Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b
    OIP (8).jpeg

    Good morning everyone. :)

    Everything still going well for you and J Vicky? :fingers crossed:
    I hope your plants arrived safe and sound yesterday.

    Michael I know you said on your thread that it was a bit of an ordeal but I bet it was well worth the mess and the music to have your walls looking great again.

    Lori glad to hear that you are keeping well as you always seem to on the go. A good diet is so important, I've recently had a complete blood profile done and that included a Vitamin check and all came back good, so it was reassuring to know that our diet was providing our bodies with everything they require. Vit D3 taken in the Winter just replaces the lack of sunshine. I'll start taking it at the end of this month.

    How did the chess session go redstar?

    Had a quiet afternoon yesterday as I developed another annoying headache, just occupied myself with a bit of ironing. Thankfully it has gone this morning.:)

    We have no set plans for today....just waiting to see how it will unfold. :biggrin:

    Have a grand day everyone.
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    • Victoria

      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

      Jun 9, 2006
      Lady of Leisure
      Messines, Algarve
      Morning all. This is the last of my waterfalls. I can't believe it but I have just woken a few minutes ago!!! J was delighted as he won't get up till I wake. I got up at 7.30 for a pee then went out like a light! Must have desperatelu needed the extra hour. So I am feeling noddy.

      Only one small plant arrived yesterday so hopefully the other will arrive today. J did some grocery shopping yesterday and stopped by the Vet for van's special dry food so don't think he has anything to do today. There are a couple of niggly things with his new car so when mine comes back from its IPO/MoT he will take his back. He is checking out the ramifications of giving his old car to one of the Charity organisations.

      Have a pleasant day.
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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Did my cycling and the dishes and took the tests again ... both Negative!

        J will contact the Hospital and let hem know he is Negative for them to start reset his Physio again .... he has not been carrying it on at home, grrr!

        Going out now to tend to my Nursery of Adeniums and Plumerias and catch some sun.
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        • redstar

          redstar Total Gardener

          Aug 6, 2008
          Domestic Goddess
          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
          Morning all. Wednesday. Up early for some reason. not quite 7AM yet. Enjoying a cup of coffee. Fed the cat.
          Had a lovely invite for Thanksgiving from cousins who live in Georgia. So we are considering it. They just moved there from Washington State. Had been planning to get down to New Bern, NC to our Airbnb with some items and stay a week, but maybe we can do that drive and stay, then drive to Georgia . Have to discuss.
          Nice Chess club meeting yesterday, I lost one game and won second game. They are planning a float in some parade last week in October and wanted me in the float, the theme is Chess Club naturally, wanted me to be the queen, LOL. unfortunately we will be gone that week to the Poconos. A few new folks showed up at the meeting, so nice to have more that are interested in the game.
          Just plan to puttering about, getting done whatever is about that calls out to me. Have a good day all.
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          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            Good day
            It is 44f and again, cloudy. Overnight lows are dropping drastically so I figure it's time to clear out the veg garden since nothing will be growing. And it will be good timing as this is the brown/garden waste pick up week.

            @Upsydaisy I wish there was some way to discover the source of these headaches and stop them from starting. Another member, @Snorky85 , has constant battles with migraines and I wish there some magic pill I could send to each of you.

            Negative. Good one @Victoria ! And today we discover we have the Queen of the Chess Float in our morning chat :dbgrtmb:

            Em is off to school and as usual, her lunch is packed with all the food groups including superfoods. She's been learning good nutrition in gym class and is impressed to find that we can compose lots of meals with what we already have on hand :thumbsup:

            I best get a move on as I have company coming tomorrow and I want to get a lot of things done before I stay in and entertain.

            Cheers :coffee:
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            • Upsydaisy

              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

              Apr 26, 2017
              Living in hope of world wide peace.
              Hampshire. Zone 8b

              Morning all.

              Glad to hear you're still both negative Vicky. :biggrin: Did your other plant arrive ?

              Our forecast has changed so not happy this morning.:sad::cry3:

              Managed to do a bit in the garden yesterday but with various wounds on the go at the moment it did prove uncomfortable. Good news is I have managed to trim my split nail down more so reducing the chance of 'catching ' it on things. :dbgrtmb:

              Another day of no set plans.

              However I am debating whether to start packing away my Summer clothes and organising my Winter wardrobe. Such a depressing job.

              Lori thanks but I think it's just down mostly to my neck issues, although I have always be a bit prone to them.

              Glad you had an enjoyable Chess meet up redstar.

              Morning Michael....any plans for today ?

              Thankfully there are a lot of new films being released this Autumn/ Winter that we're interested in seeing. I have to book tickets this morning for myself and a couple of friends to see one next Tuesday. What would we do without our cinema, especially during the gloomy Winter months.:noidea:

              Enjoy your day everyone.

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              • Michael Hewett

                Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                Mar 13, 2016
                Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                Good morning @Upsydaisy and all
                It seems your split nail is starting to grow out. I hope it isn't so painful now ...

                There's a man here working in the living room - long story - it's something that's made me annoyed.
                He was here yesterday and will come back again in a fortnight.
                All the furniture is in the hallway (can't use the front door now !) and in the kitchen and on the landing.
                He's quiet, lives around the corner, and a very good worker. He's been here several times in the past, doing things in the house and garden. I am grateful to him for getting me out of a fix.

                Enjoy your day xx

                That's good news @Victoria
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                • Victoria

                  Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                  Jun 9, 2006
                  Lady of Leisure
                  Messines, Algarve
                  Morning Upsy, Michael and all who follow. l. I will leave this theme with the Fabulous Victoria Falls.

                  All well here, just tired.

                  Here you guys in the UK are not looking forward to frost this weekend and we are looking forward to much needed rain.

                  Yes, Upsy, other plant, a Calliandra, arrived yesterday and I potted it and the other one and sowed some Black Madras grass seeds yesterday. Pleased you have the nail under control. I will try to finish my e-mail today. ;)

                  Your house will be like new Michael when all your work is done.

                  Nothing planned for here today, a bit of this and that and relaxing.
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                  • Michael Hewett

                    Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                    Mar 13, 2016
                    Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales

                    Thanks @Victoria, I'll be glad when the work is done. I was let down by the people who were supposed to do it :gaah:

                    I haven't heard of frost being forecast for here. We don't usually get it this early, although you never know ...
                    I hope you get some rain.

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                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      Good day
                      It is 44f and the clouds are allowing a little bit of blue to show between them.

                      I've got another busy day ahead of me. I need to get out and do some shopping before company comes for lunch and also need to shuttle my son to get his new vehicle in a nearby city later on. He totaled the last vehicle - a van - when I saw the pictures of it I was astonished and grateful that no one got hurt because it did look a proper wreck.

                      @Michael Hewett it's good to have someone to help out when others let you down. I'm sure you're like me, I never break a promise to cause someone disappointment like that person did to you.

                      Sounds like everyone else is in good health or on the mend :)

                      Cheers :coffee:
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                      • redstar

                        redstar Total Gardener

                        Aug 6, 2008
                        Domestic Goddess
                        Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                        Thursday. Morning all. 48 degrees here.
                        Speaking of Frost, we have to get the inside plants brought in "before" we leave for the Poconos, have to spray them all for insects. Part of me likes them, part of me does not, and frankly if they all died I would not miss them.
                        @CanadianLori , hope your company/entertainment went well. From the sound of it seems your awesome and love it, and people love to come to your home. Good for you.

                        Yesterday, changed my mind, and decided to go check out a certain second handed store I had wanted to in a while, in an upscale area of the county. Thankfully, being familiar with items and appropriate prices I was ready for that store which was totally over priced. Example, at one store I go to I can get in awesome decorator pillows for $4.00, this store they were asking $15.00, same types. Thank goodness I have other good places. And then I went to lunch at my favorite restaurant, had not been in a long time.

                        We did decide to go to Georgia for Thanksgiving, just working out the details of traveling days. hate to be on the road the day before, too much traffic. And then I have to think about what to bring with me. Easy part would be bottles of wine. I can always grocery shop when there also to pitch in.
                        Almost 8AM here. Have a good day all.
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                        • Upsydaisy

                          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                          Apr 26, 2017
                          Living in hope of world wide peace.
                          Hampshire. Zone 8b

                          Good morning everyone, how are you all today ?

                          Vicky I really don't mind the rain, it"s the drop in temperature I'm not looking forward to this coming weekend. It just makes it's way into my joints.:sad:
                          In fact could still do with some rain in many parts of our garden.

                          Lori I'm sorry to hear of your son's accident but so relieved to know he and all others involved weren't injured.

                          We had a grey old day yesterday with occasional drizzle so decided to finish my library book as I have another one waiting in my account and loan time is ticking away.

                          I had planned to wash the greenhouse glass but it will have to wait for
                          better weather I think.

                          I have more harvested seeds to bag up and store today
                          The rest of the day will depend on what the weather decides to do.

                          Have a good one everybody.

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                          • Victoria

                            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                            Jun 9, 2006
                            Lady of Leisure
                            Messines, Algarve
                            Morning all. A hazy start here and we may get some showers late in the day. I think they have it up North already. Yes, Upsy it was the frost I said you don't want.

                            J is meeting John today and I may go along, but I will decide nearer noon what I want to do, ie, if I want to be near people, although it is well spaced outside there. I think J is going to the Chemist this morning then Post Office.

                            Have a good day all.

                            Fim Semana Garfiekd.jpeg
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                            • Michael Hewett

                              Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                              Mar 13, 2016
                              Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                              Snap ...
                              although it's going to be sunny next week so the days will be nice probebly.

                              They're the builders who built my new kitchen extention and greenhouse. They finished most of the work but left some things undone, to go and do big jobs that paid lots of money. I think that's bad. They'll never come here again. They've 'cooked their goose' as my mother would have said.

                              No workers here today so I'm going out for lunch (Bella permitting)

                              Have a nice Friday 13th everyone (I'm not really superstitious though).
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                              • Upsydaisy

                                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                                Apr 26, 2017
                                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                                Morning Vicky

                                Sorry ..yes I misread you post. It's dark and breezy here at the moment with rain nearby.

                                I hope you get your share of the rain at some point today too :fingers crossed:.

                                I'm sure it would be lovely for everyone if you do decide to join the 2 J's for lunch .:)

                                I see you've found another beautiful waterfall for today's pic, I have a few ideas for my next theme so I will do a bit of searching and downloading I expect today.:blue thumb:

                                How long are you having to wait until you can have your booster jabs now that you're both negative?

                                Whatever you decided to do today have a super time. xx
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