Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Morning all. Raining gloomy Saturday here. 49degrees.

    While up in Vermont picked up 3 large bottles of Vermont Maple S. some were gifts. So I ma down to one big bottle now.

    There was an outdoor event we looked at going to today. But now with all the rain it will be inside stuff.
    Yes, the lady did come by yesterday, I harvested her 3 large boxes of the Hardy Geraniums. She said the offer was just in time as she was looking to get them. She seems like an avid gardener. And she even noticed them growing out of the tree stumps in the front of the house.
    Happy she can use them.
    Have a grand day all.
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      Beautiful Reflections.

      OIP (1).jpeg

      Good morning everyone.:)

      Thanks Vicky...but I've been for a walk up and down our lane this past week too!!
      I just needed a day out and away from our local area really.

      I keep meaning to watch The Tourist ...what did you think of it?

      Love the photo Lori, did you ever ride over the falls in it too? Scary!!!:yikes: Mind you I recall that you very bravely did the zip wire ride ....double:yikes::yikes::thud:!!!!

      We had a very enjoyable day out in Salisbury ( :yes:;)) and the weather was beautiful!! There's a lot of lush countryside between here and there and it was stunning to see the beginnings of the Autumnal colour changes developing.

      We browsed the large Farmers Market and the many street food stalls that were freshly cooking foods from around the world...the aromas were devine.

      We had a wander round an indoor arts and crafts market which was very interesting.

      Later after lunch we had a relaxing stroll along a stretch of the River Avon.

      On our return journey home we could see that it had obviously been raining as there was a considerable amount of surface water on the roads and pavements, fortunately it had passed by the time we arrived home.

      We left home at 8:50 an and arrived back at just gone 6pm, so it really was a good day out. :biggrin:

      Have a relaxing Sunday.

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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Blue Pool / Pwll Glas, Merthyr Tydfil

        Okay, had to put one up from my Homeland. I was Christened in Merthyr Tydfi.

        Morning all.

        Pleased you got your day's outing Upsy. I could never do that ... and J certainly would not have any part of it! I guess we are just lazy creatures! My Sister enjoyed such outings and I think Peter went along to keep the peace.

        We have a hazy sun here following a pink sky and 18c going to 25c with perhaps a shower later. I am still waiting for the wet day when I can finish my closet sorting ... and J has said he will join, a miracle!

        We like The Tourist, finished yesterday, a bit weird in places ... but we plan to watch the second season.

        Saw Dumplin (again) yesterday, the overweight teenager who loves Dolly Parton, so much fun with great actors. Don't know what J has lined up for today.

        Have a good one everyone.
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        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          Morning Vicky

          That 's good to know, seeing a 2nd season is a good recommendation for the 1st.:dbgrtmb:

          It really is a most pleasant trip , from leaving home to arriving is only 2 hours with one bus change ( only a 5 min wait) . Fortunately hubs was keen once he could see the glorious sunshine appearing....so I didn't need to sport my sulky face after all.:roflol:.

          It's absolutely fabulous out there now but I will wait another hour before venturing out into the garden , I have tons to do today...hopefully.:fingers crossed:

          Have a lovely day yourselves.xxx
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          • Flumpy

            Flumpy In with the bricks!

            Nov 16, 2018
            Good morning everyone and welcome Balc!, just caught up on all your posts, it took me a while.
            I’ve woke to blue sky but only 2c bbbrrrr need to wrap up warm today. My Hubby as been suffering from a bad cold this week and now left with a cough, I too struggle to get a vitamin down him but he does like pure orange.
            Upsydaisy love that picture you are very pretty.

            I too had a best friend Mel who had red hair but if she sat in the sun she got prickly heat spots, she had lots of freckles.

            Redstar all this talk of food is making me hungry and not had my breakfast yet.

            my hubby has finished building the decking and bench now and so I’ve got all won’t you decide on the design around it and the corner where the little pond is…..
            I took this picture before he had finished it I’ll take another when I’ve finished the surroundings next year.

            we went for a meal last Sunday and visited my mums grave for there 58th Anniversary it was emotional but nice too, my dad is still trying to get used to the idea of living alone, it’s going to take a long time I think, but there’s always one of us popping in or taking him out.
            Vicky co congratulations on being negative yay! :dbgrtmb::yes::imphrt:
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            • Upsydaisy

              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

              Apr 26, 2017
              Living in hope of world wide peace.
              Hampshire. Zone 8b
              Morning @Flumpy , good to see you. :gmorning:

              I think you're referring to Lori's pic of herself.:blue thumb:

              You're hubs should be fine with a good diet , just add extras goodies to his plate.;) I know I take Vit D3 during the Winter...haven't started yet ,but my hubs doesn't take ( or require ) any either.:dbgrtmb:

              Your garden is looking good, very nice indeed.:)

              My Dad never got use to living alone unfortunately but we all ensured he had company for some part of each day and his dogs were a great comfort to him. It did give us the extra job of walking them for the last few years but at almost 95 he did well to continue doing so for as long as he did. Pets of any kind are a real blessing, the same with my brother.. I know we have to feed and clean out his beloved budgie now but it's a small price to pay for the joy and company he gives my brother.

              Enjoy this lovely sunshine. :hotsun:
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              • Victoria

                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                Jun 9, 2006
                Lady of Leisure
                Messines, Algarve
                @ Flumpy Morning Karen, good to see you.

                What a super cutie your critter is. I just love baby animals and there is a baby animal programme I sometimes watch ... except I can't stand the squeaky voice of the female presenter!

                Wow, that is a neat deck corner and I like the double step. Hubs has done/is doing a grand job there. Must be his young age as I can't get J to do zip all now except look at and comment on what needs to be done!!!

                Maybe your Dad could get an older abandoned cat for company ... at least you don't have to walk cats ans they can be a cuddly comfort.

                Pleased you finally have some sunshine ... enjoy. xx
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                • Flumpy

                  Flumpy In with the bricks!

                  Nov 16, 2018
                  Hi Upsydaisy & Vicky :spinning:

                  Upsydaisy I always remember this time of year having to clear all the leafs from your parents garden, it sounded like hard work :phew:, I’ve also just started back on my Vit D for winter, my dad has it too.
                  My parents always had a cat, but my dad doesn’t have much patients with them and trips over them, he has his fish in the garden though so I suppose it’s relaxing.
                  Unfortunately I have more bad news, both my dads brothers have got cancer :sad: they are younger than my dad too.

                  Vicky my hubby has used composite for the decking so it will last at least 20 years, he taught himself from YouTube.
                  Hope you all have a relaxing afternoon :spinning:
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                  • CanadianLori

                    CanadianLori Total Gardener

                    Sep 20, 2015
                    Battle Axe
                    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                    Good day
                    It is 45f and it looks like the sun might be breaking through the clouds a bit.

                    @Upsydaisy you would have enjoyed walking with me throughout London during that part of my visit. I saw all of the touristy stuff and for the most part walked to them from where I stayed near Waterloo Station. The only time it was not enjoyable is one day when the skies opened and dumped on me. I'm sure though, with the high temperatures, the water was welcome to all the gardeners.

                    No, I did not go over the falls in that. Those were from the 30's and 40's before they stopped people doing it as only one fellow survived and he had grievous, life changing injuries. That was back when wigs were popular - that was my "Dutch Boy" blonde wig.

                    @Flumpy I used to love the smell of burning leaves in the fall but sadly that has been banned for over 30 years. We are only allowed to have small, fully contained fires like my pizza oven/smoker.

                    I've got pizza dough rising and will be making panzerotti again as Em likes it for an afternoon snack. When she has finished this semester, and with that her gym class, I'll quietly downsize them to compensate for her not getting as much physical exercise. Sneaky Lori...

                    I'd best get on with thing here. Have a wonderful day Everyone!

                    Cheers :coffee:
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                    • redstar

                      redstar Total Gardener

                      Aug 6, 2008
                      Domestic Goddess
                      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                      Sunday morning all. Rained all night, just adding to the soggy ground from yesterday. So home we are with house stuff. But, Oct 21 & 22 two events on both days should keep us busy, one a new art showing at the Delaware Art M. and the other an October festival walk about thing. So I get to find an interesting restaurant in Delaware then. We also leave for a week in the Poconos on the 28th for a week.
                      Today, a good day to continue to sort out, tidy, toss stuff. Husband said he's happy to just watch football. I also got into a movie on Netflix, so can continue that. I don't mind being home.
                      Your day out/trip @Upsydaisy sounded delightful. We burn leaves here, @CanadianLori , thank goodness, too many here to not. Sometime you can see fires through the woods where others are burning a pile. But I do save some leaves, and the huge piles I drugged into the woods last fall are still mounded up, they take a few years to break down, have to drag to another area. But, will all the limbs /twigs/branches that fall a burn pile is necessary to have here. In my little town, there are nine pizza places, nuts.
                      At our Airbnb no burning allowed, so folks have to take the stuff to a designated place, or get most of it in the trash bin. One time when I was there, I filled the whole bin with pine cones, the property there has mostly Pines, and the needles are nuts. They are not even pretty conifers, just tall pines. Have to blow the needles off the roof etc. The little community does have an offering once a year "clean-up" if you put stuff on the street in front of your property they will come by and pick it up, it is in March, only one day.

                      Its about 9:13 am now. Have a good day all.
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                      • Balc

                        Balc Total Gardener

                        Mar 6, 2022
                        Huntingdon, Cambs
                        My, you've all been busy! I've done nothing for several days! That doesn't mean I've been a "couch potato" & sat on the sofa all weekend watching TV! To start with we haven't put our TV on in a couple of years - as least! I don't even know what happened to the ariel cable! :heehee: We have never had a big one either & certainly not plasma! I occasionally watch a couple of programmes on the BBC iPlayer. But perhaps a quick binge of Gardeners World for a day or some nature documentaries - but these are also few & far between! Other than F1 on Channel 4 on a Monday or Tuesday (on the computer!) I don't watch anything else!

                        I'm more a "hands-on" person! I much prefer to write on forums like this one (as well as a couple more I regularly post on) than sit passively & watch videos! I'm also a Mod on half a dozen Flicker groups as well as Admin on two! I also upload my own photos & answer people that comment on them! I have my own group of Flickr & spend a lot of my time on Flickr.

                        I also like to take pictures (lots!) of my plants as well as any that take my eye when I'm are out & about! Once I get home I upload them to my computer, name them, put them in the correct folders (all nicely edited) then open my photo programme to put the titles on the photos & make any corrections necessary. This alone takes up quite a bit of time!

                        I have to grow my plants as well before I can take photos of them, so again this keeps me pretty busy! As I've uploaded a few pictures of our balcony from time to time you will see what I mean! :heehee:
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                        • Upsydaisy

                          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                          Apr 26, 2017
                          Living in hope of world wide peace.
                          Hampshire. Zone 8b
                          OIP (17).jpeg

                          Morning everyone.

                          Hope everyone is well.

                          I won't stay around long as I have had this thumping headache hanging around since last week.
                          Still think it might be my scrunching neck or since my flu jab last week as my nose is completely blocked and my eyes are streaming !!

                          But I will stay long enough to say I would most definitely have loved to explore London with you Lori...I love it!!

                          My parents came from London, they were the only ones in their families to move out when they married so we spent a lot of time up there staying with our grandparents and Aunts/ Uncles. When I started researching into the maternal side of our family tree ( my Dad's brother had done the paternal side) I spent quite a lot of time searching through old maps of London for addresses as sadly a vast amount of the city was destroyed due in the war. My older sister and I use to walk the streets of some of the areas where we knew our ancestors use to live . We were fortunate to also find some of their homes still standing.....it evoked many feelings and emotions to look at a property and know that great, great grandparents or aunts and uncles lived there and looked through the very same windows a 100+ years earlier.

                          I'm grateful that I still have links with London today as our sons have all made it their home...which means I will still get lots of opportunities to explore my family history when I visit them.:biggrin: :dbgrtmb:

                          So much for saying I wouldn't hang around too long..:heehee:...I'm off now, have a lovely day everyone.

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                          • Victoria

                            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                            Jun 9, 2006
                            Lady of Leisure
                            Messines, Algarve
                            I think I will go for unique homes (following my Portuguese stone one in This and Thatover the weekend.

                            Morning all. Oh dear Upsy, no! I thought you were over the headache, Maybe it is the 'flu shot. I hope you improve as the day progresses. xx

                            I was born in the room and house (and probably bed) that my Sister and Mother were born in. J and I drove past it in c1978 and it looks just the same ... a terraced house on a cobbled street, the last road before the top of the mountain. 8 Danygraig Street, The Graig, Pontypridd, Glamorgan, South Wales. At the end of the street there were new houses where horses used to graze ... sad.

                            Nothing planned here today ... yet again, we MAY have showers!
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                              Last edited: Oct 16, 2023
                            • Michael Hewett

                              Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                              Mar 13, 2016
                              Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                              Looking back is interesting, and you never know what you're going to find.
                              I lived in a house built by my 3x great grandparents in the early 19th century, on a piece of ground where there was once an orchard belonging to a farm.
                              I knew it's history and when I was looking for a house and saw it for sale, I bought it.

                              Sorry the photo isn't very good, it's from about 1900.
                              The house is the small one in the centre.


                              Here it is when I lived there, slightly altered from the original.


                              Hope your headache improves @Upsydaisy xx
                              Have a lovely day everyone :smile:
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                                Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
                              • Victoria

                                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                                Jun 9, 2006
                                Lady of Leisure
                                Messines, Algarve
                                Lovely cottage Michael. I would have bout it too. Did you do the alterations?

                                Sending you good vibes for a speedy recovery too. xx
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