Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. CanadianLori

    CanadianLori Total Gardener

    Sep 20, 2015
    Battle Axe
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
    Good day
    It is 48f and a bit chilly however the sun is glaring down on my umbrella clothes dryer which makes it another great day to hang out some laundry.

    I enjoyed Salisbury @Upsydaisy and the cathedral was amazing to visit. @Victoria I like your cats sheltering under the umbrella.

    I'm going to finish the laundry today, do a little baking (bread rolls) and fire up the outdoor wood oven to start baking some soil. I emptied the decorative hanging pots as the flowers were few and far between with it getting chillier. So I shall bake the dirt and refill the pots half with old baked soil and half new potting soil.

    I'm in a quandry. I don't like calling in the town to force neighbours to do the right thing but the people behind me, who I think are just renting and therefore not concerned with the upkeep, have not picked up one ground apple and the smell down at the back fence is like a cidery. And of course the apples attract raccoons, rats and what seems millions of wasps. Thoroughly unpleasant. These people don't speak English so perhaps if I talk to the town, the owner/their landlord will step in a clean things up. Still pondering this one..

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day whether it is sunny or watching the rain feed your plants.

    Cheers :coffee:
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      The odd, but oh so cute, couple .:biggrin:


      Happy Sunday morning everyone.


      It's seems to be the start of our rainy season....it will no doubt last on and off until Spring.
      Vicky now this is when we love your forecasts.......you have been elected our official ' weather forecast cheerer upper' :biggrin::SUNsmile:. So it's down to you to bring some sunshine into our gloomy lives ....until Spring.!!:roflol:

      Yes Lori Salisbury is lovely, very much like our Winchester....full of history and gorgeous old buildings.
      Did you get to visit Lymington ? The cobbled lanes that lead down to the quayside make for a very quaint area to explore, some nice independent little shops are along the lanes.....well worth a browse.

      Talking of Lymington that's where we ended up yesterday. It was market day there too and it was great!! The stalls lined the whole length of the main shoppng street...loads of them. We also had a nosey around an Antique Fair.
      We spent a very relaxing hour sat by the quay...watching children with their nets and buckets, a dog doing the doggy paddle and some Swans. The tour boats were very busy too.
      Lovely day indeed.

      No plans for today....it's been a busy week so a chill out day would be good.

      Have a relaxing day everyone.
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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Cat saving Puppy.jpg
        I think I put this up in This and That but haven't looked at any new Themes, I was thinking of Cute Odd Couples Upsy as I recently saw a programme about that that was great.

        Of course I have been through Lymington more times than I can count owning/living on the IoW but never wandered around the town itself, just passing through and anxious to go one way or the other, and having three cats with us it was not viable.

        I can't help you out with the weather today as it is grey but the sun will find us later but no rain in our forecast. Delighted we had 10.5mm (under 1/2 inch) rain over eight hours yesterday ... the garden loved it.

        Nothing planned here barring a Sunday soak. Have a relaxing one everyone.
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        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          Morning Vicky.

          No worries with the weather right now as it's still nice enough at the moment, but would appreciate any spare rays in the very near future. :ThankYou:

          Your garden must have enjoyed it's soak yesterday as much as you'll enjoy yours this morning.

          Obviously we only go to the IoW via Southampton as it's just a bus from the end of our lane that takes us almost to the ferry. Couldn't be easier for us :blue thumb:

          What movie is it going to be this afternoon?

          Have a great day both of you. xx
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          • Victoria

            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

            Jun 9, 2006
            Lady of Leisure
            Messines, Algarve
            Yesterday we watched Stripes. Maybe Canadian Bacon today. John Candy in both.
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            • Flumpy

              Flumpy In with the bricks!

              Nov 16, 2018
              Morning all, sorry I’ve been quiet lately….. just feeling a bit low and missing mum heaps :cry3:
              My mums little roses are doing really well :imphrt:.
              To cheer us up me & Hubby have finally booked our holiday to Lanzarote Costa Teguise for next year, it will give us something to look forward to.

              Vicky how is J physio going on ?

              Upsydaisy how is your brother these days ?
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              • Victoria

                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                Jun 9, 2006
                Lady of Leisure
                Messines, Algarve
                Hello cute cat.jpeg @Flumpy. Good to see you, been thinking about you.
                Mum's roses look good. Wondering how your Oxalis triangularis is doing as mine has flowers again outside.

                Sounds wonderful booking your holiday. Have you been there before?

                How are you faring at work?

                J's Physio is progressing. He has been doing a few physical things. It is all for his shoulder and neck, nothing for his back.

                I am off to have some porridge with sultanas for lunch. Take care. :imphrt:
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                • Flumpy

                  Flumpy In with the bricks!

                  Nov 16, 2018
                  Hi Vicky, I didn’t end up buying the Oxalis I couldn’t make my mind up…..maybe next year I will.
                  Got a week off now but the weather looks rubbish, I’m going to the hospice to write my Mum message on a pebble that they place in the lovely well kept gardens they have.

                  Have a lovely afternoon all, I’m just off pottering In the garden :imphrt:
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    Bless you Flumpy....on the whole ,as we're constantly told, it does get ( a little ) easier...but to be honest I'm still not convinced. Just living life day to day.....I can't share events with Mum and I too still miss her terribly.

                    Enjoy your pottering..we have torrential rain here.
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                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      Good day
                      It is 57f and a bit cloudy. There are a few blue streaks here and there but I would welcome some free water. Hope your weather gives you a good soaking @Victoria :fingers crossed:

                      No @Upsydaisy I had limited time - only 8 days - to try to see as much as possible and there are just too many interesting places to visit when there. I spent 2 days up in or near Shineyland so I go in a gander at Windsor castle while there. I did a lot more in and around London.

                      @Flumpy my Mum has been gone now for nearly 30 years and I still miss her a bit- mind you - my Mum wasn't a very nice person so I can't imagine how you're feeling because your Mum sounds like she was a lovely lady and someone well worth missing!

                      I cheated and watched all of my show - I record it in case there is a problem on a Sunday morning and I then can switch to the "canned" version but I jumped the gun and watched it all so I might spend some time digging and moving things today.

                      Cheers :coffee:
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                      • Upsydaisy

                        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                        Apr 26, 2017
                        Living in hope of world wide peace.
                        Hampshire. Zone 8b

                        Morning everyone.:biggrin:

                        Gosh what a night that was !! Thunder and lightning all night with no let up. Now we have more rain fast approaching..

                        Did you enjoy the film Vicky, I think C B was one of his last films, maybe even the actual last one.
                        Sad he passed away so young.:sad:

                        Your lunch yesterday is what I sometimes have for my supper during the Winter....such yummy comfort food. Hubs makes it for me for breakfast on alternative days, at the moment he adds finely chopped apple, pear and blackberries mixed together or separately.

                        Spend most of yesterday browsing online old maps of our area.. I learned so much about the area, most of which was made up of thick woodland which stretched across the couple miles from where we live right up to my parents old house. I hadn't realised just how densely wooded the whole area use to be although it still is in certain areas. Not surprising really as the name of where we live refers to a ' wood' :heehee: The maps went back 200 years with follow up ones every 20-30 years. The farm and farmhouse up our lane were on the map as was what looked like a small building on our land...a few years on and our house appears!! The other 2 houses down our lane didn't show up for a few more years. The built up area at the end of our lane where my sister lives was a vast wooded area with 3 farms scattered through it, they were just beginning to build on it when we moved here 41 years ago. I loved learning the old names of various local areas. I hadn't known that there was a whole area ..with woods that my old senior school had been named after....all sadly gone now, the school building is now the emergency services rescue hub
                        I will continue researching into our local history as I'm quite hooked now.:heehee:

                        Quiet day here apart from a friend coming over for a natter this morning. Hubs has already left to...wait..pure madness ..walk the 4 mile journey there and back to attend a Drs app at 9am. I told him to take the car but nope he'll be fine , no coat or jacket either and as I post the skies are beginning to darken.

                        Vicky, Lori, Flumpy, redstar, Michael and our newest member of the breakfast gang john558 I hope you all have a great day.:biggrin::dbgrtmb:

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                        • Michael Hewett

                          Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                          Mar 13, 2016
                          Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                          You stole our thunder @Upsydaisy :heehee: we didn't have any nor the predicted heavy downpours.

                          I love looking at old maps and spend much of the winter months researching the areas around here. My father was born in a place called a wood and he used to refer to one of his grandfathers as 'Grandfather of the woods' (but in Welsh of course)
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                          • Upsydaisy

                            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                            Apr 26, 2017
                            Living in hope of world wide peace.
                            Hampshire. Zone 8b
                            Morning Michael.....yes it's on my list of things to do during the Winter months most definitely. Where my parents use to live was a whole plantation area and their house was on the middle plantation!! Think it was a fancy name used to refer to a forest as it's still heavily wooded it that whole area today.

                            Hope you are keeping well ,have a nice day.xx
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                            • Flumpy

                              Flumpy In with the bricks!

                              Nov 16, 2018
                              Good morning all :spinning:

                              Upsydaisy your making me hungry and just deciding on what to have for breakfast mmmm……….

                              Im suffering with back ache after pulling out a very prickly shrub that was taking over, so just going to relax a little today.
                              This is a picture of my hubbys project he’s been working on ……..
                              nearly there, I want to put a water feature to the left and I’m thinking a raised bed to the right and tidy up the cobbles.

                              Upsydaisy I’ve just seen we are getting very heavy rain for the next three days here :sad:
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                              • Victoria

                                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                                Jun 9, 2006
                                Lady of Leisure
                                Messines, Algarve
                                Oh I love baby Hippos ... I call them Bippos ... so here are twins ...
                                Morning all. A nice one here ... although we would love the thunderstorms and associated rain!

                                Loved the film. A lot of good actors in it. Yes, he was too young, but not a good lifestyle with his family history.

                                I didn't realise Sis was down the end of your lane, although I knew she was close.

                                Trust R got to the Doctors and back safely and all is okay with him.

                                Nothing of consequence going on here. J had said he would go to Iceland and get some things I want from there. It was called Iceland Overseas but is now The Food Co. They also carry Waitress products.

                                I did some tidying of Geraniums and Hibiscus yesterday, still need to do the Salvias and get Ben in as I want the giant Melaleuca cut back.

                                Have a great day all.
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