat and stay well hydrated.
                • Friendly Friendly x 3
                • Michael Hewett

                  Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                  Mar 13, 2016
                  Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                  Good morning everyone ...

                  My knees are not so bad (yet) @Upsydaisy. I don't know how they'll be later on haha
                  Yes the kitchen and what I call the 'utility room' are nice and light now, no brown plaster-coloured walls any more.
                  However the living room needs redecorating and the same chap is comng in a few weeks to do that. There's a lot of work to do in there and it's a long story so I won't bore you with the details.
                  Enjoy visiting your brother and sister, I hope they are well. xx

                  I quite agree. I find that I am always better when moving around. It's painful on my knees but at least they move better.

                  Hi @CanadianLori, sad about your grand daughter, I hope she's dealing with the situation as best she can. It must be an awful feeling knowing your mother doesn't want you ...
                  I come from a similar family to you (both sides) - they all looked after each other.

                  I may go out later on. I'm feeling fed up :biggrin:
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    Dog on a log, another cute pic. :)

                    OIP (7).jpeg

                    Morning everyone.

                    A warm and hectic day yesterday so that, and the very muggy weather, has triggered off another cracking migraine.:sad:

                    Reducing my screen time today in the hope that it will eventually fade away. Sorry Vicky that I haven't been unable to answer your last email...I promise that as soon as the flashing lights and dancing dots disappear I will respond .

                    Have a great weekend everyone...bring on the cooler weather.
                    • Friendly Friendly x 4
                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Morning all. Another overcast and humid start to the day here. We didn't get any thunder or rain yesterday and are threatened with the same today but I won't hold my breath.

                      Sorry you have the migraine back Upsy. Take it easy and relax.

                      J going to look at a car this morning.
                      • Friendly Friendly x 3
                      • Flumpy

                        Flumpy In with the bricks!

                        Nov 16, 2018
                        Hi all…. Sorry I’m late replying :phew:

                        We don’t have air conditioning in our chemist just a fan blowing warm air around, last year as it got to 31c they told us we could wear our summer dresses, really they should have summer uniforms, ho we get treated to a ice pop :).
                        Lori Aawe nice to know your ok, do keep in touch with us all :imphrt:

                        I’m going to drop a Hamper off a Springhill Hospice to say thanks to each and everyone of them, I think the government should be supporting these place, they are really struggling getting the funding :sad: And they work so hard.

                        just been sunbathing today while it’s still nice as it’s forecast thunder and rain tomorrow :thud:
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                        • Victoria

                          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                          Jun 9, 2006
                          Lady of Leisure
                          Messines, Algarve
                          Hi Flumpy.

                          How sweet are you to do that, but I know you want to in Mum's Honour, bless. xx

                          So pleased you are having a nice day to enjoy. We were supposed to be having storms ... but!!! J went out this morning just up from us and went through torrential rain ... but will buy the car if our Mechanic gives the okay. We have just come in for dinner (Grilled Gammon and Pineapple with Macaroni Cheese having sat outside for three hours. Will go back out for an hour or so later.

                          Hugs, Vxx
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                          • Flumpy

                            Flumpy In with the bricks!

                            Nov 16, 2018
                            mmmm Gammon sounds nice…. I like it with eggs now & again :)
                            Tomorrow we are meant to have rain and thunder starting from 10am so we are visiting my dad in the afternoon…… my dad is not liking being on his own so we are nearly there every day while he adapts.
                            Just got back from Tesco the house feels like the heatings been on due to hot weather……… I’m not complaining though ;)
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                            • Upsydaisy

                              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                              Apr 26, 2017
                              Living in hope of world wide peace.
                              Hampshire. Zone 8b
                              Mouse house......ahhhhhhh a couple of cuties today.


                              Good morning everyone.

                              Hope you're all enjoying your weekend.

                              What did J think of the car Vicky??

                              Michael I think I read somewhere that you found it too uncomfortable outside yesterday so much so that it made you feel ill....hope your temps have dropped and that you're feeling better this morning. xx

                              I've been too hot to do much + this nagging headache which seems to be hanging on for dear life hasn't help either, hopefully the drop in temps today will finally see it off for good.:fingers crossed:

                              Having to just sit out this heat has made it feel like a totally wasted weekend. Not happy at all.....I said that I got grumpy when overheated didn't I !!!! upload_2023-9-9_17-47-45.png

                              Fingers crossed it's the last extreme hot spell for this year. Bring back the good old British weather that we all love .....( mostly to moan about it seems :heehee:)

                              Have a restful Sunday.

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                              • Flumpy

                                Flumpy In with the bricks!

                                Nov 16, 2018

                                Good morning Upsydaisy! Love your picture…..so cute!, my picture is from my kitchen windowsill, the plant is what I bought as a gift to mum while she was in the Hospice, it’s just started flowering for the second time.

                                Upsydaisy I hope your headache starts to subside soon, there’s nothing worse than that niggling or dull ache all day.

                                :recliner: Rest up and get well soon!.

                                Vicky does J like the car ? :spinning:
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